コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 American, publicly insured, single, and less well educated.
2 persons) and were typically white, male, and well educated.
3 , particularly those who were older and less well educated.
4 re generally white (97%), married (80%), and well-educated.
5 Typical patients are older, white, and well-educated.
10 erally were non-Hispanic white, healthy, and well-educated and had access to preventive health care.
11 though the majority were non-Hispanic white, well educated, and economically well off, substantial nu
12 hat racial and ethnic minorities, those less well educated, and those with fewer financial resources
14 arge study of stable, relatively healthy and well-educated families, significant differences in mater
15 health behaviors were substantial among the well-educated for smoking in both sexes and drinking in
16 d mental health evaluation if they were less well educated, had inadequate prenatal care, or had long
17 nd higher education reform (1998) depends on well educated health professionals who have the clinical
18 rtaken to ensure that our future doctors are well educated in the principles and practices of appropr
19 ely to be depressed if they were older, less well educated, more recently married, reported heightene
20 subsequent risk of MS; however, offspring of well-educated mothers may be at a slightly reduced risk
21 There is evidence that adequate numbers of well-educated nurses working in acute care areas can red
22 and vegetables" pattern score among the less well-educated participants led to a narrowing of educati
23 and vegetables" pattern score among the less well-educated participants led to a smaller difference i
24 ns make presentations at the bedside of less well educated patients, they should be especially carefu
28 younger, were more likely to be white, were well-educated, were employed, were married, had less com
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