


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cally has not resulted in control of spotted wilt.
2 Ceratocystis fagacearum, causal agent of oak wilt.
3 liae, a fungal pathogen causing Verticillium wilt.
4 cular pathogens use many mechanisms to cause wilt.
5 the stems of tomato plants just beginning to wilt.
6 na rustica) stomata did not until the leaves wilted.
7 raulic failure and carbon starvation in tree wilting.
8 ite isoprene emission decreasing before leaf wilting.
9 pecies a visible sign of petal senescence is wilting.
10 ses to facilitate management of Verticillium wilts across a broad range of crops.
11 ed drought tolerance demonstrated by delayed wilting after watering was ceased and quicker and better
12 e factors in the cause of Stewart's vascular wilt and fire blight.
13 of cotton genotypes tolerant to Verticillium wilt and was induced early and strongly by inoculation w
14 ense and SlFRK3-RNAi lines exhibited similar wilting and anatomical effects, confirming that these ef
15 severe tissue damage during drought, such as wilting and substantial stem embolism.
16 hich it requires for efficient colonization, wilting, and killing of plants.
17 matal conductance, leaf temperature, reduced wilting, and maintenance of photosynthesis.
18  examined further to determine the cause for wilting, and thus better understand how the anionic pero
19             Most new occurrences of Fusarium wilt appear to be the result of a recent introduction ra
20 esistance to the fungal disease Verticillium wilt are top priorities for the mint industry.
21             A cDNA, PvNCED1, was cloned from wilted bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves.
22 lect melon cultivars to avoid melon Fusarium wilt, but also to monitor how quickly a Fom population c
23 auvignon wines made with grapes infected and wilted by brown rot (Plasmopara viticola).
24                               Tomato spotted wilt caused by thrips-vectored tomato spotted wilt virus
25                                      Spotted wilt caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is one o
26 zed the published data for stomatal closure, wilting, declines in hydraulic conductivity in the leave
27 c viruses, and on the incidence of bacterial wilt disease (a fatal disease vectored by cucumber beetl
28                                         Pine wilt disease (PWD) is perhaps the most serious threat to
29  Erwinia tracheiphila - which causes a fatal wilt disease - alters the foliar and floral volatile emi
30               Plant pathogenic forms cause a wilt disease and are grouped into formae speciales based
31 ccurrence, severity, and symptoms of spotted wilt disease are highly variable from season to season,
32 ance to cucumber beetles or the incidence of wilt disease before the spread of the virus.
33  in plant xylem vessels and causes bacterial wilt disease despite the low nutrient content of xylem s
34 solanacearum although its individual role in wilt disease development may be minor.
35 or the aer1/aer2 mutant had slightly delayed wilt disease development.
36  expression of EPS is critical for Stewart's wilt disease development.
37  many of which probably facilitate bacterial wilt disease development.
38 8 y the number of plants dying from a sudden wilt disease has increased, leading to crop failure.
39 l-borne fungal pathogen that causes vascular wilt disease in many economically important crops worldw
40               Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) causes wilt disease in plants and is responsible for major econ
41 p. nicotianae is a causal agent for vascular wilt disease in tobacco.
42 previous observation of dramatically reduced wilt disease incidence in ZYMV-infected plants.
43 lstonia solanacearum, which causes bacterial wilt disease of many plant species, produces several ext
44 quitous fungal pathogen that causes vascular wilt disease on a wide range of plant species and can pr
45 l-borne plant pathogen that causes bacterial wilt disease on many plant species.
46 h increased exposure to and the incidence of wilt disease on the transgenic plants.
47 chus xylophilus, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease that has devastated pine forests in Asia.
48 ycopersici (Fol), the causal agent of tomato wilt disease, produces effector protein Avr2.
49 od nematode and its vector beetle cause pine wilt disease, which threatens forest ecosystems world-wi
50  causing a lethal wilting known as bacterial wilt disease.
51 e hosts, and consequently the spread of pine wilt disease.
52  key role in the survival and spread of pine wilt disease.
53  is a soil-borne phytopathogen that causes a wilting disease of many important crops.
54 trains responsible for the various bacterial wilt diseases has in recent years led to the concept of
55  fungal pathogen responsible for devastating wilt diseases in many crops) cotton plants increase prod
56 s a multitude of strains that cause vascular wilt diseases of economically important crops throughout
57 s differ in their susceptibility to Fusarium wilt diseases.
58 -hypersensitive stomatal closing and reduced wilting during drought.
59 d the hypothesis that oxalate induces foliar wilting during fungal infection by manipulating guard ce
60 ces, each of which helps to suppress spotted wilt epidemics.
61 to race 1 strains of the soil-borne vascular wilt fungi Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-at
62  sequencing of a set of strains of the melon wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis (Fom), bio
63                                Resistance to wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. matthioli (FOM) is
64  sequencing of a set of strains of the melon wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis (Fom), bioi
65 on homeostasis and virulence in the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
66 he plant-infecting bunyavirus Tomato spotted wilt, Gc localizes at endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membran
67                      Control of Verticillium wilt has relied on a panoply of chemical and nonchemical
68 leaf abscission zones when the leaves become wilted in response to limited water and HAE continues to
69 of cer9 are associated with delayed onset of wilting in plants experiencing water deficit, lower tran
70 stress hormone ABA and increased whole-plant wilting in response to drought and ABA.
71  genetic basis of resistance to Verticillium wilt is unknown in most crops, as are the subcellular si
72 than in control plants, thus indicating that wilting is a consequence of peroxidase expression in the
73 olonizes the xylem vessels, causing a lethal wilting known as bacterial wilt disease.
74 ed with glycinebetaine accumulation, include wilting, loss of chlorophyll, and increase in thiobarbit
75 s a soilborne pathogen that causes bacterial wilt of diverse plant species.
76 olanacearum is the causal agent of bacterial wilt of many agriculturally important crops.
77 f potato, gray leaf spot of maize, bacterial wilt of tomato, and the soybean cyst nematode.
78 ant growth-inhibition effects, including the wilting of mature leaves.
79  phytopathogenic species that cause vascular wilts of plants.
80 var 7 strains cause ongoing tomato bacterial wilt outbreaks in the southeastern United States.
81 ed resistance to the root-infecting vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum.
82                                      The oak wilt pathogen, Ceratocystis fagacearum, may be another e
83 icating that gene(s) important for bacterial wilt pathogenesis were interrupted by the IVET insertion
84 ewer root branches, which contributes to the wilting phenomenon seen in these plants.
85 gene interaction, and lacked an accompanying wilting phenotype.
86      Leaf water potential at turgor loss, or wilting (pi(tlp) ), is classically recognised as a major
87 er retention at pressure potentials near the wilting point of plants.
88 n, we were able to narrow down the permanent wilting point of the seedlings.
89 i.e., water content lower than the permanent wilting point).
90 g the leaf and stem hydraulic traits and the wilting point, or turgor loss point, beyond those expect
91  tolerance traits, including turgor loss or 'wilting' point (pitlp ).
92 cific suppression to four diseases, Fusarium wilts, potato scab, apple replant disease, and take-all,
93 se activity also decrease the rate of flower wilting, promote the rooting of cuttings, and facilitate
94  been used to provide probes for screening a wilt-related tomato cDNA library.
95 ed reduced rates of water uptake and delayed wilting relative to wild-type plants.
96          Molecular markers linked to spotted wilt resistance could overcome this problem and allow se
97          A major QTL controlling the spotted wilt resistance in Florida-EP(TM) '113' was identified.
98 titative trait loci (QTLs) linked to spotted wilt resistance in Florida-EP(TM) '113'.
99 pe line, introduced from Mexico with spotted wilt resistance.
100            Florida-EP(TM) '113' is a spotted wilt resistant cultivar with a significantly lower infec
101 de novo genome and plastome assemblies for a wilt-resistant South African accession of Mentha longifo
102                 The development of a spotted wilt risk index has aided greatly in relaying informatio
103 butions, notably tropical race 4 of Fusarium wilt, rival its impact.
104 nly of broad host-range pathogens that cause wilt, rot, and blackleg diseases on a wide range of plan
105 y, irNaMPK4 plants transpired more water and wilted sooner than did wild-type plants when they were d
106 ted for 3 to 9 weeks to reach various visual wilting stages, from slightly wilted to dead.
107  2 to 4 weeks, the seedlings were scored for wilt state and survivorship.
108 wn under standard conditions or subjected to wilt stress.
109 th putrescine before inoculation accelerated wilt symptom development and R. solanacearum growth and
110 altered in the degraded soils with bacterial wilt (termed as degraded soils).
111 various visual wilting stages, from slightly wilted to dead.
112 cess NH4+, low pH, salinity, osmotic stress, wilting) to induce substantial increases in Put in plant
113 irulence genes in culture nor the ability to wilt tomato plants.
114  production of several virulence factors and wilted tomato plants several days more slowly than the w
115 e nucleocapsid (N) protein of tomato spotted wilt (TSWV) tospovirus.
116 ted increased stomatal conductance and rapid wilting under water deficit stress.
117 t overproduce the tobacco anionic peroxidase wilt upon reaching maturity, although having functional
118 its most important contribution to bacterial wilt virulence in the early stages of host plant invasio
119  nonstructural protein NSs of tomato spotted wilt virus (a plant-infecting bunyavirus), the interfero
120 es are described not only for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in pepper and tomato but also for othe
121 baci is the primary vector of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in some areas of the world, it is not
122 ilt caused by thrips-vectored tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is a very serious problem in peanut (A
123        Spotted wilt caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is one of the major peanut (Arachis hy
124                               Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is transmitted by Frankliniella occide
125                               Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is transmitted exclusively by thrips i
126                               Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a member of the Tospovirus genus with
127 e we show that infection with Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), type member of the only plant-infecti
128  yellow spot virus (IYSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), were investigated for inter-virus int
129      The movement protein VP37 of broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV 2) forms tubules in the plasmodesmata
130  Y, tobacco mosaic virus, and tomato spotted wilt virus were mapped in two or more genera and did not
131                   These grafted plants never wilted when grown in the greenhouse though shoot peroxid
132 s of the osm1 mutant also were more prone to wilting when grown with limited soil moisture compared w
133 urrently provide adequate control of spotted wilt where severe epidemics occur.

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