


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                       Here, we use 180 pairs of transcranial magnetic stimulation for app
2                                                       Here, we use a chromatin signature to infer MAE for genes in lympho
3                                                       Here, we use a different approach: we propose a model for language
4                                              In this paper, we use a high-throughput microfluidic platform as a quantitat
5                                                        Here we use a library of Xenopus tropicalis genomic sequences in b
6                                                             We use a multi-echo sequence with independent components anal
7                                        In the present work, we use a nonlinear mathematical model representing the course
8 e of tactile defensiveness in autism.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We use a novel paradigm of repetitive whisker stimulation and
9                                                             We use a numerical landscape evolution model to demonstrate t
10                                                        Here we use an engineered organotypic model of perfused microvesse
11                                                        Here we use an integrated photonic chip with a circuit-based appro
12                                                       Here, we use bacteria engineered with a strong Allee effect to inve
13                                                        Here we use biochemical and structural methods to show that two mo
14                                                       Here, we use ChAP-MS (chromatin affinity purification with mass spe
15                                                             We use classical molecular dynamics and hybrid quantum mechan
16                                                       Here, we use computational methods to investigate small numbers of
17                                                       Here, we use CRISPR base editors to knock out genes by changing sin
18                                                        Here we use data from 3,035 sampling plots worldwide, to quantify
19                                                        Here we use extreme value theory to combine sea-level projections
20                                                        Here we use fMRI to relate changes in single voxel receptive field
21                                                        Here we use four-dimensional confocal microscopy of live animals t
22                                                       Here, we use genetic association of molecular, cellular, and human
23                                                       Here, we use genotypic data to study range-wide patterns of genetic
24                                                        Here we use geometric morphometrics and phenotypic matrix statisti
25                                              In this study, we use glycoconjugates of type 3 Streptococcus pneumoniae CPS
26                                                       Here, we use in vivo functional imaging to identify a class of cuta
27                                              In this study, we use Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier
28                                                        Here we use magnetic fields approaching 100 Tesla to reveal the ex
29                                                       Here, we use mobile phone data to quantify seasonal travel and dire
30                                                             We use molecular dynamics simulations to resolve the molecula
31                                   To advance their utility, we use noncovalent interactions to incorporate the biological
32                                                       Here, we use optical tissue clearing and a TAM-targeting injectable
33                                                        Here we use overexpression studies, mutagenesis, and flow cytometr
34                                                        Here we use ozone-activated silver-gold alloys in the form of nano
35                                                        Here we use precise data on over 50,000 Drosophilid fly wings to d
36                                                        Here we use resting-state fMRI data from 176 subjects to show that
37                                                       Here, we use stable isotopes and NanoSIMS to show that the cyanobac
38                                                       Here, we use superresolution structured illumination microscopy wit
39                                                             We use the correlations of CO2 with trace elements to define
40                                                             We use the experimentally constrained model to evaluate the c
41                                                        Here we use the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, to explore these
42  enriched in drugs (druggable CATH functional families) and we use the network properties of these druggable protein fami
43                                                        Here we use the rapid turnover of venom genes in parasitoid wasps
44             To generalize to multistable stochastic system, we use the stochastic least-action principle to derive the en
45 country, we estimate a common dose-response function, which we use to compute national electricity loads for temperatures
46  elevated or suppressed oligomerization respectively, which we use to tune the levels of Raf/MEK/ERK signaling.
47                                                             We use two dimensionality reduction methods as well, robust P
48                                                        Here we use two independent systems to impair hepatocyte prolifera
49                                                        Here we use whole-genome sequences to examine the origin and adapt
50                                                        Here we use zebrafish larvae with pan-neuronal expression of GCaMP

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