


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                           This gain-of-function abnormality will likely enhance excitability of neuronal membranes by cau
2 also imply that reduction or elimination of VLDL production will likely enhance HCV infection in the humanized mouse mode
3                                          These new findings will likely enhance our understanding of the myriad roles of
4  these transient, low populated states stabilized by Mg(2+) will likely enhance rapid ligand recognition and, we anticipa
5 ing of the molecular genetics associated with these lesions will likely enhance the diagnosis and treatment of patients w
6 lecular and clinical genetics associated with these lesions will likely enhance the diagnosis and treatment of patients w
7 s of egg laying behavior of Ae. aegypti, and the kairomones will likely enhance the efficacy of surveillance and control
8                                               This approach will likely enhance the selection of patients with poor cardi

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