


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1       Sepsis incidence, outcomes, and trends from 2009-2014 were calculated using regression models and compared with cla
2 ed hospital-specific rates of adverse event free admissions were calculated using colorectal procedures as an example.
3 sity of states, entropy and melting temperature of aluminum were calculated using this machine learning potential.
4                           Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) were calculated using generalized estimating equations.
5 usted illness rates (illnesses per sample) by treatment arm were calculated using Poisson regression.
6 and effective doses to individual organs and the whole body were calculated using OLINDA/EXM 1.2 for the standard male an
7                  Nondisplaceable binding potentials (BPNDs) were calculated using the simplified reference tissue model (
8          Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using conditional logistic regression models
9 length, mid-upper-arm circumference, and head circumference were calculated using the WHO 2006 growth standards.
10 collected via electronic medical records, and complications were calculated using the Clavien-Dindo classification.
11 ymorphism (SNP)-based heritability and genetic correlations were calculated using linkage disequilibrium score regression
12 on and relative medians for estimated episode of care costs were calculated using marginal longitudinal two-part regressi
13 mined from CT and the left ventricular ROI, and mean counts were calculated using Elip-ROI and RG-ROI techniques.
14 entages of sealed enamel and dentin interface area (E%, D%) were calculated using Amira software.
15 enic risk scores for the development of Alzheimer's disease were calculated using summary statistics from the largest Alz
16                                       HIV genetic distances were calculated using the polymerase region.
17   Estimates of disease prevalence and treatment eligibility were calculated using stochastic simulation and population da
18                    Study-specific adjusted effect estimates were calculated using inverse probability of treatment-weight
19                                        Population estimates were calculated using linear interpolation from the 2000 and
20                                           Summary estimates were calculated using a random effects model.
21                                          Survival estimates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and multivaria
22                    Standardized mean differences (Hedges g) were calculated using all outcomes reported in the trials for
23 ations of the correlations between cortisol levels and HCVs were calculated using random effects.
24 PV types 31, 33, and 45, other high-risk types, and any HPV were calculated using logistic regression.
25 o account for potential treatment bias, hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using Cox regression and were tested against
26 s for malignant tumors of the conjunctiva and eyelid margin were calculated using clinical examination with slitlamp and
27                            Hazard ratios (HR) for mortality were calculated using Cox proportional hazards regression to
28 retention, tumor recurrence, and melanoma-related mortality were calculated using Kaplan-Meier estimates, and Cox proport
29 ores for plasma cortisol, major depression, and neuroticism were calculated using data from large genome wide association
30                                            Odds ratios (OR) were calculated using conditional logistic regression.
31 e determined, and radiation-absorbed doses to normal organs were calculated using OLINDA.
32                                          Kinetic parameters were calculated using a 1-tissue-compartment model and conver
33 tected by a validated method and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using a non-compartmental model.
34 ], mid-lingual, and mesio-lingual [ML]) and different PMPEs were calculated using a 15% cut-off point: 1) full-mouth (MB-
35                                  Cumulative incidence rates were calculated using competing risk survival statistics.
36                                              Survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method.
37                                                 Odds ratios were calculated using logistic regression to account for pote
38                                                 Odds ratios were calculated using multivariable conditional logistic regr
39                                        Adjusted odds ratios were calculated using multivariable logistic regression.
40                                       Incidence rate ratios were calculated using Poisson regressions while adjusting for
41                                      Changes in KCCQ scores were calculated using repeated measures analysis of covarianc
42                                          The NEI-VFQ scores were calculated using a traditional subscale scoring algorith
43                                          IR and sensitivity were calculated using HOMA-IR and Matsuda indices.
44                 Pooled standardized mean differences (SMDs) were calculated using random-effect models.
45                                               BPND and SUVR were calculated using the cerebellar cortex as a reference re
46                                                       SUVRs were calculated using AAL (Automated Anatomical Labeling atla
47                                                  ULN values were calculated using the cutoff levels suggested by the test
48 and stroke (523 events in blacks and 1660 events in whites) were calculated using pooled Mantel-Haenszel estimates with c
49 ate samples from homes with cats or dogs from those without were calculated using receiver-operating characteristics.
50 crude and adjusted risk ratios for asthma at ages 5-9 years were calculated using Poisson regression models and pooled.

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