


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o can reflect the mineral source of chemical weathering.
2 ervoir, which was consumed through oxidative weathering.
3 y than carbon sequestration through silicate weathering.
4  imbalance demanding extremely low levels of weathering.
5 ls both silicate glass corrosion and mineral weathering.
6 ) and deep microbial communities and mineral weathering.
7 iansen Feature consistent with reduced space weathering.
8 d by the rate of CO2 consumption by silicate weathering.
9  and the transformation of Zn species during weathering.
10 ique dominate the CO2 efficiency of enhanced weathering.
11 ablish that water is a byproduct of SW space weathering.
12 ore comprehensive understanding of oil spill weathering.
13  the net CO2 removal of terrestrial enhanced weathering.
14 9.9 GJ per tonne CO2 sequestered by enhanced weathering.
15 photooxidation during advanced stages of oil weathering.
16  soil solution, and enhance silicate mineral weathering.
17 l Ca to preindustrial levels through natural weathering.
18 ity observed with exposure to products of QD weathering.
19 tions of basal plane modification and fungal weathering.
20 m organic matter and mineral surfaces during weathering.
21 sistent with an overall Cenozoic increase in weathering.
22 ion of the surficial concrete matter through weathering.
23 omalies are interpreted as a lack of surface weathering.
24 fication of this plastic as a consequence of weathering.
25 ty of the basic concept of enhanced silicate weathering.
26  become mobilized in high pH leachate during weathering.
27 commonly used to calculate the extent of oil weathering.
28 ned with the oxygen sensitivity of oxidative weathering.
29          Bedrock fracture systems facilitate weathering, allowing fresh mineral surfaces to interact
30                   In contrast, the degree of weathering among African-American women is related to du
31 ice melt with solute sources from lithogenic weathering and a minor seawater component.
32 eas of later theoretical constructs, such as weathering and allostatic load, regarding the power of c
33             Here, we use models for erosion, weathering and biogeochemical cycling to show that this
34 total PCB measurements are unreliable due to weathering and degradation, while detailed full congener
35 cord of seawater as a proxy of silicate rock weathering and erosion, we calculate changes in the inpu
36 position of the continental crust exposed to weathering and found that shales of all ages have a unif
37 rt that thermal fatigue, a mechanism of rock weathering and fragmentation with no subsequent ejection
38 ovides new indicators for studying long-term weathering and identifying sources.
39 s global-scale information about continental weathering and is vital for marine uranium-series geochr
40    However, the mechanisms of marine olivine weathering and its effect on seawater-carbonate chemistr
41 rs unprecedented possibilities to study past weathering and landscape evolution processes.
42 (+) oxidation in soils, which increases rock weathering and leads to acidification processes such as
43 ortant role in soil processes (e.g., mineral weathering and metal detoxification in plants).
44 -associated bacterial communities in mineral weathering and nutrient cycling in soils, with a specifi
45 rbon removal fluxes via terrestrial silicate weathering and ocean crust alteration plays a key role i
46 cally, these elements are linked by chemical weathering and organism stoichiometry, but this coupling
47  will enhance and control the dynamics of Se weathering and release into the aqueous environment.
48 and), requiring large changes in continental weathering and seafloor reverse weathering that are cons
49 elative influences of tectonics, continental weathering and seafloor weathering in controlling the ge
50 stems, organic matter decomposition in soil, weathering and soil formation, and contaminant behavior
51            Our results suggest that chemical weathering and subsequent subduction of soluble elements
52 are quickly obscured or destroyed by surface weathering and tectonic processes.
53  Earth system models, we identify changes in weathering and the mode of organic-carbon delivery as tw
54 ins play a key role in global-scale chemical weathering and thus have potentially important implicati
55 t topography undoubtedly shaped by subaerial weathering and/or erosion, it is obvious that northern S
56 hift from seafloor weathering to terrestrial weathering, and a corresponding steady rise in atmospher
57              Ore deposit geology, pre-mining weathering, and burgeoning artisanal mining may combine
58 ed that the timing for oxidative continental weathering, and by conventional thinking the onset of at
59 cology, molecular modeling of biotic/abiotic weathering, and comprehensive molecular characterization
60 hin clay-rich sediments derived from in situ weathering, and exogenous clay and silt, which entered t
61 t chemical reactions associated with glacial weathering, and explore the implications for long-term g
62 correctly quantify PASH for bioavailability, weathering, and liability studies.
63 ifer is dominated mainly by silicate mineral weathering, and no CO2 leakage signals have been detecte
64 tural and industrial material, is subject to weathering, and soil contamination also occurs through h
65 icarbonate alkalinity, a product of chemical weathering, and tested for long-term trends at 97 sites
66 k disaggregation, groundwater flow, chemical weathering, and the depth of the "critical zone" in whic
67 ay key roles in aggregate stability, mineral weathering, and the fate of contaminants in soils.
68     Connections between glaciation, chemical weathering, and the global carbon cycle could steer the
69 s where fragmented rocks are more exposed to weathering, and their position is less stable than in so
70 ver, these characteristic ratios of chemical weathering are altered by algal activity.
71 might be blocked, since kinetics of silicate weathering are typically strongly retarded at temperatur
72                                     Chemical weathering, as well as physical erosion, changes the com
73  fracturing that can trigger earthquakes and weathering, as well as, sequestration of CO2 and toxic m
74 ghlighted a critical need to investigate oil weathering beyond the analytical window afforded by conv
75 NETs, including direct air capture, enhanced weathering, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage an
76 Nanoplastic debris, resulted from runoff and weathering breakdown of macro- and microplastics, repres
77  have stimulated CO2 consumption by silicate weathering, but reconstructions of sea-floor spreading d
78  basaltic bedrock relied strongly on Ca from weathering, but that soil N enrichment depleted readily
79 s implies a strong negative feedback between weathering by non-vascular vegetation and Ordovician cli
80 plicit modelling approach to simulate global weathering by non-vascular vegetation in the Late Ordovi
81 dies that try to quantify the enhancement of weathering by non-vascular vegetation, however, are usua
82 sed terrestrial productivity and intensified weathering by the first land plants.
83 greening of the land' and intensification of weathering c. 0.85-0.54 Ga is currently equivocal.
84 ck river incision, the mechanism of chemical weathering can explain strong coupling between local cli
85  of atmospheric O2 Future work on glaciation-weathering-carbon cycle feedbacks should consider weathe
86 Ca + Mg] and HCO3(-) resulted from increased weathering caused by accelerated physical erosion of roc
87                                Additionally, weathering conditions (rain) encountered during transpor
88                                     Chemical weathering consumes atmospheric carbon dioxide through t
89 Here we show that climate-dependent chemical weathering controls the erodibility of bedrock-floored r
90 geny Belt (CAOB) due to varying tectonic and weathering controls.
91                              Before enhanced weathering could be applied on large scales, more resear
92                              The mineralized weathering crusts inherited REE signature of the granite
93 lements (HREE) are dominantly mined from the weathering crusts of granites in South China.
94                               Furthermore, a weathering-dependent increase of an operationally define
95 h's surface comprises minerals diagnostic of weathering, deposition and erosion.
96 , before 2.3 Ga, a muted oxidative supply of weathering-derived copper enriched in (65)Cu, along with
97 ar during the snowball period and records of weathering-derived sulfate are available for the very fi
98  be erased only through successive cycles of weathering, dilution and burial on an oxygenated Earth s
99 phere organisms play a major role in mineral weathering driving calcium fluxes from the continents to
100 l long-term consequences including increased weathering, drop in atmospheric CO(2), modified climate,
101  is most simply explained by decreased space weathering due to shadowing, but a one-micrometre-thick
102 on of free TiO2 nanoparticles is found to be weathering duration dependent.
103 e present work, we investigate the effect of weathering duration on a commercial photocatalytic nanoc
104                   It is found that increased weathering duration results in stepwise structural deter
105 extrapolation of these quantities from short weathering durations, complete failure of the nanocoatin
106  organic-carbon burial or enhanced carbonate weathering during glacioeustatic sea-level regression ha
107 stable continental crust in response to deep weathering during northwardly migrating tropical conditi
108 e individual components, indicating a strong weathering effect even under the mild conditions.
109 r the lack of solar wind ion-generated space weathering effects on Vesta.
110     Slag samples were carbonated to simulate weathering effects, and although leachable concentration
111 ganisms are essential agents of Earth's soil weathering engine who help transform primary rock-formin
112 te for the reduced delivery of oxygen to the weathering environment below the organic-rich upper soil
113 es formation of hematite in aerobic soil and weathering environments.
114 ace and deep Earth, has been obscured by the weathering, erosion, and tectonism that followed its for
115 ved, which we attribute to cometary-specific weathering, erosion, and transient events driven by expo
116 te mineral maps improve our understanding of weathering, erosional and depositional processes in the
117                               Products of QD weathering exhibited higher potency than did as-synthesi
118  into account, however, heterogeneity in the weathering experience of African-American women becomes
119 alyzing historical samples or by accelerated weathering experiments on dummies.
120 rovides distinctive evidence that a silicate weathering feedback stabilizes Pco2 on million-year time
121 To explain variations in the strength of the weathering feedback, we present a model for silicate wea
122 nd metamorphic outgassing and its removal by weathering feedbacks; these feedbacks involve the erosio
123 of our source identification was affected by weathering, field samples were collected at various inte
124 e cradle environment of life may have been a weathering fluid interacting with dry-land silicate rock
125                          Changes in chemical weathering flux in turn alter the long-term supply of ph
126        As a result, the terrestrial chemical weathering flux may be permanently altered--contrasting
127 e conventional view that the global silicate weathering flux must adjust to equal the volcanic CO2 de
128               We estimate a potential global weathering flux of 2.8 (km(3) rock) yr(-1), defined here
129 ture exchange with oceanic crust or that the weathering flux of continentally derived Sr was especial
130 mass ( approximately 100), such that a given weathering flux of phosphorus could support more organic
131 arming is required to double the continental weathering flux, versus 3-10 degrees C in previous work.
132 ee times larger than today's global chemical weathering flux.
133 e cycling and climate requires understanding weathering fluxes from tectonically uplifting landscapes
134 ine is consistent with changes in burial and weathering fluxes of organic carbon and pyrite driven by
135 genic control in the case of Mo: relative to weathering fluxes, anthropogenic Mo fluxes are weaker th
136 ocesses and imposes a thermodynamic limit on weathering fluxes, based on the physical and chemical pr
137 dust transport, mass wasting, and insolation weathering for cometary surface evolution, and they offe
138  a "bottom up" control on the advance of the weathering front.
139                     Compared with nonglacial weathering, glacial weathering is more likely to yield a
140 nd technological processes, such as, mineral weathering, glass alteration, zeolite syntheses and ceme
141      Mass-balance calculations indicate soil weathering has depleted over 40% of the original solid-p
142 than one petroleum product or when extensive weathering has occurred.
143  Geochemical signals diagnostic of oxidative weathering, however, extend as far back as 3.3-2.9 Gyr a
144                                   The age of weathering, however, remains loosely constrained, which
145               K-Ar dating of authigenic, syn-weathering illite from saprolitic remnants constrains or
146  showed reduced N2-B.E.T. surface area after weathering, implicating fouling of the biochar surface b
147 uring of the continents and intense silicate weathering in a post-Snowball Earth hothouse.
148 oaccessibility in mine tailings subjected to weathering in a semiarid environment.
149 ic (221.3+/-7.0-206.2+/-4.2 Ma) through deep weathering in a warm climate and subsequent partial mobi
150 ctonics, continental weathering and seafloor weathering in controlling the geological carbon cycle ar
151 ent fluxes is caused by a combination of low weathering in peat soils and accumulation of organophili
152 hemical model designed to simulate oxidative weathering in soil environments based on a reductant-dri
153 ytes significantly increased global chemical weathering in the Late Ordovician, thus reducing atmosph
154  be the cause of the observed channeling and weathering in the surface.
155  is three times the CO2 drawdown by silicate weathering in this basin.
156 -Lite SF, a TiO2-NC used as sunscreen, after weathering in water and under light.
157 ern U.S. suggests human-accelerated chemical weathering, in addition to previously documented impacts
158 ts were conducted to determine the extent of weathering induced by the presence of CO2 in the aqueous
159 isotope data allow us to assess the relative weathering input of old radiogenic crust and more juveni
160                                              Weathering intensity data further indicate that soil che
161 ruent continental weathering (lower chemical weathering intensity), and more rapid CO(2) drawdown.
162 tal crust that has been lost due to chemical weathering is at least 15% of the original mass of the j
163 ur analysis supports the theory that glacial weathering is characterized predominantly by weathering
164 implemented in coastal environments, olivine weathering is expected to increase seawater alkalinity,
165             Moreover, we find that simulated weathering is highly sensitive to atmospheric CO2 concen
166 Compared with nonglacial weathering, glacial weathering is more likely to yield alkalinity/DIC ratios
167 en lost over Earth's history due to chemical weathering is poorly constrained.
168                      No evidence of chemical weathering is preserved, indicating arid, possibly cold,
169               Climate regulation by silicate weathering is thus strongest when global topography is e
170 about outgassing, modern fluxes and seafloor weathering kinetics.
171 dation, increasingly incongruent continental weathering (lower chemical weathering intensity), and mo
172 processes, from cellular respiration to rock weathering, makes reconstructing the history of its prod
173                       They also suggest that weathering may attenuate the contribution of native (env
174 he authors show how reduced rates of reverse weathering may be responsible for global cooling and inc
175              An ice-hosted sedimentation and weathering model may provide a compelling description of
176                      Therefore, the enhanced weathering modulated by initially increased pCO2 levels
177 es the temperature dependence of continental weathering must be weaker than commonly assumed.
178          This was likely due to the silicate weathering-negative feedback and the expansion of land p
179      The dissolved iron (DFe) flux from rock weathering (nonmineralized control site) was calculated
180                                     Enhanced weathering of (ultra)basic silicate rocks such as olivin
181     The aim of this work was to quantify the weathering of a Ni-bearing mineral phase in the rhizosph
182  Tl-bearing secondary minerals formed by the weathering of a Tl-As-Fe-sulfide mineralization hosted i
183 the social conditions that contribute to the weathering of African-American women and points to the c
184 natural in source: that is, derived from the weathering of Antarctic continental rocks.
185  that REE mass-partitioning during incipient weathering of basalt, rhyolite, granite and schist depen
186 inwash after the cessation of mining and the weathering of bedrock in the catchment.
187               This is a consequence of rapid weathering of calcium silicate and hydroxide minerals de
188 ical model simulations suggest that enhanced weathering of carbonates driven by glacio-eustatically c
189 cal evidence associated with palaeosols, the weathering of clay minerals and microbially induced sedi
190 le, in studies of environmental forensics or weathering of complex mixtures.
191 sed oceanic alkalinity and enhanced chemical weathering of continental crust.
192 es to these biomarkers as induced by natural weathering of crude oil discharged from the Macondo Well
193 ngs and background samples also suggest that weathering of crystalline As-bearing phases in tailings
194 rate, due to counterbalancing changes in the weathering of isotopically light organic carbon.
195  absorbed by methane oxidation and oxidative weathering of land surfaces until approximately 800 Ma.
196                                      Natural weathering of lead-rich gold ores before mining formed a
197 al rhyolitic calderas formed on eruption and weathering of lithium-enriched magmas have the potential
198 enic-rich acid mine waters have developed by weathering of native arsenic in a sulfide-poor environme
199                              Before enhanced weathering of olivine in coastal environments can be con
200 n rock surfaces where they can influence the weathering of rocks and minerals, these communities and
201 illian anomaly may reflect intense oxidative weathering of rocks as the result of the initial establi
202  between atmospheric CO2 levels and chemical weathering of silicate rocks that operates over million-
203  reflect consumption of atmospheric CO(2) by weathering of silicates, stimulated by fresh CAMP volcan
204 pisodic disturbances but instead the gradual weathering of soils and soil Ca availability.
205 le the biogeochemical forces influencing the weathering of spilled oil have been investigated for dec
206 dicate that the source of sulfate and TDS is weathering of sulfide minerals in the Capistrano Formati
207 drawdown from the atmosphere due to chemical weathering of these obducted ophiolites, and of CO2 addi
208                           The biogeochemical weathering of these residuals in mature landfills affect
209  China due to its release during the natural weathering of Tl-bearing ore deposits and mining activit
210 weathering is characterized predominantly by weathering of trace sulfide and carbonate minerals.
211 ering-carbon cycle feedbacks should consider weathering of trace sulfide minerals in addition to sili
212                                              Weathering of uplifted continental rocks consumes carbon
213 resistance of glasses, or the biogeochemical weathering of volcanic glasses in seawater.
214 However, the potential influence of silicate weathering on atmospheric pCO2 levels on geologically sh
215           To evaluate the effects of glacial weathering on atmospheric pCO2, we use a solute mixing m
216 water, volcanism, atmospheric evolution, and weathering on Mars.
217                                              Weathering on mountain slopes converts rock to sediment
218 he Deepwater Horizon disaster, the effect of weathering on surface slicks, oil-soaked sands, and oil-
219 eration of acid rock drainage (ARD) and rock weathering on the Antarctic landmass and describe why th
220 ions proportional to DSi input from chemical weathering on timescales longer than the residence time
221 onically thereafter, hypothesized as due to "weathering" or deteriorating health with cumulative disa
222  signal was imparted to sulfate of oxidative weathering origin.
223 rough some combination of sublimation, space weathering, outgassing, or pyroclastic volcanism.
224 onstrates how erosional forcing of carbonate weathering outweighs that of organic burial on geologica
225 put forward to explain the 'Cenozoic isotope-weathering paradox', and the evolution of the carbon cyc
226  total Fe and total As, implying that pyrite weathering posed a substantial stress on microbial devel
227 ommonly thought to represent pre-Pleistocene weathering possibly associated with landscape formation.
228 yperaccumulator species could accelerate the weathering process of Ni-bearing phases in the rhizosphe
229 than micrometeoroid bombardment in the space-weathering process, or that micrometeoroid bombardment i
230 Nd couplets in the clay formation during the weathering process.
231 ance spectra of meteorites owing to a 'space weathering' process that rapidly reddens asteroid surfac
232 uyana, over 30 years, indicates that natural weathering processes can ameliorate tailings to the exte
233                                     Although weathering processes occur globally, no economic HREE re
234 ithin, the properties of the receiving soil, weathering processes, and the concentration of PAHs.
235 steranes were not systematically affected by weathering processes.
236 eNPs after they have undergone environmental weathering processes.
237  important to understand the ongoing current weathering processes.
238 tive in the space environment produce 'space weathering' products that substantially weaken or mask s
239 ce of higher polarity, petrogenic oxidation (weathering) products, future studies may require removal
240 spatial-temporal scales from vegetation-clad weathering profiles and hillslopes, small catchments, la
241 ificantly affects biogeochemistry throughout weathering profiles, the lower boundaries of most terres
242 horus and other elements by organic acids in weathering profiles.
243 han the much slower process of silicate rock weathering proposed for the PETM.
244 nt root physiology with knowledge of mineral weathering provides an opportunity to design artificial
245              The lack of soil production and weathering rate measurements in Earth's most rapidly upl
246                     Here we present chemical weathering rates determined for Mars.
247                                     Chemical weathering rates estimated by the GEOCARBSULFvolc model
248 erspective for predicting long-term silicate weathering rates in actual geochemical systems and devel
249 s has made it difficult to determine whether weathering rates increase or decline in response to rapi
250 and numerical modelling results suggest that weathering rates may have increased by 215% and potentia
251                                   These high weathering rates support the view that mountains play a
252                                 The chemical weathering rates thus derived are approximately 1 to 4 o
253 mafic silicate rock flour to enhance natural weathering rates, has been suggested as part of a strate
254 ge scales, more research is needed to assess weathering rates, potential side effects, social accepta
255 cy can be resolved by the earliest oxidative-weathering reactions occurring in benthic and soil envir
256 c CO2 over the past 50 million years.Reverse weathering reactions on or in the seafloor are a major s
257 nd tectonics influence the rates of chemical weathering reactions, which can consume atmospheric CO2
258 issolved inorganic carbon (DIC) generated by weathering reactions.
259 nity, suggesting an important control of the weathering regime on CO2 fluxes.
260 mmunities and their contributions to mineral weathering remain poorly resolved.
261                     Iron supplied by glacial weathering results in pronounced hotspots of biological
262 e near the water table within the chemically weathering saprolite, whereas less-reactive, primary Mn-
263 phere, which left a characteristic oxidative weathering signal.
264 s represent previously unrecognized advanced weathering stages that are important in the ultimate tra
265 rensic investigations, risk assessments, and weathering studies.
266 ed congener patterns consistent with Aroclor weathering, suggesting potential PCB metabolism in these
267 t and erosion that are thought to rejuvenate weathering supply of soil minerals.
268  continental weathering and seafloor reverse weathering that are consistent with increased tectonic u
269 early amplified the orbitally paced chemical weathering that drove BSi burial during the early Mesozo
270 ng feedback, we present a model for silicate weathering that regulates climatic and tectonic forcing
271 nsition from abiotic to biotic signatures of weathering, the latter associated with smaller aqueous l
272                         Terrestrial enhanced weathering, the spreading of ultramafic silicate rock fl
273                                              Weathering-the cumulative burden of adverse psychosocial
274                                           In weathering these financial threats, research at the Univ
275 iations in the sizes of sediment produced by weathering, this analysis enables new understanding of s
276           Like drawdown by means of silicate weathering, this source is probably enhanced by tectonic
277         Drainage of the fresh bedrock causes weathering through drying and permits the introduction o
278                   Deep roots enhance bedrock weathering, thus regulating the long-term carbon cycle.
279                                         Long weathering time of Cd laden clay leads to low Cd desorpt
280 pecific oxalate exudation in ectomycorrhizal weathering to dissolve calcium bearing minerals, thus co
281 y corrosion associated with silicate mineral weathering to enter the soil-water system and to produce
282 explicitly captures the kinetics of seafloor weathering to investigate carbon fluxes and the evolutio
283 0-500 Ma drove a gradual shift from seafloor weathering to terrestrial weathering, and a correspondin
284 d to the estimated contribution of carbonate weathering to total alkalinity, suggesting an important
285      The main mechanism behind incipient REE weathering was carbonation enhanced by biotic respiratio
286 ting the increased potency of products of QD weathering was due to selenium modulation of cadmium tox
287                                      Mineral weathering was monitored by measuring Ni and Mg transfer
288 r the near-neutral pH tested (to minimize QD weathering) were released into the bacterial growth medi
289 ions of calcium (another product of chemical weathering) where data were available.
290 ygenated products that result from crude-oil weathering, which are difficult to degrade.
291 ived from atmospheric deposition vs. bedrock weathering, which has fundamental consequences for ecosy
292 treambeds varies with the degree of chemical weathering, which increases systematically with local ra
293 eport that Vesta shows its own form of space weathering, which is quite different from that of other
294 ecessary but not sufficient process in space weathering, which occurs on airless bodies throughout th
295 ere still poor as mothers showed significant weathering with regard to LBW and small for gestational
296 ys living in poorer neighborhoods, exhibited weathering with regard to LBW, SGA, or PTB.
297 elp reconcile evidence for pre-GOE oxidative weathering with the history of atmospheric chemistry, an
298 and isotopic signatures of benthic oxidative weathering would have become more globally significant f
299 2 concentrations substantially with enhanced weathering would require very large amounts of rock.
300                                              Weathering yields from catchments in our compilation are

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