


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nosa in a clinically relevant mouse model of wound infection.
2 ial artery, but did increase risk of sternal wound infection.
3 besity was associated with increased risk of wound infection.
4 he pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa during burn wound infection.
5 ia in a model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa burn wound infection.
6 e primary outcome variable was postoperative wound infection.
7 red a permanent neurologic deficit, none had wound infection.
8 clinically relevant murine model of surgical wound infection.
9 ne regeneration, inflammatory reactions, and wound infection.
10 eutrophils in FL-mediated resistance to burn wound infection.
11 cal role in FL-mediated resistance to a burn wound infection.
12 terations in B and T lymphocyte responses to wound infection.
13 outcome of rats in response to a lethal burn wound infection.
14 , almost entirely due to increasing rates of wound infection.
15 or renal replacement therapy or deep sternal wound infection.
16  wound, and further increased in response to wound infection.
17 se of antibiotics prior to insertion reduces wound infection.
18  sepsis after consumption of raw oysters and wound infection.
19 eated mice did not confer resistance to burn wound infection.
20 ly increased survival upon a subsequent burn wound infection.
21 d further as a novel agent for prevention of wound infection.
22 tion was determined in a guinea pig model of wound infection.
23 8%) developed either a superficial or a deep wound infection.
24 ts serve mainly to kill bacteria and prevent wound infection.
25 seems to aid the prevention of postoperative wound infection.
26 age of one method over the other in terms of wound infection.
27 he primary endpoint was the rate of surgical wound infection.
28 atient required removal of the system due to wound infection.
29 t rates among patients with an uncomplicated wound infection.
30 %) of all PD readmissions were attributed to wound infection.
31 e generator, transient oscillopsia and minor wound infection.
32 t can accomplish through gastrointestinal or wound infection.
33 n of wound or bone healing or treatment of a wound infection.
34 and culture-confirmed Pythium aphanidermatum wound infection.
35 reimplantation of the neurostimulator due to wound infection.
36 on on meat products, and potentially towards wound infection.
37 spatial and temporal monitoring of potential wound infections.
38 ese ecologic changes may affect the risk for wound infections.
39 nvolvement in nosocomial and especially burn wound infections.
40 omplications is mostly caused by superficial wound infections.
41 s also associated with blood, placental, and wound infections.
42 e were no deaths, strokes, renal failure, or wound infections.
43 treatment of methicillin-resistant SA (MRSA) wound infections.
44 ority of the USA300 isolates (88%) were from wound infections.
45 nct therapy to standard agents used to treat wound infections.
46 coexist for long periods together in chronic wound infections.
47 k and 95% CIs were derived for postoperative wound infections.
48 d in wound cultures in patients with post-PD wound infections.
49 tococci are considered predominant causes of wound infections.
50 re susceptible to horizontal transmission of wound infections.
51 lated from canine pyoderma and postoperative wound infections.
52 sus 1.7; P=0.03) but a decreased risk of leg wound infections (0.2 versus 1.1; P<0.001).
53 pticemia, 0.5% [n=99]; isolated deep sternal wound infection, 0.5% [n=96]; isolated harvest/cannulati
54 ctious complications (2.6%), of which mainly wound infection (1.6%) and bleeding (1.0%).
55 s 19%; P=0.01) and developed fewer recurrent wound infections (1% versus 10%, P=0.03).
56 d significantly (P<0.05) higher incidence of wound infections (12.7% vs. 7.3%), pneumonia (7.6% vs. 3
57 5%] vs 46/749 [6.1%]; P = .77), deep sternal wound infection (14/753 [1.9%] vs 19/749 [2.5%]; P = .37
58 lood (60%), followed by lung (21%), skin and wound infections (14%), abscess (1%), and other (4%).
59 tes of endometritis (3.8% vs. 6.1%, P=0.02), wound infection (2.4% vs. 6.6%, P<0.001), and serious ma
60                       Complications: 4 major wound infections, 2 anastomotic leaks, 10 symptomatic ma
61 ; P = .67), or rehospitalization for sternal wound infection (23/753 [3.1%] vs 24/749 [3.2%]; P = .87
62  was most common (42%), followed by surgical wound infections (29%), mediastinitis (16%), sternal ost
63 ast 1 complication within 90 days, including wound infections (3.6%), pneumonia (2.3%), hemorrhage or
64  group, respectively, in superficial sternal wound infection (49/753 [6.5%] vs 46/749 [6.1%]; P = .77
65                 Clinical infections included wound infections (62%), central catheter infections and/
66 %] versus 13 of 414 [3.1%]; P=0.279; sternal wound infection, 7 of 414 [1.7%] versus 13 of 414 [3.1%]
67           The most common complications were wound infection (8%), cholangitis (5.7%), and intraabdom
68 the 1623 patients who underwent PD, 133 with wound infections (8.2%) were identified.
69                                   Of the 133 wound infections, 89 (67.1%) were deep-tissue infection,
70  time, >30 minutes) more often suffered from wound infection (9/63 vs 2/70; P = 0.025), abdominal com
71                                              Wound infections accounted for 84% of cases, followed by
72 k factors for development of a postoperative wound infection across all procedures.
73 spension (FS) (adjusted OR, 5.86; P < .001), wound infection (adjusted OR, 9.45; P = .02), postoperat
74         Whether obesity is a risk factor for wound infection after laparoscopic colectomy remains unc
75 tenting appears to increase the incidence of wound infection after pancreatoduodenectomy but has no e
76                                              Wound infections after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) are
77 ression increases the risk for postoperative wound infections after pancreaticoduodenectomy.
78 d infections, while 10 (3.2%) developed late wound infections (after 30 days).
79 ial pathogen Vibrio vulnificus causes severe wound infection and fatal septicemia.
80                    However, the incidence of wound infection and graft failure requiring return to th
81 ngal necrotizing fasciitis in the setting of wound infection and merits a thorough investigation for
82 rst reported case of a postoperative sternal wound infection and pneumonia caused by in a heart trans
83 enced 1 or more complications with abdominal wound infection and pulmonary complications being the 2
84 ction was identified in 12 patients: 10 with wound infections and 2 with intra-abdominal infections.
85 asons for readmission after 90 days included wound infections and intra-abdominal abscess (n = 75) an
86 m capable of causing serious and often fatal wound infections and primary septicemia.
87 significant component in some mixed surgical wound infections and that surgical management and antimi
88 ng death, pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, deep wound infection, and acute myocardial infarction) were a
89  complications like urinary tract infection, wound infection, and hardware failure will not be addres
90 cemia managed with oral hypoglycemics, minor wound infection, and hyperuricemia but no infections.
91 ts a higher prevalence of tracheal stenosis, wound infection, and major bleeding for surgical tracheo
92 athologic response, presence of re-operation/wound infection, and no closure of ileostomy/colostomy.
93 bscess, pancreaticojejunal anastomotic leak, wound infection, and postoperative death.
94 osion, port/tube dysfunction, hiatal hernia, wound infection, and pouch dilation.
95  infection such as pneumonia, mediastinitis, wound infection, and sepsis.
96 estinal infections (pneumonia, deep surgical wound infection, and vertebral osteomyelitis with associ
97 er surgery, 4 had perianal abscesses, 13 had wound infections, and 1 had C. difficile in a urinary ca
98 lays an important role in sepsis, pneumonia, wound infections, and cystic fibrosis (CF), which is cau
99 ignificantly more respiratory complications, wound infections, and early postoperative mortality, whe
100  of perigraft fluid collections, superficial wound infections, and incisional herniae were significan
101 ns (11%) included seizures, intracranial and wound infections, and intracranial haemorrhage; there we
102 ausing food- and waterborne gastroenteritis, wound infections, and septicemia in humans.
103 lin improves outcome following a lethal burn wound infection are not known, the data suggest that imm
104 ital stays as well as the absence of sternal wound infection are the main advantages of this techniqu
105                                              Wound infections are a critical healthcare concern world
106                               Though chronic wound infections are often polymicrobial in nature, much
107 f values were determined for mortality, burn wound infection (at least two infections), sepsis (as de
108                               Information on wound infection, axillary seroma, paresthesia, brachial
109 011, the use of SLND + ALND resulted in more wound infections, axillary seromas, and paresthesias tha
110 ed guidelines for the prevention of surgical wound infections based upon review and interpretation of
111 ies higher complication rate than l-ANP with wound infection being the most common.
112 ction, repeat revascularization, and sternal wound infection between propensity score-matched cohorts
113 n patients at risk of bacteremia or surgical wound infection but failed to reach their clinical endpo
114 nd 13.5% of the dry dressing group developed wound infection, but this was not statistically signific
115 se associated with raw-oyster consumption or wound infections, but fatalities are limited to persons
116 with Escherichia coli and other pathogens in wound infections, but mechanisms that govern polymicrobi
117 rmine the effect of fluid group on AKI, burn wound infections (BWIs), and pneumonia.
118 ance of mice to a subsequent burn injury and wound infection by a dendritic cell-dependent mechanism.
119 fter burn injury decreases susceptibility to wound infections by enhancing global immune cell activat
120  extracts of Arabidopsis leaves subjected to wounding, infection by PstAvr, infection by a virulent s
121 r erysipelas, major cutaneous abscesses, and wound infections, can be life-threatening and may requir
122 acter species, accounted for the majority of wound infections cared for on USNS Comfort during Operat
123                We describe a case of sternal wound infection caused by Trichosporon inkin with a fata
124                                              Wound infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus are ass
125  new avenue of future topical treatments for wound infections caused by these two important pathogens
126 s of central importance in the prevention of wound infections, colonization of medical devices, and n
127 fference of tracheal stenosis, bleeding, and wound infection comparing different techniques.
128 tectomies were associated with high rates of wound infections, complications, and increased recovery
129                           Resistance to burn wound infection could also be conferred to recipient mic
130  vs 3 [4.5%] in institution B; P = .001) and wound infection cultures (predominant microorganism in i
131 ltured from both the intraoperative bile and wound infection cultures (Streptococcus pneumoniae, 114
132             We compared the primary outcome, wound infection cure at 7-14 days, and secondary outcome
133 essing group and 40% of the NPWT group had a wound infection, dehiscence, or both.
134 vent, prolonged hospital length of stay, and wound infection/dehiscence).
135       Major complications remain infrequent: wound infection/dehiscence, 3%, atelectasis/pneumonia, 2
136 ith spontaneous chronic multi drug-resistant wound infections demonstrated clearance of bacteria and
137 sing with the required sensitivity for rapid wound infection detection directly from a clinically rel
138 e a mouse model for investigating E faecalis wound infection determinants, and suggest that both immu
139                                Postoperative wound infections developed in four patients.
140 c surgical patients at high risk for sternal wound infection (diabetes, body mass index >30, or both)
141                                An upsurge in wound infections due to Clostridium botulinum and Clostr
142    Complications included three (1.5%) major wound infections (each followed a reoperation for a comp
143 4 expression negatively correlates with burn wound infection episodes per patient.
144                                              Wound infection following cardiac surgery is well descri
145 iotic prophylaxis to reduce the incidence of wound infections following PD.
146 hylaxis is effective in reducing the risk of wound infection for all types of surgery, even ones wher
147  race and the risk of stroke or deep sternal wound infection for either AVR or MVR.
148  and an increased risk of major bleeding and wound infection for surgical tracheostomies.
149 P < .001) and an increase in readmission for wound infection from 1.4% (95% CI, 1.3%-1.5%) to 3.0% (9
150 ash, blood, sinus drainage, and two surgical wound infections from separate patients in Texas, New Yo
151  present study, we describe 9 cases of mixed wound infection, from a pool of 400 surgical wound infec
152  colonization (FWC, 121 patients), or fungal wound infection (FWI, 54 patients).
153 5 mg/kg (skin photosensitivity [grade 3] and wound infection [grade 3]); thus, the maximum tolerated
154    The development and treatment of surgical wound infections has always been a limiting factor to th
155 n between nares colonization and concomitant wound infections has not been well established.
156              However, concerns about sternal wound infection have discouraged the use of BIMA graftin
157 ty that similar strains from cat or dog bite wound infections have been underreported.
158                    Analysis of predictors of wound infection identified standard wound dressings as t
159                              Invasive fungal wound infections (IFIs) are an uncommon, but increasingl
160 l varices haemorrhage, circulatory collapse, wound infection, ileus, cerebrovascular accident [possib
161 abetes mellitus occurred in 10% vs. 45%, and wound infection in 6% vs. 31% of steroid-free vs. cortic
162 ere was no significant difference in sternal wound infection in 63 of 753 patients randomized to the
163   We report a case of A. variabilis invasive wound infection in a 21-year-old male after a self-infli
164  report a case of P. aphanidermatum invasive wound infection in a 21-year-old male injured during com
165  fatal case of S. erythrospora invasive burn wound infection in a 26-year-old male injured during com
166 e outcome following a Pseudomonas aeruginosa wound infection in a rodent model of severe burn injury.
167  (4HNE), is important for resistance against wound infection in Drosophila muscle.
168 erious adverse events included a superficial wound infection in one patient that resolved with antibi
169 ependent risk factors for development of any wound infection in patients undergoing mastectomy were a
170 there was an increased risk of rejection and wound infection in the obese group, there was no differe
171 ine model of cutaneous Staphylococcus aureus wound infection in young (3-4 mo) and aged (18-20 mo) BA
172                             We identified 19 wound infections in 139 non-warmed patients (14%) but on
173 ents were infections of the target wound: 33 wound infections in 25 (20%) patients of 126 in the sucr
174 ) significantly increases resistance to burn wound infections in a DC-dependent manner that is correl
175 aeruginosa, a common source of pneumonia and wound infections in burn victims.
176 ion days, and 3.5 times the relative risk of wound infections in days 91 to 365 (aHR, 3.55; 95% CI, 1
177 y independent risk factors for postoperative wound infections in each.
178 describe two cases of Clostridium glycolicum wound infections in immunocompetent adults.
179 ate 1990s, an outbreak of tilapia-associated wound infections in Israel was linked to a previously un
180  to monitor and treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa wound infections in mice.
181 al venous catheter-associated infection, and wound infections) in HTx, LTx, and MCS device recipients
182 including chronic steroids, the incidence of wound infections, incisional hernias, and fascial dehisc
183  of S. aureus bacteremia and/or deep sternal wound infection (including mediastinitis) through postop
184 Endpoints were postoperative pyrexia, ileus, wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess formation, oper
185       Secondary endpoints were postoperative wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess, reoperation, l
186       Secondary endpoints were postoperative wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess, reoperation, l
187 ween the timing of surgery and postoperative wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess, reoperation, o
188 ween the timing of surgery and postoperative wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess, reoperation, o
189  Secondary outcomes included (1) superficial wound infection (involving subcutaneous tissue but not e
190 ng down to sternal fixation wires), (2) deep wound infection (involving the sternal wires, sternal bo
191  control practices; however, the etiology of wound infection is incompletely understood.
192 procedures affects the rate of postoperative wound infection is unknown.
193 elevant postoperative pancreatic fistula and wound infection, length of stay, or 90-day readmission.
194 n to enhance systemic and local responses to wound infections may be protective after burn injury.
195                                              Wound infections may result from colonization by feces.
196                                              Wound infection microbiology analysis and resistance pat
197            In this study, we used an in vivo wound infection model in mice induced by topical inocula
198               Taken together, this S. aureus wound infection model provides a valuable preclinical sc
199 obial therapies are needed, a S. aureus skin wound infection model was developed in which full-thickn
200 n whole blood, human wound fluid, or a mouse wound infection model was in turn increased after antibi
201                                Using an open wound infection model, we show that deletion of mGsta4 r
202 in in both the s.c. abscess and the surgical wound infection models in WT mice.
203    The most frequent morbid complication was wound infection, more commonly occurring in the mastecto
204 role in the pathogenesis of PA14 during burn wound infection, most likely by contributing to PA14 sur
205                  Secondary outcomes included wound infection, myocardial infarction, and renal insuff
206  gastrointestinal hemorrhage (n = 5; 12.5%), wound infection (n = 2; 5%) thrombocytopenia (n = 1; 2.5
207 n (n=1), intermittent claudication (n=1) and wound infection (n=1).
208 ia (n = 16, 4%), reexploration (n = 12, 3%), wound infections (n = 12, 3%), and intraabdominal absces
209 , pneumonia, sepsis, anastomotic dehiscence, wound infection, noncardiac respiratory failure, atrial
210                                              Wound infection occurred in 1.4% (17 patients), of whom
211                                            A wound infection occurred in 4 of the open patients compa
212            The primary end point was sternal wound infection occurring through 90 days postoperativel
213 was the strongest predictor of postoperative wound infection (odds ratio, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.58-3.88; P =
214 vity, age, preoperative body mass index, and wound infection on arm volume excess.
215 ling BITA increased the risk of deep sternal wound infections only in emergent cases and in older pat
216 e orthopedic adverse events, defined as deep wound infection or hip dislocation within 90 days of sur
217 ificant change in the rates of postoperative wound infection or renal insufficiency during this time
218 splant ascites, posttransplant dialysis, and wound infection or reoperation after transplant should a
219          Composite infection (respiratory or wound infection or septicemia) and ischemic outcomes (my
220 ulmonary embolism, fatal respiratory arrest, wound infections or seromas, staple line disruptions, ma
221  retained stones (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3-0.9), wound infection (OR, 0.07; 95% CI, 0.04-0.2), reoperatio
222 plications (OR: 3.46; 95% CI: 1.49-8.05) and wound infection (OR: 2.45; 95% CI: 1.01-5.94), longer ho
223 n technique worsened the odds of superficial wound infections (OR, 1.71; P = .02) but not septic shoc
224 y outcome was a serious infection (sepsis or wound infection) or an ischemic event (permanent stroke
225 ary outcome was a composite of endometritis, wound infection, or other infection occurring within 6 w
226 o difference in operative mortality, sternal wound infection, or total complications between matched
227                        There were no deaths, wound infections, or instances of pancreatitis.
228 uitment of leukocytes into sites of surgery, wounding, infection, or vaccination.
229 sion, dyspnea, diabetes, renal failure, open wounds/infection, or advanced American Society of Anesth
230 , obese patients displayed increased odds of wound infection: OR (odds ratio) = 1.64 (95% CI: 1.21, 2
231  be an effective intervention for preventing wound infection over a broad range of different surgical
232 ying (P = 0.062), burst abdomen (P = 0.480), wound infection (P = 0.758), and hospital stay (P = 0.48
233   Patients in the SLND + ALND group had more wound infections (P <or= .0016), seromas (P <or= .0001),
234                            The occurrence of wound infections pooled by all reviews was lower after l
235 bloodstream, respiratory tract, and surgical wound infections predominated.
236 ds 4 days after surgery produced a decreased wound infection rate compared with PC without increasing
237                                          The wound infection rate did not differ significantly across
238                                          The wound infection rate was greater in the PC group than in
239                   There was no difference in wound infection rate, time to regular diet, length of ho
240 tervention did not reduce the 90-day sternal wound infection rate.
241 tive morbidity (36.4% vs 27.3%, P = 0.3) and wound infection rates (14.5% vs 5.5%, P = 0.13).
242 ates for hernia recurrence and postoperative wound infection rates at 24 months, and the EQ-5D and Sh
243                                              Wound infection rates were similar in both groups.
244 ients >12 years of age with an uncomplicated wound infection received oral clindamycin 300 mg 4 times
245 technique with no additional risk of sternal wound infection related to age.
246 tion rates in breast cancer surgery are low, wound infections remain the most common complication.
247 oscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, wound infection, reoperation, and mortality.
248 onia, deep venous thrombosis, bleeding, deep wound infection, reoperation, or hyperbilirubinemia.
249                 A total of 53 (40.0%) of the wound infections required home visiting nurse services o
250 us that cause plague, meningitis, and severe wound infections, respectively.
251                         Postoperative ileus, wound infection, respiratory/renal failure, urinary trac
252 s formation, hindpaw infection, and surgical wound infection, S. aureus multiplied in the tissues of
253 t causes food poisoning and life-threatening wound infections, secretes the pore-forming toxin hemoly
254 lism, muscle protein synthesis, incidence of wound infection sepsis, and body composition were obtain
255                                 Postsurgical wound infection should be added to the growing list of i
256 evention of surgical infections could reduce wound infections significantly; namely to a target of le
257 4(+) alphabeta T cells homed to the surgical wound infection site of WT animals.
258 ficantly reduced the bacterial burden at the wound infection site.
259 following 4 organisms commonly implicated in wound infections: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aer
260 f prophylactic systemic antibiotics, sternal wound infection still occurs in 5% or more of cardiac su
261                   Management of deep sternal wound infection (SWI), a serious complication after card
262 associated with fewer transfusions and fewer wound infections than off-pump CABG.
263 ere burn injury predisposes patients to burn wound infections that can disseminate, lead to uncontrol
264 wound infection, from a pool of 400 surgical wound infections that we have studied, in which S. moore
265 s or erysipelas, major cutaneous abscess, or wound infection) that had a minimum lesion area of 75 cm
266 ve intervention for preventing postoperative wound infection, the level of this effectiveness would a
267   In a subcutaneous infection model to mimic wound infection, the multifunctional autoprocessing RTX
268                    During S. aureus surgical wound infection, the presence of IFN-gamma at the infect
269  the PU area of 40% or greater, incidence of wound infections, the total number of dressings at 8 wee
270 e resistance of mice to a P. aeruginosa burn wound infection through both stimulation of dendritic ce
271 r in the treatment of MSSA and MRSA surgical wound infection through enhancement of the local CXC che
272 iews the lessons learned from combat-related wound infections throughout history and in the current c
273 eus causes diseases ranging from superficial wound infections to more invasive manifestations like os
274 as from a patient with a genitourinary tract wound infection, two B. longum isolates were from abdomi
275                    With the relative risk of wound infection used as the measure of clinical effectiv
276 ost commonly associated microbial species in wound infections, very little is known about their inter
277 ival was lower in recipients who developed a wound infection (vs. those who did not); it was not lowe
278                    The summary prevalence of wound infection was 53%.
279                                          The wound infection was cured at 7-14 days in 187 of 203 (92
280                          The severity of the wound infection was enhanced by administration of a CXC
281                                      Risk of wound infection was greater for the surgical tracheostom
282 rdiovascular events, but the risk of sternal wound infection was increased (risk difference, 1.07%; 9
283  was shorter (1 vs. 6 months; P = 0.04), and wound infection was more common in the BMI greater than
284 ficant risk factor for a superficial or deep wound infection was obesity (defined as body mass index>
285                                              Wound infection was significantly reduced with laparosco
286 alters the host immune response to cutaneous wound infection, we developed a murine model of cutaneou
287                               In relation to wound infection, we have found a reduction associated wi
288  common, but keratitis, endophthalmitis, and wound infection were less common among CA-MRSA cases tha
289 or, pneumonia, and both superficial and deep wound infection were the most frequently reported compli
290 adverse events (of which the most common was wound infection) were similar in both treatment groups.
291                 This paralleled our model of wound infection, where diminished neutrophil and macroph
292 L-1beta contributed to host defense during a wound infection, whereas IL-1beta was more critical duri
293 herwise healthy people can experience severe wound infection, which can lead to sepsis and death.
294  Overall, 14 patients (4.4%) developed early wound infections, while 10 (3.2%) developed late wound i
295 ion of techniques and procedures to decrease wound infections will be highly successful, even in pati
296 to increase the resistance of mice to a burn wound infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common so
297 tal organism that causes both food-borne and wound infections with high morbidity and mortality in hu
298 k of overall postoperative complications and wound infection, without a substantial increase in the o
299  second hypothesis that the relative risk of wound infection would substantially vary over different
300 is associated with an increased incidence of wound infections, wound dehiscence, biliary complication

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