


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -specific T(z) response accompanied by trunk yaw.
2 ated by having subjects rotate their head in yaw.
3 -specific sequences in a patient with active yaws.
4 in was effective in participants with latent yaws.
5 port the WHO strategy for the eradication of yaws.
6 ctivities to identify and treat new cases of yaws.
7 lth Organization (WHO) strategy to eradicate yaws.
8 e azithromycin to treat patients with latent yaws.
9 agin titre of >/=1:8) was higher in cases of yaws (63%) and dual infections (92%) than in H ducreyi i
10 as conducted to determine whether whole-body yaw alters the position and orientation of LP.
11          The prevalence of high-titer latent yaws among children was reduced from 18.3% to 6.5% (diff
12 f the preparation during bending both in the yaw and in the pitch plane.
13 ons that stimulated only the canals (upright yaw and on tail roll) produced accurate VOR timing durin
14 ing posture, circular tail movements control yaw and pitch as the gecko descends.
15                                 In primates, yaw and pitch aVOR must be compensatory to stabilise ima
16 ccipital axis is lower than that elicited by yaw and pitch, causing errors in aVOR magnitude and dire
17 ters and gyros monitored train and passenger yaw and roll, and a survey evaluated motion sickness.
18 generation is influenced by features of both yaw and the distractor, where the degree of influence is
19 ions onto the manifold representing proverse yaw and to quantify the degree to which freely flying in
20 heir visual environment with a series pitch, yaw and torsional (roll) rotations of their eyes, where
21 hieved in 151 (92%) participants with latent yaws and 101 (94%) with active yaws (risk difference -2.
22 icipants enrolled, 273 (88%; 165 with latent yaws and 108 with active yaws) completed follow-up.
23 and non-treponemal antigens in patients with yaws and avoids the need for laboratory support.
24                 The lesions in patients with yaws and dual infection were more circular in shape (79%
25                Skin lesions in patients with yaws and in those with dual infection were larger than t
26 ic rather than the organotropic character of yaws and provide further evidence of distinctive biologi
27 logical and pathological differences between yaws and venereal syphilis.
28 haracteristics of the patients infected with yaws and with H ducreyi were similar.
29 ertenue, and endemicum) that cause syphilis, yaws, and bejel, respectively.
30 nclude programs targeting scabies, impetigo, yaws, and diseases causing lymphoedema.
31 or active yaws, serologic surveys for latent yaws, and molecular analyses to determine the cause of s
32 ction, large pitch angles and bifurcation of yaw angles are predicted.
33  determinants of the spatial distribution of yaws are needed to help with the completion of baseline
34 nd five with UVD during transient whole-body yaw at 2800 deg/s(2).
35  The VOR was evoked by transient, whole-body yaw at 2800 deg/s2 peak acceleration, capable of evoking
36 to update the reported number of people with yaws at national and subnational levels and to estimate
37 a bee's moment of inertia about the roll and yaw axes but not the pitch axis.
38 played slower rotations about their roll and yaw axes, regardless of whether these rotations were dri
39 netic field allowing free rotation about the yaw axis actively seeks a narrow CO(2) plume during flig
40 he spherical projector was rotated about its yaw axis at 4.5 degrees /s for approximately 90 s.
41 ight simulator that enables maneuvers in the yaw axis, we found that flies readily steer directly tow
42 tethered Drosophila free to rotate about the yaw axis.
43 al plane and eye rotations about a vertical (yaw) axis to track and fixate targets of interest.
44 orts the WHO strategy for the eradication of yaws based on mass administration of the entire endemic
45 llatory motion from a first order subsidence yaw behavior.
46 plasma reagin titre >/=1:8) latent or active yaws, between April, 2013, and May, 2015.
47 sponse was attenuated by 90 deg head roll or yaw, both of which uncouple the inter-aural axis from th
48 ally significant increases in sensitivity to yaw but not vertical plane rotations, suggesting partici
49                                 To eradicate yaws by 2020, WHO has launched a campaign of mass treatm
50 s and organs in adult, neonate, and maternal yaws by PCR and RIT clearly demonstrated that, unlike sy
51  Reactive syphilis serology caused by latent yaws can occur in ulcers with the presence of H ducreyi
52 igned to actively detect and treat remaining yaws cases and is initiated on the basis of laboratory-s
53                      During 2010-13, 256 343 yaws cases were reported to WHO from 13 endemic countrie
54                                              Yaws, caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue a
55 8%; 165 with latent yaws and 108 with active yaws) completed follow-up.
56 ssa and every possible (pitch, distance, and yaw) configuration of the head relative to a flat surfac
57 ss of kinematics that provide favorable roll-yaw coupling.
58 t maintains stable gaits, with low frequency yaw deviations, when subject to random perturbations in
59 ages (total population 3117 people) during a yaws elimination campaign in Papua New Guinea in April,
60 ctive disease ranged from 0.31% to 14.54% in yaws-endemic areas, and prevalence of latent yaws ranged
61 unately, the RPR test is available rarely in yaws-endemic areas.
62                                      In this yaws-endemic community, H ducreyi is an important and pr
63  2012, over 89 million people were living in yaws-endemic districts.
64 us ducreyi-as causes of skin ulceration in a yaws-endemic region.
65    We did a prospective cohort study of five yaws-endemic villages (total population 3117 people) dur
66 uspected clinical yaws living in two remote, yaws-endemic villages in Papua New Guinea were enrolled.
67 illance must accompany the implementation of yaws eradication activities.
68 r DPP assay could ease the implementation of yaws eradication activities.
69  the accuracy of diagnosis in countries with yaws eradication campaigns.
70 atent yaws is a crucial component of the WHO yaws eradication strategy to prevent relapse and the res
71 s of initial efforts at implementing the WHO yaws eradication strategy.
72                                   To achieve yaws eradication, the use of the new WHO strategy of ini
73  antigens-for guiding use of antibiotics for yaws eradication.
74 ously represent both heading and horizontal (yaw) eye rotation velocity by measuring heading tuning c
75 insect kinematics do act to provide proverse yaw for a variety of maneuvers.
76                             WHO has targeted yaws for global eradication by 2020.
77  yaws is endemic and to certify countries as yaws free where yaws was endemic in the past.
78 ngry fly in a magnetic field, allowing it to yaw freely, presented odor plumes, and examined how visu
79 hed data for prevalence of active and latent yaws from Jan 1, 1990, to Dec 31, 2014.
80 enetic activation of HS cells elicits robust yaw head movements and yaw turning responses in fixed an
81 oprioceptive stimulation produced during (1) yaw head-on-trunk rotation about the C1-C2 axis while in
82 s taken to be non-inferior to that of active yaws if the lower limit of the two-sided 95% CI for the
83                          We report a case of yaws in a patient with puritic cutaneous eruption who wa
84 of serologically confirmed active infectious yaws in the entire population and the prevalence of late
85                                 We collected yaws incidence data from official national surveillance
86                            Offspring born to yaws-infected mothers did not produce immunoglobulin M a
87          The prevalence of active and latent yaws infection fell rapidly and substantially 12 months
88                                              Yaw is linearly correlated with the difference between t
89                          Treatment of latent yaws is a crucial component of the WHO yaws eradication
90 nterrupt the transmission in countries where yaws is endemic and to certify countries as yaws free wh
91                                              Yaws is endemic in west Africa, southeast Asia, and the
92 aemophilus ducreyi causes lesions similar to yaws is particularly important and further work is neede
93 The incidence and dissemination of cutaneous yaws lesions in very young guinea pigs were remarkably d
94 en (aged 1-18 years) with suspected clinical yaws living in two remote, yaws-endemic villages in Papu
95 d motion-sensitive neuron, encodes preferred yaw motion in the presence of stimuli not aligned with i
96 rees of freedom describing translational and yawing motions of the body.
97 ither H ducreyi (n=42), T pallidum pertenue (yaws; n=19), or coinfection with both organisms (dual in
98                                 To eradicate yaws, national control programmes use the Morges strateg
99 h information about the pitch, distance, and yaw of a surface relative to its head.
100 ttractive odorant increases the influence of yaw-optic flow on steering behavior in flight, which enh
101 in a loss of olfaction-dependent increase in yaw optomotor fidelity.
102 ed in the blowfly how the well characterized yaw optomotor reflex and the activity of identified visu
103  that contrary to previous expectations, the yaw optomotor reflex shows a bimodal directional tuning
104  they concomitantly increase the gain of the yaw optomotor response by enhancing the animal's ability
105 a low incidence and short persistence of the yaws pathogen in internal organs.
106 inal grid cells and hippocampal place cells, yaw plane optic flow signals likely influence representa
107 ctively according to head orientation in the yaw plane relative to environmental landmark cues.
108                                       In the yaw plane, concave responses to bending of rostral segme
109  to angular head rotation in the horizontal (yaw) plane, are critical for the signal.
110                                 We estimated yaws prevalence (and 95% CIs).
111 emicircular canals (upright roll and on tail yaw) produced higher VOR gains overall than were elicite
112 yaws-endemic areas, and prevalence of latent yaws ranged from 2.45% to 31.05%.
113 ly, we were able to genetically separate the yaw responses and sideslip responses in our behavioral a
114 s with latent yaws and 101 (94%) with active yaws (risk difference -2.0%, 95% CI -8.3 to 4.3), meetin
115 hold measurements than normal (p < 0.01) for yaw rotation (depending upon frequency, 5.4x to 15.7x gr
116                                              Yaw rotation can cause stable torsional offsets in the l
117  by a highly repeatable transient whole-body yaw rotation in darkness at a peak acceleration of 2800
118                    They perceived whole-body yaw rotation in one direction with the head pitched forw
119 ion of the horizontal semicircular canals by yaw rotation increased minute ventilation in young but n
120 increased transverse movement resulting from yaw rotation may have been a crucial evolutionary prereq
121 P, after which subjects underwent whole-body yaw rotation of 30 degrees or 70 degrees , at peak accel
122 natomies evolved concurrently with increased yaw rotation of the jaw during chewing cycles.
123 ibular nucleus neurons (n = 9) while pairing yaw rotation with a pitch optokinetic stimulus, resultin
124 on thresholds as a function of frequency for yaw rotation, superior-inferior translation ("z-translat
125 ngular velocities to propel the body without yaw rotation.
126 ant transverse movement, likely produced via yaw rotation.
127 that the slower rise in roll velocity during yaw rotations on entering and leaving curves had induced
128 h more neurons preferring roll than pitch or yaw rotations.
129 rformed repeated clinical surveys for active yaws, serologic surveys for latent yaws, and molecular a
130  by discussing potential sources of roll and yaw stability, we consider the various sources of static
131                                 In contrast, yaw stimulation produces an entirely different pattern i
132 y completed unpublished studies from the WHO yaws surveillance network.
133 and dried blood spot specimens collected for yaws surveillance projects in Ghana, Vanuatu, and Papua
134 gh-throughput multiplex tool for large-scale yaws surveillance.
135 r monaurally, whether the head was turned in yaw through 90 deg, whether the head was pitched down th
136                  When the head was turned in yaw to face in different directions the sway response ch
137 odynamic mechanisms to provide proverse roll-yaw turn coordination.
138  cells elicits robust yaw head movements and yaw turning responses in fixed and tethered flying flies
139 nnal segment cooperate to direct small-angle yaw turns up the plume gradient.
140 hawkmoth Manduca sexta, encode torque during yaw turns.
141   Adequate synchronization of roll tilt with yaw velocity on curves will reduce motion sickness and i
142 estigate vertical saccade behavior after the yaw vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) had driven eye torsion
143                                       Latent yaws was defined as lack of suspicious skin lesions or p
144 a pallidum subsp pertenue on PCR, and active yaws was defined as ulcers positive for T pertenue on PC
145  and to certify countries as yaws free where yaws was endemic in the past.
146 mycin on a Papua New Guinean island on which yaws was endemic.
147                        Clinical suspicion of yaws was established according to a WHO pictorial guide.
148          The prevalence of active infectious yaws was reduced from 2.4% before mass treatment to 0.3%
149                          Treatment of latent yaws was taken to be non-inferior to that of active yaws
150 around a dorsoventrally-oriented axis (i.e., yaw) while decreasing the mechanical advantage of jaw ro
151 tire population and the prevalence of latent yaws with high-titer seroreactivity in a subgroup of chi
152  reduces information transmitted by H1 about yaw, with the amount of this reduction depending on the

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