


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s from the information-dense world wide web (WWW).
2  accessible superconducting transmon device (www.
3 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology ( www.abpn.com ).
4 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology ( www.abpn.com ).
5 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology ( www.abpn.com ).
6                       abYsis is available at www.abysis.org.
7                                     Addgene (www.addgene.org) is a nonprofit organization that facili
8  of approved allergen names on its Web site, www.allergen.org.
9 rs are available online at www.jcaai.org and www.allergyparameters.org.
10    The AlloRep database (freely available at www.AlloRep.org) is a key resource for future evolutiona
11                 However, the World Wide Web (WWW) also allows for the rapid dissemination of unsubsta
12 dation sites were retrieved from the data at www.altmetric.com.
13              These trials were registered at www.anzctr.org.au as 12613000899741 and 12614000837628.
14  and Infant Outcomes trial was registered at www.anzctr.org.au as ACTRN1260500056906.
15 The SCOPE pregnancy cohort was registered at www.anzctr.org.au as ACTRN12607000551493.
16 lia and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (www.anzctr.org.au) as ACTRN12613000899741.
17 inical Trials Registry: ACTRN12610000940077 (www.anzctr.org.au).
18       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/Brachytherapy-guideline and www.asco.org/gu
19       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/breast-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/g
20       Additional information can be found at www.asco.org/breast-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/g
21       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/chronic-pain-guideline and www.asco.org/gui
22      Additional information is available at: www.asco.org/CRC-markers-guideline and www.asco.org/guid
23       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/genitourinary-cancer-guidelines and www.asc
24       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/glioblastoma-radiotherapy-endorsement and w
25       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/antiemetics and www.asco.org/gui
26       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/endocrinebreast and www.asco.org
27       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/LAPC and www.asco.org/guidelines
28 vailable at www.asco.org/guidelines/LAPC and www.asco.org/guidelines/MetPC and www.asco.org/guideline
29       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/MetPC and www.asco.org/guideline
30       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/guidelines/PCPC and www.asco.org/guidelines
31  www.asco.org/supportive-care-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki ).
32 rg/glioblastoma-radiotherapy-endorsement and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
33 at www.asco.org/breast-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
34 at: www.asco.org/survivorship-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
35  www.asco.org/thoracic-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
36 asco.org/genitourinary-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
37 www.asco.org/head-neck-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
38 e at www.asco.org/lung-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
39 www.asco.org/head-neck-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
40 able at www.asco.org/melanoma-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
41 ww.asco.org/HNC-Survivorship-endorsement and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
42 at www.asco.org/breast-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
43  at www.asco.org/Brachytherapy-guideline and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
44  www.asco.org/supportive-care-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki .
45 e at www.asco.org/guidelines/antiemetics and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
46 s/LAPC and www.asco.org/guidelines/MetPC and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
47 e at www.asco.org/chronic-pain-guideline and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
48 vailable at www.asco.org/guidelines/PCPC and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
49 e at www.asco.org/NACT-ovarian-guideline and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
50  www.asco.org/guidelines/endocrinebreast and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
51 ailable at www.asco.org/guidelines/MetPC and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
52 e at: www.asco.org/CRC-markers-guideline and www.asco.org/guidelineswiki.
53      Additional information is available at: www.asco.org/head-neck-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.or
54       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/head-neck-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.or
55       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/HNC-Survivorship-endorsement and www.asco.o
56       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/lung-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org/gui
57       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/melanoma-guidelines and www.asco.org/guidel
58       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/NACT-ovarian-guideline and www.asco.org/gui
59  of refractoriness to platelet transfusion ( www.asco.org/supportive-care-guidelines and www.asco.org
60       Additional information is available at www.asco.org/supportive-care-guidelines and www.asco.org
61 ntin.Additional information is available at: www.asco.org/survivorship-guidelines and www.asco.org/gu
62      Additional information is available at: www.asco.org/thoracic-cancer-guidelines and www.asco.org
63      The C ++ implementation is available at www.beerlab.org/gkmsvm
64                                   BindingDB, www.bindingdb.org, is a publicly accessible database of
65                                    BioCIDER (www.biocider.org) is an open-source platform.
66  bioinformatics are available open-source at www.bioconductor.org under the Artistic-2.0 license.
67 icly available Bioconductor package, npGSEA (www.bioconductor.org) .
68 ial and usage hints is available from http://www.bioconductor.org.
69 ewire is available on BioConductor at http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/2.13/bioc/html/BiRewire.ht
70 he package is available from Bioconductor at www.bioconductor.org/packages/derfinder.
71  freely available as part of Bioconductor at www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/BEAT.html.
72                 DupliPHY-Web is available at www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/dupliphy/
73 gether with segemehl and freely available at www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/segemehl/.
74               PyRosetta scripts available at www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/bystrc/downloads.html#ensemble
75                The BioMart Community Portal (www.biomart.org) is a community-driven effort to provide
76             GeneSense is freely available at www.biomedsense.org/genesense.php.
77 in the survHD package, available from http://www.bitbucket.org/lwaldron/survhd and submitted to Bioco
78  year, can be found on the Blood Web site at www.bloodjournal.org/collection/blood-flashback.
79  via public data repositories and via http://www.braineac.org/.
80 nized by the Barcelona Respiratory Network ( www.brn.cat ) and the AJRCCM in June 2014.
81  the commonly used Integrated Genome Viewer (www.broadinstitute.org/igv/).
82  Bayesian integration to assemble MitoCarta (www.broadinstitute.org/pubs/MitoCarta): an inventory of
83 for indelMINER can be freely downloaded from www.bx.psu.edu/miller_lab/indelMINER.tar.gz .
84 iformly distributed between 18 and 88 years (www.cam-can.com).
85  large (N = 315), population-derived sample (www.cam-can.org), we provide evidence for three memory f
86              The Cancer3D database at http://www.cancer3d.org gives an open and user-friendly way to
87 he Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC; www.cancergenomicscloud.org) enables researchers to rapi
88 omplications after OLT surgery (available at www.carolt.us); this score may be useful for identificat
89 s this need, we have generated CauloBrowser (www.caulobrowser.org), an online resource for Caulobacte
90 to the carbohydrate-active enzymes database (www.cazy.org), our predictor achieved above 86% accuracy
91  are presented in our database accessible at www.cazy.org/PULDB/index.php.
92 ks to the software are available from http://www.cbrg.ox.ac.uk/data/pivotviewer/.
93 Center Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry (www.cearegistry.org), focusing on studies of innovative
94 terface and Graphics (CHARMMing) web portal (www.charmming.org) to the Chemistry at HARvard Macromole
95 terface and Graphics (CHARMMing) web portal (www.charmming.org).
96                     ChemRICH is available at www.chemrich.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu.
97              CHiCP is freely accessible from www.chicp.org and supports most major HTML5 compliant we
98 related challenges, we built CitSci.org (see www.citsci.org), a customizable platform that allows use
99               Clinical trial registered with www.clinicaltrial.gov (NCT 00422747).
100 Controlled Clinical Trials, and the Web site www.ClinicalTrials.gov .
101 Controlled Trials; conference abstracts; and www.clinicaltrials.gov with no language restriction.
102               Clinical trial registered with www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu (2011-002082-38).
103               Clinical trial registered with www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu (2014-000306-36).
104 ackage 'rvsel' can be downloaded from http://www.columbia.edu/ approximately sw2206/ and http://stats
105 was registered at Current Controlled Trials (www.controlled-trials.com) as ISRCTN71468401.
106  trial was registered at BioMed Central Ltd (www.controlledtrials.com) as ISRCTN04271658.
107 he source code can be downloaded from http://www.cs.duke.edu/donaldlab/osprey.php or http://iiis.tsin
108 on and Matlab version is available at http://www.cs.unc.edu/ approximately weicheng/.
109  implemented in MATLAB and Java available at www.cs.utsa.edu/ approximately jruan/PCC/.
110          The data and code are available at: www.csbio.sjtu.edu.cn/bioinf/SemiBiomarker/.
111 rogation of the transcriptomes (available at www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp) and proteomes of the diverse compart
112 ignSignatures is accessible as a web tool at www.DECIPHER.cee.wisc.edu, or as part of the DECIPHER op
113           Codes and results are available at www.deepchrome.org
114 ly available for future comparison at http://www.dei.unipd.it/node/2357.
115                                     SeqSero (www.denglab.info/SeqSero) is a novel Web-based tool for
116   The Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb, www.dgidb.org) is a web resource that consolidates dispa
117  Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: www.disprot.org) has been significantly updated and upgr
118                 The resource is available at www.dsmz.de/miBC.
119                  Please see related article: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0724-z.
120 om data.Please see related Research article: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-016-0968-2.
121 cer.Please see the related Research article: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-016-1028-7 .
122 . and Newman et al. correspondence articles: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1256-5 and www.dx.doi.
123 .Please see related Li et al correspondence: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1256-5 and Zheng corre
124 www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1256-5 and www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1257-4.
125 /s13059-017-1256-5 and Zheng correspondence: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-017-1258-3.
126 European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI, www.ebi.ac.uk) are continually expanding: total disk cap
127 ure includes a new graphical user interface (www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/), ontology supported search function
128 nually curated resource, the Complex Portal (www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/complex), through which protein com
129 cess to this data through the website http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/.
130  of the method is freely available at http://www.ee.kth.se/ctsoftware; source code that does not requ
131 tion: See supplementary protocols and http://www.egr.msu.edu/changroup/Protocols%20Index.html.
132 on Article Withdrawal can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy.
133 zed from the original histological sections (www.emouseatlas.org/emap/eHistology/index.php) used by K
134 ation and download at the new ENCODE Portal (www.encodeproject.org).
135 mented as part of the STELLS program: http://www.engr.uconn.edu/ approximately ywu/STELLS.html.
136 visualization of the results is available at www.enigma-viewer.org.
137                                     Ensembl (www.ensembl.org) is a database and genome browser for en
138 ) in the electronic supplement, and website (www.farsight-toolkit.org).
139 three widely used automated toolboxes: SPM ( www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/ ), FreeSurfer ( surfer.nmr.mg
140 rt DGET, a Drosophila Gene Expression Tool ( www.flyrnai.org/tools/dget/web/ ), which stores and faci
141     The FoldAtlas website can be accessed at www.foldatlas.com Source code is freely available at git
142 rious NZFCDB output products on the website: www.foodcomposition.co.nz.
143                  CLIC is freely available at www.gene-clic.org.
144 d into a large-scale coexpression database ( www.gene2function.de), enabling identification of duplic
145                       GeNemo is available at www.genemo.org.
146 oherent phenome for any experimental cohort (www.genenetwork.org).
147   The GeneWeaver data and analytics website (www.geneweaver.org) is a publically available resource f
148 rl and Javascript and is freely available at www.genomegeek.com and www.sanger.ac.uk/science/tools/mp
149  under the General Public License (GPLv3) at www.genomic.ch/edena.php.
150  software, whose source code is available at www.github.com/alexandrupaler/tqec, is used to illustrat
151 ode is freely available in Github at https://www.github.com/arq5x/poretools.
152 al, and a tutorial are available publicly at www.github.com/billgreenwald/pgltools , and a python mod
153               Clonify is freely available at www.github.com/briney/clonify-python.
154 1, and is available under a GPLv3 license at www.github.com/COMBINE-lab/quark.
155  PconsFold is available on GitHub at https://www.github.com/ElofssonLab/pcons-fold under the MIT lice
156 freely available under Apache 2.0 license at www.github.com/Ensembl/Wiggletools
157 ls/mpranator The source code is available on www.github.com/hemberg-lab/MPRAnator/ under the MIT lice
158  The source code for MitoTIP is available at www.github.com/sonneysa/MitoTIP.
159 g the GRADE profiler software (available at: www.gradeworkinggroup.org).
160                                   H3ABioNet (www.h3abionet.org), the Pan African Bioinformatics Netwo
161 bitor Deficiency Workshop in Budapest, 2015 (www.haenet.hu), pediatric data were presented and discus
162 T is freely available for download at http://www.hanzhang.name/softwares/treat, implemented in C++ an
163 he source code is freely available at http://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu/labs/tan/M-module.zip.
164 cellular localization and function of the C2-WWW-HECT domain E3 family of ligases regulating these pr
165 ch interacts with multiple members of the C2-WWW-HECT domain E3 family of ligases.
166 telaprevir triple therapy was assessed using www.hep-druginteractions.org and the relevant prescribin
167 ccurate heritability maps of the human face (www.heritabilitymaps.info).
168 onents of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO; www.human-phenotype-ontology.org) project are the phenot
169                                    The IEDB, www.iedb.org, contains information on immune epitopes--t
170 eely available as a command-line software at www.ieg.uu.se/Jakobsson/software/HaploPOP/.
171      Implementation in R freely available at www.iki.fi/mpirinen .
172 of the guidelines (long version available at www.ilts.org) with the final recommendations graded for
173                Video podcast available Go to www.immunologicalreviews.com to watch an interview with
174                    The CryptoNet web server (www.inetbio.org/cryptonet) is a public resource that pro
175         Here, we present a web server, GWAB (www.inetbio.org/gwab), for the network-based boosting of
176    WormNet v3 is freely accessible at http://www.inetbio.org/wormnet.
177           The Gene Expression Database (GXD; www.informatics.jax.org/expression.shtml) is an extensiv
178                                   InterMine (www.intermine.org) is a biological data warehousing syst
179  resources and documentation can be found at www.isb-cgc.org Cancer Res; 77(21); e7-10.
180               Clinical trial registered with www.isrctn.com (ISRCTN 18642314) and www.sanctr.gov.za (
181               Clinical trial registered with www.isrctn.com (ISRCTN 69543196).
182                  The trial was registered at www.isrctn.com as #68454111.
183                  The trial was registered at www.isrctn.com as ISRCTN08280229.
184 e ShopSmart 4 Health trial was registered at www.isrctn.com as ISRCTN48771770.
185  UK AML15 and AML17 trials are registered at www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN17161961 and www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN5
186 istered at www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN17161961 and www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN55675535 respectively.
187 feeding Intervention Trial was registered at www.isrctn.org as ISRCTN-37687716.
188  Practice parameters are available online at www.jcaai.org and www.allergyparameters.org.
189                        The database, PrenDB (www.kolblab.org/prendb.php), enables the prediction of p
190                  Source code is available at www.kostkalab.net/software.
191 udy provide the basis for the German website www.krankheitserfahrungen.de .
192                   CrypSplice is available at www.liuzlab.org/CrypSplice.
193   The LCB application is available at http://www.maayanlab.net/LINCS/LCB.
194 c and scientific communities via our website www.mechbio.org.
195 network evolution and dynamics (available at www.medyan.org).
196 data to the Metabolomics Workbench website ( www.metabolomicsworkbench.org ), encompassing 1481 chrom
197     The Metabolomics Workbench, available at www.metabolomicsworkbench.org, is a public repository fo
198                                  Minepath: ( www.minepath.org ) is a web-based platform that elaborat
199 pression and the data analysed with mirBase (www.mirbase.org).
200 or (MitoTIP) is available through MITOMAP at www.mitomap.org.
201 -cell SELEX-Seq data are available at http://www.morgridge.net/Aptamer/.
202               Here we present MorphoGraphX ( www.MorphoGraphX.org), a software that bridges this gap
203                        Software available at www.msu.edu/%7Ejinchen/DynamicFilter .
204  and supplementary document are available at www.msu.edu/%7Ejinchen/GOExtender
205 rary is hosted at the public MCID Web site ( www.MyCompoundID.org ), and a spectral search program, M
206 n implemented in a freely available Website, www.mycompoundid.org .
207 search program, DnsID, has been developed in www.MyCompoundID.org for automated identification of dan
208 is program can be freely downloaded from the www.MyCompoundID.org web site for noncommercial use.
209  freely available for noncommercial use from www.mycompoundid.org/IsoMS.
210 lysis services, begin at the NCBI home page: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
211                  The NCBI Assembly database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/) provides stable accessio
212 e HomoloGene database is available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Wilbur/IRET/CLUSTERING_
213                                GenBank((R)) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) is a comprehensive databa
214                                GenBank((R)) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) is a comprehensive databa
215 chnology Information's (NCBI) Gene database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene) integrates gene-specific info
216         NCBI RefSeq genome collection http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome represents all three major d
217            The sequence data is available at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?term(1/4)SRP075893 .
218 rk Data Exchange (NDEx) online data commons (www.ndexbio.org) and the ways in which it can be used to
219  CRC portal can be freely accessed at http://www.netgestalt.org.
220  operating systems are available from http://www.nmr-relax.com.
221 s and video tutorials can be found at http://www.nmrfam.wisc.edu/nmrfam-sparky-distribution.htm.
222      PEASE is freely available on the web at www.ofranlab.org/PEASE.
223 nd can be accessed at the following webpage: www.ohalloranlab.net/STITCHER2.html.
224 ed to the 1000 Plants transcriptome project (www.onekp.com) data set.
225 fort, the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI, www.osseeds.org), aims to ensure access to crop genetic
226 al Trial registration: PACTR201411000937373 (www.pactr.org).
227 nical Trials Registry: PACTR201102000277177 (www.pactr.org).
228 C (Pathosystems Resource Integration Center, www.patricbrc.org) to support infectious disease researc
229 assava root proteomics data are available at www.pep2pro.ethz.ch for easy access and comparison with
230          SweepFinder2 is a freely-available (www.personal.psu.edu/mxd60/sf2.html) software package th
231           Herein, we describe how content on www.personalizedcancertherapy.org is generated and maint
232     The Personalized Cancer Therapy website (www.personalizedcancertherapy.org) was created to provid
233  web application freely available for use at www.phandango.net and includes a diverse collection of d
234                 PhenoScanner is available at www.phenoscanner.medschl.cam.ac.uk
235 ractions database (PHI-base) is available at www.phi-base.org PHI-base contains expertly curated mole
236 se of different MIA-producing plant species (www.phytometasyn.ca).
237                                   PhytoPath (www.phytopathdb.org) is a resource for genomic and pheno
238 se and documentation are available at http://www.pip-db.org.
239 ented in R and is freely available at http://www.pitt.edu/~mchikina/BIRRA/.
240 ly 40% of total demand for plastic products (www.plasticseurope.org) with over a trillion plastic bag
241 %) and energy recovery (36%) via combustion (www.plasticseurope.org), carrying a heavy environmental
242       A simple, interactive public web tool (www.plateletomics.com) was developed that permits querie
243              DeepSite is freely available at www.playmolecule.org.
244 ntegrated in the open-source PLUMED plug-in (www.plumed-code.org), and can be therefore readily used
245           PLUMED-ISDB is freely available at www.plumed.org.
246 m the previous study of the PreventCD trial (www.preventcd.com).Gluten intake was prospectively quant
247               PMD is now freely available at www.proteinmicroarray.cn.
248 of published proteome datasets accessible at www.proteomaps.net.
249 ble at the open-access nanotoxicity database www.QuantWorm.org/nano.
250 tion, and examples are publicly available at www.radiomics.io With this platform, we aim to establish
251 ducational materials are freely available at www.rcsb.org.
252  accessed through the RCSB website at http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/workbench/workbench.do.
253                  The Reactome Knowledgebase (www.reactome.org) provides molecular details of signal t
254             The DRIE study was registered at www.researchregister.org.uk as 122273.
255 tasets made available without encumbrance at www.rnaseq.wiki.
256  of the Rosetta software suite, available at www.rosettacommons.org .
257  of the Rosetta software suite, available at www.rosettacommons.org .
258 ed with www.isrctn.com (ISRCTN 18642314) and www.sanctr.gov.za (DOH-27-0711-3568).
259      The WGE database is freely available at www.sanger.ac.uk/htgt/wge
260  candidates can be browsed through at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/databases/phenodigm/gene/seco
261 s freely available at www.genomegeek.com and www.sanger.ac.uk/science/tools/mpranator The source code
262                          Supporting Website: www.sb.cs.cmu.edu/TPS.
263 e human proteome is available to download at www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/suspect/download.html.
264 challenge design and outcome is available at www.sbvimprover.com.
265 is publicly available for download at http://www.seqan.de/projects/fiona.
266 Y System (Sequenom Inc., San Diego, CA, USA, www.sequenom.com) to assay multiplex PCR-amplified singl
267 ary networks along with a tutorial at http://www.shawlab.org/NetComm/.
268 n be installed as an extension to 3D Slicer (www.slicer.org).
269 nd binaries freely available for download at www.smoldyn.org, implemented in C/C++ and supported on L
270  executable available for download at http://www.sourceforge.net/p/mitsu-motif/, supported on Linux/O
271                  CPAG is freely available at www.sourceforge.net/projects/CPAG/.
272 as been implemented in Java and available at www.sourceforge.net/projects/probeselect.
273 ing a SPRET/Ei M. spretus variants web tool (www.spretus.org), including a manual.
274    R codes for SALPS are available at http://www.stanford.edu/%7eclairesr/software.html.
275 ed in the software SVDquartets, available at www.stat.osu.edu/ approximately lkubatko/software/SVDqua
276 lemented as an R-package available at http://www.stat.osu.edu/ approximately statgen/SOFTWARE/LBL/.
277 procedures is freely available on the web at www.stat.purdue.edu/ approximately doerge/.
278                                         See 'www.stat.ucla.edu/ approximately zhou/TFKFunctions/' for
279                          Available at http://www.stat.wisc.edu/ approximately qizhang/
280 of the program is freely available at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/research/proteins/resources.
281        Our software is available from http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/research/proteins/resources.
282 rough the Project Grandiose portal at http://www.stemformatics.org.
283 ackage CCPROMISE is currently available from www.stjuderesearch.org/site/depts/biostats/software .
284       The Toxin-Toxin-Target Database (T3DB--www.t3db.ca) is a resource that was specifically designe
285                         A web-based atlas at www.targetgenereg.org enables assessing the regulation o
286                                        Using www.targetscan.org, we determined which microRNAs potent
287  (e.g., for the MRI scanner) upon request at www.tnp2lab.org .
288                               The new model (www.TransplantScore.com) showed the overall best discrim
289                Clinical trial registry: yes, www.trialregister.nl, trial number: NTR5385.
290               Clinical trial registered with www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2603
291 klist in their submission (also available at www.tripod-statement.org).
292 TRIPOD checklist can also be downloaded from www.tripod-statement.org.
293 nying manual are freely available at https://www.uea.ac.uk/computing/psiko.
294 vailable for use in standard LCA studies via www.usetox.org and in standard LCA software.
295        VarMod is available for use at http://www.wasslab.org/varmod.
296 rovides free access to all these services at www.wdcm.org.
297 vide an important chronobiological resource (www.wgpembroke.com/shiny/SCNseq/) and allow us to propos
298 heat (Triticum aestivum) expression browser (www.wheat-expression.com) that can be expanded with user
299                                    WormBase (www.wormbase.org) is a central repository for research d
300 is implemented in MACAU, freely available at www.xzlab.org/software.html.

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