


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                             These QC ranges will be important for accurate in vitro activity evaluations
2                                              This discovery will be important for advancing the understanding of the SIMS
3              Together, our results indicate that these mice will be important for assessing the cellular mechanisms and p
4                                                  These mice will be important for assessing the repair capacities of tiss
5              Understanding the source of this vulnerability will be important for designing efficacious HIV prevention te
6 een pKa and chloride anion affinity of these receptors that will be important for designing future anion receptors and or
7                                                  These data will be important for designing safe and selective CNS antibo
8 esolution maps of promoter-anchored interactions with HiCap will be important for detailed characterizations of chromatin
9 ges in corneal innervation and sensitivity in animal models will be important for determining the usefulness of corneal m
10 iated virus inhibition and suggest that functional analyses will be important for determining whether similar antigen-spe
11 proper beta-cell function on the coupling architecture that will be important for developing therapeutic treatments for d
12 ghts important functional incongruities whose understanding will be important for developing TLR7 or 8 therapeutics with
13  the relationship between anti-Myc strategies and autophagy will be important for development of effective therapy.
14 the underlying gene defects are functionally interconnected will be important for dissecting disease etiology.
15                              Such new biosensing capability will be important for distributed sensor networks, sensors in
16 ental data against predictions from detailed network models will be important for establishing the mechanisms mediating g
17  renal progression will certainly be assessed, such cohorts will be important for evaluating novel risk factors identifie
18                                                        They will be important for further investigation of immune cell ev
19              It is concluded that alternative back contacts will be important for future improvements in CZTS(e) quality.
20                                               These markers will be important for future studies investigating the relati
21                                   The results of this study will be important for future studies of KIR2DL2/L3-associated
22                                                          It will be important for future studies to ascertain the mechani
23 presymptomatic disease and track disease progression, which will be important for future therapeutic trials.
24 d controlling for factors such as chronic viral infections, will be important for gaining additional understanding of the
25                                              This knowledge will be important for gaining greater insight into such disea
26            Understanding these aspects of Treg cell biology will be important for harnessing their power in the clinic.
27 reasing frequency-- illustrating that sorted CNT assemblies will be important for high frequency applications.
28                          Understanding normal tau functions will be important for identifying mechanisms of tau in neurod
29                                           This new approach will be important for improving estimates of species distribu
30                        Clinical initiatives to minimize LOI will be important for improving surgical care for older adult
31 olecular understanding of how temperature affects flowering will be important for mitigating the effects of climate chang
32 levels are regulated and how these levels may impact biota, will be important for predicting future responses to climate
33  formed when polycations interact with lipid membranes that will be important for predicting polycation-membrane interact
34    Continued advances in bioimaging and functional genomics will be important for quantitative assessment of fibrosis and
35 gion, and structural information on its antigenic landscape will be important for rational design of an effective HIV-1 v
36                                                        This will be important for research in neurodegenerative disease,
37              Such stratification, based on genomic drivers, will be important for selecting patients for clinical trials.
38               Our technique involves minimal heating, which will be important for spectroscopic measurements of the Hofst
39    Understanding the factors that affect puffing topography will be important for standardising testing protocols for e-c
40                                            These mechanisms will be important for successful colonization and infection b
41                These SOD1-specific ALS natural history data will be important for the design and implementation of clinic
42 the exosomal components (proteins, lipids, and RNA content) will be important for the design of effective exosome-based o
43 f these interactions, especially in the metastatic setting, will be important for the development of improved combinatori
44                                 Therefore Chinese Assam tea will be important for the enrichment of African tea gene pool
45  interest among the biomedical community and the public and will be important for the future development of this emerging
46                                 Defining HEV T-cell targets will be important for the investigation of HEV-associated aut
47 ndamental understanding of mixed ligand shell formation and will be important for the preparation of gold nanoparticles i
48                             Measured protein turnover rates will be important for understanding of the role of protein tu
49 rity for use in in vitro modeling and provide a system that will be important for understanding the functional consequenc
50                                                This finding will be important for women and caregivers considering preven

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