1 Homotherium occurred in Europe over 200,
000 years later than previously believed.
2 1 year later, after a booster with an inactivated H5N1 vac
3 1 year later, eight (57%) of 14 participants boosted with
4 +11.8 [12.0]) or ranibizumab (14.2 [10.6])
1 year later (P < .001 for interaction with visual acuity
5 y 4 months during the first year and again
1 year later.
6 ores 7 or more and less than 11 were alive
1 year later.
7 G at transplantation (8 +/- 17.5 U/mL) and
1 year later (6.4 +/- 12.0 U/mL, P = .4) were similar.
8 istered after study conclusion (LFQ-1) and
1 year later (LFQ-2).
9 attle Angina Questionnaire at baseline and
1 year later in 2693 unselected AMI patients from 24 hospi
10 followed by microsurgical reattachment and
1 year later motoneurons were intracellularly recorded and
11 ires administered at the initial visit and
1 year later, as well as baseline risk factor analysis for
12 ires administered at the initial visit and
1 year later, as well as baseline risk factor analysis for
13 2008, with weight recorded at baseline and
1 year later, were followed another 5 years for mortality.
14 ipants wore accelerometers at baseline and
1 year later.
15 d by echocardiography both at baseline and
1 year later.
16 d follow-up MRI was obtained approximately
1 year later in the majority.
17 h magnetic resonance imaging approximately
1 year later to assess the impact of video gaming on brain
18 an A/Indonesia(H5N1) vaccine approximately
1 year later.
19 with each volunteer at study inception, at
1 year later, and at 15 years later.
20 DNA persisted for 2 months in 4 children;
1 year later all 15 samples were DNA negative.
21 who subsequently transition to chronicity
1 year later.
22 then by marked shrinkage of the LGLL clone
1 year later.
23 14) and follow-up study (204509) conducted
1 year later.
24 Preliminary data
1 year later showed that all MCI cases assigned to the AD
25 Thirteen ON<6 eyes were re-evaluated
1 year later.
26 this maturational process, such that even
1 year later animals were unable to integrate visual and a
27 with an equivalent 270-day period exactly
1 year later.
28 However,
1 year later, after nutrient enrichment had been terminate
29 in Tanzania, 107 children were identified
1 year later with infection.
30 remained higher than prevaccination levels
1 year later.
31 s with minimal posterior capsular opacity;
1 year later, he demonstrated anterior capsular opacity an
32 brain connectivity, and clinical outcomes
1 year later.
33 hat genotype in the HPV-discordant partner
1 year later.
34 anced disease first and healthier patients
1 year later.
35 eks after delivery than in the same period
1 year later, with 411 events versus 38 events, for an abs
36 delivery as compared with the same period
1 year later, with 95 versus 44 events, for an absolute ri
37 pared with the corresponding 6-week period
1 year later.
38 8.2) in comparison with the control period
1 year later.
39 riod and 9 cases during the control period
1 year later.
40 ) per million during the equivalent period
1 year later.
41 h ideal BP transitioned to prehypertension
1 year later.
42 r surgery and returned to the normal range
1 year later.
43 flibercept over bevacizumab or ranibizumab
1 year later.
44 They were reassessed
1 year later.
45 zed (99%), and 2364 (87%) were recontacted
1 year later.
46 nd serum-specific IgE assays were repeated
1 year later and, in case of persistent positivity, 3 and
47 S Society Tissue Bank (n = 2,126, repeated
1 year later with n = 872 of the original respondents).
48 e collected throughout treatment and up to
1 year later.
49 the sham group were offered RFA treatment
1 year later, and all patients were followed for 5 years.
50 high risk of detachment from the workforce
1 year later.
51 ologous subtypes in children aged <3 years
1 year later.
52 dnDSA at the time of dnDSA detection, and
year later or at time of AMR.
53 ) and a second cerebral MRI approximately
10 years later (n = 888).
54 llow-up MRI, which occurred approximately
10 years later.
55 ve significant psychological difficulties
10 years later compared with children whose mothers did not
56 jects from subjects alive and nondemented
10 years later and an AUROC of 0.75 for discriminating futu
57 cardiac magnetic resonance was performed
10 years later among 2831 participants who remained free of
58 with increased risk for death by suicide
10 years later, even after adjustment for depressive sympto
59 psychological outcomes in children up to
10 years later in countries of low and middle income.
60 Exactly
100 years later we discuss his first electrophysiological ex
61 n 1874 by Moriz Kaposi in Vienna, nearly
100 years later, James Cleaver in San Francisco reported def
62 were repeated at follow-up, approximately
11 years later.
63 ociated with improved functional outcomes
11 years later.
64 vity was measured in the same children 11-
14 years later using a modified version of the Trier Social
65 predicted decreased amygdala-vmPFC rs-FC
14 years later.
66 annual bleaching is projected to start 10-
15 years later at high-latitude reefs than for reefs in low
67 Patients and controls were evaluated 5-
15 years later.
68 pressures measubred at baseline (Y0) and
15 years later (Y15).
69 study inception, at 1 year later, and at
15 years later.
70 trongly correlates with severe disability
15 years later.
71 al of the first antiangiogenic tumor drug
15 years later.
72 vided information on health an average of
15 years later.
73 Follow-up evaluation was performed 10 to
15 years later (June 2008-April 2010) with participants age
74 ants at enrollment who developed FL up to
15 years later showed a markedly higher t(14;18) prevalence
75 who had available follow-up imaging 3 to
16 years later.
76 but little association with poor balance,
19 years later.
77 follow-up visits (approximately 1.6 and 3.
2 years later).
78 d of therapy predicted decreased academics
2 years later, suggesting an amplified functional impact o
79 us and gene expression were measured again
2 years later in 414 subjects.
80 At baseline and again
2 years later, adolescents (initially 11-15 years of age)
81 assessed at baseline (ages 8-10 years) and
2 years later.
82 population, at baseline and approximately
2 years later; analyses considered standardized scores for
83 ance in children's working memory capacity
2 years later, which was unique variance in addition to th
84 cted resting-state functional connectivity
2 years later.
85 cognitive decline, which led to her death
2 years later.
86 cane Sandy on October 29, 2012, and ending
2 years later, created a model of 2642713 simulated agents
87 lity of reinfection remains 14-fold higher
2 years later.
88 efining critique published in same journal
2 years later.
89 t improvements in future anxiety (measured
2 years later), and this was particularly true within the
90 was assessed at enrollment and reassessed
2 years later.
91 n problems predicted lower academic scores
2 years later, with small to moderate effect sizes ( verti
92 risk were predictive of psychotic symptoms
2 years later.
93 minutes of the oral glucose tolerance test
2 years later.
94 rst scanned between ages 11 to 15 and then
2 years later.
95 t baseline, 959 (95%) were evaluated up to
2 years later; 113 (11.8%) developed incident DM.
96 ed with increased odds of becoming unhappy
2 years later.
97 aged 18 to 30 years (year 0 baseline) and
20 years later (year 20): not overweight/obese, low alcohol
98 key socioeconomic outcomes approximately
20 years later.
99 ects, 470 attended a follow-up evaluation
20 years later in which they were offered routine clinical
100 onset of annual severe bleaching that is ~
20 years later (2062 vs. 2044).
101 Nearly
20 years later, it remains the only approved treatment, des
102 CXCR3 was identified in 1996, and nearly
20 years later, new areas of CXCR3 disease biology continue
103 rviewed 105 out of 129 study participants
20 years later and found that the intervention increased ea
104 . pneumoniae followed a similar path some
20 years later.
105 participants with a second treadmill test
20 years later.
106 .9%] participants) was measured more than
20 years later (median follow-up, 23.5 years; interquartile
107 were between the same ages when assessed
21 years later.
108 cious conjunctival lesions at a median of
22 years later (mean: 21 years).
109 lower health care costs at an average of
22 years later in life, independent of cardiovascular risk
110 d abdominal aortic calcium (AAC) assessed
25 years later, than scores measured 25 years later.
111 impacts were not studied at the time, but
25 years later three-quarters of the Chironomus cucini larv
112 ssed 25 years later, than scores measured
25 years later.
113 noyl glycerol) were identified only 20 to
25 years later.
114 pogonadism (p.W275X) is associated with 1.
year-later menarche (P=2.8 x 10(-11)), illustrating the
115 ideal cardiovascular health was examined
27 years later in adulthood.
116 nd coronary artery calcification measured
28 years later in adulthood.
117 ng findings was verified by repeat scans 1-
3 years later in seven patients.
118 psychological batteries at baseline and ~1.
3 years later.
119 articipants at enrollment and reassessed 2-
3 years later.
120 alth is associated with incident early AMD
3 years later, and thus is a functional biomarker for earl
121 dia thickness was measured at baseline and
3 years later in 352 HIV-infected adults without clinical
122 Lifetime Version interview at baseline and
3 years later.
123 iated with a reduced long-term risk (i.e.,
3 years later) for depression (hazard ratio = 0.58; 95% co
124 Surprisingly, however,
3 years later, and without any additional intervention, th
125 wed in 2001-02 (Wave 1) and re-interviewed
3 years later (2004-05; Wave 2) in the US National Epidemi
126 ter mental health and academic performance
3 years later.
127 The second follow-up assessment took place
3 years later after the intervention phase was terminated.
128 His cancer remains in complete remission
3 years later without additional treatment.
129 The protocol was repeated
3 years later.
130 nd cTnT were measured at baseline and 2 to
3 years later in adults 65 years of age and older free of
131 , 0.86-1.22) and the risk of CNS ADS up to
3 years later.
132 ealth checkup in 2006 and were followed up
3 years later.
133 us were more likely to exhibit problem use
3 years later.
134 and a mean of 3.1 (standard deviation, 1.
years later to assess calcium progression.
135 30 years later, "search and capture" remains the cornerston
136 abetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity >
30 years later.
137 Now, over
30 years later, this yeast and its receptors continue to pr
138 f participants had evidence of protection
30 years later.
139 beles at Brandeis, then a center of what,
30 years later, would be called chemical biology.
140 e evaluated for LV structure and function
31 years later.
141 ptoms (EURO-D Scale; possible range, 0-12)
4 years later (beta = -0.190 units, 95% confidence interva
142 in CD4 T-cell count between baseline and 2-
4 years later were calculated.
143 ne 1, 2005, to February 1, 2007, and again
4 years later (June 2009 to February 2010) merged with Sur
144 System II (LOCS II) at baseline and again
4 years later.
145 ion were reviewed at the initial visit and
4 years later for 10 of them.
146 approximately 9 months after diagnosis and
4 years later.
147 dimension ratio, suggesting LV remodeling,
4 years later (P = .01).
148 se who remained disease free were surveyed
4 years later to determine the frequency of immediate and
149 (73% response rate) and from 1536 of these
4 years later.
150 LV end-diastolic posterior wall thickness
4 years later (P < .01); increases in NT-proBNP were relat
151 y to life stress occurring as much as 1 to
4 years later.
152 2 years and were assessed for cannabis use
4 years later, at age 16 years.
153 40 years later, the Glasgow Coma Scale has become an integr
154 40 years later, the same value of 50% was predicted at 10 y
155 nt expansion front occurred approximately
40 years later and across territory where gray wolves have
156 tion and chronic disease status more than
40 years later (in 2005-2007).
157 More than
40 years later, Kinoshita and colleagues reported that the
158 Now, almost
400 years later, a renaissance in the study of microbiota sp
159 lar Biology in 1967 and as his biographer
45 years later.
160 Approximately 1.
5 years later, 5 of these patients were re-treated with TM
161 urned for a second assessment on average 2.
5 years later.
162 Of 65 subjects revaccinated 4-
5 years later, 85% demonstrated memory based on seroprotec
163 A subset was given another MMR 4-
5 years later, and PRN antibody was measured before and 7
164 Follow-up a mean of 6.
5 years later revealed that all patients had a slight resi
165 se with no symptoms at 23 years of age and
5 years later was higher by 0.60 (95% CI, 0.57-0.64) times
166 1,056 participants imaged at baseline and
5 years later.
167 1, 3, 6 months after CXL, and 1, 2, 4, and
5 years later.
168 ars) and were followed up clinically 2 and
5 years later.
169 ough and assessed the prevalence of asthma
5 years later.
170 ollow-up information, 345 (28%) had asthma
5 years later.
171 ronchodilator use, cough apart from colds)
5 years later were compared across phenotypes.
172 baseline are at highest risk for disorder
5 years later.
173 Of these, 2308 were re-examined
5 years later.
174 the probability of remaining seizure-free
5 years later was 0.48 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.63).
175 y associated with a first record of ALS >/=
5 years later, in keeping with growing evidence for major
176 e at 23 years of age and remained inactive
5 years later showed no change in symptom level (mean diff
177 nally biopsied moderately dysplastic nevus
5 years later.
178 is updated practice parameter was prepared
5 years later.
179 t diagnosis, kappa restriction was present
5 years later when the PTLD relapsed.
180 stolic dysfunction and abnormal relaxation
5 years later, whereas exercise capacity and pulmonary fun
181 e associated only with abnormal relaxation
5 years later.
182 ith Expanded Disability Status Scale score
5 years later (Spearman r = 0.313, P = 0.027).
183 ently and when uric acid was measured 3 to
5 years later.
184 jugate vaccine (PCV13) administration 4 to
5 years later.
185 ng probability of contact during the first
5 years); later reentry (7.1%) (characterized by moderate
186 This remains detectable more than
50 years later.
187 37) of the patients 4 months and 2.2 and 4.
6 years later.
188 pmental competence was positively affected
6 years later.
189 aseline (mean age: 16 years old) and again
6 years later.
190 er transplant for alcoholic cirrhosis and,
6 years later, developed biopsy-proven chronic HEV infecti
191 elation to the prevalence of AMD, assessed
6 years later.
192 cant but modest predictor of active asthma
6 years later, with methacholine challenge being superior
193 hallenge at age 10 years for active asthma
6 years later.
194 ther 14% of the variation in active asthma
6 years later.
195 ritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue
6 years later.
196 ntrols responded to a postal questionnaire
6 years later (in 2010).
197 6 months and was alive without recurrence
6 years later.
198 d an identical re-examination testing 5 to
6 years later.
199 erformed at baseline and 3.1 years (1.3, 4.
6 years) later.
200 rican Board of Ophthalmology was founded,
60 years later in 1976 as periodic recertification emerged,
201 ntil technological advances that occurred
60 years later.
202 d without cardiovascular symptoms, 2.3+/-1.
7 years later.
203 f cognitive impairment was approximately 8.
7 years later compared with low lifetime intellectual enri
204 n, there was no recurrence of LCDD up to 9.
7 years later.
205 n initial baseline visit and approximately
7 years later underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging w
206 severe wheezing episode for current asthma
7 years later and separately for atopic and nonatopic asth
207 n average, hospitalized for the first time
7 years later than were men with a sperm concentration of
208 Up to
7 years later, annual outcomes were extracted and analyzed
209 rison populations were inversely related;
75 years later, the question arises as to whether the hypot
210 6-2001 and resurveyed postally about 3 and
8 years later.
211 s in 1993 to 1995 and reassessed 2, 6, and
8 years later.
212 Plague of Justinian and the Black Death
800 years later were independent emergences from rodents int
213 ngly associated with LT waitlist additions
9 years later in derivation and validation cohorts (R(2) =
214 -onset patients with MS were approximately
9 years later than relapsing-onset patients (p=1.40x10(-26
215 re not sensitized to cat, were reevaluated
9 years later in ECRHS II.
216 A year later visual function had improved, with shrinkage
217 d from the list of polio-endemic countries
a year later, and has since demonstrated its ability to co
218 netic resonance (MR) imaging was performed
a year later to control the progression of CT findings.
219 In the second stage,
a year later, the process was repeated using the same inst
220 nt-related cardiovascular effects may
appear years later.
221 12 that of similar systems about two
billion years later, and enhanced [C II] emission relative to th
222 modern levels in the sea and air two
billion years later, and its cause-and-effect relationship with
223 fter 6 months of ART predicted a lower
CCIMT years later (P < .01).
224 ts for rapid protection with a booster
years later, of a vaccine then manufactured to match the
225 Eight years later, 126 patients with CAD (102 males and 24 fem
226 sion front compared with those tracked a
few years later at the same site.
227 vodka per week who were reinterviewed a
few years later, about half (185 of 321) then reported drink
228 Nipah virus emerged a
few years later, causing respiratory infections and encephal
229 Fifty years later, PAS continues to be used to treat tuberculo
230 Five years later, during a routine clinic visit of one of the
231 a right cerebellar hemispheric infarct
five years later.
232 Twenty-
five years later, the role of epidemiology as an important co
233 Four years later, he underwent excision of a raised pigmented
234 But a revisit just
four years later revealed rapid growth of glass sponges.
235 l formulation of the law emerged one
hundred years later ab initio as a very general, canonical repre
236 Over one
hundred years later, the same principle is being used in the fab
237 isk of health problems that can develop
many years later, most commonly affecting the endocrine syste
238 anted seeds that were to bear new fruit
many years later with the advent of monoclonal antibodies and
239 losaur dinosaurs that lived over 100
million years later.
240 quently re-evolved, approximately 12
million years later, in Drosophila bipectinata and its sibling s
241 h homoploid hybrid speciation 1 to 2
million years later.
242 This was followed some 30
million years later by a second genomic accident targeting the p
243 cluster at axon initial segments, 50
million years later with the evolution of myelin, Nav channels "
244 [228-273], and of the neococcoids 60
million years later [210-165 Ma].
245 c iron formations, deposited 500-600
million years later.
246 KIR evolved first, followed several
million years later by the C2 epitope and C2-specific KIR.
247 y Cretaceous bark-beetle borings 120
years later.Numerous gaps remain in our knowledge of how
248 Nine years later, the prevalence of atopy had increased in th
249 Nine years later, we undertook a second survey of the same ar
250 rly in Earth's history and that, billions
of years later, curious creatures noted this fact and consi
251 -latitude terrestrial ecosystems millions
of years later, closer to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.
252 ed similar losses that occurred thousands
of years later on other continents.
253 One year later (T4), there was a significant reduction (p =
254 One year later she was well, the ulcers completely healed, a
255 One year later, after the participants had completed their c
256 One year later, CPC-treated rats exhibited smaller scars and
257 One year later, equal amounts of rMal d 1 were administered.
258 One year later, she experienced a more rapid decline in her
259 One year later, without further intervention, 7 of 310 sampl
260 nted to participate; retention was 93.2%
one year later when data for this report were collected.
261 o analyze the verification samples about
one year later.
262 - at the start of the study (Scan1) and
one year later (Scan2).
263 mance on multiple pre-reading tests and,
one year later, predicts preschoolers' performance across mu
264 t years after the war and re-interviewed
one year later.
265 ntervention forms and 274 outcome sheets
one year later (31%).
266 tizing retinochoroiditis occurring months
or years later.
267 redict that same neuron's activity months
or years later.
268 ecrements in cognitive function will
persist years later.
269 Seven years later, the volume of white matter hyperintensities
270 s) were introduced into epidemiology
several years later as a tool with which to identify confounders
271 ving T-cell reconstitution, followed
several years later with a conditioning regimen to restore B-cel
272 en until further analysis, sometimes
several years later.
273 k, the increase in incidence started
several years later in the Netherlands than in England, the rate
274 tractive revascularization strategy,
several years later, only one small randomized controlled trial
275 (61.3%) completed a follow-up visit
several years later (mean = 4.95 yr, interquartile range = 3.74-
276 Six years later (2013/2014) all subjects were invited for fo
277 Six years later, parents reported behavioral and emotional s
278 fter sampling, and some were re-analysed
six years later with a more sensitive ELISA assay.
279 predicted functional numeracy more than
six years later (ss = 0.195, p = .0014) controlling for inte
280 g 1999-2008 (with 12,000 re-interviewed
some years later) and followed them until 2010 for cause-spec
281 cardiomyopathy and heart failure,
sometimes years later.
282 Ten years later endosomes were discovered as important prely
283 Ten years later in 2015, and eight years after MtBE was bann
284 Ten years later, the same eye would be deteriorating at -0.1
285 Thirty years later, Met and its ligand hepatocyte growth factor
286 Thirty years later, this award lecture is a lively testimony of
287 e proportions of C4 foods until 800
thousand years later, given the available isotopic evidence.
288 Three years later the clinical and functional findings remain
289 Three years later the visible extent of the cuttings had reduc
290 Three years later, they were asked about hours spent walking,
291 b) followed by disease progression months
to years later.
292 Twenty years later, I reflect on "the race" and its consequence
293 Two years later I accepted a faculty position at Harvard Med
294 Two years later, he developed a left pelvic mass.
295 Two years later, the silent morph appeared on the neighborin
296 Two years later, women again reported on their antidepressan
297 epressive symptoms both concurrently and
two years later.
298 A follow-up colonoscopy
two years later revealed a normal colon mucosa, and NSAID-in
299 cation and level of educational progress
two years later.
300 om a heavily impacted area, soil sampled
two years later from the treatment biopiles, soil collected