


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Yop protein production in the intracellular yersiniae.
2 er, Yops were produced only by extracellular yersiniae.
3 rs of T3SS gene expression in the pathogenic yersiniae.
4 ogy to proteins of unknown function in other yersiniae.
5 that is translocated into mammalian cells by Yersiniae.
6 o activate type III secretion than wild-type yersiniae.
7                                   Pathogenic Yersiniae adhere to and kill macrophages by targeting so
8 accines to prime protective immunity against yersiniae and other pathogens.
9 ficient for bacteriostasis of Ca(2+)-starved yersiniae and suggest that abrupt restriction of Y. pest
10 op targeting at the extracellular surface of yersiniae and that the protective efficacy of LcrV-speci
11 contact-activated, extracellularly localized yersiniae and were targeted to the HeLa cell cytosol.
12                                              Yersiniae bearing deletion mutations in yopN, tyeA, sycN
13 oes not decrease survival of YadA-expressing Yersiniae because C3b becomes readily inactivated by fac
14 in lcrV reduced type III targeting of mutant yersiniae but did not promote secretion into the extrace
15 heterogeneity of size and sequence among the yersiniae, but the functional consequences of this varia
16 estis lacking effector Yops, even though the yersiniae could strongly express LcrV, suggesting that Y
17        Delayed expression of YopR-DHFR, when yersiniae have already engaged the type III pathway, blo
18                                           In yersiniae, important virulence-associated traits are und
19 odulate and evade host immune systems, these yersiniae inject effector proteins into host macrophages
20                             The virulence of yersiniae is promoted in part by shared approximately 70
21                                              Yersiniae lacking yopN (lcrE), yscB, sycN, or tyeA do no
22          Together these results suggest that yersiniae may have evolved distinct secretion reactions
23                                              Yersiniae modulate and evade host immune defences throug
24                     We find that tyeA mutant yersiniae not only secreted YopE, YopH, YopM, and YopN i
25  no significant effect of the iron status of yersiniae or of the pigmentation locus on invasion and l
26                             Human pathogenic yersiniae organisms export and translocate the Yop virul
27 pe III targeting pathway in the cytoplasm of yersiniae, presumably by preventing the export of YopN.
28     Thus, competition studies with wild-type yersiniae reveal critical roles of Yops in combating hos
29                                   Pathogenic yersiniae secrete 14 Yop proteins via the type III pathw
30                 To counteract this response, Yersiniae secrete a protease (Yersinia outer protein J (
31 at during infection of tissue culture cells, yersiniae secrete small amounts of LcrV into the extrace
32   We show here that the type III machines of yersiniae secrete three proteins into the extracellular
33  such as Salmonella spp., Shigellae spp. and Yersiniae spp., use specialized virulence factors to ove
34                                  ttsA mutant yersiniae synthesize reduced amounts of Yops and display
35 en grown at 21 degrees C, however, the three yersiniae synthesized LPS containing predominantly hexa-
36 ut mutations in both genes caused DeltalcrGV yersiniae to display a Los phenotype similar to that of
37 contact with host cells and is necessary for Yersiniae to establish a replicative niche and cause dis
38 otide phosphorylase (PNPase) is required for Yersiniae to grow at low temperatures.
39 hat knockout mutations of lcrG caused mutant yersiniae to prematurely secrete Yops into the extracell
40               After attaching to host cells, yersiniae transform the type III machinery into an injec
41                                   Pathogenic yersiniae utilize a type III secretion system to inject
42 tasis of Y. pestis (but not enteropathogenic yersiniae) was abrupt in Ca(2+)-deficient medium at neut
43 ovided evidence that the Deltalpp mutants of yersiniae were significantly attenuated and could be use
44 V antibody also promoted phagocytosis of the yersiniae, whereas F(ab')(2) fragments did not.
45                                 In contrast, yersiniae with a deletion in yopD or lcrH synthesized Yo
46 the injection of Yop proteins by tyeA mutant yersiniae with the digitonin fractionation technique.
47 or more of Y. pestis or the enteropathogenic yersiniae Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotub
48 ce (complement resistance) in the pathogenic Yersiniae (Yersinia pestis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. ps
49  high homology to the YscB-L proteins of the yersiniae Yop type III export apparatus.

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