


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) is widely accepted.
2 formation and progression of tumors has been widely accepted.
3 th nonshockable initial rhythms has not been widely accepted.
4 es that would change the static view that is widely accepted.
5 e used routinely in cataract surgery and are widely accepted.
6 ntake increases drinking and urine volume is widely accepted.
7  and light meals, and 8 h for heavy meals is widely accepted.
8 re critical to a drug's efficacy is becoming widely accepted.
9 urons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) is widely accepted.
10 TLA-4 and a reduction in diabetes has become widely accepted.
11  human presence by 47,000 years ago (47 kya) widely accepted [1, 2].
12 rial theory of aging remains one of the most widely accepted aging theories and implicates mitochondr
13 the tested conditions challenges the current widely accepted anaerobic digestion model (ADM1), which
14                    Efforts by RANO have been widely accepted and are increasingly being used in neuro
15                   This mechanistic scheme is widely accepted and continues to generate insights relat
16     The claim that human newborns imitate is widely accepted and influential.
17 igenesis and cancer progression, is becoming widely accepted and recent evidence has suggested a prog
18 actory bulb and hippocampal dentate gyrus is widely accepted and stroke-induced generation of striata
19              Beta-glucan is a polysaccharide widely accepted and used as a functional ingredient due
20 ation classification is the one that is most widely accepted and used.
21 n in understanding cellular processes is now widely accepted, and a variety of simulation algorithms
22             In the functionally relevant and widely accepted animal models of metastasis, mouse and c
23   One alternative is the permutation test, a widely accepted approximation to the exact finite sample
24                   Lipofectamine reagents are widely accepted as "gold-standard" for the safe delivery
25 degradation pathway whose dysfunction is now widely accepted as a cause of neurodegenerative diseases
26 ational switching in RNA riboswitches is now widely accepted as a critical regulatory mechanism for g
27 nt and cost-effective crop production; it is widely accepted as a critically important trait determin
28   Until recently, inclusive fitness has been widely accepted as a general method to explain the evolu
29 t of shrinking toward overall average is now widely accepted as a good practice for improving statist
30 ctomy Versus Stenting Trial (CREST) has been widely accepted as a landmark trial establishing an equi
31                        PECAM-1 was therefore widely accepted as a major negative regulator of platele
32 itioned danger cue) to resembling stimuli is widely accepted as a pathogenic marker of posttraumatic
33                           But in order to be widely accepted as a routine procedure in an organic syn
34     Change in forced vital capacity (FVC) is widely accepted as a surrogate for mortality and is the
35                         : Simulators are now widely accepted as a training tool, but there is insuffi
36 ous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation is widely accepted as an optimal therapeutic option for pat
37 t ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are now widely accepted as an option for patients with advanced
38 ile form of titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been widely accepted as commercially economical candidate sub
39   While endothelial cells and leucocytes are widely accepted as critical players in the microvascular
40 phan (W972) in the C-terminal alpha-helix is widely accepted as essential for E2 recruitment and inte
41                             Mother's milk is widely accepted as nutritious and protective to the newb
42 e biology of many bacterial pathogens and is widely accepted as playing a crucial role in disease pat
43 th ceramics-namely, alumina and zirconia-are widely accepted as reliable alternatives to traditional
44                 No effect has therefore been widely accepted as scientifically proven.
45 f the native transthyretin (TTR) tetramer is widely accepted as the critical step in TTR amyloid fibr
46                     PET/CT with (18)F-FDG is widely accepted as the diagnostic standard of care.
47                          Polymerase delta is widely accepted as the lagging strand replicative DNA po
48 Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has been widely accepted as the main mediator of WDS.
49 -cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence are widely accepted as the major mechanisms by which p53 inh
50                    Chromatin "remodeling" is widely accepted as the mechanism that permits access to
51      Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are widely accepted as the preferred study design for evalua
52 pe dilution (SID) is increasingly becoming a widely accepted assay for the quantification of proteins
53                                            A widely-accepted assumption is that the sensory organ is
54 ent experimental evidence is challenging the widely accepted axiom that RSV is cleared from immunocom
55                              One of the most widely accepted axioms of mammalian reproductive biology
56  without treatment, were quantified by three widely accepted behavioral measures completed by parents
57 n neuroscience and treatment development, no widely accepted biomarkers are available to inform diagn
58                                          The widely accepted but poorly quantified importance of thes
59                           The hypothesis was widely accepted, but experimental demonstration of the t
60 one remodeling and vascular calcification is widely accepted, but the precise mechanisms of calcifica
61                        To be efficacious and widely accepted by physicians and patients, therapeutic
62                                We modify the widely accepted CB Nanotool hazard evaluation framework,
63 negative tumors, who will receive one of the widely-accepted chemotherapy regimens.
64 ed a prognostic role that was independent of widely accepted clinical and genetic risk factors.
65 nt prostate cancer has been established as a widely accepted clinical indication for PSMA ligand PET/
66                  Our method outperformed the widely accepted clinical tool CAPRA-S in the cases we in
67                            Unfortunately, no widely accepted control framework is currently available
68                  We investigated whether two widely accepted cutoff values of PaO2/FIO2 and positive
69 owever, these frameworks require a solid and widely accepted definition of teaching on which to build
70                            In the absence of widely accepted diagnostic criteria for VP pathological
71 zed in clinical practice, there is a lack of widely accepted diagnostic criteria.
72                        Path 1, resembles the widely accepted dianionic transition-state (TS) general
73 r, contrary to the expected results from the widely accepted drift-diffusion model, and that localiza
74 ds to a violation of trends predicted by the widely accepted electronic 'd-band' model.
75                    This result disproves the widely accepted explanation for the shortcoming of curre
76                                            A widely accepted explanation for this peak in coal produc
77 ediates this complication is unknown but one widely accepted explanation is that AML depletes the BM
78 y of multiple sclerosis remains unknown, the widely accepted explanation is that it has an autoimmune
79 sed (V Se -V Cu ) divacancy model presents a widely accepted explanation.
80                Groups were validated using 3 widely accepted external validators: peripheral physiolo
81 cross-reactivity among different fishes is a widely accepted feature of fish allergy, associations wi
82 GDD) in the treatment of glaucoma has become widely accepted for cases of refractory glaucoma.
83 ining methods that have been established and widely accepted for nearly a century and are focused on
84                      Ionizing radiation is a widely accepted form of treatment for various types of c
85 isting knowledge on cancer is to utilize the widely accepted framework of the Hallmarks of Cancer.
86 aluate our method using a number of the most widely accepted gene-specific and cross-gene family benc
87                                    Following widely accepted guidance, such as Cochrane or Institute
88 roteins tend to cause the same disease, this widely accepted "guilt-by-association" principle does no
89 n some cases are different from those of the widely accepted H2A/H2B and H3/H4 dimer pairs.
90                          Being linked to the widely accepted hallmarks of cancer, ICTs represent nove
91 ation of the BLM but is also consistent with widely accepted hardness-dependent WQC in terms of devel
92                                     The most widely accepted hypothesis designed to explain AD pathog
93                                            A widely accepted hypothesis is that dying cells in the gr
94                           This questions the widely accepted hypothesis that multiple K(+) ions in th
95 375 additional noncoding RNAs, challenge the widely accepted hypothesis that the MSY is gene poor and
96    Combining the new interpretation with the widely accepted hypothesis that the Progonomys clade inc
97                                  Despite the widely accepted importance of facilitated diffusion in p
98 s that modify thermoregulatory responses are widely accepted in animal but not human thermoregulation
99 s that modify thermoregulatory responses are widely accepted in animal but not human thermoregulation
100 ck hampering siRNA therapies from being more widely accepted in clinical practice is its insufficient
101                       Whereas adaptationism, widely accepted in evolutionary biology, gives primacy t
102 rgely seen as a philosophical topic, but not widely accepted in mainstream neuroscience.
103 information about external sensory inputs is widely accepted in neuroscience.
104                                  It has been widely accepted in practice in radiology in academic and
105  preserves the oxo palladium catalytic cycle widely accepted in the literature, is presented.
106                  Microwave ablation has been widely accepted in treating bone tumor.
107 analysis of human cirrhotic liver specimens, widely accepted in vivo animal models of portal hyperten
108 oned media; however, this model has not been widely accepted, in part owing to a lack of proof for a
109 ent of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), the most widely accepted indicator of long-term glycemic exposure
110 fects on the human brain, there are still no widely accepted injury criteria for humans.
111                   Moreover, despite Darwin's widely accepted interpretation of coiled tendrils as sof
112 ranslocation of ions with water has become a widely accepted ion conduction mechanism for potassium c
113 recently showed to be favored over Wynberg's widely accepted ion pair-hydrogen bonding model and repr
114  in at least two senses--to denote a body of widely accepted laws or principles, as in "Darwinian the
115      Global temperature targets, such as the widely accepted limit of an increase above pre-industria
116   Carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) is a widely accepted marker of subclinical atherosclerosis.
117   Particle-tracking microrheology (PTM) is a widely accepted means of determining the viscoelastic pr
118    The detection of community structure is a widely accepted means of investigating the principles go
119                             Low tension is a widely accepted mechanism for recognizing errors , but w
120  Theoretical predictions of KIEs exclude the widely accepted mechanism of enamine formation via intra
121 upport for two modes of nucleoid action: the widely accepted mechanism of nucleoid exclusion in organ
122                                  Here, three widely accepted metagenomic tools were employed to study
123         (68)Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT scanning is a widely accepted method for imaging of neuroendocrine tum
124            Kidney transplantation (KTx) is a widely accepted method of renal function replacement the
125   Observational studies in critical care met widely accepted methodological standards for propensity
126                    The Poisson equation is a widely accepted model for electrostatic analysis.
127 lowing chronic unpredictable stress (CUS), a widely accepted model for major depressive disorder.
128           MicroRNA-134 (miR-134) serves as a widely accepted model for microRNA function in synaptic
129                               Recently, this widely accepted model has been challenged using quantita
130                                However, this widely accepted model has lacked substantiation.
131                                     The most widely accepted model of evolutionary change, the Modern
132                                          The widely accepted model of G1 cell cycle progression propo
133                                            A widely accepted model posits that LTP requires the cytop
134                                         In a widely accepted model, the steroid receptor RNA activato
135                                            A widely-accepted model purports that ubiquitinated PCNA r
136                                          The widely-accepted model to date, the Willis cluster based
137                        Our results challenge widely accepted models of tissue specialization and sign
138                              Until now, this widely accepted monotonic excitation energy drop as the
139 histicated signaling system, questioning the widely accepted notion that emotion communication is com
140 e the temporal window of integration being a widely accepted notion, its neurophysiological substrate
141 s may not be favoring cooperation, as is the widely-accepted notion, but rather disfavoring defection
142 ycorrhizal interactions, and which challenge widely-accepted notions of optimum allocation, can eluci
143 e specificity in plant adaptive responses is widely accepted, only a limited number of studies have a
144 0.5), and NICS(1), respectively, support the widely accepted order of aromaticities thiophene > pyrro
145  role of optimal surgical resection of LM is widely accepted, our results confirm that an optimal att
146                                          The widely accepted paradigm for classifying the mode of att
147                                            A widely accepted paradigm in cancer research holds that t
148        This observation is the basis for the widely accepted paradigm that the acyl chain composition
149                    However, contrary to this widely accepted paradigm, we report evidence from seven
150                                   Currently, widely accepted phylogenetic approaches are based on mul
151 mental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a widely accepted preclinical model of chronic MS.
152   Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation is a widely accepted primary treatment modality for many pati
153 nd stromal invasion of tumor cells represent widely accepted processes leading up to the intravasatio
154                                 There are no widely accepted prognostic indices for extranodal margin
155 tic leukemia (CMML) is highly variable but a widely accepted prognostic scoring system for patients w
156                Our model differentiates many widely accepted putative quadruplex sequences that do no
157 formances are tabulated for comparison using widely accepted qualitative and quantitative indicators.
158                                          The widely accepted recognition of the dependence of importa
159                       Newer data support the widely accepted recommendation that antiretroviral thera
160    While the need for cultural adaptation is widely accepted, research-based strategies for doing so
161 one that is fundamentally different from its widely accepted role as a crystal-face-blocking ligand.
162 ly correlates with poor prognosis, given the widely accepted role for let-7 as a tumor suppressor.
163 of these receptors likely extends beyond the widely accepted role of regulating peptide hormone relea
164               However, notwithstanding these widely accepted roles, we show here that ankyrin-G is di
165                         Analogous to the now widely accepted rule of 5 in the design of oral drugs, t
166 model lead to the surprising conclusion that widely accepted scales of helical propensity are not pre
167 dings into robust, clinically actionable and widely accepted scoring systems as well as the need to s
168 50-g oral glucose challenge test (OGCT) is a widely accepted screening method for gestational diabete
169  been reported after trauma, but there is no widely accepted screening protocol.
170                      Our data challenges the widely-accepted semi-discontinuous model of chromosomal
171 the adaptation of paper-based devices to the widely accepted smartphone technology will increase the
172 significant improvements over the previously widely accepted standard of care (laser therapy) for the
173                       There are currently no widely accepted standards for developing or implementing
174 cceleration, appears to be becoming the more widely accepted start date.
175 e-wide association study (GWAS) has become a widely accepted strategy for decoding genotype-phenotype
176                                              Widely accepted structural NMR workflows require minimal
177  link between infection and preterm labor is widely accepted, surprisingly little is known about the
178                         At present, the most widely accepted technique to determine gluconeogenesis i
179                                  It has been widely accepted that 5-methylcytosine is the only form o
180                               Although it is widely accepted that acquisition of an activating mutati
181                                        It is widely accepted that action and perception in humans fun
182                                        It is widely accepted that AdiC counters intracellular acidifi
183                                    It is now widely accepted that AmB kills yeast primarily via chann
184                                        It is widely accepted that an effective vaccine against RSV wo
185                                        It is widely accepted that atmospheric Hg deposition has incre
186                                  It has been widely accepted that behind the composition selection li
187                                        It is widely accepted that body concentrations of persistent o
188                               Although it is widely accepted that Broca's area in the left inferior f
189                                        It is widely accepted that cAMP regulates gene transcription p
190                                        It is widely accepted that cAMP signaling is compartmentalized
191                               It is becoming widely accepted that catalytic promiscuity, i.e., the ab
192 ites of epidemic malaria transmission, it is widely accepted that climate plays an important role in
193                                        It is widely accepted that column technology is ahead of exist
194                                    It is now widely accepted that compensatory mechanisms are involve
195                                        It is widely accepted that complex interactions between cancer
196                                        It is widely accepted that cortical neurons are similarly more
197                                        It is widely accepted that corticothalamic neurons recruit the
198                                        It is widely accepted that D1 dopamine receptor-expressing str
199                                 Today, it is widely accepted that dark matter exists and that it is v
200                                  While it is widely accepted that dengue virus (DENV)-neutralizing an
201                               Although it is widely accepted that DENV infects mononuclear phagocytes
202                                        It is widely accepted that deteriorating water quality associa
203                                        It is widely accepted that diabetes mellitus (DM) impairs endo
204                                        It is widely accepted that different forms of stress activate
205                                        It is widely accepted that dynamic and reversible tumour cell
206                                        It is widely accepted that Earth's early atmosphere contained
207                                        It is widely accepted that edema occurs early in the ischemic
208 RAS is required for tumor maintenance, it is widely accepted that effective anti-RAS therapy will hav
209                                        It is widely accepted that ethanol enhances the activity of th
210                                        It is widely accepted that exposure of the gut microbiota to a
211                                        It is widely accepted that for the majority of cases the genet
212                                    It is now widely accepted that G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
213                               Although it is widely accepted that genes can influence complex behavio
214                                        It is widely accepted that global warming will adversely affec
215                                    It is now widely accepted that hemodynamic factors can modulate en
216                                    It is now widely accepted that hippocampal neurogenesis underpins
217                                       It was widely accepted that HIV-1 downregulates HLA-A/B to avoi
218                                  Thus, it is widely accepted that HIV-1 group M uses Vpu instead of N
219                                        It is widely accepted that HIV-1 has emerged by zoonotic trans
220                                        It is widely accepted that HLA donor-specific antibodies (DSA)
221                     For decades, it has been widely accepted that hypertrophic chondrocytes undergo a
222                                        It is widely accepted that infants begin learning their native
223                                        It is widely accepted that interaction between these two types
224                                    It is now widely accepted that intercellular communication can cau
225 f the Notch, Wnt and FGF pathways, and it is widely accepted that intracellular negative-feedback loo
226          Over the past 20 years, it has been widely accepted that membrane fusion proceeds via a hemi
227  of a variety of epithelial cells, and it is widely accepted that microtubules play an important role
228 than lean control subjects, it appears to be widely accepted that mitochondrial "deficiency" is respo
229 acted much experimental attention, and it is widely accepted that molecular cues guide outgrowing axo
230                                    It is now widely accepted that mosquito immune responses play a cr
231                                        It is widely accepted that movement of kinesin motor proteins
232                               Although it is widely accepted that newly generated oligodendrocytes (O
233 y set of complementary facilities, yet it is widely accepted that none of these software tools is abl
234                                        It is widely accepted that obesity and associated metabolic di
235                                        It is widely accepted that plants produce and respond to green
236                                    It is now widely accepted that primary cortical areas of the brain
237 ctively cross the blood-brain barrier, it is widely accepted that radiation remains the primary modal
238                                        It is widely accepted that rafts play a central role in cellul
239                               Although it is widely accepted that RNAs play important regulatory role
240                                        It is widely accepted that SGLT2 is responsible for >80% of th
241 eplication, is generally very low, and it is widely accepted that spontaneous mutations occur at defi
242                                        It is widely accepted that synaptic transmissions and gap junc
243                                    It is now widely accepted that the development of atherosclerotic
244                                    It is now widely accepted that the earliest genetic code did not e
245                                        It is widely accepted that the endosymbiosis that established
246                                        It is widely accepted that the essential role of TRAF6 in vivo
247 (CML) is derived from a stem cell, and it is widely accepted that the existence of leukemia stem cell
248 modern quantification methods, and it is now widely accepted that the hippocampus and many regions of
249  syndrome, this approach is crude, and it is widely accepted that the kinetics of drug interactions w
250                                        It is widely accepted that the kinetochore is built on CENP-A-
251                                        It is widely accepted that the maintenance of chronic infectio
252                                  While it is widely accepted that the MHR is critical for assembly of
253                                        It is widely accepted that the midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons
254                                  It has been widely accepted that the motion of oxygen anions leads t
255                                        It is widely accepted that the protein environment makes its c
256                                        It is widely accepted that the purpose of these mounds is to g
257                                        It is widely accepted that the RNA genome plays an important s
258             In plant-animal mutualisms it is widely accepted that the total effect of a mutualist on
259                                        It is widely accepted that they can enter cells directly acros
260                                        It is widely accepted that this approach also improves structu
261 e vast majority of individual viruses, it is widely accepted that this is sufficient for a virus's tr
262                                        It is widely accepted that two types of two-pore channels, ter
263                               Although it is widely accepted that type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the result
264                                    It is now widely accepted that unfavourable haemodynamic condition
265                                        It is widely accepted that water-rich serpentinite domains are
266                                        It is widely accepted that, in thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-depe
267       Although functional selectivity is now widely accepted, the molecular basis is poorly understoo
268 t role of the liver in ammonia metabolism is widely accepted, the role of ammonia metabolizing pathwa
269 thod of preventing nitrate tolerance remains widely accepted: the use of a dosing strategy that provi
270                   We found that although the widely accepted theory of DCC invigoration due to aeroso
271 SNARE complex in neurotransmitter release is widely accepted, there exist different views on how the
272 tions in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) are widely accepted to be associated with periodontal health
273        Terrestrial ecosystem productivity is widely accepted to be nutrient limited(1).
274 unodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been widely accepted to be the consequences of simian immunod
275    Spine shrinkage and elimination have been widely accepted to depend on Ca(2+) influx through NMDA-
276 ting, whereas the FFR value of 0.80 has been widely accepted to guide clinical decision making.
277                                  The gill is widely accepted to have played a key role in the adaptiv
278 n boundaries and phase boundaries, have been widely accepted to improve the irradiation resistance of
279                           Its redox cycle is widely accepted to involve oxidation by a peroxide and r
280 re than 10% of these families, the threshold widely accepted to justify genetic testing for cancers.
281           Intravenous self-administration is widely accepted to model ongoing drug-taking behavior, w
282     The strong anchoring of intermediates is widely accepted to retard the shuttle of polysulfides in
283                        Optogenetics is now a widely accepted tool for spatiotemporal manipulation of
284  (which are low-cost, readily available, and widely accepted traditional neonatal skin care practices
285  PET measurement errors when compared with a widely accepted transient equilibrium method.
286                                              Widely accepted treatment guidelines recommend amphoteri
287            Importance: There are currently 2 widely accepted treatment strategies for patients presen
288                                  The lack of widely accepted understanding of the origin of these fea
289 nvironmentally ubiquitous substances have no widely accepted, universal scale.
290 ly fit to the attachment-limited model using widely accepted values for r and N, giving d=11.1 nm.
291                                            A widely accepted view is that inflammatory or 'danger' mo
292                                          The widely accepted view is that they are derived from fragm
293                                          The widely accepted view over the last decades has been that
294                          On the basis of the widely accepted view that brain oscillations are fundame
295              In this Review we challenge the widely accepted view that irritable bowel syndrome is an
296    Archaeological evidence substantiates the widely accepted view that the island was first settled b
297                             Contrary to this widely accepted view, here we show that Poldelta plays a
298 ur in a mechanism that is independent of the widely accepted yet physiologically improbable genome-wi
299 g their unlimited proliferative potential is widely accepted, yet identification of specific factors
300 ollagenous proteins and biomineralization is widely accepted, yet the contribution of their secondary

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