


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s from Homo sapiens (human) and Danio rerio (zebrafish).
2 the two mcoln1 genes present in Danio rerio (zebrafish).
3 SPC proliferation and differentiation in the zebrafish.
4 tical control of oncogene expression in live zebrafish.
5 facial cartilage and the heart in developing zebrafish.
6 ody size associated with 16p11.2 homologs in zebrafish.
7 any eukaryotic species, but curiously not in zebrafish.
8 g-latency C-starts (SLCs vs. LLCs) in larval zebrafish.
9 binization in DMT1- and mitoferrin-deficient zebrafish.
10 out the requirement of a pre-B cell stage in zebrafish.
11 enhancing Smad2-activated wnt8 expression in zebrafish.
12 ed previously in Hoxb1 and Shha signaling in zebrafish.
13 ional studies of specific neural circuits in zebrafish.
14 ersible HCC model - the kras(V12) transgenic zebrafish.
15 een the cells that make stripes in the adult zebrafish.
16 s and their interactions with macrophages in zebrafish.
17 myeloid differentiation in humans, mice, and zebrafish.
18 oneurons and skeletal muscle cells in larval zebrafish.
19 genesis during fetal development in mice and zebrafish.
20 tion of a non-amphibian vertebrate host, the zebrafish.
21 est, radioresistance, and tumor formation in zebrafish.
22 well-established teleost research model, the zebrafish.
23 macologically induced endocytosis defects in zebrafish.
24 uding Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and zebrafish.
25 ls at all stages of development and in adult zebrafish.
26 glia and pericytes in the mouse brain and in zebrafish.
27 mination system in domesticated (laboratory) zebrafish.
28 cise base conversion with high efficiency in zebrafish.
29 sal aorta during early development using the zebrafish.
30 icities is used to induce base conversion in zebrafish.
31 e SYNE1, NUP37, and NUP43 gene expression in zebrafish.
32 ics in cultured neurons as well as in intact zebrafish.
33 tibular neurons in rhombomeres 5-7 of larval zebrafish.
34  has been described in depth in goldfish and zebrafish [1, 2] and is thought to occur in other specie
35 in regulating fear responses and boldness in zebrafish [3-7].
36                                           In zebrafish, a diurnal vertebrate, we found that both over
37   We used knockdown and rescue strategies in zebrafish, a model allowing visualization and assessment
38 lly access the intestinal bulb of the larval zebrafish, a model vertebrate.
39                                 The brain of zebrafish, a teleost fish widely used as vertebrate mode
40              We used TALENs to generate five zebrafish abcd1 mutant allele lines introducing prematur
41 ikewise, ectopic expression of human THOR in zebrafish accelerated the onset of melanoma.
42            Non-mammalian vertebrates such as zebrafish activate cardiomyocyte (CM) division after tis
43  anaesthetic perfusion set-up for live adult zebrafish, allowing for visualization of scar formation
44                    Furthermore, the EYS(-/-) zebrafish also showed mislocalisation of certain outer s
45                                           In zebrafish, although quite different from rods and UV con
46 R knockout produced fertilization defects in zebrafish and also conferred a resistance to melanoma on
47 in a mouse atrial cell line and in embryonic zebrafish and differentially regulates PRRX1 expression
48 ve-imaged primary cell cultures, planarians, zebrafish and human cerebral organoids.
49                                    Recently, zebrafish and human cytochrome P450 (P450) 27C1 enzymes
50 c "organoids," engineered heart tissues, and zebrafish and human hearts.
51     Interestingly, overexpression of MYCN in zebrafish and in human neuroblastoma cells results in th
52 rite in RAW264.7 macrophages, EAhy926 cells, zebrafish and in live tissues from a high-fat diet-induc
53  developmental angiogenesis in Tg(fli1:EGFP) zebrafish and inhibits human microvascular endothelial c
54 , enhanced antiviral responses and protected zebrafish and mice from viral attack.
55 iation of anxiolytic hypothalamic neurons in zebrafish and mice, although the identity of Lef1-depend
56 xtravasation of cancer cells into tissues in zebrafish and mice.
57 We also carried out functional studies using zebrafish and mice.
58 ntin is essential for cilia motility in both zebrafish and mouse and that Pontin and Reptin function
59 ophages transfer cytoplasm to tumor cells in zebrafish and mouse models.
60  pdgfra disrupts heart tube assembly in both zebrafish and mouse.
61 +) detection within living subjects, such as zebrafish and mouse.
62 ngle-cell RNA sequencing of lck:GFP cells in zebrafish and obtained the first transcriptome of specif
63 imilarities between the gustatory systems of zebrafish and other fishes are also discussed.
64  of questions that can be addressed in adult zebrafish and other small aquatic species.
65                     Overexpression assays in zebrafish and reporter assays in vitro indicated that 4
66 lts provide a strategy for restoring RNAi to zebrafish and reveal unanticipated opposing effects of a
67 t-latency startle responses (SLCs) in larval zebrafish and tested the hypothesis that first spike lat
68 n the number of secretory cells in germ-free zebrafish and their conventional counterparts, the fluid
69 e applicability of the workflow in wild type zebrafish and three treated fish types that disrupt trab
70 poral control of oncogene expression in live zebrafish, and characterize the different tumorigenic pr
71 -(Plys)-only lanes, RGC axons from goldfish, zebrafish, and chick retinal explants avoided rat M1-4 b
72 d verified this regulatory loop in fruitfly, zebrafish, and humans.
73 f C99 and secreted amyloid-beta in cellular, zebrafish, and mouse models of AD, through the activatio
74 ical defects across species, including worm, zebrafish, and mouse.
75 racing and neural crest-deficient mutants in zebrafish, and physical fate-mapping in frog and lamprey
76 trunk lymphatic vessels are conserved in the zebrafish, and provide a thorough and complete descripti
77 SNS) is very underdeveloped in def-deficient zebrafish, and that def haploinsufficiency significantly
78                                              Zebrafish are used in modelling human diseases; however,
79                      These results establish zebrafish as a model organism for studying the anxiolyti
80                 Despite the extensive use of zebrafish as a model organism in developmental biology a
81 ddition, our study reinforces the utility of zebrafish as a robust model for studying the effects of
82  as a novel therapy for ADPKD, and presented zebrafish as an efficient vertebrate model for developin
83 ain segments (rhombomeres) in the developing zebrafish as an example, but the mechanisms investigated
84                               Using mice and zebrafish as model systems, we showed that SMARCD2 contr
85 tes has also been shown for mice, snails and zebrafish as well as for insects.
86 the foundations for in-silico experiments of zebrafish behaviour.
87          For example, calcium imaging in the zebrafish brain recently revealed correlations between t
88 ylase, and dopamine transporter genes in the zebrafish brain.
89 essential for NC migration in amphibians and zebrafish by controlling cell polarity in a cell contact
90  the establishment of conditional alleles in zebrafish by generating intronic insertions via in vivo
91 t manassantin causes developmental arrest in zebrafish by inhibiting the mitochondrial complex I, but
92                                   While most zebrafish cancer models are generated by expressing mamm
93 perature varies with growth temperature in a zebrafish cell line (ZF4) that can be adapted for growth
94                     Intriguingly, developing zebrafish come to control the initiation of locomotion,
95 l block face scanning electron microscopy of zebrafish cones revealed that nearly 100 mitochondria cl
96        As with mammals, experimentation with zebrafish constitutes a complicated ethical issue that c
97 as neural stem cells, the brain of the adult zebrafish constitutes a relevant model to investigate co
98 ults illustrate that cognitive impairment in zebrafish could be associated with Se-induced oxidative
99                       To investigate whether zebrafish could be used to study the gender disparity of
100        Here we use combinatorial labeling of zebrafish cranial neural crest-derived cells (CNCCs) to
101  retinal defects that resemble those seen in zebrafish Crumbs complex knock-outs.
102 enesis, we investigated mutant phenotypes of zebrafish crumbs genes.
103 nt, disrupts developmental programming using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model.
104 ssEM data for the complete brain of a larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) at 5.5 days post-fertilization.
105 rganism Database is the central resource for zebrafish (Danio rerio) genetic, genomic, phenotypic and
106 uccessfully established the first transgenic zebrafish (Danio rerio) model of MJD by expressing human
107 in the absence of visual information, larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) perform rheotaxis by using flow
108                      As previously found for zebrafish (Danio rerio), the use of MS-222 and benzocain
109 umulation behavior of several PPCPs in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio).
110                                          The zebrafish, Danio rerio, is an established genetic and de
111 w that a broad set of electrical synapses in zebrafish, Danio rerio, require two gap-junction-forming
112                                           In zebrafish, ddrgk1 deficiency disrupted craniofacial cart
113 e produced an mRNA expression time course of zebrafish development across 18 time points from 1 cell
114 1(P29S) evokes a Rasopathy-like phenotype on zebrafish development that can be blocked by inhibitors
115 bryonic islet become functional during early zebrafish development.
116                                toe1-morphant zebrafish displayed midbrain and hindbrain degeneration,
117                         Real-time imaging in zebrafish displayed that fluorescent-labeled blood vesse
118 om 22 neuromodulatory cell types in behaving zebrafish during a reaction-time task that reports alert
119       Here, we conducted a screen in primary zebrafish embryo cultures for chemicals that disrupt neu
120 e neurodevelopmental toxicity of BMAA in the zebrafish embryo is presented in relation to the potenti
121 also track migrating cells in the developing zebrafish embryo, demonstrating the utility of this syst
122 Here we show that myomixer expression during zebrafish embryogenesis coincides with myoblast fusion,
123                                           In zebrafish embryogenesis, coordinated tissue movements fi
124 robust Nodal signaling at multiple stages in zebrafish embryonic development.
125     Here we report genetic code expansion in zebrafish embryos and its application to the optogenetic
126 these advances to deliver BE3 RNPs into both zebrafish embryos and the inner ear of live mice to achi
127  simulate cardiac hemodynamics in developing zebrafish embryos by coupling 4-D light sheet imaging wi
128                     Overexpression of OTG in zebrafish embryos caused dorso-anteriorized phenotype, i
129                         Removal of Ythdf2 in zebrafish embryos decelerates the decay of m(6)A-modifie
130                                  Exposure of zebrafish embryos demonstrated negligible effects of pre
131 active in an in vivo overexpression assay in zebrafish embryos demonstrating that the HP1 interaction
132        Downregulation of INPP5K orthologs in zebrafish embryos disrupted muscle fiber morphology and
133 eduction of sox9b expression in TCDD-exposed zebrafish embryos has been shown to contribute to heart
134 aled the induction of cellular senescence in zebrafish embryos overexpressing mutant, but not wild-ty
135 ole in vascular development was validated in zebrafish embryos using morpholino oligonucleotides.
136                          Here we report that zebrafish embryos without maternally provided vg1 fail t
137                                           In zebrafish embryos, an induced loss of function in snap29
138    Using live imaging and transplantation in zebrafish embryos, we additionally reveal that axon init
139 xplain the enantioselectivity of fipronil to zebrafish embryos.
140 of fluorescently tagged BMP2b and Chordin in zebrafish embryos.
141 l8 and its receptor, cxcr1, are expressed by zebrafish endothelial cells, and we identify cxcl8/cxcr1
142 nt enhancements to ZFIN including use of the zebrafish experimental conditions ontology, 'Fish' recor
143                                        Adult zebrafish expressing BRAF(V600E) in thyrocytes developed
144  image the brain of a freely swimming larval zebrafish for more than an hour.
145 histones and transcription factors regulates zebrafish genome activation.
146                             EEF1A2-deficient zebrafish had skeletal muscle weakness, cardiac failure
147 te-, and NMDA-type subunits are expressed in zebrafish hair cells.
148 , the postsynaptic density (PSD) proteome of zebrafish has lower complexity than mammals.
149   Experiments by three independent groups on zebrafish have clarified the role of two signaling facto
150   The 2.85 A-resolution crystal structure of zebrafish HDAC10 complexed with a transition-state analo
151 ights into the molecular networks underlying zebrafish heart regeneration might help develop alternat
152                       At the early stages of zebrafish heart valve formation, we show that endocardia
153               Genetic analysis revealed that zebrafish hnf4a activates nearly half of the genes that
154                           Using two lines of zebrafish homozygous mutant for disc1, we investigated b
155 ution of O(105) traces of whole-brain larval zebrafish imaging data on a laptop.
156                                              Zebrafish imaging demonstrates that after extravasation,
157 cantly increases homology-directed repair in zebrafish, improving current approaches for targeted DNA
158     Here we show that RL-TGR is expressed in zebrafish in both i) apical microvilli of the chemosenso
159 d have important implications for the use of zebrafish in modelling human synaptic diseases.
160 ementation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (P) to zebrafish in order to explore how the dietary lipid cont
161            Zwitch will extend the utility of zebrafish in organ development and regeneration research
162 the direct wake-promoting effect of light in zebrafish, in part through the induction of galn express
163                                          The zebrafish is a vertebrate model that demonstrates conser
164                                    The adult zebrafish is a well-established model for studying heart
165                                          The zebrafish is an ideal vertebrate model to address this c
166                                              Zebrafish is fast becoming a species of choice in biomed
167 tation during phototaxis behaviour in larval zebrafish is related to oscillatory dynamics of a neuron
168 rastic change in environmental illumination, zebrafish larvae display a rapid locomotor response.
169 utamate excitotoxicity damages hair cells in zebrafish larvae exposed to drugs that mimic excitotoxic
170 nse knockdown of NR4A2 and NR4A3 homologs in zebrafish larvae significantly reduces the absolute neut
171                        Expression of isl1 in zebrafish larvae staged 48 hpf was detected in a small r
172 xicity by exposing 5 days post-fertilization zebrafish larvae to 1 mM ACR for 3 days.
173                                  Here we use zebrafish larvae with pan-neuronal expression of GCaMP6s
174         Altogether, our results suggest that zebrafish larvae xenografts constitute a promising fast
175                                           In zebrafish larvae, activation of the epithelial NADPH oxi
176                            In the developing zebrafish larvae, in vivo monitoring of pigment cells su
177          Similarly, HCs in neuromasts of the zebrafish lateral line system are generated as pairs, an
178 ally required for mechanotransduction in the zebrafish lateral line.
179                                 We find that zebrafish lefty mutants exhibit excess Nodal signaling a
180                             Two rbpr2 mutant zebrafish lines, each resulting in Rbpr2 deficiency, exh
181 tively quantified true biological effects on zebrafish locomotor response.
182 crossed zebrafish M1-4 lanes-suggesting that zebrafish M1-4 is growth permissive and less inhibitory
183 explants avoided rat M1-4 but freely crossed zebrafish M1-4 lanes-suggesting that zebrafish M1-4 is g
184 nd ANG were validated in mammalian cells and zebrafish, MAP2K5 kinase emerged as a potential drug tar
185          Here we show that over one-third of zebrafish maternal messenger RNAs (mRNAs) can be N(6)-me
186        Thus, ExM of the larval and embryonic zebrafish may enable systematic studies of how molecular
187 ave imaged fluorescently labeled AGs in live zebrafish mechanosensory hair cells.
188 e annotation in vertebrate models, including zebrafish, mice, and rats.
189 ful infection is dependent on disrupting the zebrafish microbiome, highlighting that, as is widely fo
190 anscriptome in the experimentally accessible zebrafish model by integrating bioinformatics analysis w
191  exocrine pancreas size in a SRP54-knockdown zebrafish model faithfully recapitulated the human pheno
192                    Here, we have generated a zebrafish model for ACR neurotoxicity by exposing 5 days
193 ata support the suitability of the developed zebrafish model for screening of molecules with therapeu
194            In summary, we have established a zebrafish model of ALD that recapitulates key features o
195 unction, and genetic inhibition of SGK1 in a zebrafish model of inherited long QT syndrome rescues th
196 cent Cell paper, Madigan et al. (2017) use a zebrafish model of M. leprae infection to show that infe
197 umor growth rate in a MYCN-driven transgenic zebrafish model of neuroblastoma that arises in the PSNS
198                                          The Zebrafish Model Organism Database is the central resourc
199                   Here, we used a transgenic zebrafish model to show that Myf5 is sufficient to confe
200                  Finally, using a transgenic zebrafish model, we show that encapsulated (R)-roscoviti
201 ces of this variant, we generated transgenic zebrafish models expressing wild-type or A152T-tau, wher
202 pretations of cardiopharyngeal phenotypes in zebrafish models of human congenital disorders.
203                                        Using zebrafish morpholino to evaluate loss of function, we ob
204  the ubiquitous splicing factor SFPQ affects zebrafish motoneuron differentiation cell autonomously.
205 xample, it is unknown what CREs underlie the zebrafish mpp5b(ponli) (ponli) and crumbs2b (crb2b) apic
206                                  Here, using zebrafish, murine, and human models, we show that erythr
207 y, electrophysiology, and dynamic imaging of zebrafish muscle fibers, we find significantly reduced D
208  We performed a deep characterization of the zebrafish mutant Chihuahua, that carries a G574D (p.G736
209                                              Zebrafish mutant for foxp3a displayed excess T lymphocyt
210                                  Because the zebrafish mutant was a global knockout, we also observed
211 roadly rescue morphology and motility in the zebrafish mutant, but alter motor axon morphology, demon
212                                        Using zebrafish mutants for cav1, cav3, and cavin1b, we show t
213                                 We generated zebrafish mutants for pkd1 and noted cystic kidney and m
214                                        Using zebrafish mutants in which OPCs migrate out of the spina
215 as well as obtained an abcd1 allele from the Zebrafish Mutation Project carrying a point mutation in
216                                      Using a zebrafish ncx1 mutant, we explored the impacts of impair
217 n of a new Gal4- and Cre-driver resource for zebrafish neurobiology.
218                                              Zebrafish neuromast development is increasingly well und
219                                        Using zebrafish neuromast hair cells, a robust model for mamma
220 sed in non-neuronal cells, mouse neurons and zebrafish neurons in vivo by infrared (IR) laser radiati
221 spatially distinct haematopoietic-supportive zebrafish niches, as well as with mammalian haematopoiet
222                                           In zebrafish, Nkx transcription factors are essential for t
223 is increasingly well understood, but neither zebrafish nor Xenopus is electroreceptive and our molecu
224 stern-blot that rod degeneration in CERKL-/- zebrafish occurred earlier and was more significant than
225 genetically-encoded Ca(2+) sensors in larval zebrafish, offers a powerful combination of high spatiot
226 l (RGC) axons regenerate successfully in the zebrafish optic nerve despite the presence of Rtn4b, the
227             Consistently, suppression of the zebrafish ortholog induced an increase of proliferation
228       We also crystallized this five-residue zebrafish P450 17A1 mutant, and the active site still re
229                                              Zebrafish P450 17A2 catalyzes only the 17alpha-hydroxyla
230                             We conclude that zebrafish P450 17A2 is capable of lyase activity with th
231  We show that developmental mutations in the zebrafish paralogous gene otpa but not otpb affect both
232 of using primary patient samples to generate zebrafish patient-derived xenografts (zPDX) and provide
233 lization and function of the two isoforms of zebrafish Pcdh15a (CD1 and CD3) in pcdh15a-null mutants
234  that, when transgenically expressed, either zebrafish Pcdh15a-cytodomain 1 (CD1) or Pcdh15a-CD3 can
235                                              Zebrafish PGC migration depends on the formation of cell
236 e describe the development and morphology of zebrafish photoreceptor synaptic connectivity toward app
237                                              Zebrafish pontin mutants display phenotypes tightly asso
238    Reciprocally, overexpression of Tnni3k in zebrafish promoted cardiomyocyte polyploidization and co
239 demonstrate that, ctns gene is essential for zebrafish pronephric podocyte and proximal tubular funct
240    This study identifies T reg-like cells in zebrafish, providing both a model to study the normal fu
241 g, we made whole-cell recordings from larval zebrafish Purkinje cells while monitoring fictive swimmi
242                                  Deletion in zebrafish reduced pitx2 expression during development an
243 lation of balance interneurons in the larval zebrafish relates to the computations it performs.
244                                 exoc5 mutant zebrafish rescue with human EXOC5 mRNA completely revers
245 ly generated data, making these available to zebrafish research community.
246 ion and pharmacological dynein inhibition in zebrafish result in failure to properly distribute mbp m
247 genic Kras(V12) in hepatocytes of transgenic zebrafish resulted in accelerated liver tumor progressio
248        Mycobacterial infection in humans and zebrafish results in robust induction of ANG-2 expressio
249 iation events for bipolar cells (BCs) in the zebrafish retina using in vivo imaging.
250 elength cone telodendria in adult and larval zebrafish retina.
251 nd our finding that glucose enters mouse and zebrafish retinas mostly through photoreceptors support
252                 Here we examined the role of zebrafish retinol binding protein receptor 2 (Rbpr2) for
253 on of the Kupffer's vesicle in Gle1-depleted zebrafish revealed compromised ciliary beating and devel
254                                   Studies in zebrafish revealed that both cadherins can interact with
255 study the effects of elevated temperature on zebrafish sex.
256 yprinus carpio), although closely related to zebrafish showed avoidance behaviours to etomidate, but
257                   Further experiments on the zebrafish showed that this vertebrate aquatic model also
258 ed inhibitors in complex with both human and zebrafish SIRT5, which provide insight for future optimi
259           There are three Nodal orthologs in zebrafish; southpaw directs left-right asymmetries, whil
260  effects remain largely unknown; however, in zebrafish sox9b has been identified as one of the most-r
261 ion along several hundred micrometers of the zebrafish spinal cord.
262 al control that governs axonal wiring of the zebrafish spinal cord.
263                                    In larval zebrafish, spinal motoneurons are recruited in a topogra
264                                              Zebrafish spontaneously regenerate the retina after inju
265  adult intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) in zebrafish, stickleback, mouse, and human species to dete
266              In a genetic screen, we found a zebrafish strain in which mitochondria fail to attach to
267                                              Zebrafish studies indicated three PKC-specific phosphory
268                           Finally, mouse and zebrafish studies show that ISD protects from injury-ind
269 ties of CSF-c cells in chicken, Xenopus, and zebrafish suggest that these characteristics are inherit
270 sis, we took advantage of a new, transparent zebrafish swim bladder infection model.
271  data-driven modelling framework to simulate zebrafish swimming in three dimensions.
272    Here, the authors show that beta-cells in zebrafish switch from proliferative to functional states
273 etah promoter-mediated expression of LMO1 in zebrafish synergizes with MYCN to increase the prolifera
274 ts indicate that germ layer induction in the zebrafish tailbud is not a simple continuation of gastru
275               Specifically, we find that the zebrafish tailbud is viscoelastic (elastic below a few s
276                                           In zebrafish, tbc1d23 morphants replicated the human phenot
277  from an unbiased in vivo chemical screen in zebrafish that identifies GCs as activators of hypoxia-i
278                              Here we find in zebrafish that regeneration of the epicardium, the mesot
279 erated a new Tg(mrc1a:egfp)(y251) transgenic zebrafish that uses a mannose receptor, C type 1 (mrc1a)
280 rogenic responses in Tg(ERE:Gal4ff)(UAS:GFP) zebrafish that were inhibited by coexposure with ICI 182
281 el aspects of SHF, OFT and HM development in zebrafish that will inform mechanistic interpretations o
282 rency and small amount of drug required make zebrafish the model of choice for drug screening studies
283  identified a gene expression signature from zebrafish thyroid cancer that is predictive of disease-f
284 suppression or CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing of zebrafish tmem260 recapitulated key neurological phenoty
285  Using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of bptf in zebrafish to induce a loss of gene function, we observed
286 om interactions using a transparent juvenile zebrafish to model mucosal lung infection and show that
287 la melanogaster (fruit fly) and Danio rerio (zebrafish) to quantify signaling changes caused by mutat
288          Here we report the development of a zebrafish transgenic line, Tg(igfbp5a:GFP), which faithf
289 s show high efficient single-base editing in zebrafish using modified Cas9 and its VQR variant with a
290   The downregulation of capn12 expression in zebrafish was associated with abnormal epidermal morphog
291        Using genetic labelling techniques in zebrafish we were able, for the first time, to dynamical
292             From a forward genetic screen in zebrafish, we identify the transcriptional repressor, ZB
293               To study B cell development in zebrafish, we isolated orthologs of these genes and perf
294                To delineate the mechanism in zebrafish, we precisely quantified the BMP activity grad
295                     In a diurnal vertebrate, zebrafish, we studied circadian distribution of immunohi
296                                  rag1 mutant zebrafish, which lack lymphocytes, also form noncaseatin
297                        Furthermore, treating zebrafish with a cholesterol-lowering agent, ezetimibe,
298                                              Zebrafish with a mutation in the SCN1A homologue recapit
299          We have found that treating the MJD zebrafish with the calpain inhibitor compound calpeptin
300 ell activity throughout the brains of larval zebrafish with the goal of identifying the cellular resp

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