


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hospholipid-containing membrane structures ('whorls').
2 autonomous inhibitor of DEF activity in this whorl.
3 ional stamen primordia interior to the third whorl.
4 sia, the diaphragm is derived from the petal whorl.
5  to AGAMOUS (AG) misexpression in the second whorl.
6  phenotypes observed in the first and second whorls.
7 incisures, disordered ROS tips, and membrane whorls.
8 d at the boundaries between different floral whorls.
9 pecially in the 2nd (petal) and 3rd (stamen) whorls.
10 rtitioned into four developmentally distinct whorls.
11 mber and several defects in each of the four whorls.
12 wer number of internal vesicles and membrane whorls.
13  B and C gene expression in the reproductive whorls.
14 sformation of floral organs in the outer two whorls.
15 oncentric regions of floral meristems called whorls.
16 ntagonize the C-function in the outer floral whorls.
17 plays a role in repression of plena in outer whorls.
18  control organ separation within and between whorls.
19 e and the production of small electron-dense whorls.
20 promoter early and globally in newly forming whorls.
21 andom reduction of organs in the outer three whorls.
22 r stamens) but decreased allocation to other whorls.
23 k into multiple, micrometer-sized concentric whorls.
24 undaries of homeotic gene expression between whorls.
25 (AP2) promotes sepal and petal identities in whorls 1 and 2 and restricts the expression of the C-cla
26 ession of the C-class gene AGAMOUS (AG) from whorls 1 and 2.
27 sual B class mutant that exhibits defects in whorl 2 where sepals develop in place of petals, but thi
28  makes a major contribution to morphology in whorl 2, irrespective of the allele.
29 ults in homeotic conversions of floral organ whorls 2 and 3 into sepals and carpelloid structures, re
30 xhibit equivalent phenotypic defects in both whorls 2 and 3.
31 n all three layers of the floral meristem in whorls 2 and 3.
32 ification of the boundary between stamens in whorl 3 and carpels in whorl 4, as superman mutants exhi
33 /carpel whorl boundary (the boundary between whorl 3 and whorl 4) in Arabidopsis.
34 al and spatial patterns of SUP expression in whorl 3 floral meristems.
35 st L1 expression is largely unable to rescue whorl 3, possibly because of a non-autonomous inhibitor
36 hange in whorl 4 or the overproliferation of whorl 3.
37 uit that creates the correct position of the whorl 3/whorl 4 boundary.
38  creates the correct position of the whorl 3/whorl 4 boundary.
39 s originate from an organ identity change in whorl 4 or the overproliferation of whorl 3.
40 l boundary (the boundary between whorl 3 and whorl 4) in Arabidopsis.
41 ry between stamens in whorl 3 and carpels in whorl 4, as superman mutants exhibit supernumerary stame
42 mens in superman mutants arise from cells in whorl 4, which change their fate from female to male, wh
43 ailed to accumulate miR172 in the developing whorls, although accumulation was detected at the base o
44  boundaries between organ primordia within a whorl and boundaries of homeotic gene expression between
45 tion become restricted to the equator of the whorl and then to patches which define where secondary t
46 ed species in that the flowers have only two whorls and are truly unisexual.
47 tant 'Pukekohe dwarf' with multiple perianth whorls and extended petaloid features.
48 s were found to be non-random around the two whorls and four generalizations relating the marked and
49 elops independently from the orthodox floral whorls and is best interpreted as a late elaboration of
50 ng the mutant channels accumulate membranous whorls and multicompartment vacuoles, hallmarks of degen
51 display remarkable floral phenotypes: floral whorls and organ numbers are reduced and the floral orga
52                                         Hair whorls and other macroscopic hair patterns are found in
53 nes can cause swirling patterns indicated by whorls and tufts of hairs in the wings and the abdomen o
54 tereotyped whorls on the hind feet, variable whorls and tufts on the head, and misorientation of hair
55 ese proteins induced formation of karmellae, whorls, and crystalloid OSER structures.
56 ransference of petal function between floral whorls, and recurrent petal evolution.
57 ir follicles is disrupted, leading to waves, whorls, and tufts, each comprising many hundreds of hair
58  all traits studied (shell height, number of whorls, and two variables obtained from geometric morpho
59   These inclusions were composed of membrane whorls, apparently derived from the ER.
60 hat the radial symmetries that emerge in the whorl are established by a system of positional coordina
61  late in development, after the other floral whorls are fully developed.
62 s interesting that adjacent petal and stamen whorls are most strongly affected.
63 the microtubules form loose bundles that are whorled around the nucleus.
64 s in which leaf primordia are initiated in a whorled arrangement.
65 s and organs, supernumerary organs in floral whorls, arrested development of axillary meristems, late
66  differentiation of a distinct second floral whorl as opposed to specifying petal identity per se.
67 al part of the TCA pathway, and form a dense whorl at the border between dorsal and ventral thalamus.
68   The detection of LEUNIG mRNA in all floral whorls at the time of their inception suggests that the
69 nts display skin defects including linear or whorled atrophic and pigmentary lesions, striated hyperk
70 involved in maintenance of the stamen/carpel whorl boundary (the boundary between whorl 3 and whorl 4
71 ess the transcription of AG in the inner two whorls, but instead counteracts AG activity.
72 on of a membrane structure, identified as ER whorls by electron microscopy.
73 made and found to be a ridge with the fourth whorl carpels at the summit and the first whorl transver
74   The loss of petal identity in these second whorl cells does not result from ectopic AG expression,
75 cluding repression of AGAMOUS (AG) in second whorl cells, promotion of petal epidermal cell identity,
76 redundantly with AP2 to repress AG in second whorl cells.
77                        The first (outermost) whorl consists of four sepals and the fourth (innermost)
78 ry of AG expression, rbe enhanced the second-whorl defects present in ap2-1, lug-1 and clf-2 mutants.
79 eins was localized to the centres of the RNA whorls, demonstrating significant partitioning of viral
80 acts non-cell-autonomously to inhibit second whorl development in ufo mutants.
81 ver another role for UFO in promoting second whorl development.
82  A. J. S. Klar between counterclockwise hair whorl direction and homosexuality in men, using more obj
83                                         Hair whorl direction is a somatic feature that is organized e
84 ween heterosexual and homosexual men in hair whorl direction, but the authors did replicate the frate
85 dentity gene but is restricted to the 'third whorl' domain in the flower.
86 sepals and reduced organ numbers in all four whorls, especially in the 2nd (petal) and 3rd (stamen) w
87 ur floral organ types arranged in concentric whorls exists across all flowering plant (angiosperm) sp
88 notably in the pattern of lines, swirls, and whorls first noted by the dermatologist Alfred Blaschko.
89  B class function specifies second and third whorl floral organ identity as described in the classic
90 leaf/stem separation and in first- and third-whorl floral organ separation, with FFO3 likely acting t
91 whorl floral organs), paleas (putative first whorl floral organs), and floral meristems.
92 s are expressed in ovules, lodicules (second whorl floral organs), paleas (putative first whorl flora
93 s to control the number of third- and fourth-whorl floral organs.
94 re, perennial life cycle, and dioecious, two-whorled flowers.
95 , cytoplasmic vacuoles and larger membranous whorls form, and the cell swells.
96                        Membrane stacking and whorl formation coincided with a marked slowing of coat
97                                 Furthermore, whorl formation driven by exogenous expression of an ER
98 digital photographs of parietal surface hair whorls from 100 heterosexual men and 100 homosexual men
99 duction of multiple flowers within one sepal whorl, fusion of sepals and petals, and conversion of se
100 y laminar floral organs in the second floral whorl, have been shown to be under similar genetic contr
101  more specific role for FUL2 in outer floral whorl identity.
102 33-kD cysteine proteinase accumulates in the whorl in response to larval feeding.
103 elineates the boundaries of the third floral whorl in S. latifolia flowers.
104  expression of AGAMOUS (AG) to the inner two whorls in Arabidopsis thaliana.
105 l abnormalities and accumulation of membrane whorls in both vacuoles and the sarco- (endo-) plasmic r
106            The presence of additional floral whorls in flowers ectopically expressing APETALA3 and PI
107 tively correlated with counterclockwise hair whorls in heterosexual men.
108 sphorus, and biomass allocation among floral whorls in recombinant inbred lines of Brassica rapa in m
109 /eosin staining of rd7 tissue shows that the whorls in the outer nuclear layer of the retina do not a
110 y retinal dysplasia manifesting as folds and whorls in the photoreceptor layer.
111 lcholine mass and the appearance of membrane whorls in these cells.
112 d the differentially expressed genes between whorls in wild and cultivated Camellia.
113 s the C-function to the inner petunia floral whorls, in parallel with the microRNA BLINDBEN belongs t
114 into a genetic model explaining early second whorl initiation/proliferation, in which UFO functions t
115 ts of four sepals and the fourth (innermost) whorl is made up of two carpels.
116   Findings leading to the diagnosis included whorl-like epitheliopathy, corneal conjunctivalization,
117 ings included loss of limbal architecture, a whorl-like epitheliopathy, or an opaque epithelium arisi
118 ep135 resulted in the accumulation of unique whorl-like particles in both the centrosome and the cyto
119 organization into stacked and concentrically whorled membranes, but the underlying mechanisms and fun
120 h strict boundaries at the second and fourth whorls, Men-9 gene expression therefore delineates the b
121 was initially expressed throughout the inner whorl meristem in female and male flowers, its spatial e
122           Here we show that a major event in whorl morphogenesis is the activation of a prestalk-spec
123 d activity of LEUNIG in the outer two floral whorls must depend on interactions with other spatially
124 d third whorl of sepals surrounding a fourth whorl of carpels, or three whorls of sepals surrounding
125 target genes to specify the identity of each whorl of floral organs.
126 e apical meristem, the floral meristem, each whorl of organ primordia, and in ovule primordia during
127                     The organs in the second whorl of pAP3::AG flowers either fail to develop or deve
128 two whorls of sepals with a diminished third whorl of sepals surrounding a fourth whorl of carpels, o
129 t downregulation of AqAP3-2 in the innermost whorl of stamens was a critical step in the evolution of
130              MIP1 is expressed in the fourth whorl of the flower, in an overlapping temporal and spat
131 fertilised gynoecium formed in the innermost whorl of the flower, is the reproductive organ and one o
132 motor, AGAMOUS is misexpressed in the second whorl of the flower.
133 pic AGAMOUS mRNA expression in the outer two whorls of a flower, leading to homeotic transformations
134 ssors repress miR172 expression in the outer whorls of A. thaliana flowers.
135 topic expression of AG and SEP3 in the outer whorls of flowers.
136 ound to control the development of the inner whorls of flowers.
137        Fall armyworm larvae feed in enclosed whorls of maize plants, where frass accumulates over ext
138 ntained increased numbers of neurofilaments, whorls of membrane, and accumulations of debris resembli
139 S) disc shedding, accumulation of debris and whorls of membranes at the RPE-OS interface, transient s
140  the lens, they had a flattened profile with whorls of membranous material and nucleic acid accumulat
141 abidopsis flower consists of four concentric whorls of organs.
142 e that includes two morphologically distinct whorls of petaloid organs and a clearly differentiated f
143 auliflower mosaic virus consist of two outer whorls of petals and inner whorls of stamens.
144 normal morphological development of the four whorls of primary floral organs.
145                                              Whorls of rhabdomeral membrane break into vesicles and f
146 rounding a fourth whorl of carpels, or three whorls of sepals surrounding abnormal carpels.
147 l variability, with flowers containing three whorls of sepals surrounding fertile carpels, two whorls
148 s of sepals surrounding fertile carpels, two whorls of sepals with a diminished third whorl of sepals
149        Flowers are organized into concentric whorls of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, with each
150                           They produce extra whorls of stamens, and an indefinite number of carpels.
151 sist of two outer whorls of petals and inner whorls of stamens.
152 re not required for repression of C in outer whorls of the flower.
153 tic organ identity phenotype in all the four whorls of the flowers, the endosperm development is seve
154 l and radially symmetric, with more than two whorls of three separate perianth organs each (undiffere
155 ach (undifferentiated tepals), more than two whorls of three separate stamens each, and more than fiv
156 on, organs present in the outer three floral whorls often have abnormal morphology.
157 eletion of the Fz6 gene produces stereotyped whorls on the hind feet, variable whorls and tufts on th
158                               Enhanced first-whorl organ fusion in ap2-2 rbe-3, ant-4 rbe-3 and cuc2-
159 that of the wild type: after the outer three-whorl organ primordia have initiated, the remaining cent
160 pathway is required regardless of the second whorl organ to be formed, arguing that it affects a basi
161 that causes filamentous, mispositioned outer whorl organs and reduced numbers of malformed stamens in
162                      In pi-5 flowers, second whorl organs develop as sepals rather than petals, but t
163  in the angiosperms and expression in second whorl organs in monocots.
164                 In the development of second-whorl organs, RBE acts in the same pathway and downstrea
165  ap3 bnq3 double mutant displays pale second-whorl organs, supporting the hypothesis that BNQ3 is dow
166 ant pinoid, producing flowers with few outer whorl organs.
167 llele "random-recessive model" for both hair-whorl orientation and handedness trait inheritance is de
168 a person's preferred hand and the scalp hair-whorl orientation developed on the head.
169  (1) that a single gene controls handedness, whorl orientation, and twin concordance and discordance
170 y dense in 3 aniridia cases, and a prominent whorl pattern of nerves and epithelial cells was observe
171 a sarcomatoid morphology of spindle cells in whorled patterns and metastasized to the lungs.
172                          We find that second-whorl petals in rbe mutants can be replaced with stamino
173 d meristem, in which leaves are initiated in whorled phyllotaxis and without axillary meristems, both
174 s, carbon, and nitrogen allocation to female whorls (pistils and sepals) decreased under high density
175 ornroschen-like-2 (drnl-2), results in third whorl positions developing as filamentous organs.
176 epal, stamen, and carpel at each of the four whorls, respectively, thus unveiling a role of SlDELLA i
177 y right-handers (RH), shows counterclockwise whorl rotation infrequently in 8.4% of individuals.
178 ion to the biologically specified scalp hair-whorl rotation is determined here.
179 ch currency were positively correlated among whorls, selection to improve fitness through female (or
180 AG1 and TAGL1 act together to repress fourth whorl sepal development, most likely through the MACROCA
181 f third whorl sepal-petal-stamens and fourth whorl sepal-carpels.
182 1 and HUA2, leads to the production of third whorl sepal-petal-stamens and fourth whorl sepal-carpels
183 ode trans-acting factors required for second-whorl-specific APETALA3 expression.
184 ever, what controls this predominantly inner whorl-specific expression of miR172 is not known.
185 served phenotype is not due to disruption of whorl-specific homeotic genes, AP3 or PISTILLATA, respon
186 the production of intercellular signals in a whorl-specific manner.
187 ion canalization of key functions; the faded whorl specification mechanism was fundamental under the
188   Despite the key principle of ABCE model in whorl specification, the underlying mechanism of fine-tu
189 wild-type flowers at stage 6, when the third-whorl stamen primordia have formed.
190 sepals develop in place of petals, but third whorl stamens are most often normal.
191 elop as sepals rather than petals, but third whorl stamens are normal.
192 erial organized as exaggerated multilamellar whorls, striated belts and 'fingerprint bodies'.
193 ce of a radially symmetric prepattern on the whorl surface.
194 inking the evolution of lodicules and second whorl tepal/petals of monocots.
195 etala flowers contain more floral organs and whorls than wild-type plants, phenotypes that correlate
196                      In the sepal and carpel whorls the smallest sectors of marked and unmarked tissu
197  abundant in the yellow-green portion of the whorl-the normal site of larval feeding and the tissue t
198 monstrates that AG is required in the fourth whorl to make a flower determinate.
199 (but not the C-function) in the first floral whorl, together with BEN We propose a combinatorial mode
200  of a 1927 study on the genetics of the hair-whorl trait, support for a recent single gene, two-allel
201 th whorl carpels at the summit and the first whorl transverse sepal pair at the base.
202 reas APETALA3 is expressed at high levels in whorls two and three.
203                                        These whorls undergo a morphogenetic transformation from spher
204 he 33-kDa cysteine protease in the maize mid-whorl was correlated with a significant reduction in cat
205 ise direction (for which no more than 1 hair whorl was present) by 2 raters unaware of sexual orienta
206            Cell fate in the first and fourth whorls was studied using X-ray-induced yellow ch-42 sect
207 ng to the level of protein expression, these whorls were composed of parallel dense lines arranged in
208 a greater extent of organ loss in all floral whorls were observed in the seuss leunig double mutants.
209 ana, miR172 is expressed in the inner floral whorls where it downregulates the class A gene APETALA 2
210 own for its function in the outer two floral whorls, where it specifies the identities of sepals and
211  is expressed in the third and fourth floral whorls, whereas APETALA3 is expressed at high levels in
212  located between the perianth and the stamen whorl, which, although developed to varying degrees amon
213 ns show vacuoles, membranous infoldings, and whorls with associated amorphous tau accumulations and a
214 the PVX RNA was concentrated in distinctive 'whorls' within the VRC.
215 anscripts predominantly in the inner, sexual whorl, within developing ovules of female flowers and an

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