


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h proceeds on the basis of individual items (whether processed in parallel or not).
2  oxide similar to those of the nonasthmatics whether atopic or not.
3 e which forces dissociation of the substrate whether folded or not.
4 r and release of the encapsulated substrate, whether folded or not.
5 istic aspects of human decision-making about whether to help or not.
6 sage we attempt to project to our teenagers, whether athletes or not.
7 aboratory were tested for Legionella by PCR, whether requested or not.
8 keleton is regulated when a dendrite decides whether to branch or not.
9 e for OS in patients with localized disease, whether resectable or not.
10 an provide new understanding about decisions whether to migrate or not.
11 grateful to receive the lethal prescription, whether it was used or not.
12  likely favor the same M. guttatus genotypes whether CMV is present or not.
13 via a key press after each answer indicating whether it was correct or not.
14 involvement in treatment decision making and whether these were met or not.
15 ronic myeloid leukemia outcome regardless of whether MMR is achieved or not.
16  upon the secondary structure of the RNA and whether O(2) is present or not.
17 ed in an increase in bcl-2 promoter activity whether p53 was present or not.
18 tage of liver disease, extent of cancer, and whether SLT was offered or not.
19 et FVIII in these mice were nearly unchanged whether VWF was present or not.
20 ers with 90% sensitivity and 82% specificity whether LBBB was present or not.
21 atly weakened inhibition by Fe(3+) no matter whether NBD2 was present or not.
22 s exaggerated responses to luminal contents, whether they are harmful or not.
23 les, which could not resolve the question of whether LiNH(2) is planar or not.
24 cells; or attached to the surfaces of cells, whether they are infected or not.
25 nation and retrotranslocation to the cytosol whether carrying N-glycans or not.
26 he contrary, Her-2 reactivity was comparable whether mice expressed DR3 or not.
27 attending to them or turned away, and varied whether she presented food or not.
28                     Patients received an ICD whether they were inducible or not.
29 se metabolism and longevity, it is not known whether this link is causal or not.
30 modulate the signal, they actually determine whether a signal is conveyed or not.
31 and PKA-dependent channel activity no matter whether curcumin was present or not.
32 ion, the fate of these complexes depended on whether the DNA was circular or not.
33 y for association, but it made no difference whether the RNase was folded or not.
34 fer depending on animal gender as well as on whether the tissue was fixed or not.
35 ficant difference in the rate of errant CCCs whether trypan blue was used or not.
36 cy responses to 'Stop' cues, irrespective of whether actions were canceled or not.
37 c plasticity in both adult and aged rodents, whether behaviorally stressed or not.
38 ng the 3'-UTR was much longer (t1/2 = >12 h) whether cells were stimulated or not.
39 s were differentially modulated depending on whether flies were in control or not.
40 ion of [3H]MeTRH in Fq/11 cells was the same whether Gqalpha was expressed or not.
41 re, the activity following the shift encoded whether it resulted in reward or not.
42                Peb1p is found in peroxisomes whether thiolase is expressed or not.
43 tion in a sequence was similar regardless of whether the action was correct or not.
44 nts who receive transplants, irrespective of whether they develop nephritis or not.
45 dependent manner, unexpected questions about whether they recently ate food or not.
46 patient's surgeon before the patient decided whether to accept randomization or not.
47 g social interaction that was independent of whether behavior was coordinated or not.
48 eptors exhibiting extensive desensitization, whether fast phases were present or not.
49  in redo patients was the same regardless of whether C. pneumoniae was present or not.
50 did not differ from placebo and were similar whether cocaine-cues were present or not.
51 ntly greater in epileptic than control rats, whether rats maintained cyclicity or not.
52 sition of every stimulus during every trial, whether that stimulus was visible or not.
53 frontal cortex, while human subjects decided whether visual objects were faces or not.
54 een pro-MMPs and active MMPs, which indicate whether a treatment is efficacious or not.
55      However, coliform colonization occurred whether lactobacilli produced H2O2 or not.
56 4 lysozyme proteins are essentially the same whether under an enzymatic reaction or not.
57  rapidly into different shapes regardless of whether mitochondrial fission ensues or not.
58 tio, 1.63; 99% CI, 1.50-1.77), regardless of whether service members had deployed or not.
59 gher PC values than other distance measures, whether the bottleneck effect exists or not.
60 ductive number of a disease which determines whether an endemic equilibrium exists or not.
61 ted in survival and success rate of implants whether GBR procedures were performed or not.
62 ical determinants correspond biologically to whether strains compete for resources or not.
63  viral translation was normal, regardless of whether cells were previously infected or not.
64 between populations but was not predicted by whether the population was continental or not.
65             Uncleaved gp140s remain trimeric whether SOSIP substitutions are present or not.
66 e literature on photoisomerization reactions whether involving conformational changes or not.
67 s contacted PC pairs similarly regardless of whether they were synaptically connected or not.
68 ompeted their isogenic asexual counterparts, whether meiotic recombination had occurred or not.
69 consolidated (stable) or labile according to whether they withstand amnestic treatment, or not.
70         Two groups were established based on whether preoperative antibiotics were given or not.
71 ssion height after 6 months independently of whether citric acid was applied or not (2.79+/-0.79 vers
72 Our study reveals that SERS can (1) identify whether hair was artificially dyed or not, (2) determine
73 ce or were presumed capable of impregnation (whether they tried or not), 41 (65%) were successful.
74 evascularized patients, survival was similar whether myocardium was viable or not (88% and 71% surviv
75                                              Whether to perform or not an immediate percutaneous coro
76  resulted in a change from pre- to post-test whether the bodies were aspirational or not) and also so
77 usion proteins to Cbl occurred regardless of whether Cbl was tyrosine-phosphorylated or not, and the
78  The technique is applicable to RNA and DNA, whether modified, or not, and is demonstrated using modi
79 imulation also increased HTLV-1 transmission whether p12 was expressed or not, and inversely, that th
80 MP.PNP + Mg2+ but not with ADP + Mg2+ bound, whether Pi was present or not, and not when nucleotide b
81                 One important issue concerns whether repetition attenuation is automatic or not, and
82   Participants and examiners were blinded to whether stimulation was active or not, and the order of
83 formed in these patients in our institution, whether the patients had symptoms or not, and compared t
84                However, they do not consider whether the PBSs are functional or not, and consequently
85 ir clinical presentation varies depending on whether the tumor is functional or not, and also accordi
86          The systemic determinant relates to whether there is organ failure or not, and if present, w
87  were rapidly processed into phagolysosomes, whether MA had been included or not; and iii) nanopartic
88 ollowed by pH drop, is the same kinetically, whether the boron is there or not; and (2) NMR showed th
89  of genes, but the mechanisms that determine whether a gene is targeted or not are poorly understood.
90  that the vast majority of dendritic spines, whether CAMK+ or not, arise from pyramidal cells.
91 only modest predictive ability for bleeding, whether on vitamin K antagonist or not (c-statistic appr
92                                              Whether the sequence is homogeneous or not can be answer
93 osine 5'-(beta,gamma-methylene)triphosphate, whether hexokinase-treated or not, causes a slight enhan
94 sms are poorly understood, and it is unknown whether autophagy affects only whether or not cells die
95                                              Whether unique to humans or not, consciousness is a cent
96                         Normal erythrocytes, whether treated with PDBu or not, did not adhere to the
97             We show that ubiquitinated N-htt-whether aggregated or not-did not choke or clog the prot
98                                              Whether a SB was present or not, discordant alternans pr
99                         This effect occurred whether the mother was isolated or not during the rehous
100 y consist of two distinct types dependent on whether they display rhythmicity or not during locomotio
101                                In all cases, whether activated or not, expression mimicked that of th
102 onal cue on each trial informed participants whether they would be punished or not for forgetting an
103 n status, smoking status, date of death, and whether death was AIDS-related or not from 23 European a
104 e results showed that the FA and GIC groups, whether aged or not, had significantly smaller outer les
105 allogeneic stimulation, we demonstrate that, whether under inflammatory conditions or not, hCPC do no
106                                     However, whether cVL is predictive or not hinges on difficult cho
107 ining short chain fatty acids were antigenic whether oxidized or not in the sn-2 position.
108 presence of both the Rem NBD and C-terminus (whether membrane-targeted or not) in one molecule is suf
109 nts with cancer with a range of tumor types, whether receiving chemotherapy or not, indicate that dar
110 ion of selected S. pombe genes revealed that whether a gene is essential or not is correlated with th
111                                              Whether two filaments bundle or not is determined by the
112         We conclude that RNA binding by Gag, whether the RNA is viral or not, is critical to retrovir
113 ctly for any bacterial species regardless of whether an assembled genome exists or not, it is not as
114                           Because it applies whether RyR3 is present or not, it is this exclusion by
115 g illness, patient autonomy in the choice of whether to know, or not know, one's genetic make-up rema
116        Evidence presented here suggests that whether an allele is suppressible or not may depend upon
117                                HO-1 protein, whether it was enzymatically active or not, mediated act
118          SSRI exposure during late pregnancy-whether a causal factor or not-might identify women who
119 agonists do not trigger their degranulation, whether SHIP is present or not, nor do they enhance IgE
120  of urine specimens from asymptomatic women, whether pregnant or not, offers a sensitive and easy met
121                                              Whether cells will migrate or not on a given substratum,
122  after surgery in KT recipients according to whether they were or not on dialysis before transplantat
123  and BMI differed significantly depending on whether individuals were obese or not (P = .02).
124 hese data indicate that accumulation of p27, whether related to the UPR or not, prevents the phosphor
125 methods were applied to these data sets, and whether they detected or not recombination was recorded.
126 e expressions, retaining only information on whether a gene is expressed or not, reduces the variabil
127 ctric current at tail stumps correlates with whether tails regenerate or not (regenerating stage 40-i
128 l Infarction (TIMI) major bleeding episodes, whether related or not related to coronary-artery bypass
129                                              Whether caffeine was present or not, release activated b
130                          In fact, all cells, whether they have centrosomes or not, rely on chromatin-
131                     Nearly 12% of all youth (whether a user or not) reported lifetime incoming/outgoi
132 h JHM S, the expression of HE, regardless of whether it retained esterase activity or not, resulted i
133                                              Whether M184V was present or not, RT did not initially b
134                                All bacteria, whether expressing EspA filaments or not, showed equival
135 ithin entire protein pathways, regardless of whether they physically interact or not, so long as ther
136 e similar data for base atomic interactions, whether base paired or not, support the importance of st
137 h, enabling the targeted discovery of genes, whether previously known or not, that are involved in an
138                                 Furthermore, whether intended or not, the term 'shear' is often inter
139 ptionally active closed pocket conformation, whether occupied by ligand or not, the latter state (clo
140                            Thus depending on whether rats initiated movement or not, the activity of
141 thocyanin inductive conditions regardless of whether anthocyanins are formed or not, this system prov
142 er enhance or suppress learning depending on whether those stimuli are distracting or not to the subj
143 a mucosectomy and hand-sewn anastomosis, and whether to divert or not to divert in patients with CUC
144                               They determine whether macroscopic I(CRAC) activates or not, to what ex
145 mploys isolated pairs and the ends of stems, whether pseudoknotted or not, to define junction loops.
146 second sound-producing species regardless of whether it was chemically protected or not, verifying bo
147                                Baseline IOP, whether adjusted for CCT or not, was statistically signi
148 ange wt oriCs for mutated ones regardless of whether they are functional origins or not, we have dete
149 ted a health facility in the last 12 months (whether received family planning information or not) wer
150 ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for whether by AH or not were estimated.
151  possessed a truncated or nonsialylated LOS, whether capsulated or not, were more sensitive to the in
152 of recombinant full-length Ure2p are similar whether they have been lyophilized or not (wet or dry).
153 t to the nonaggregating forms, regardless of whether cells had inclusions or not, whereas 72Q was alm
154 nOX presented different effects depending on whether CuOX existed in catalysts or not, which was also
155 s retained similar phenotype irrespective of whether cells were treated or not with IL-27.
156 bination of bortezomib and DC, regardless of whether the DC were loaded or not with a tumor Ag.

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