


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  high elevation affects regional climate and weather.
2 ough the solar system, driving extreme space weather.
3 veral consecutive years of relatively normal weather.
4 ighly vulnerable to the detriment of extreme weather.
5 bility and the fluctuations/noise induced by weather.
6 coat and sunglasses because of unpredictable weather.
7  term during spells of extremely cold or hot weather.
8 us), with adjustment for day of the week and weather.
9 fects of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-latitude weather.
10 ciated with incident illness only during wet weather.
11 tis risk are strongly associated with warmer weather.
12 fication of this plastic as a consequence of weathering.
13 ty of the basic concept of enhanced silicate weathering.
14  become mobilized in high pH leachate during weathering.
15 commonly used to calculate the extent of oil weathering.
16 ned with the oxygen sensitivity of oxidative weathering.
17                             Using historical weather (1951-2013), we created nine 2-year scenarios wi
18 termine: (i) how 2-year sequences of extreme weather affect 2-year cumulative N losses across the cro
19            A less understood linkage between weather and air quality is the temperature-dependence of
20 ach application, we extracted information on weather and body weight for each user located in each of
21 iety of spatial and temporal scales, so both weather and climate - including short- and long-term dro
22 front into the atmosphere, thereby affecting weather and climate both locally and remotely.
23                          Therefore, accurate weather and climate forecasts hinge on good predictions
24                  A key determinant of winter weather and climate in Europe and North America is the N
25 nd understanding the effects of variation in weather and climate on productivity, recruitment, and pa
26  a tight coupling between these two synoptic weather and climate phenomena over decadal-to-centennial
27 examined relationships among irrigated SoGS, weather and crop planting.
28 ate an important interaction between extreme weather and disturbance by fire that may make flammable
29                     This interaction between weather and fire is of growing concern as climate change
30 ging at an unprecedented rate, links between weather and infectious disease have received little atte
31 ilayered factors including year, hatch date, weather and location, confirming that this experimental
32                              Fluctuations in weather and release scenario may lead to circumstances w
33  and hormonal coordination of cues including weather and resources.
34 acity to acquire and process vast amounts of weather and weather forecast data in combination with ad
35 new chemometric approach to identify heavily weathered and contaminated microplastics without any cle
36 ted fractions (HEWAFs) of two DWH oil types (weathered and source oil), in an effort to advance our u
37 eas of later theoretical constructs, such as weathering and allostatic load, regarding the power of c
38             Here, we use models for erosion, weathering and biogeochemical cycling to show that this
39 position of the continental crust exposed to weathering and found that shales of all ages have a unif
40    However, the mechanisms of marine olivine weathering and its effect on seawater-carbonate chemistr
41 rs unprecedented possibilities to study past weathering and landscape evolution processes.
42 cally, these elements are linked by chemical weathering and organism stoichiometry, but this coupling
43 elative influences of tectonics, continental weathering and seafloor weathering in controlling the ge
44 stems, organic matter decomposition in soil, weathering and soil formation, and contaminant behavior
45 t topography undoubtedly shaped by subaerial weathering and/or erosion, it is obvious that northern S
46 sed the effects of spring temperature (local weather) and the El Nino Southern Oscillation index (a g
47 infed agriculture are determined by climate, weather, and soil conditions that affect overall and tra
48 uipment/timing/history, soil type, location, weather, and the depth to which DeltaSOC is measured aff
49 t chemical reactions associated with glacial weathering, and explore the implications for long-term g
50     Connections between glaciation, chemical weathering, and the global carbon cycle could steer the
51 s where fragmented rocks are more exposed to weathering, and their position is less stable than in so
52 might be blocked, since kinetics of silicate weathering are typically strongly retarded at temperatur
53  fracturing that can trigger earthquakes and weathering, as well as, sequestration of CO2 and toxic m
54 evaluate the relative effects of density and weather at the breeding and wintering grounds on populat
55 cruits than did those rearing pups in cooler weather; at the non-seasonal Kenya site such packs also
56 prepare for and mitigate the impact of space weather because it is impossible to forecast the solar e
57                                      In-situ weathered bedrock, saprolite, is locally found in Scandi
58 NETs, including direct air capture, enhanced weathering, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage an
59 re well-recognized as major drivers of space weather but what causes them remains an open question.
60  have the potential to influence climate and weather by acting as ice nucleating particles in clouds.
61 dies that try to quantify the enhancement of weathering by non-vascular vegetation, however, are usua
62 sed terrestrial productivity and intensified weathering by the first land plants.
63 greening of the land' and intensification of weathering c. 0.85-0.54 Ga is currently equivocal.
64 le the detailed physical processes of severe weather cannot be resolved in global climate models.
65  of atmospheric O2 Future work on glaciation-weathering-carbon cycle feedbacks should consider weathe
66 Ca + Mg] and HCO3(-) resulted from increased weathering caused by accelerated physical erosion of roc
67 inter wheat are less studied due to dramatic weather changes during the long growing season that are
68                    Ambient air pollution and weather changes may contribute to the worsening of aller
69 itional processes in the context of changing weather, climate and tectonics.
70 rborne pollen count has something to do with weather condition (2004-2015).
71 e Southeast is due in part to a dry and warm weather condition, which enhances photochemical producti
72 rolling for potential confounding, including weather conditions (e.g., wind speed and temperature) an
73 ictor of bullying may be underlying regional weather conditions (i.e., climate).
74 n manipulation and year-to-year variation in weather conditions at a unique open-air field facility t
75                                     Changing weather conditions can cause cycles of wetting and dryin
76          Cause-specific analysis showed that weather conditions can differentially affect predation r
77 to combined current-wave action under normal weather conditions exceeds the critical bed shear stress
78                                       Spring weather conditions in both countries have a major influe
79 ize the importance of multidecadal trends in weather conditions in determining spatial variation in r
80 rtz and MARSS models highlighted the role of weather conditions in each country as significant predic
81 oney seems to be affected significantly from weather conditions since the HMF content was also increa
82  b) determine which factors (e.g., distance, weather conditions) have the greatest influence on risk
83     Our results indicate that, under typical weather conditions, a 59% reduction in Mississippi River
84 t wild dog populations might be sensitive to weather conditions, because the species shows strongly s
85             We explored associations between weather conditions, reproductive costs, and reproductive
86 r controlling for potential confounding from weather conditions, season of sampling, and the economic
87 d into a fixed-wall building owing to severe weather conditions, the need for increased security, and
88                                Combined with weather conditions, the ten-year grazing exclusion has s
89         We also examined annual variation in weather conditions, which are well recognized to influen
90 ndscape primarily due to long-term trends in weather conditions.
91  yet it does not suffer as much from varying weather conditions.
92                                     Chemical weathering consumes atmospheric carbon dioxide through t
93 Here we show that climate-dependent chemical weathering controls the erodibility of bedrock-floored r
94 ich they are flying, as a succession of fair-weather convective cells pass over the recording site in
95 he temporal and spatial stability of masting-weather correlations.
96 onse of functional types to extreme postfire weather could drive major shifts in ecosystem structure
97 rends, with the inclusion of a latent spring weather covariate.
98                              The mineralized weathering crusts inherited REE signature of the granite
99 lements (HREE) are dominantly mined from the weathering crusts of granites in South China.
100 ature and masting, confirming consistency in weather cues across space and time.
101 urces, which modify the relationship between weather cues and reproduction.
102 n 1969 and 1977, linked to fine-scale, daily weather data and location and date of birth.
103                        In addition, regional weather data confirmed the trend of increasing temperatu
104  contagion effects by combining daily global weather data, which creates exogenous variation in runni
105 rieved from Weather Underground, the largest weather database available online.
106                   The total number of severe weather days that have either thunderstorm, hail and/or
107                                 Although dry weather decreased NO3(-) leaching and N2 O emissions in
108 h's surface comprises minerals diagnostic of weathering, deposition and erosion.
109 , before 2.3 Ga, a muted oxidative supply of weathering-derived copper enriched in (65)Cu, along with
110  regional accounts of the effects of extreme weather disasters exist, the global scale effects of dro
111  organic-carbon burial or enhanced carbonate weathering during glacioeustatic sea-level regression ha
112 stable continental crust in response to deep weathering during northwardly migrating tropical conditi
113 ganisms are essential agents of Earth's soil weathering engine who help transform primary rock-formin
114 ved, which we attribute to cometary-specific weathering, erosion, and transient events driven by expo
115 te mineral maps improve our understanding of weathering, erosional and depositional processes in the
116 stically determine their response to extreme weather events (EWE) remains poorly understood.
117 riven by increasingly severe postfire summer weather events (number of consecutive days with high tem
118 bal changes such as climate warming, extreme weather events and nitrogen deposition.
119              The homogeneity of these severe weather events and their association with the ocean temp
120                             Although extreme weather events are predicted to increase in frequency an
121                     Behavioural adaptions to weather events by striped bass and other coastal fishes
122 d exacerbate or mitigate warming and extreme weather events in the future, depending on their respons
123 and most notably outbreaks linked to extreme weather events such as heatwaves in temperate regions su
124 in disease outbreaks associated with extreme weather events that are becoming more common with climat
125                       Heat waves are extreme weather events that have been associated with adverse he
126 y variable over time, with changes driven by weather events, anthropogenic sources, modifications to
127 ns of warmer, wetter winters and more severe weather events, UK butterflies could come under severe p
128  to satellites and power stations from space weather events.
129 ay be associated with a range of destructive weather events.
130                              Powerful 'space weather' events caused by solar activity pose serious ri
131                                              Weather extremes have harmful impacts on communities aro
132 logical benefits by buffering alley crops to weather extremes, diversifying income to hedge financial
133 plifying planetary waves, favoring recent NH weather extremes.
134  large number of severe midlatitude regional weather extremes.
135                   Microwave sounding reveals weather features at pressures deeper than 100 bars, domi
136 de agricultural practices, act as input into weather, flooding and climate models and inform water re
137 e cradle environment of life may have been a weathering fluid interacting with dry-land silicate rock
138 ture exchange with oceanic crust or that the weathering flux of continentally derived Sr was especial
139 arming is required to double the continental weathering flux, versus 3-10 degrees C in previous work.
140 ee times larger than today's global chemical weathering flux.
141 ine is consistent with changes in burial and weathering fluxes of organic carbon and pyrite driven by
142                               The soils were weathered for 8 weeks using weekly wet-dry cycles.
143 uire and process vast amounts of weather and weather forecast data in combination with advancements i
144                   In the past 3 decades, the weather forecasting community has made significant advan
145 ke disease forecasting more challenging than weather forecasting.
146 sture, contribute to thunderstorm and severe weather formation, provide a corridor for the springtime
147 04, 95% CI: 1.54, 5.98); exposure during wet weather further increased rates (e.g., for earache or in
148                     Compared with nonglacial weathering, glacial weathering is more likely to yield a
149      Mass-balance calculations indicate soil weathering has depleted over 40% of the original solid-p
150  inertia dominate sediment transport on many weathered hillslopes.
151                                   The age of weathering, however, remains loosely constrained, which
152               K-Ar dating of authigenic, syn-weathering illite from saprolitic remnants constrains or
153 surface waters either from ore minerals that weather in near surface environments, or due to anthropo
154               Persistent episodes of extreme weather in the Northern Hemisphere summer have been show
155 aving a serious allergy to pollen with awarm weather in this area.
156 ic (221.3+/-7.0-206.2+/-4.2 Ma) through deep weathering in a warm climate and subsequent partial mobi
157 ctonics, continental weathering and seafloor weathering in controlling the geological carbon cycle ar
158 ytes significantly increased global chemical weathering in the Late Ordovician, thus reducing atmosph
159  be the cause of the observed channeling and weathering in the surface.
160 no exposure, exposure to seawater during dry weather increased incidence rates of all outcomes (e.g.,
161 ress, because the frequency of extremely hot weather is expected to continue to rise in the approach
162                  As the frequency of extreme weather is expected to increase, these data suggest that
163 cies to spatial and interannual variation in weather is, under the current climate regime, sufficient
164 ur analysis supports the theory that glacial weathering is characterized predominantly by weathering
165 implemented in coastal environments, olivine weathering is expected to increase seawater alkalinity,
166 Compared with nonglacial weathering, glacial weathering is more likely to yield alkalinity/DIC ratios
167 about outgassing, modern fluxes and seafloor weathering kinetics.
168 he authors show how reduced rates of reverse weathering may be responsible for global cooling and inc
169 a and Collimonas, known for their ability to weather minerals within the tree root vicinity.
170              An ice-hosted sedimentation and weathering model may provide a compelling description of
171 d also has the potential for improving space weather modelling.
172                                        While weather models rely on physical systems, data from satel
173                      Therefore, the enhanced weathering modulated by initially increased pCO2 levels
174 es the temperature dependence of continental weathering must be weaker than commonly assumed.
175          This was likely due to the silicate weathering-negative feedback and the expansion of land p
176 seline data can be large, particularly where weather observations are sparse and climate dynamics are
177 he lack of persistent and homogeneous severe weather observations at climate scales while the detaile
178 ows a significant decreasing trend in severe weather occurrence across China during the past five dec
179 s further shown that the reduction in severe weather occurrences correlates strongly with the weakeni
180                                     Enhanced weathering of (ultra)basic silicate rocks such as olivin
181 natural in source: that is, derived from the weathering of Antarctic continental rocks.
182  that REE mass-partitioning during incipient weathering of basalt, rhyolite, granite and schist depen
183 ical model simulations suggest that enhanced weathering of carbonates driven by glacio-eustatically c
184 rate, due to counterbalancing changes in the weathering of isotopically light organic carbon.
185  absorbed by methane oxidation and oxidative weathering of land surfaces until approximately 800 Ma.
186 al rhyolitic calderas formed on eruption and weathering of lithium-enriched magmas have the potential
187                              Before enhanced weathering of olivine in coastal environments can be con
188 n rock surfaces where they can influence the weathering of rocks and minerals, these communities and
189 pisodic disturbances but instead the gradual weathering of soils and soil Ca availability.
190 le the biogeochemical forces influencing the weathering of spilled oil have been investigated for dec
191 drawdown from the atmosphere due to chemical weathering of these obducted ophiolites, and of CO2 addi
192 weathering is characterized predominantly by weathering of trace sulfide and carbonate minerals.
193 ering-carbon cycle feedbacks should consider weathering of trace sulfide minerals in addition to sili
194 tment to quickly remediate soils impacted by weathered oil while improving soil fertility, potentiall
195  regulated in 96hpf larvae after exposure to weathered oil.
196 oncentrated acidic brines rapidly chemically weather olivine minerals and form sulfate minerals at te
197 Several studies have analyzed the effects of weather on factors associated with weight loss.
198 is study, we directly analyzed the effect of weather on intentional weight loss using global-scale da
199 n and soybean mitigate the effect of extreme weather on N losses.
200   Cover crops reduced the effects of extreme weather on NO3(-) leaching but had a lesser effect on N2
201 However, the potential influence of silicate weathering on atmospheric pCO2 levels on geologically sh
202           To evaluate the effects of glacial weathering on atmospheric pCO2, we use a solute mixing m
203 ions proportional to DSi input from chemical weathering on timescales longer than the residence time
204 d watershed, export was attributed to wetter weather only.
205 reflects inherent unpredictability of summer weather or, alternatively, is a consequence of weaknesse
206 onstrates how erosional forcing of carbonate weathering outweighs that of organic burial on geologica
207 mic forcing conducive for warm-season severe weather over China.
208 y of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a wet weather overflow (WWF) can be broadly influenced by anth
209          We leveraged exogenous variation in weather patterns across geographies to identify social c
210 ering Arctic ecosystem structure by changing weather patterns and reducing sea ice coverage.
211     Climate change has a strong influence on weather patterns and significantly affects crop yields g
212 in our judgment, be attributed to changes in weather patterns associated with climate change.
213 ata suggest that the sequence of interannual weather patterns can be used to develop short-term mitig
214                          Forecasts of summer weather patterns months in advance would be of great val
215  a change in climate variability or seasonal weather patterns, are rarely captured.
216  remain sensitive to regional and stochastic weather patterns.
217 r seawater exposure during both dry- and wet-weather periods and to determine the relationship betwee
218  because monitoring is often limited to warm-weather periods.
219 nisms by which ozone gas interacted with the weathered petroleum residuals in soil to generate solubl
220          A total of 300 individual naturally weathered plastic particles were measured with Fourier t
221 ommonly thought to represent pre-Pleistocene weathering possibly associated with landscape formation.
222 -favorable conditions and associated extreme weather, possibly linked to amplified Arctic warming and
223                                     Although weathering processes occur globally, no economic HREE re
224 ithin, the properties of the receiving soil, weathering processes, and the concentration of PAHs.
225  important to understand the ongoing current weathering processes.
226 horus and other elements by organic acids in weathering profiles.
227                                          The weather radar observations of approximately 2,000 storms
228                     Here we present chemical weathering rates determined for Mars.
229                                     Chemical weathering rates estimated by the GEOCARBSULFvolc model
230 and numerical modelling results suggest that weathering rates may have increased by 215% and potentia
231                                 The chemical weathering rates thus derived are approximately 1 to 4 o
232 c CO2 over the past 50 million years.Reverse weathering reactions on or in the seafloor are a major s
233 issolved inorganic carbon (DIC) generated by weathering reactions.
234 d was higher following warm autumn (October) weather, reflecting delays in winter onset, but most str
235                    Extreme heat is a leading weather-related cause of mortality in the United States,
236 mmunities and their contributions to mineral weathering remain poorly resolved.
237      Based on continuous and coherent severe weather reports from over 500 manned stations, for the f
238       The atmosphere-ocean coupled Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast model (HWRF) developed at
239 , 520 predictors were evaluated, such as The Weather Research and Forecasting Model meteorology predi
240                                   We use the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with atmospheric
241 formed high-resolution simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry ba
242 and UV reflectance for simulations using the Weather Research Forecast and Community Multiscale Air Q
243                     Iron supplied by glacial weathering results in pronounced hotspots of biological
244 e near the water table within the chemically weathering saprolite, whereas less-reactive, primary Mn-
245       Compared with the normal-normal 2-year weather scenario, 2-year extreme weather scenarios affec
246 rmal 2-year weather scenario, 2-year extreme weather scenarios affected 2-year cumulative NO3(-) leac
247                                   The 2-year weather scenarios had nonadditive effects on N losses: c
248 rns, either due to interventions or shifting weather seasons, traditional modelling approaches may no
249 tions of particulate matter and the National Weather Service Hazard Mapping System smoke data, we ide
250 e location, are taken from the U.S. National Weather Service storm database.
251 e suppression coupled with increases in fire weather severity have altered fire regimes and vegetatio
252 phere, which left a characteristic oxidative weathering signal.
253 our- and five-ring azaarenes predominated in weathered sites.
254            Following exposure to a certified weathered slick oil (4.74 mug/L summation operatorPAH50)
255       Our study demonstrated that the WAF of weathered slick oil of DWH caused morphological abnormal
256 mbryos/larvae of mahi-mahi exposed to WAF of weathered (slick) and source DWH oils.
257 cFACE in a mature Eucalyptus stand on highly weathered soil in subtropical Australia; AmazonFACE in a
258 oxides can effectively sequester V in highly weathered soils by mechanisms of adsorption and structur
259 ients to landscapes underlain by intensively weathered soils.
260 ures in antifreeze peptides produced by cold-weather species, such as Arctic char.
261 asonality may be explained by changes in the weather, specifically, temperature.
262 s represent previously unrecognized advanced weathering stages that are important in the ultimate tra
263                                              Weather station and remotely derived environmental data
264                  Using analyses of long-term weather station data, we show that high frequency events
265 torical meteorological data collected at 236 weather stations across the United States.
266 ing plots and data collected from land-based weather stations to develop a climatic model to predict
267  physical systems, data from satellites, and weather stations, epidemic models rely on human interact
268 t and erosion that are thought to rejuvenate weathering supply of soil minerals.
269 hniques for analysis of Doppler polarimetric weather surveillance radar data, we examined two impedim
270 early amplified the orbitally paced chemical weathering that drove BSi burial during the early Mesozo
271                                 In fine warm weather, the daytime convective atmosphere over land are
272 nsition from abiotic to biotic signatures of weathering, the latter associated with smaller aqueous l
273                                           In weathering these financial threats, research at the Univ
274                   Deep roots enhance bedrock weathering, thus regulating the long-term carbon cycle.
275 explicitly captures the kinetics of seafloor weathering to investigate carbon fluxes and the evolutio
276 r environmental perturbations (e.g., extreme weather, toxic spills or epizootics) severely reduce the
277               These conclusions are based on weather trajectory analysis and on the strong correlatio
278 dominate Mn speciation within the physically weathered transition zone and bedrock.
279 speciation and extractability of V in highly weathered tropical soils, which are often rich in V comp
280 os for evergreen broadleaf forest and highly weathered Ultisols, and more pronounced temporal changes
281  Understanding the trend of localized severe weather under the changing climate is of great significa
282                                 BOF slag was weathered under aerated and air-excluded conditions for
283                                      Through Weather Underground API and the Noom Coach application,
284 sunrise and sunset hours were retrieved from Weather Underground, the largest weather database availa
285 roved grain quality traits are restricted by weather variability and markedly affected by G x E inter
286  the differences in the associations between weather variability and seasonal influenza, and growth r
287                                              Weather variability appears to be more influential on se
288                               The effects of weather variability on seasonal influenza among differen
289           My results suggest that increasing weather variability, as predicted under climate change,
290 ired by breeding programs and of the role of weather variables in the identification of promising tra
291 evelopment had an effect size similar to key weather variables known to be important to ungulate dyna
292 examine how, in the recent past (2000-2014), weather variations in 103 source countries translated in
293      The main mechanism behind incipient REE weathering was carbonation enhanced by biotic respiratio
294 forms were particularly affected by postfire weather, whereas all species were sensitive to invasive
295 ived from atmospheric deposition vs. bedrock weathering, which has fundamental consequences for ecosy
296 treambeds varies with the degree of chemical weathering, which increases systematically with local ra
297             However, the sequence of extreme weather years (e.g., wet-dry vs. dry-wet) may affect cum
298       The frequency and intensity of extreme weather years, characterized by abnormal precipitation a
299 y"), wettest ("wet"), and average ("normal") weather years.
300                                              Weathering yields from catchments in our compilation are

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