


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y or when an intact epithelial cell sheet is wounded.
2 ls increase when the local recipient skin is wounded.
3 thelial monolayers undergo self-healing when wounded.
4 romal thickness was 23% lower in the chronic wounded (277+/-15 microm) compared with the unwounded (3
5 lts in reduced proliferation in neonatal and wounded adult epidermis.
6                                           In wounded adult skin, the initial wave of dermal repair is
7 ssue relative to unwounded fetal controls or wounded adult skin.
8     These studies also demonstrated that the wounded alfalfa seedling infection model is a useful too
9 es from amniotic fluid were recruited to the wounded amnion where macrophage adhesion molecules were
10                                 When skin is wounded, an unknown Ag is expressed on damaged keratinoc
11 violence against health care: 677 (72%) were wounded and 261 (28%) were killed.
12  SV40-immortalized HCEC (THCE) monolayer was wounded and allowed to heal in the presence or absence o
13  Monolayers of transfected cells were scrape-wounded and assayed for their ability to migrate.
14          Cultured keratinocytes were scratch wounded and expression levels of the B2AR and catecholam
15 ACS1 is induced by auxin, but not by ACC, in wounded and intact shoot apices.
16 mpetitive RT-PCR, the mRNA for both genes in wounded and untreated tissue was quantified.
17 d substance P-positive nerve density in both wounded and unwounded eyes compared with vehicle-treated
18 stemic and maximizes at about 4-6 hr in both wounded and unwounded leaves, and then declines.
19 ncrease in PG activity in extracts from both wounded and unwounded leaves.
20 evaluate neutral endopeptidase expression in wounded and unwounded skin as well as in cells derived f
21 on in proliferating fetal fibroblasts and in wounded and unwounded skin.
22 antitate TIMP mRNA expression in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) and in wounded corneas inoculated
23      TIMP-3 mRNA was detected in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) corneal tissues and appeared to d
24 ere expressed in infected and in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) corneal tissues.
25 al IFN-beta by LL37 required MAVS, and human wounded and/or psoriatic skin showed activation of MAVS-
26 ed gene expression in normal, tape-stripped (wounded), and psoriatic skin using the cDNA differential
27 erience, percentage of company killed, being wounded, and early age at enlistment), signs of lifetime
28 nd embryonic (day 17) chickens were excised, wounded, and placed on organ-culture rafts.
29  may have to deal with large numbers of ill, wounded, and probably contaminated people.
30 f care, is a humanitarian imperative for war wounded, and this paper reports the care in an Israeli d
31 acre (AOR, 10.63; 95% CI, 4.31-26.22), being wounded (AOR, 3.22; 95% CI, 0.95-10.89), and experiencin
32 12OH-JA-Ile and 12COOH-JA-Ile, accumulate in wounded Arabidopsis leaves in a COI1- and JAR1-dependent
33  PLDalpha, PLDbeta, and PLDgamma differed in wounded Arabidopsis leaves.
34 ent increases in levels of endogenous MDA in wounded Arabidopsis thaliana leaves, raising the possibi
35 iated stimulation of cell migration over the wounded area by altering the subcellular distribution of
36 cco transgene was rapid and localized in the wounded area following mechanical wounding.
37 vely to basal cells of the epithelium at the wounded area from 6 hours to 3 days after wounding.
38 ERF had impaired ability to migrate into the wounded area in a scratch assay, similar to cells treate
39 rated the rate of migration into the scratch wounded area of a HUVEC monolayer.
40 more MCM2-positive cells were present in the wounded area of the peripheral than of the central corne
41  cut edges of the epidermis migrate over the wounded area to re-epithelialize the wound.
42       The process of cell migration over the wounded area was associated with a significant increase
43   Twenty-four hours after injury, 50% of the wounded area was covered by new epithelium, whereas only
44 gulating the fibrinolytic environment of the wounded area, as well as influencing events associated w
45 oliferation and migration of MPCs toward the wounded area.
46 sues when seeds were exposed to MeJA or were wounded at the chalazal end of the seed.
47 mained unknown, but recent investigations in wounded balance epithelia have shown that proliferation
48                      Conditioned medium from wounded but not intact IEC-6 monolayers resulted in incr
49  that heparin-binding proteins isolated from wounded, but not control, THCE-conditioned medium stimul
50 ce reconstituted with sex-mismatched BM were wounded by punch biopsy and incision.
51 rby canine kidney) confluent monolayers were wounded by scraping and examined by immunofluorescence f
52 ced skin barrier recovery in human epidermis wounded by tape stripping.
53                                Control never wounded (C), chronic wounded with scrape the last week (
54                                              Wounded carrots can be promoted as an inexpensive rich s
55  NIMS images of phospholipids from a scratch-wounded cell monolayer were obtained.
56 ing a cell layer was determined by comparing wounded cells as described above with a cell layer margi
57 omyosin networks at the medial cortex of the wounded cells contribute to rapid wound repair.
58       Immunofluorescence analysis of scratch-wounded cells reveals that P2X7 inhibition results in an
59                                              Wounded cells such as Xenopus oocytes respond to damage
60 GF, in v-Src-transformed fibroblasts, and in wounded cells, PAK1 redistributed into dorsal and membra
61  scrape-loaded dextran probe remained within wounded cells, whereas the Lucifer yellow or Cascade blu
62 red to repair lesions formed in mechanically wounded cells.
63 erine residues in an ERK-dependent manner in wounded cells.
64                        Explant cultures were wounded centrally with a trephine and maintained for up
65 1 was reduced in lysates of constitutive and wounded CLIC4(NULL) skin.
66 ly, localized microinjection of PMN-MPs into wounded colonic mucosa was sufficient to impair epitheli
67 cing pathogenic bacteria under the intact or wounded conditions.
68 stry was performed on nonconfluent or scrape-wounded confluent HCFs.
69 erentiated features in regenerating cells of wounded, confluent cultures.
70 the F-actin belt seen at the leading edge in wounded control cells.
71 chitosan scaffolds containing control DNA or wounded controls.
72     Isolated spleen NK cells migrated to the wounded cornea, and this migration was reduced by greate
73             In immunofluorescence studies of wounded cornea, p-p38, unlike p-ERK1/2, was immediately
74 understanding leukocyte migration within the wounded cornea.
75 feres with the normal reepithelialization of wounded cornea.
76 ve rise to fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in wounded cornea.
77 arily to the inflammatory cells invading the wounded cornea.
78              Addition of 10 ng/ml EGF to the wounded corneal epithelial cells stimulated wound closur
79 ype levels and increased CXCL1 production by wounded corneal explants >2-fold.
80                        Furthermore in scrape-wounded corneal fibroblasts, ZO-1 was localized to nucle
81                               Cells from the wounded corneal groups had significantly increased capac
82  PAO1 or 19660, deficient in ETA, adhered to wounded corneal tissue and initiated ocular disease simi
83                                      Chronic wounded corneas developed marked epithelial hyperplasia
84 in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) and in wounded corneas inoculated with P. aeruginosa.
85                                              Wounded corneas maintained in organ culture were examine
86 s CNTF accelerated nerve regeneration in the wounded corneas of diabetic mice and healthy animals, in
87                                      Lum-/- -wounded corneas showed delayed healing, reduced recruitm
88  EGFR activation slows epithelial migration, wounded corneas were allowed to heal in organ culture in
89       Gene expression patterns in normal and wounded corneas were surveyed with array-based quantitat
90 -13 mRNA was detected in epithelial cells of wounded corneas, but not in normal controls; MMP-14 was
91                                           In wounded corneas, diabetes markedly delayed sensory nerve
92             In cells from scrape- and freeze-wounded corneas, however, the fenamate-activated current
93 at diabetes reduces DC populations in UW and wounded corneas, resulting in decreased CNTF and impaire
94            In epithelial cells from heptanol-wounded corneas, these conductances were generally uncha
95  model of light-scattering haze formation in wounded corneas, which will improve the design of studie
96 revented neutrophil infiltration in diabetic wounded corneas.
97  in the basal epithelial cells in normal and wounded corneas.
98 ) and collagenase III (MMP-13) in normal and wounded corneas.
99 ontrols; MMP-14 was found in both normal and wounded corneas.
100 unolocalized to the epithelium in normal and wounded corneas.
101 ted with TGF-beta, normal ocular tissues and wounded corneas.
102  proximal and distal cell zones in minimally wounded cotyledons and further enhanced in wounded tissu
103 imulated the migration of primary cells in a wounded-culture model as well as in a transwell migratio
104 esis analysis revealed that bFGF-treated and wounded cultures increase both biglycan core protein syn
105             Media transfer experiments (from wounded cultures to unwounded cultures) confirmed the ex
106                                              Wounded cultures were then incubated for time periods up
107 actor-A (VEGF-A) is strongly up-regulated in wounded cutaneous tissue and promotes repair-associated
108 blasts) and collagen deposition in skin from wounded CX3CR1 KO mice, as well as reduced neovasculariz
109          Increased accumulation of JA-Ile in wounded cyp94b3 leaves was associated with enhanced expr
110 cts of FBG on migration and proliferation of wounded dermal fibroblasts were investigated.
111 ded skin and the signal was localized to the wounded dermis, the site of scarless repair.
112 te to the upregulation of CD26 expression in wounded dermis.
113 ell subsets including RORgamma(+) ILC3s into wounded dermis; RORgamma(+) ILC3s are potent sources of
114 acellular stromal layers between chronically wounded dogs and dogs with SCCED may be of relevance to
115 l changes are similar between experimentally wounded dogs and dogs with SCCED.
116                               Experimentally wounded dogs did not form the superficial hyaline acellu
117  acellular zone that forms in experimentally wounded dogs is distinct from the hyaline lamina observe
118                                      We used wounded Drosophila embryos to define an evolutionarily c
119 es the resealing of primary skin fibroblasts wounded during the contraction of collagen matrices.
120 increased and prolonged TGF-beta 3 levels in wounded E16 animals correlated with organized collagen d
121 creased and delayed TGF-beta 3 expression in wounded E19 animals correlated with disorganized collage
122 al cells and Jun kinase is phosphorylated in wounded epidermal tissues, suggesting that the JUN N-ter
123 vates inflammatory cytokines, was reduced in wounded epidermis from Smad7 tg mice compared to that in
124  adult mice, persistent Cx26 expression kept wounded epidermis in a hyperproliferative state, blocked
125 nd restoration of cell-cell junctions of the wounded epidermis.
126                                The repair of wounded epithelia is primarily driven by the cells borde
127 stic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa targets wounded epithelial barriers, but the cellular alteration
128 xperiments monitoring the healing process of wounded epithelial monolayers have demonstrated the nece
129  act as leader cells to direct movement of a wounded epithelium through a three-dimensional (3D) extr
130  (OGF) application revealed that exposure of wounded epithelium to OGF delayed wound closure under in
131                    Accordingly, in a scratch-wounded epithelium, TGFbeta provokes cilium loss exclusi
132 and rapidly increased during regeneration of wounded epithelium.
133                                     Although wounded fbln5(-/-) skin showed enhanced neovascularizati
134 GF-beta regulation, we narrowed our study to wounded fetal animals.
135           HOXB13 expression was decreased in wounded fetal tissue relative to unwounded fetal control
136  this observation, TG2 activity in a freshly wounded fibroblast culture depends upon the redox potent
137 g edge of lamellipodia, especially in motile wounded fibroblasts and in freshly plated fibroblasts, b
138 lial cell sheets, they fail to capture how a wounded fibrous tissue rebuilds its 3D architecture.
139  lies downstream of hydrogen peroxide in the wounded fish and triggers depletion of inflammatory macr
140 ome-wide expression profiles in infected and wounded flies at each age for 12 of these lines.
141 ation in hyphal tips and lesion expansion on wounded hosts, but significantly promoted germ tube elon
142 ased in migrating airway epithelial cells in wounded human and mouse trachea.
143 alization was apparent by 12 h, however, the wounded human bilayered skin substitute was healed by da
144 sitive, human dermal fibroblasts, and scrape-wounded human dermal fibroblasts demonstrated the presen
145 aclitaxel-treated zebrafish skin and scratch-wounded human keratinocytes (HEK001) display reduced hea
146 ase in hBD-3 transcription in experimentally wounded human skin (P = .003).
147 ype was linked to the behavior of normal and wounded human skin equivalents (HSE) by comparing human
148  of neutral endopeptidase in normal skin and wounded human skin, however, has not been examined.
149  the role of eccrine glands in the repair of wounded human skin.
150 in 192 samples of healthy and experimentally wounded human skin.
151                         Using experimentally wounded human T24 bladder epithelial cell monolayers as
152                                 When skin is wounded, human keratinocytes at the wound edge stop diff
153               We found that PMA treatment of wounded IEC monolayers resulted in 5.8+/-0.7-fold increa
154 , the tension did not decrease if cells were wounded in a low Ca(2+) Ringer's solution that inhibited
155 fghanistan, 52,087 service members have been wounded in combat.
156  of critically injured US military personnel wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan from February 1, 2002 to
157 hese measurements show that, for fibroblasts wounded in normal Ca(2+) Ringer's solution, the membrane
158 ) is released extracellularly when cells are wounded in the presence of Ca(2+).
159                     After diabetic mice were wounded in the right eye and treated in both eyes with P
160 odel in which fibrin was added to the top of wounded keratinocyte monolayers grown on collagen.
161                                           In wounded keratinocytes, B2AR-binding affinity remained de
162                                 When skin is wounded, keratinocytes from the cut edges of the epiderm
163              When assimilate movement from a wounded leaf is blocked or the direction of assimilate m
164  A low level of GUS activity was detected in wounded leaf, root, and stem tissues, whereas a much hig
165  in specific leaves that are remote from the wounded leaf.
166 als from plants that are synthesized both in wounded leaves and in distal, unwounded leaves in respon
167 can colonize and develop necrotic lesions on wounded leaves and stems.
168  of GOX or hydrogen peroxide to mechanically wounded leaves confirm these findings.
169 dulin-binding nuclear proteins isolated from wounded leaves exhibit specific CGCG box DNA binding act
170 ld wounded leaves, while expression in young wounded leaves is absent.
171 cies containing OPDA-OPDA and OPDA-dnOPDA in wounded leaves is consistent with these lipids being the
172                       Metabolite analysis of wounded leaves showed that loss of CYP94B3 function in c
173 ous systemin, and reduced JA accumulation in wounded leaves to approximately 57% of wild-type (WT) le
174 e visualized patterns of mitotic activity in wounded leaves which suggest a role for cell division in
175  show that ACRE276 is transiently induced in wounded leaves within 15 min, but upon Avr9 elicitor tre
176 ) in undamaged responding leaves, but not in wounded leaves, and was largely dependent on the JA-conj
177  increased in pea chloroplasts isolated from wounded leaves, indicating that the induction in promote
178 ssue; high levels of message are seen in old wounded leaves, while expression in young wounded leaves
179 itored as a function of time in mechanically wounded leaves.
180 ide synthase (AOS) or hydroperoxide lyase in wounded leaves.
181 d in roots and tuber periderm, as well as in wounded leaves.
182 ry fat pads of BALB/c mice, and animals were wounded locally by full thickness dermal incisions above
183 ed in untreated, healthy potato organs or in wounded mature leaves.
184 the speed and directionality of migration in wounded MCF10A breast epithelial monolayers, whereas ove
185 +) flux into the target cell that triggers a wounded membrane repair response in which lysosomes and
186                   The Ca(2+) flux triggers a wounded membrane-repair response in which internal vesic
187                     Twenty-four hours later, wounded mice received a single injection of BrdU.
188 th recent prevalence and higher frequency in wounded military personnel.
189 RUNX2-dependent vascular remodeling in an EC wounded monolayer assay, which is reversed by specific A
190 e capacity of cultured cells to repopulate a wounded monolayer is markedly accelerated by ShcD in an
191 ected cells were incapable of migration in a wounded monolayer model, and this effect was associated
192 l cells are able to migrate effectively in a wounded monolayer.
193                                     PDL cell wounded monolayers also were treated in EMD coated tissu
194                                              Wounded monolayers and cells in subconfluent cultures se
195  found that EGF accelerated repair of scrape-wounded monolayers and that the EGFR-selective inhibitor
196 riggered MTOC reorientation in serum-starved wounded monolayers of 3T3 fibroblasts.
197                       Proteins isolated from wounded monolayers of nontransformed intestinal epitheli
198                                           In wounded monolayers of the intestinal epithelial cell lin
199                                   Media from wounded monolayers stimulated cyclooxygenase-2 expressio
200                                           In wounded monolayers, phosphorylation was enhanced at the
201 tly inhibits binding of P. aeruginosa to the wounded mouse cornea in vitro, and inhibition is concent
202  OPG proteins were detected in unwounded and wounded mouse corneas by immunocytochemistry.
203 en CD11b, in unwounded and epithelial scrape-wounded mouse corneas.
204                    Syndecan-1 extracted from wounded mouse skin also displayed an increase in dermata
205  chemically conjugated to FHs and applied to wounded mSMGs in vivo, formed new organized salivary tis
206                                 In contrast, wounded mSMGs treated with FHs alone or in the absence o
207  recruitment in regenerating and also needle wounded muscle in dysferlin-deficient mice.
208 xpression could be observed in both aged and wounded mutant tissues.
209 it a hyperproliferative phenotype similar to wounded native skin.
210 e microtubule cytoskeleton during healing of wounded NIH3T3 cell monolayers.
211 gistical challenges of providing care to the wounded of this impoverished nation.
212                       Oxylipin signatures of wounded opr3 leaves revealed the absence of detectable 3
213 spond to elevated ethylene biosynthesis from wounded or auxin-treated leaves, and there are likely ad
214 proteins fibronectin and fibrinogen found in wounded or inflamed vessels support flow-induced PAK and
215 remained significant after control for being wounded or injured.
216                 SV40-immortalized HCECs were wounded or stimulated with ATP and LPA.
217 0.2% FBS and subsequently were either scrape wounded or treated with 10% FBS, PDGF, or FGF-2 for 6 ho
218 on of TIMP-1 mRNA was undetectable in either wounded or unwounded, uninfected corneal tissues, but it
219                                          The wounded PDL, GF, and MG-63 cell monolayers were treated
220 ilament bundles were visible in cells of the wounded periderm within 12 h after wounding.
221  of extensin mRNA accumulated are also seen: wounded petiole accumulating extensin message to a level
222                                              Wounded pho1 leaves hyperaccumulated JA/JA-isoleucine in
223 eria isolated from larval oral secretions to wounded plants confirmed that three microbial symbionts
224 that AOS expression is limiting JA levels in wounded plants, but that the AOS hydroperoxide substrate
225 th co-localized and co-immunoprecipitated in wounded primary airway epithelial cultures.
226 tidylinositol-(PI)3 kinase is upregulated in wounded rabbit corneal epithelia.
227                For the in vitro experiments, wounded rabbit corneas were maintained in organ culture.
228                   Furthermore, we found that wounded rat ATII cells exhibited decreased ASK1 phosphor
229 tures, normal animal eyes, and excimer laser wounded rat corneas were examined by Western blot.
230  and the maximum distance they migrated into wounded regions was significantly decreased by bacterial
231                                 When skin is wounded, resident cells encounter serum for the first ti
232           When cells are ablated rather than wounded, Rho GTPase activation and F-actin accumulation
233                                           On wounded RMEC monolayers, EPCs showed clustering at the w
234 linical need exists for 63% to 65% of combat-wounded service members and 11% to 20% of civilians who
235 rticipated in the early use of penicillin in wounded servicemen during World War II.
236 A precursors) could translocate axially from wounded shoots to unwounded roots in a LOX2-dependent ma
237 ith T. cruzi trypomastigotes are transiently wounded, show increased levels of endocytosis, and becom
238  they respond by developing tumors along the wounded site.
239 e insect-derived elicitor, at a mechanically wounded site.
240 ymes can inadvertently serve as reporters of wounded sites and constitute an "Achilles heel," allowin
241  nerve growth factor (NGF) also increased in wounded skin and increased CGRP in cultured adult dorsal
242 on pattern of type VI collagen in normal and wounded skin and investigated its specific function in n
243 ally, expression of collagenase-1 in ex vivo wounded skin and re-epithelialization of partial thickne
244 d RII co-localized in both the unwounded and wounded skin and was present in the same cell types as T
245                                     Tregs in wounded skin attenuated IFN-gamma production and proinfl
246       We examined the localization of CLP in wounded skin by immunohistochemistry and found an upregu
247                                Additionally, wounded skin from Smad7 tg mice exhibited accelerated re
248 orally induced Smad7 transgene expression in wounded skin in gene-switch-Smad7 transgenic (Smad7 tg)
249                                  However, in wounded skin in vivo, null keratinocytes rupture as they
250 crease in hBD-1 and hBD-3 mRNA expression in wounded skin increased the odds of persistent carriage b
251 kinetics of neutrophil infiltration into the wounded skin over extended durations.
252                               Replacement of wounded skin requires the initially florid cellular resp
253 sted 3-dimensional reconstruction of in vivo wounded skin samples.
254 or TGF-beta1 were greatly reduced in GF mice wounded skin when compared with CV mice.
255 ls in the developing and hypoxic retina, the wounded skin, and tumor tissue, and is detected at conta
256 sed in sensory ganglia that projected to the wounded skin, but not in ganglia that projected to unwou
257  reduced Treg accumulation and activation in wounded skin, delayed wound closure, and increased proin
258 d that norepinephrine was present in freshly wounded skin, thus providing a potential mechanism for i
259 eptor is expressed by basal keratinocytes in wounded skin, we have studied the effects of HGF/SF upon
260    Hypoxia is a microenvironmental stress in wounded skin, where it supports wound healing by promoti
261 s to profile gene expression in infected and wounded skin.
262 ecreased tensile strength of both normal and wounded skin.
263 s or strain between wild-type and fbln5(-/-) wounded skin.
264 ting 1 day before vaccinia virus exposure to wounded skin.
265 ving millions of doses of horse antitoxin to wounded soldiers.
266 n Management Task Force to optimize care for wounded soldiers; Musculoskeletal Action Plan for injury
267 rategy yielded three new cDNA species from a wounded stem cDNA library that appeared to encode three
268 rmediate filament protein rapidly induced in wounded stratified epithelia, regulates cell growth thro
269 Epithelium-derived cells were present in the wounded stroma 1 month after surgery.
270     Reduced Smad2 activation was observed in wounded stroma from Smad7 transgenic (Smad7 tg) mice, po
271 e tissue capsule that promote closure of the wounded stumps and prevent axon elongation.
272 ssessed by isolation of secreted HB-EGF from wounded THCE cells and by measuring the release of alkal
273               When a leaf of this mutant was wounded, the JA reporter gene was expressed in distal le
274 ncovers unknown effects of RT delivered on a wounded tissue and prompts to the use of anti-EGFR treat
275  structural and functional properties of the wounded tissue are restored to the levels before injury.
276 n organs so that locally reduced growth in a wounded tissue is balanced by appropriate growth elsewhe
277  messenger RNA expression was upregulated in wounded tissue of both Adm(AM+/+) and Adm(AM+/Delta) mic
278 ed by wound margin cells, rather than by the wounded tissue per se, and that it diffuses away from th
279 sis is essential for normal organ growth and wounded tissue repair but it may also be induced by tumo
280  infect plants; however, they could colonize wounded tissue.
281 sequent initiation of a successful repair of wounded tissue.
282 roblast migration and collagen deposition in wounded tissue.
283 the differences in the communication between wounded tissues and healthy, tumor-conditioned, and froz
284               Among the genes upregulated in wounded tissues are tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalph
285                                  However, in wounded tissues overexpressing a flax AOS, levels of JA
286 bility to deliver angiogenesis regulators to wounded tissues.
287 y wounded cotyledons and further enhanced in wounded tissues.
288                              When cells were wounded twice in normal Ca(2+) Ringer's solution, decrea
289                               When cells are wounded twice, the subsequent resealing is generally fas
290 al care to manage polytrauma, critically ill-wounded warriors from the greater war on terrorism has b
291 ermis from Smad7 tg mice compared to that in wounded wild-type epidermis.
292                           In comparison with wounded wild-type mouse skin, Smad4-deficient wounds had
293 n different concentrations of TGF-beta1 were wounded with a razor blade, and the wound area and time
294                          Rabbit corneas were wounded with a surgical tool, producing a 3-mm-wide elon
295           Control never wounded (C), chronic wounded with scrape the last week (W), and chronic wound
296 d with scrape the last week (W), and chronic wounded without scrape the last week (WW) corneas were p
297  leaf on a young poplar tree is mechanically wounded, wound-induced (win) mRNAs are detected in the u
298           Here we study membrane dynamics in wounded Xenopus laevis oocytes at high spatiotemporal re
299    Here, we studied active RhoA and Cdc42 in wounded Xenopus oocytes, which assemble and close a dyna
300      We investigated this by live imaging in wounded zebrafish larvae, where damage of the fin tissue

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