


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 nd 171-bp alpha-satellite repeat sequences from centromeres were highly enriched.
2 d with proliferation, stress responses, and the p53 pathway were highly enriched.
3                                               Peptides that were highly enriched against IgY from at least 4 out of 10 in
4 sis identified that the frequency of M46RE in the promoters were highly enriched among the genes upregulated by MYB46, es
5  worker behavior based on analysis of brain gene expression were highly enriched for adaptive protein and cis-regulatory
6                                                     Targets were highly enriched for APC-related functions, including mic
7  a small overlap with hotspot genes in other cell types and were highly enriched for cell type specific function.
8                  The differentially expressed miRNA targets were highly enriched for gene sets related to autism, schizop
9 is in vivo Genes encoding some upstream activators of NOTCH were highly enriched for H3K27me3, which forms repressive chr
10                            We found that neutrophil genomes were highly enriched for heterochromatic genomic interactions
11 ntrast, only 6 networks were found in normal tissues, which were highly enriched for housekeeping functions.
12          Shortly after challenge, IFN-gamma-producing cells were highly enriched for Ly6C(+)T-bet(+) cells in the viscera
13                                             Candidate genes were highly enriched for miR-200c seed pairing in their 3'UTR
14 tion of the Nfib locus, and differentially accessible sites were highly enriched for Nfib transcription factor binding si
15          Methylated genes in WT1mut primary patient samples were highly enriched for polycomb repressor complex 2 (PRC2)
16                                                 These genes were highly enriched for processes involved in pulmonary stru
17                                        Genes affected by E2 were highly enriched for ribosome-associated proteins; howeve
18  times across several large recombination cold spots, which were highly enriched for signatures of selection-driven post-
19  immune-mediated disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, were highly enriched for T-cell SEs versus typical enhancers
20 tivated primary human T cells and found that CUGBP1 targets were highly enriched for the presence of GU-rich elements (GR
21  expressing Prominin-1 (CD133) in the outer layers of SCCas were highly enriched for TICs ( approximately 1/400) compared
22                                                 These genes were highly enriched for transcription factors and overlapped
23                 Down-regulated genes in BAB compared to BAN were highly enriched for vasculature-related genes, suggestin
24                                  Nevertheless, most tissues were highly enriched in CD56(bright)perforin(low) cells, and
25 peptide in proliferation assays and the proliferating cells were highly enriched in certain T-cell receptor sequences.
26                Rho family GTPases and Wnt signaling pathway were highly enriched in ChIP-seq and RNA-seq datasets and mem
27                         Progastrin expression and secretion were highly enriched in colon CSC isolated from human colorec
28 d mesenchymal and epithelial markers, but mesenchymal cells were highly enriched in CTCs.
29 ify a number of significantly mutated genes in NSCLC, which were highly enriched in DNA damage repair, NF-kappaB pathway,
30                             Two miRNAs, miR-451 and let-7i, were highly enriched in HbAS and HbSS erythrocytes, and these
31 n that iNKT cells, previously thought to be rare in humans, were highly enriched in human and murine adipose tissue, and
32                                          Cas9-bound regions were highly enriched in NGG sites, a sequence required for ta
33 helial growth factor receptor/FLT1, E2F2 and PCM1 oncogenes were highly enriched in ovarian cancer patients compared with
34                                         PDGFRalpha(+) cells were highly enriched in Pdgfra (12 fold vs. unsorted cell) an
35                                  In particular, apicoplasts were highly enriched in phosphatidylinositol, consistent with
36 -quantitative mass spectrometry identified 31 proteins that were highly enriched in polar vesicles.
37                                                Such rhythms were highly enriched in secreted proteins accumulating tightl
38 opulation of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) that were highly enriched in the capacity to differentiate into ba
39 ines and that actin-related proteins and cysteine proteases were highly enriched in the group.
40 omposed of unusual hydroxylated C17 sphingoid bases (t17:0) were highly enriched in the infected cells, and their synthes
41                                     Overall apoptotic genes were highly enriched in this gene set (P < 1E-05), supporting
42 ent transcripts were highly expressed, yet short-lived, and were highly enriched in those encoding central components of
43           In addition, we identified molecular markers that were highly enriched in UCP1-positive human adipocytes, a set
44 usand serotonergic-cell expressed transcripts, of which 174 were highly enriched, including all known markers of these ce
45                                               These regions were highly enriched near protein coding genes and had signif
46                                  Strongly upregulated genes were highly enriched on chromosome X, consistent with sexuall
47 ion, we identified small regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) that were highly enriched or exclusive in MNs.
48                                                        Both were highly enriched over concentrations in underlying soils,
49 often resided near chromosome rearrangement breakpoints and were highly enriched with a motif targeted by APOBEC family c
50 ation that drug-SE pairs that appeared in both data sources were highly enriched with true signals, many of which have no

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