


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1    Presalvage ART Sanger and 454 sequencing of plasma HIV-1 were used to generate separate genotypic sensitivity scores (
2                                              The algorithms were used to generate trees from Poliovirus, Burkholderia and
3 -input-based Logan graphical analysis and spectral analysis were used to generate parametric volume of distribution (VT)
4                        Deep sequencing and de novo assembly were used to generate norovirus genomes from a large set of d
5 omyocytes derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells were used to generate collagen-based bioengineered human card
6             Published, regression-based norms for NC change were used to generate overall change status (decline vs stabl
7                         PCR primers specific to both clades were used to generate 18S amplicons from a range of environme
8                           In addition, some of these clones were used to generate cell culture infectious (HCVcc) clones.
9                        The resulting Pearson's coefficients were used to generate maps representing variation of R5a mobi
10 treolysis with intravitreal ocriplasmin with saline control were used to generate a model for costs of treatment and visu
11 , geometric restraints derived from these experimental data were used to generate an average atomic-scale helical filamen
12                                               The IC50 data were used to generate three-dimensional quantitative pharmaco
13                                    Existing structural data were used to generate a model of the Vta1 VSE in complex with
14                                                  These data were used to generate a basin-wide ecophysiological fingerpri
15                                                  These data were used to generate a model of the DNA-PNA-protein complexe
16                                     Intra-oral examinations were used to generate two common indices of dental caries exp
17                            The most discriminative features were used to generate support vector machine (SVM) classifier
18                                                  Mutant GPs were used to generate a panel of pseudoviruses, which were us
19             Well-characterized electron-transfer inhibitors were used to generate a reduced or an oxidized PQ pool for re
20       Three human CRC cell lines--SW1222, LoVo, and LS174T--were used to generate subcutaneous xenografts, and stably luc
21                                                    Matrices were used to generate a large panel of HLA-C-specific peptide
22                     When Prkar2a(+/-) and Prkar2b(+/-) mice were used to generate Prkar1a(+/-)Prkar2a(+/-) and Prkar1a(+/
23 hysiological stiffness (10 kPa), and Matrigel micropatterns were used to generate physiological shapes (2,000-microm(2) r
24        Similarly, MinC mutants defective in binding to MinD were used to generate heterodimers with wild-type MinC that a
25                             Multilevel and mixture modeling were used to generate dyadic averages and incongruence in pat
26                                       Random effects models were used to generate pooled risk ratios and evaluate heterog
27                      Generalized estimating equation models were used to generate adjusted relative risks (aRR) controlli
28                                                Mixed models were used to generate 48-month recovery curves for each of th
29                       Metastatic breast cancer mouse models were used to generate a diseased splenocyte conditioned media
30 ecular distances on four singly spin-labeled mVDAC1 mutants were used to generate a model of the low-pH dimer, establishi
31          Computational design and experimental optimization were used to generate a novel protein called BINDI that binds
32                   Phage display selections against peptides were used to generate sABs recognizing each LD motif.
33                            These A3H-Vif interaction points were used to generate the first A3H-Vif structure model, whic
34                                              The predictors were used to generate a candidate risk score (CRS).
35             Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to generate the OR of anemia as a function of vitam
36 efinement approach wherein membrane and distance restraints were used to generate an initial NMR structural ensemble, whi
37                                                 The results were used to generate a network model of TERT transcription a
38  control (IC), and in vitro-transcribed DENV and CHIKV RNAs were used to generate standard curves for absolute quantifica
39         Weights provided by the Nationwide Inpatient Sample were used to generate national estimates.
40                                     Monte Carlo simulations were used to generate hazard quotient distributions for nonca
41                    Extensive molecular dynamics simulations were used to generate structural models of bromodomain-histon
42                                              Genotyped SNPs were used to generate data at more than 6 million sites, usin
43     Logistic regression models and correlational statistics were used to generate various indices of judgement "performan
44                                     Two assembly strategies were used to generate core genome multilocus sequence typing
45 tered anatomic MR and CT images of 15 glioblastoma subjects were used to generate the templates.
46        For comparison, both the STP and the STOK techniques were used to generate BC incidence maps in Hangzhou.
47            Illumina, 454 and PacBio sequencing technologies were used to generate de novo and hybrid genome assemblies fo
48 s expected, thus calling into question the assumptions that were used to generate them.
49  (Cirrus; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA) were used to generate 3 x 3-mm(2) OCTA images centered on the
50 ct sets of DNAm differences in each of the disorders, which were used to generate two unique, highly specific and sensiti

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