


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                             We tested whether: 1) increasing plant species richness leads
2                                                             We tested whether a community-based screening intervention co
3                                                             We tested whether a general spread model could capture macroe
4                                                       Here, we tested whether a more physiological environment, membranes
5                                                             We tested whether a predictive context that was embedded in a
6                                                             We tested whether a strategy of starting treatment with doxyc
7                                                             We tested whether activation of one particular GPCR, a metabo
8                                                        Here we tested whether APLP1 and APLP2 also show features of SAMs.
9                                                       Here, we tested whether brain-penetrating nanoparticles (BPN) that
10                                                       Here, we tested whether C-group motoneurons in Macaca fascicularis
11  necessity of hippocampal CA2 for social memory processing, we tested whether CA2 OXTRs may contribute to long-term socia
12                                                             We tested whether changes in nucleosome occupancy occurred on
13                                           In a mouse model, we tested whether chronic administration of type I IFN, at do
14                                                             We tested whether chronic social defeat produces structural a
15 wn mechanisms and that it is a potent superoxide scavenger, we tested whether cobalamin, a vitamin B12 vitamer, would be
16                                                             We tested whether Dam1, a known substrate of Mps1, was necess
17                                                             We tested whether differences in cochlear delay systematicall
18                                                             We tested whether dopamine might act more broadly to support
19 combination of analytical and biophysical methods in vitro, we tested whether EVs isolated from pancreatic islets of heal
20                                                             We tested whether FAO might play a role in the development of
21                                                             We tested whether flagellar sterol enrichment results from se
22                                                       Here, we tested whether glycosylation also acts as a determinant of
23                                                             We tested whether higher levels of donor urinary YKL-40, a re
24                                                       Here, we tested whether hippocampal FKBP1b overexpression also coun
25                                       In the present study, we tested whether immunoregulatory cytokine fusion proteins o
26                                                             We tested whether inclusion of a standardised solid test meal
27                                                        Here we tested whether intracellular retention of deltaR in sensor
28 Biobank (C-PROBE) study and the Seattle Kidney Study (SKS), we tested whether kidney tissue expression of GDF15 mRNA corr
29                                                  Therefore, we tested whether large changes in cognitive context would re
30 e, by using contextual and cross-situational word learning, we tested whether learning the meaning of a new word is relat
31                                                             We tested whether light chain allelic inclusion occurs in cir
32                                                        Here we tested whether M-P streams exist in extrastriate cortical
33                                                             We tested whether microbial composition at 1 year of age is a
34                                       In the current study, we tested whether myricetin, a natural flavonol with diverse
35                                            Toward this end, we tested whether NLRC3 overexpression or knockdown influence
36 ssociated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.We tested whether pomegranate polyphenols could lower the gly
37                                                             We tested whether SCFAs contribute to poor TB control in a lo
38                                                       Here, we tested whether separate neuronal mechanisms underlie this
39                          Working within ephemeral wetlands, we tested whether species were increasingly related as floodi
40                                                        Here we tested whether the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BN
41                To elucidate ketamine's mechanism of action, we tested whether the clinical time course of the improvement
42 ous localization of the taiep mutation to rat chromosome 9, we tested whether the mutation resided within the Tubb4a (bet
43      With the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, we tested whether the neural responses to a cue that signaled
44                                     In the current article, we tested whether the platelet innate immune system contribut
45                                                             We tested whether the uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate (IS), an e
46                    Using triple immunofluorescence staining we tested whether there were alterations in the number and si
47                                                             We tested whether these relationships are retained for major
48                                                             We tested whether this basic Bayesian framework could explain
49  adsorption of U(VI) to multilayered graphene oxide (MLGO), we tested whether three different U(VI):MLGO ratios (3 ppm U;
50                                                             We tested whether tree populations were adapted or maladapted

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