


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uences, for example to tune translation rate without altering a protein sequence.
2 hift of the ACh concentration-response curve without altering ACh efficacy.
3 sed agonist-induced recruitment of arrestin3 without altering activation of a G protein.
4 ansients, and cocaine augments dopamine tone without altering activity of cholinergic interneurons.
5 ecifically diminished adhesion to E-cadherin without altering adhesion to fibronectin matrix proteins
6 induced the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 without altering AdipoR expression.
7 duced circulating levels of free fatty acids without altering adipose tissue lipolysis.
8 f FAS protected mice from insulin resistance without altering adiposity, specific inflammatory mediat
9 hosphorylation on both phosphorylation sites without altering Akt phosphorylation.
10 blocked neurodegeneration in TgF344-AD rats, without altering amyloid deposition or indicators of neu
11 regions of the MOR can modulate side effects without altering analgesia.
12 ory processes and abrogated neuropathic pain without altering anticancer properties of paclitaxel and
13 onociceptive synaptic long-term potentiation without altering antinociception.
14 tack behavior in total Avpr1b knockout mice, without altering anxiety-like behaviors.
15 om swimming and frequent 'bouncing' motions) without altering anxiety-sensitive top/bottom endpoints.
16 tial memory deficits and synaptic depletion, without altering APP or Ass metabolism.
17  negative emotionality in unstressed animals without altering appetite.
18  resistant to ASB2alpha-mediated degradation without altering ASB2alpha binding.
19 ng CSR, SHM, and plasma cell differentiation without altering B cell viability or proliferation.
20 uring growth, that orfX could be inactivated without altering bacterial growth, and that insertion of
21 nd domain inhibits stimulation by Gbetagamma without altering basal activity or Galphaq response.
22 l from accessing K361 abolish alcohol action without altering basal channel function.
23 se probability, USP14 deficiency impairs PPF without altering basal release probability.
24 reverses hyperalgesia in diabetic ob/ob mice without altering baseline pain responses in healthy mice
25  short- and long-term homeostatic plasticity without altering baseline presynaptic neurotransmitter r
26 fenthrin-triggered increase in SCO frequency without altering baseline SCO activity, indicating that
27 bilize the mouse carotid artery mechanically without altering blood dynamics, which dramatically enha
28 that AA-ORS treatment (1) increased Lgr5(+), without altering Bmi1 positive cells; (2) increased leve
29 ain fatty acids by 87 and 69%, respectively, without altering body weight, energy expenditure, respir
30 nction as measured by invasive hemodynamics, without altering Ca(2+) spark frequency.
31 ceptors greatly reduced inward rectification without altering calcium permeability.
32 verexpression attenuated CB1R downregulation without altering CB1R desensitization.
33 l, while overexpression of NSun2 elevated it without altering CDK1 mRNA levels.
34 93b causes an accelerated expansion of HSCs, without altering cell cycle or survival, but by decelera
35 nhances its cytosolic bioavailability in DCs without altering cell-surface antigens, potentially maki
36 oxygen consumption and superoxide production without altering cellular ATP level.
37 te the pace of downstream behavioral rhythms without altering central aspects of the clock mechanism.
38  simultaneous administration of DEANO or HU, without altering CFHb, in an NO pathway-mediated manner.
39 tically reduced the maximum open probability without altering channel conductance.
40 to Pt nanoparticles, the unique size control without altering chemical properties afforded by this ap
41  were ablated, decreased tumor cell survival without altering clot formation, demonstrating that the
42 amine responses and drug-seeking behaviours, without altering cocaine effects.
43  in the NAc selectively increased motivation without altering consummatory behavior, the representati
44 reduced aversion-resistant alcohol drinking, without altering consumption of quinine-free alcohol or
45 egulation of Nav1.5 specifically tunes INa,L without altering critical physiological components of th
46 a point mutation in the putative pore domain without altering current magnitude.
47 inated intra-vmPFC DAMGO-induced food intake without altering DAMGO-induced hyperactivity.
48 (+) and CD4(-)CD8(-) lpr T cell accumulation without altering defective lpr apoptosis.
49 ent of plaque load and could be extinguished without altering deposited amyloid.
50 ic CpG DNA methylation of Dlx5/6ei in trans, without altering Dlx5/6 expression.
51 n gene regulation and cellular specification without altering DNA sequences.
52 ity to oseltamivir by increasing NA activity without altering drug binding.
53 eurons increases synaptic vesicle exocytosis without altering endocytosis or vesicle pool size in an
54 F patients, 16 weeks of ET improved peak Vo2 without altering endothelial function or arterial stiffn
55 effects of the HPT axis may favour longevity without altering energy metabolism.
56 l neurons reduced inhibitory synapse density without altering excitatory synapse density.
57 e cancer cells reduced tumor vascularization without altering expression of other angiogenesis-relate
58  leads to increased collagen internalization without altering expression of the endocytic collagen re
59 auses a significant reduction in syntaxin-11 without altering expressions of the other syntaxin isofo
60          Radiofrequency ablation is feasible without altering extracorporeal membrane oxygenation flo
61 ehavior by middle to caudal NAc disruptions, without altering fear.
62                 sNPF acutely increases sleep without altering feeding behavior, which it affects only
63 romotes the expansion of adipose tissue mass without altering food intake or physical activities.
64 le TDP-25 and exacerbate cognitive deficits, without altering full-length TDP-43 levels.
65 killing and led to a dramatic tumor response without altering gemcitabine delivery.
66 ncreasing the magnitude of ethanol response, without altering general receptor properties including s
67 e silencing and heterochromatin condensation without altering genome-wide DNA methylation patterns.
68 y exacerbates cognitive deficits in APP/PS1, without altering gross motor function.
69 n) as a possible strategy to limit water use without altering growth.
70 ve chromatin compaction and gene repression, without altering H3K27me3 levels.
71 affected H3K9me3 and H4K20me3, respectively, without altering H4R3me2s at ICRs.
72                          These changes occur without altering hair-bundle compliance or the number of
73 plitude at maximal activation (maximal Ih ), without altering HCN1 surface expression, in two classes
74 very of viral genomes to these core clusters without altering HCV RNA colocalization with NS5A.
75 esterol interaction with the receptor by 71% without altering HDL binding or cholesterol uptake or ef
76 cylglycerol, cholesterol and blood pressure, without altering heart rate; changes in the number and s
77 increases in intake of palatable sweet food (without altering hedonic impact of sweet tastes).
78      This resulted in a 34% increase in HCLs without altering hepatic ATP concentrations.
79 ed BLA-evoked synaptic responses in the mPFC without altering hippocampus-evoked responses.
80 pressed increases in heroin intake over time without altering initial intake.
81 ndrial membrane permeability and conductance without altering inner membrane MPTP function, resulting
82 denervated SCs can be efficaciously enhanced without altering innervated SCs.
83 ce during inspiration increased tidal volume without altering inspiratory duration, whereas expirator
84 ocaine-seeking behavior relative to vehicle, without altering instrumental behavior in the extinction
85 tion independent of PTH secretion change and without altering intestinal calcium absorption.
86 iplicity and invasion in AOM/Il10(-/-) mice, without altering intestinal inflammation.
87 e significantly less extracellular total Tau without altering intracellular total Tau levels.
88 ation selectively reduced HBV virion release without altering intracellular viral replication or the
89 dless of channel state (open or closed), and without altering its apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity.
90  decays, whereby a quark changes its flavour without altering its electric charge.
91 e radical lifetimes from 2 h to over 20 days without altering its electronic structure.
92 uld reduce the frequency of its normal-modes without altering its electrostatics.
93 was immobilized on octadecyl-activated resin without altering its fatty acid selectivity.
94 t CLC-2 mutant E211V/H816A to cell contacts, without altering its function.
95 expression in terminals ( approximately 70%) without altering its function.
96 2+) impacted alpha1I conformational dynamics without altering its gross thermal stability.
97 udal extent and area of the activated barrel without altering its identity.
98 as open in the dark and closed in the light, without altering its ion selectivity.
99 egrated on the surface of the test structure without altering its mechanical and geometrical properti
100 at sps1 mutation reactivates the phyA' locus without altering its methylation density.
101 o 95.1% and from 88.9% to 95.1% (P < 0.001), without altering its sensitivity (97.7% vs 95.5%, P = 1.
102 ta-catenin at Jup mutant cell-cell junctions without altering its signaling activities.
103 odify the excited-state reaction coordinate, without altering its stereochemistry, are studied.
104  neutralization by MV polyclonal immune sera without altering its thermostability.
105 arted antimicrobial activity to the membrane without altering its transport properties.
106 nces the rate and extent of EAG inactivation without altering its voltage dependence.
107 y, L1 and L1-assisted Alu retrotransposition without altering L1 RNA or protein abundance.
108 Rs and reduction of pre-miRs and mature miRs without altering levels or cellular localisation of miR
109 ting ketone levels by using a palatable diet without altering lipid levels.
110 d end feet that wrapped around blood vessels without altering locomotion behaviors, suggesting struct
111 tidepressant effects in the forced swim test without altering locomotor activity.
112 n induced by subthreshold induction stimuli, without altering long-term depression.
113 ent of LPS-induced depressive-like behavior, without altering LPS-induced sickness measured by body w
114 al genome exhibited a decrease in aggression without altering male-male courtship.
115 me and urinary glucose excretion (P < 0.001) without altering MAP, HR, RBF, or CrCl.
116  human cells to ABT-737 treatment, it did so without altering MCL-1 levels.
117 ncreased muscle MBV (P < 0.04) within 30 min without altering MFV or femoral blood flow.
118  increased muscle microvascular blood volume without altering microvascular blood flow velocity, lead
119 rease in mtDNA levels (mutant and wild-type) without altering mitochondrial mass.
120 ttranscriptionally activates moaA expression without altering moaA mRNA levels, indicative of transla
121 l behavioral measures of cocaine dependence, without altering motor performance or reinforcement by a
122 ehavior in an anatomically selective manner, without altering motor performance.
123 required for efficient COX1 mRNA translation without altering mRNA levels, which results in a decreas
124  synapse-promoting activity of neuroligin-2, without altering neuroligin-2 surface trafficking, by in
125 e impedance phase introduced by HCN channels without altering neuronal excitability and found that th
126  and formation of synapses at new locations, without altering neuronal morphology.
127  neutralization sensitivity to rhesus CD4-Ig without altering neutralization by human CD4-Ig, SIV neu
128 specifically delays inflammation resolution, without altering neutrophil recruitment to inflammatory
129 usters at synapses, but not along dendrites, without altering NMDA receptors and gephyrin (a protein
130 nd was converted to 1-deoxy-dihydroceramides without altering normal ceramide levels.
131 razine has beneficial antidyskinetic effects without altering normal motor responses to L-DOPA.
132  astrocytic differentiation by cultured EZCs without altering oligodendroglial or neuronal differenti
133  that this antenna can dissipate in the body without altering or damaging surrounding tissue reveals
134  could be included at higher levels in foods without altering organoleptic qualities, potentially red
135 udies show this attenuates current amplitude without altering other aspects of RyR function.
136 ains, effectively depleting defined lineages without altering other cellular physiology.
137 he formation of the larval stem cell niches, without altering other midgut cell types.
138 d that reduce GGGGCC-containing nuclear foci without altering overall C9orf72 RNA levels.
139 quency of MHC class II(+) pDCs in the spleen without altering overall pDC frequency, number, or matur
140 e expression of newly synthesized alpha2B-AR without altering overall receptor synthesis and internal
141 eractions between Polycomb-regulated regions without altering overarching chromosome conformation.
142 ilation (145 +/- 4 to 173 +/- 5 ml min(-1) ) without altering P aC O2 or pH and enhanced ventilatory
143 ly, significantly reduced complex stability, without altering peptide conformation or T cell recognit
144  responses to cold stimuli and cold mimetics without altering peripheral nerve responses to cooling.
145 ion diminished morphine tolerance and reward without altering physical dependence, whereas the exon 4
146  Using ALOD4, we: (1) deplete ER cholesterol without altering PM or overall cellular cholesterol leve
147 ed by motor neurons to control muscle cells, without altering postsynaptic receptor sensitivity.
148 nhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acid release without altering postsynaptic responses.
149 roduces transient deficits in working memory without altering previously consolidated reference memor
150 he ability to incrementally renormalize data without altering previously normalized expression.
151 G551D, which impairs severely channel gating without altering protein processing and which affects a
152 ficantly greater rate than non-primate NHE3s without altering protein stability.
153  Thus, amino acids promote mTORC1 activation without altering Rag GTP charging.
154 iggers dephosphorylation and desensitization without altering receptor localization.
155 -34a overexpression decreased efferocytosis, without altering recognition of live, necrotic, or Ig-op
156 duced peripheral red blood cell (RBC) counts without altering relative abundances of erythroblast sub
157 ter determines vesicular release probability without altering release time course.
158 etion of Na(+) (P<0.05) and lithium (P<0.01) without altering renal hemodynamic function.
159 utation of which reduces recombination rates without altering replication fidelity.
160 so reduced energy expenditure in Wistar rats without altering respiratory exchange ratio or core body
161 r allografts and in human cells (53% vs. 0%) without altering RIP1 expression, and this process was i
162 ng EGR1 and downstream of the poly(A) signal without altering RNA polymerase II density at these site
163 e inflammatory function of T helper 17 cells without altering RORgammat occupancy on its target genes
164 ctility through a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism without altering sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) load and
165 r extent than synchronous ST-EPSC amplitudes without altering sEPSCs or thermal sensitivity.
166  impairment of long-term synaptic plasticity without altering short-term plasticity.
167 creased both instantaneous and long-term WUE without altering significantly the photosynthetic capaci
168 ation decreased baseline AV nodal conduction without altering sinus cycle length.
169 ons compromises spine head width and length, without altering spine dynamics.
170      Loss of lgc-46 prolongs evoked release, without altering spontaneous activity.
171 uced both synchronous and asynchronous EPSCs without altering spontaneous or thermal-evoked transmiss
172 ntly decreased the induction of ABCG2 by PRL without altering STAT5 recruitment to the GAS element.
173             By modulating substrate porosity without altering stiffness in polyacrylamide gels, we sh
174 dynamic volume in both WT and dimeric CaMKII without altering subunit stoichiometry or the net homo-F
175 oprecipitation of the PSD95 and KV1 proteins without altering surface expression.
176 iferation, both S100A4 and UA inhibited MSCs without altering survival or inducing differentiation to
177 dies improve survival and decrease morbidity without altering systemic markers of clotting and antico
178 ally, PGE2-G increases the amplitude of EPPs without altering that of spontaneous miniature EPPs.
179 nd variability of phosphorylated ERK (ppERK) without altering the "gradedness" or sensitivity of the
180 impair the interaction between Bag-1L and AR without altering the ability of Bag-1L to bind to chroma
181  can be modulated chemically and genetically without altering the absolute amount of mature FXN prote
182 heroin infusions in a progressive ratio test without altering the acquisition or maintenance of heroi
183 enting translocation of AKT into lipid rafts without altering the activation of receptor-associated k
184 le is predicted to prevent protein secretion without altering the activity of LFNG, thus increasing t
185 tion was found to affect the turnover number without altering the affinity for substrates, whereas th
186 lpha proteins can be significantly increased without altering the affinity of SPRY/capsid binding.
187 ft of bound CaM to a lower FRET orientation (without altering the amount of CaM bound to RyR).
188 eliorated doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy without altering the antitumor activity.
189  to more numerous lower-conductance channels without altering the average mIPSC amplitude.
190 balanced defects in mitochondrial transport, without altering the balance between stationary and movi
191 approximately 0) devices from 14.7% to 16.9% without altering the bandgap of the perovskite material.
192 meshwork induces elevated IOP in living rats without altering the basic structure of the tissue.
193 melting profile through interesterification, without altering the bioavailability determined by sn-2
194 ty, characterized by a shift from LTD to LTP without altering the BLA-induced LTP.
195  the carrier multiplication energy threshold without altering the carrier multiplication efficiency a
196 have different neutron scattering properties without altering the chemical composition of the cells.
197  nanoparticles with adjustable release rates without altering the chemical structures of the polymer
198 rotein-coupled signalling of angiotensin II, without altering the classical G protein-coupled pathway
199 a mechanical compression on individual cells without altering the composition of the matrix.
200 pproach where C-H arylation is made possible without altering the connectivity of the arene via pi-co
201 cifically study the function of LCs in vivo, without altering the DC subset composition in the skin,
202 ts of drugs can be conjugated to the surface without altering the dendrimer's performance, for exampl
203  of CCOs, greatly reduced enzymatic activity without altering the dioxygenase labeling pattern.
204 ne's effects in nicotine-experienced monkeys without altering the discriminative-stimulus properties
205 tion of synaptic vesicles in neuronal somata without altering the distribution of other organelles.
206 at generate inheritable phenotypic diversity without altering the DNA sequence.
207 ytosine base to form 5 methyl cytosine (5mC) without altering the DNA sequences.
208 ver, we were able to minimize these effects, without altering the dose, with supportive measures, eg,
209                       The antibody does this without altering the dynamics of the spike motion betwee
210 ensitization at mum glutamate concentrations without altering the EC50 for activation by glutamate.
211 and virulence and bacterial survival in vivo without altering the examined gallbladder pro- or anti-i
212 glucose concentration impaired SOCs function without altering the expression levels of STIM1, Orai1,
213 P increased the expression of GCL holoenzyme without altering the expression of its subunits or Nrf2
214 he influx of membrane lipids and fatty acids without altering the fluidity of plasma membranes, indic
215 anges in CFTR's transmembrane domains (TMDs) without altering the function of the nucleotide binding
216 g the genetic sequence) and gene regulation (without altering the genetic sequence).
217 ssing IRF4 at the messenger RNA (mRNA) level without altering the genomic DNA and induces B-cell leuk
218 ibility to implement a variety of algorithms without altering the hardware.
219 eins and allows their unambiguous assignment without altering the identification of internal digestio
220 expressing neurons (1-10 Hz stimulus trains) without altering the incidence of synaptic response fail
221 crease in the amount of unbound cytosolic GK without altering the inherent kinetics of the enzyme.
222 inction of established taste aversion memory without altering the initial associative taste learning
223 s IRA maturation and its mitogenic potential without altering the insulin effects.
224 .73+/-9.34% of TCMPs crossed the epithelium, without altering the integrity of the cell layer.
225 ced long-term facilitation of NMDAR activity without altering the intrinsic features of DMS neurons.
226 dium-permeable T-type channels are generated without altering the invariant ring of charged residues
227 setting panels away from the idealized sheet without altering the kinematic model used to simulate fo
228 drogen diffusivity in alpha-Zr and Zircaloy, without altering the kinetics of long-range diffusion.
229 of GMP induced a marked increase in activity without altering the Km values for the substrates.
230 ing over 1000-fold to low picomolar affinity without altering the large binding enthalpy, suggesting
231 ganization of nonglassy nematic LC molecules without altering the LC directors.
232 own-regulated the protein stability of EZH2, without altering the levels of H3K27 demethylases UTX an
233 eration, and mitigate severity of acute GVHD without altering the load or function of alloreactive im
234 d presents significant therapeutic potential without altering the mechanism of intracellular action o
235 ver, KIF3CC accelerates the catastrophe rate without altering the microtubule growth rate.
236 AMD3100 on sca1(+)/flk1(+) cell mobilization without altering the mobilization of CXCR4(+) cells, and
237 omophore interactions in covalent assemblies without altering the molecular geometry or solvent polar
238 the photochemical yield of the isomerization without altering the motor frequency.
239 ime could aid the addressee's understanding, without altering the movement's trajectory.
240 eases ICL-induced mutagenesis in human cells without altering the mutation spectra.
241 zolpidem whereby DORA-22 promotes somnolence without altering the neuronal network EEG activity obser
242 tivity and P50 phosphorylation in HC11 cells without altering the NF-kappaB2 pathway.
243 diate the allosteric effects of ATP binding, without altering the nucleotide-binding pattern.
244 complished by increasing the kinetic on-rate without altering the off-rate and has a component that i
245 g one to trade dynamic range for sensitivity without altering the optical system.
246 arge variants that are labeled fluorescently without altering the overall charge.
247 on of chirality provides protease resistance without altering the overall mode of cellular entry, a p
248 ion and simultaneously increased lesion size without altering the parasite burden.
249 ferometry (BSI), which can facilitate assays without altering the participating components.
250 strongly diminished the impact of pLL on DCs without altering the particulate nature of the material.
251  in Itch(-/-) Foxp3-negative "ex-Treg" cells without altering the percentage of conversion.
252 ses, and reduced atherosclerotic plaque size without altering the plasma lipid profiles in apolipopro
253 ectively interferes with PIN1 basal polarity without altering the polarity of apical proteins.
254 ce can achieve full 2pi phase shift coverage without altering the polarization if it is illuminated f
255 rcoded probes, at physiological temperature, without altering the probes themselves.
256 " altering the inputs to a cognitive process without altering the processing itself.
257  given promoter by addition of binding sites without altering the qualitative relationship between di
258 te the distribution of NTFs along filaments, without altering the random distribution of CTFs.
259 ibits intra-Golgi transport of large cargoes without altering the rate of transport of smaller cargoe
260 lly decreased the capacity of the RRP, again without altering the rate of vesicle priming into the RR
261 ations causing the maturation deficiency and without altering the red chromophore's covalent structur
262 of mucosal plasma cells and of T-lymphocytes without altering the repertoire of alpha beta T-cells in
263 hances the weighted mean channel conductance without altering the response time course or agonist pot
264 results, inhibiting O2-induced constriction (without altering the response to phenylephrine or KCl) a
265  affects single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding without altering the ring structure.
266  mutations that only impair steroidogenesis, without altering the SF1/SRY transactivation of SOX9, ca
267 f IRA and its associated mitogenic signaling without altering the signals emanating from IRB.
268 ough complexation with nitrilotriacetic acid without altering the speciation of Hg(II).
269 95 repressed IGF2R translation cooperatively without altering the stability of Igf2r mRNA.
270 romoter prevented glucose-induced mRNA decay without altering the start site of transcription.
271 28E variant increases the mobility of CaV1.2 without altering the steady-state maintenance of cluster
272 tion to proceed to completion in a few hours without altering the stereochemistry.
273 ferences in brain size build memory capacity without altering the structure of the data being stored.
274  affect the extent of unconscious processing without altering the subjective awareness.
275 or drug conjugation would allow drug loading without altering the surface composition and therefore l
276 ure by changing the local chemical state and without altering the surface roughness by swift heavy io
277 itions by adjusting driving field parameters without altering the target state or quantum evolution.
278  to the apical plasma membranes of RPT cells without altering the total cellular pool of AT2Rs and in
279 titution significantly reduced pathogenicity without altering the transmission efficiency of HPAI H5N
280 gned by exchanging one amino acid at a time, without altering their alpha-helical structure, which is
281 lowing them to assemble polymeric conjugates without altering their binding to substrate or E2.
282 al denaturation [DeltaCm (GndHCl) = 0.53 M], without altering their catalytic efficiency and stereose
283 lodextrin-metal organic frameworks (CD-MOFs) without altering their crystallinity.
284 lter spatial correlations in natural movies, without altering their edge structure.
285 ling properties and form CRTH2/DP heteromers without altering their ligand-binding capacities.
286 anufacture of multi-VSTs from healthy donors without altering their phenotype or function and may ser
287 ase of the affinity of the produced MIP NPs, without altering their physical properties such as size,
288 ecular species to travel into or out of MOFs without altering their pristine physicochemical properti
289 e most abnormal TZs in ephrin-A2A5(-/-) mice without altering topographically normal TZs.
290 tes NEDD4-1-mediated ubiquitination of pAKT, without altering total AKT ubiquitination.
291 xosome cargo levels of chemokines and HMGB1, without altering total exosome secretion or GPVI cargo.
292 n levels of plasma platelet-derived exosomes without altering total levels of exosomes.
293  concentration in 1321N1 and C6 glioma cells without altering TRAP-6 and carbachol Ca(2+) responses.
294 lar GzmB strongly inhibits Treg suppression, without altering Treg viability.
295 nges after SCI, similar to trkB.T1 deletion, without altering trkB.T1 protein expression.
296 y as a tool to optimize the material bandgap without altering ultrafast photophysics is reported.
297 t fluid removal by UF attenuates sleep apnea without altering uremic status.
298 nd attenuated VEGF-induced VEGFR-2 signaling without altering VEGF receptor or neuropilin expression.
299  the expression of VEGFR2 in control tissue, without altering VEGFR1 and VEGF-B expression.
300  cells induces an increase in L-type current without altering voltage-dependent activation, thus refl

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