


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l observers to report the lighter stripes as yellowish.
2     The film's colour became darker and more yellowish and had a lower gloss as the levels of ZEO or
3 scopy and bile reflux was grouped as normal, yellowish bile lakes and presence of greenish bile lakes
4 20/23 (87%) had macroscopic bile reflux (74% yellowish bile lakes, 13% greenish bile lakes).
5  yellow core, placed in a greenish cell with yellowish border, but the core disappears in dark field.
6 iate uveitis, optic disc swelling, and white-yellowish choroidal lesions.
7 rocess for the production of premium quality yellowish, cloudy pear juice from low-quality fruit unde
8 s were optimised with the aim of producing a yellowish, cloudy pear juice with the highest possible j
9                               Retention of a yellowish coagulum within the fistulous tracts of the ta
10 ss, e.g., a reddish color for do-sharp and a yellowish color for re-flat.
11                                Lightness and yellowish color were intensified in the NCs films which,
12 water holding capacity, reduced hardness and yellowish colour compared to the control group, and no d
13 tion of quercetin and citral both imparted a yellowish colour to the films.
14 and electron diffraction measurements on the yellowish compound indicate a hexagonal space group (P6(
15 ase activity, and on average, paler and less yellowish fillets.
16 he liver had multiple and slightly irregular yellowish foci up to 1.5 cm in diameter.
17                           Patches of whitish/yellowish fundus lesions were observed in 17 approximate
18  due to the choice of its promoter, causes a yellowish-golden (aurea) phenotype.
19  tobacco plants in this study have an aurea (yellowish-golden) leaf color caused by the presence of a
20  in suitable host matrix and exhibited green/yellowish green electroluminescence with external quantu
21 repared and characterized as promising green/yellowish green emitters for electroluminescent applicat
22 (SDS/SDBS) as the color changes from blue to yellowish green in aqueous solution.
23       The function of ayg1 (for "aspergillus yellowish-green 1") remains unknown.
24 al emission containing blue fluorescence and yellowish-green RTP from the PNA-doped DBBP crystals was
25 during juice extraction led to an attractive yellowish juice with an elevated phenolic content.
26 aly and hyperkeratotic surface (45 [33.6%]), yellowish keratin (42 [31.3%]), comedo-like openings (41
27                       Although the dwarf and yellowish leaf phenotype of Atnos1 knock-out mutant plan
28 e of dwarf plants with short roots and small yellowish leaves for AtTrx h9 (henceforth, Trx h9), a me
29 wth defect with altered root development and yellowish leaves.
30 as posterior, with a 2+ vitritis and a large yellowish lesion involving the macula with an overlying
31 ed frog tadpoles have an abnormally enlarged yellowish liver filled with protist cells of a presumed
32  roots of English ivy (Hedera helix) exude a yellowish mucilage that promotes the capacity of this pl
33  the encoding of specific scenes: reddish or yellowish objects on a background of leaves.
34 e 2 abnormalities that were characterized by yellowish or mildly pigmented deposits in the early stag
35 s, compared with equivalent variations along yellowish (or reddish or greenish) directions.
36                                 An intrinsic yellowish pigmentation is evident, even during eruption.
37 n of the red blood cells, leaving a layer of yellowish plasma at the top of the tube.
38           Reticular pseudodrusen appeared as yellowish round to oval (dot subtype; n = 5) or confluen
39  with ethanol at about 0 degrees C yielded a yellowish sol that was transformed into phase-pure anata
40 chorioretinal atrophy (2 patients), or small yellowish spots in the macula (1 patient).
41  (characterised by irregular, grey, black or yellowish, stippled cutaneous lesions) caused by poxviru
42  presence in their urinary bladder of large, yellowish stones.
43 tion disease presented with acquired macular yellowish subretinal deposits on funduscopic examination
44 normalities was observed, such as multifocal yellowish subretinal deposits, subretinal fibrous scars,
45 onto the bioactive sensing paper, from white-yellowish to dark orange, in a concentration-dependent m
46      Drusen, which are defined clinically as yellowish white spots in the outer retina, are cardinal
47 otic with well-demarcated elevated mounds of yellowish white tissue or nonfibrotic with discrete flat
48  The second type was interconnected bands of yellowish-white material forming a reticular pattern, ca
49 6 mice, abnormal a-wave and b-wave activity, yellowish-white spots, hyperfluorescence, and reduced re

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