


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 do-lanostane, along with its putative precursor, compound 2 were isolated from the methanol extract of the trunks of Abie
2                      Zika virus and dengue virus serotype 2 were isolated from a patient with travel to Haiti who develop
3 erized cyclic hexapeptides, antatollamides A (1) and B (2), were isolated from the colonial ascidian Didemnum molle colle
4                                    Aortas and tail arteries were isolated from young (3-4 months) and old (22-24 months)
5                                               Primary ASMCs were isolated from healthy subjects (n = 9) and patients clas
6                                                   Basophils were isolated from the peripheral blood of patient.
7                                                  Live cells were isolated from NPs and matched blood samples for flow cyt
8                                           Mononuclear cells were isolated from blood before treatment, at weeks 4 and 12
9 e the level of DNA DSBs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from blood samples drawn directly before, as we
10 lyses were performed, and, when feasible, mononuclear cells were isolated from fresh, dissociated myocardium for quantita
11                                           Mononuclear cells were isolated from spleen and liver for analysis by flow cyto
12                               Primary ex vivo myeloid cells were isolated from heterozygous patients and transfected with
13 ubation with infected macrophages in vitro and when T cells were isolated from lungs of M. tuberculosis-infected mice, co
14                                    Alloreactive CD4 T cells were isolated from peripheral blood after CD4 donor lymphocyt
15 pressing the light-sensitive ion channel, channelrhodopsin, were isolated from the fetal or postnatal mouse bowel and tra
16                                              RA and SA CMCs were isolated from mouse hearts, expanded in vitro, character
17          Twenty-one small Gram-negative motile coccobacilli were isolated from 15 systemically diseased African bullfrogs
18                                   A total of nine compounds were isolated from the tuber ethanolic extract and structural
19            For studies using organoids, primary enterocytes were isolated from the intestine and transfected with the uc.
20                                                         EVs were isolated from media bathing either apical or basolateral
21                                                    Exosomes were isolated from the culture medium of drug-treated donor c
22                                                    Exosomes were isolated from the culture-conditioned media and delivere
23                                                      Fibers were isolated from diaphragm biopsies of 36 mechanically vent
24                           Pulmonary adventitial fibroblasts were isolated from calves and humans with severe PH (PH-Fibs)
25                                      Monoterpene glycosides were isolated from Gewurztraminer and Riesling juices and win
26                                              c-Kit(+) hCPCs were isolated from cardiac biopsies of multiple HF patients u
27                                                       HESCs were isolated from hysterectomy specimens from normally cycli
28                                                        IECs were isolated from patient tissues and incubated with IL28; s
29                                                       ILC3s were isolated from peripheral blood and palatine tonsils, exp
30                               First, (12)C and (13)C lignin were isolated from nonlabeled and uniformly (13)C labeled whe
31                                                 Macrophages were isolated from cardiac tissue or bone marrow for downstre
32                                         Adjacent microbiota were isolated from biopsies and analyzed by 16S gene sequenci
33                                     Platelets and monocytes were isolated from healthy younger (age <45, n = 37) and olde
34                 In this study, mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) were isolated from palm kernel cake by aqueous extraction usi
35                     METHODS AND Adipose tissue-derived MSCs were isolated from atherosclerotic (n=38) and nonatherosclero
36      By using a combination of all methods, 98 mycobacteria were isolated from 869 samples (11.3%).
37                                                      PASMCs were isolated from patients with PAH and healthy control subj
38            Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from blood of healthy donors.
39                         Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were isolated from whole blood, stimulated with Toll-like rec
40                          Cyclic oligomers of azole peptides were isolated from a multitude of marine organisms and were u
41                           Microbiota DNA and host total RNA were isolated from 189 bronchoalveolar lavages obtained from
42 virus B3 strains with 5'-terminal deletions in genomic RNAs were isolated from a patient suffering from idiopathic dilate
43               Our findings show similar patterns in samples were isolated from forests, and these were distinct from the
44  In the present study 45 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were isolated from Feta-type cheese and were screened for pro
45                                    Meanwhile, three strains were isolated from the sludge in the UASB reactors and identi
46  analyzed CD4(+) forkhead box P3 (Foxp3)(+) Treg cells that were isolated from the lungs of naive BALB/c mice and those t
47 or activity was significantly enhanced in enteric glia that were isolated from mice with long-term morphine treatment (in
48                                          PASMCs and tissues were isolated from nonhypertensive control patients and patie
49 lade highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses were isolated from the case patients and from chicken fecal s
50 sing two distinct, antigen-specific rcSso7d variants, which were isolated from a yeast surface display library via flow c

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