


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 for screening of androgenic compounds in the zebrafish embryo.
2 enes at the single cell level in whole-mount zebrafish embryo.
3 tic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the zebrafish embryo.
4 nd organizer specification in the developing zebrafish embryo.
5  collectively migrate along the trunk of the zebrafish embryo.
6 genes have unique expression patterns in the zebrafish embryo.
7 ures, that migrates from head to tail in the zebrafish embryo.
8 ce, was expressed in isolated neurons of the zebrafish embryo.
9 neurons in the developing spinal cord of the zebrafish embryo.
10  dividing cells and the neuromast organ of a zebrafish embryo.
11 g of hindbrain segments (rhombomeres) in the zebrafish embryo.
12 ditis elegans embryo and in the gastrulating zebrafish embryo.
13 genesis, both in vitro and in the developing zebrafish embryo.
14 xplain the enantioselectivity of fipronil to zebrafish embryos.
15 he use of human hematopoietic stem cells and zebrafish embryos.
16 and mitotic dysfunction compared to wildtype zebrafish embryos.
17 ed pesticide ziram is synuclein-dependent in zebrafish embryos.
18 markably decreased in ORF119L-overexpressing zebrafish embryos.
19 ivilege and transparent nature of developing zebrafish embryos.
20  is sufficient to expand definitive HSPCs in zebrafish embryos.
21 of fluorescently tagged BMP2b and Chordin in zebrafish embryos.
22  with pronephric cysts and microphthalmia in zebrafish embryos.
23 its overexpression results in excess PGCs in zebrafish embryos.
24 ng of sialylated glycoconjugates within live zebrafish embryos.
25 lyphenol compounds in a red wine extract and zebrafish embryos.
26 ells, xenografts of mice, budding yeast, and zebrafish embryos.
27 em and progenitor cell (HSPC) development in zebrafish embryos.
28 human ECs and during vascular development in zebrafish embryos.
29 y inducing a series of in-frame deletions in zebrafish embryos.
30 ific nuclear proteins in mammalian cells and zebrafish embryos.
31 n is that of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in zebrafish embryos.
32 hed in cytosolic puncta in ciliated cells in zebrafish embryos.
33 measuring the frequency of HR events in live zebrafish embryos.
34 both substrates for N-linked fucosylation in zebrafish embryos.
35 cdc80, as validated by functional studies in zebrafish embryos.
36 ffect was also stronger in ZFL cells than in zebrafish embryos.
37 l model and prevented CUG repeat toxicity in zebrafish embryos.
38 oderm accompanied by endodermal expansion in zebrafish embryos.
39 ells, cultured mouse embryos, and developing zebrafish embryos.
40 en Gata4 protein is depleted from developing zebrafish embryos.
41 y using stage-matched WT and eif3ha morphant zebrafish embryos.
42 al repressor for neural crest development in zebrafish embryos.
43 4(+) hematopoietic stem cells and in vivo in zebrafish embryos.
44 y neurons within the olfactory epithelium of zebrafish embryos.
45 elopment was impaired in MitoBloCK-6-exposed zebrafish embryos.
46 LLp terminates prematurely in lef1-deficient zebrafish embryos.
47 e proliferation of renal progenitor cells in zebrafish embryos.
48 imposed to trapped red blood cells of living zebrafish embryos.
49 ted with bioavailable silver ions in exposed zebrafish embryos.
50 oth systemic and localized infections within zebrafish embryos.
51 nositol (PI), in newly fertilized individual zebrafish embryos.
52 even signals in time-lapse imaging of living zebrafish embryos.
53 -like cells and corneal endothelium of early zebrafish embryos.
54 de larvae and embryos, Drosophila brain, and zebrafish embryos.
55 scale expression screening of human cDNAs in zebrafish embryos.
56 ein we report such a method using developing zebrafish embryos.
57 unction of the GOF TRPP2 was investigated in zebrafish embryos.
58 al cells, and analyzed expression pattern in zebrafish embryos.
59  tumor suppression in basal keratinocytes of zebrafish embryos.
60 ed transient gene knockdown was performed in zebrafish embryos.
61 ion, and led to potent angiogenic defects in zebrafish embryos.
62 xpression analysis and time-lapse imaging of zebrafish embryos.
63 ription factors in real-time in gastrulating zebrafish embryos.
64 an AKAP, recruits PKA RI to primary cilia in zebrafish embryos.
65 FISH method that is suitable for whole-mount zebrafish embryo, a popular vertebrate model organism fo
66                                 In the early zebrafish embryo, a ventral to dorsal gradient of bone m
67 ile manipulation of protein function in live zebrafish embryos, a transparent and commonly used model
68 uantifies spontaneous activity within single zebrafish embryos after exposure to test chemicals in a
69        The ability to alter GC action in the zebrafish embryo also highlights its potential value for
70                                     Morphant zebrafish embryos also exhibited increased apoptotic cel
71                                           In zebrafish embryos, an induced loss of function in snap29
72          Analysis of loss of function in the zebrafish embryo and larva showed that pomk function is
73                                   We use the zebrafish embryo and larva to study immune responses to
74 lso occurs in vivo in two different systems: zebrafish embryos and adult rats, indicating that this N
75 tant role for zebrafish Mate transporters in zebrafish embryos and adults and provide a basis for det
76 unction, and morphology was assessed in both zebrafish embryos and adults.
77 Both proteins are expressed in the cornea of zebrafish embryos and adults.
78  cell apoptosis in central nervous system of zebrafish embryos and adults.
79  expression profile analysis in human cells, zebrafish embryos and C. elegans that were individually
80 ide transcriptional analysis of MeHg-exposed zebrafish embryos and combined this with a whole-mount i
81 of-function effect by functional analyses in zebrafish embryos and cultured hippocampal neurons from
82 an be carefully implanted in the yolk sac of zebrafish embryos and display excellent biocompatibility
83 e required to maintain Warburg metabolism in zebrafish embryos and in both primary and malignant mamm
84 ivate a typical human oncogene, kRASG12V, in zebrafish embryos and investigate the developmental and
85         Intriguingly, ORF119L-overexpressing zebrafish embryos and ISKNV-infected mandarin fish devel
86     Here we report genetic code expansion in zebrafish embryos and its application to the optogenetic
87 metry has been applied for the first time to zebrafish embryos and larvae to study five neurotransmit
88  mouse embryos, and excess BMP2 signaling in zebrafish embryos and mouse embryonic stem cell-derived
89 ding the ability to form fibrotic lesions in zebrafish embryos and mouse lungs, and a transcriptional
90 ergence and extension movements in wild-type zebrafish embryos and mutants for the Wnt/PCP core compo
91  in zebrafish liver cells (ZFL) cells and in zebrafish embryos and novel insights into their molecula
92                          We depleted wt1a in zebrafish embryos and observed glomerular injury and fil
93  increased MG concentrations in tg(fli:EGFP) zebrafish embryos and rapidly induced several additional
94  a set of genes that are highly expressed in zebrafish embryos and systematically analyzed for enrich
95 these advances to deliver BE3 RNPs into both zebrafish embryos and the inner ear of live mice to achi
96 -EGFP in cerebellar cells of live transgenic zebrafish embryos and the role of palmitoylation in its
97 ocal imaging, parabiotic surgical pairing of zebrafish embryos, and blastula transplantation assays,
98 ls lacking BBS1, BBS4, and OFD1, in morphant zebrafish embryos, and in induced neurons from Ofd1-defi
99 ubcellular behaviours in live C. elegans and zebrafish embryos, and show how TLS-SPIM can facilitate
100 ecting mRNAs in cell culture and whole-mount zebrafish embryos, and that combined with SPIM and PACT
101 tic chemical probes has been demonstrated in zebrafish embryos, and these reagents have been employed
102                                              Zebrafish embryos are rapidly injected with calibrated d
103 d platform that integrates an innovative LOC zebrafish embryo array technology with an electronic int
104                                           In zebrafish embryos, arterial expression of activin recept
105                                    Using the zebrafish embryo as a model for thyroid axis development
106 ose V2 neural progenitor cells in developing zebrafish embryo as their successive shape changes can b
107 rgence of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in zebrafish embryos as a model to investigate the role of
108 cular beacon to detect miR-430 in developing zebrafish embryos as a proof of principle.
109  propionate (CLO), cortisol and cortisone in zebrafish embryos as single compounds and binary mixture
110 ts on liver versus pancreas specification in zebrafish embryos as well as mouse endodermal progenitor
111 ockdown of Kapbeta2 affected Hh signaling in zebrafish embryos, as well as in vitro cultured cerebell
112 osterior lateral and ventral mesoderm of the zebrafish embryo at the gastrula stage, by directly inte
113 nome-wide 3D atlas of gene expression in the zebrafish embryo at three developmental stages.
114               In situ hybridization of early zebrafish embryos at 24 hr postfertilization (hpf) demon
115 ss-correlation analysis to the blood flow in Zebrafish embryos at 4 days after fertilization, measuri
116 teractome capture, we identified 227 RBPs in zebrafish embryos before and during ZGA, hereby named th
117 the glycosyltransferase domain Afp18(G) into zebrafish embryos blocks cytokinesis, actin-dependent mo
118  as an early marker of HSC commitment in the zebrafish embryo, but recent studies have suggested that
119  simulate cardiac hemodynamics in developing zebrafish embryos by coupling 4-D light sheet imaging wi
120 f Nodal ligands and Lefty inhibitors in live zebrafish embryos by fluorescence correlation spectrosco
121   Here we examine sarcolemmal repair in live zebrafish embryos by real-time imaging.
122 nd provide proof of concept that a screen in zebrafish embryos can identify therapeutic candidates fo
123                    We previously showed that zebrafish embryos carrying a null mutation in the four-p
124          Knockdown of slc24a46 expression in zebrafish embryos caused brain malformation, spinal moto
125              In vivo, depletion of NDPK-C in zebrafish embryos caused cardiac edema and ventricular d
126                     Overexpression of OTG in zebrafish embryos caused dorso-anteriorized phenotype, i
127 ression of nesprin-1alpha2 WT and mutants in zebrafish embryos caused heart developmental defects tha
128            Furthermore, TUTase inhibition in Zebrafish embryos causes developmental defects and aberr
129                                       In the zebrafish embryo, chromatophores derive from the neural
130              The subintestinal plexus of the zebrafish embryo comprises vessels that vascularize the
131 is restricted to fast-twitch myocytes in the zebrafish embryo; consistent with this, fro mutant embry
132 e identified a number of key roles of GCs in zebrafish embryos contributing to adaptive physiological
133 ydrolysis in eukaryotic cell cultures and in zebrafish embryos; crucially, the biliverdin chromophore
134                                      Using a zebrafish embryo culture system with reporters of early
135       Here, we conducted a screen in primary zebrafish embryo cultures for chemicals that disrupt neu
136 o silver in nano-, bulk-, and ionic forms on zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) using a Next Generation
137 xicity of 14 AgNP preparations on developing zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio).
138                         Removal of Ythdf2 in zebrafish embryos decelerates the decay of m(6)A-modifie
139                                Here, we show zebrafish embryos deficient for Cyp26a1 and Cyp26c1 enzy
140                                           In zebrafish embryos deficient in Rbc3a, or its associated
141 ties, recapitulating some of the features of zebrafish embryos deficient in the glaucoma-related gene
142 b function in Tg(kdrl:EGFP)(s843) transgenic zebrafish embryos delayed the angiogenesis of intersegme
143    Loss- and gain-of-function experiments in zebrafish embryos demonstrate that col15a1b expression a
144 coupled with immunofluorescence performed on zebrafish embryos demonstrate that enox1 message and tra
145              Loss-of-function experiments in zebrafish embryos demonstrate that OlfCc1 is required fo
146        Functional analysis in the developing zebrafish embryo demonstrated that both THAP11 and HCFC1
147                                  Exposure of zebrafish embryos demonstrated negligible effects of pre
148               In vivo functional modeling in zebrafish embryos demonstrated that c.14G>T is a loss-of
149 active in an in vivo overexpression assay in zebrafish embryos demonstrating that the HP1 interaction
150 also track migrating cells in the developing zebrafish embryo, demonstrating the utility of this syst
151                                              Zebrafish embryos depleted of Atr resembled ATR-SS morph
152                                              Zebrafish embryos develop rapidly; all of their digestiv
153                           Hence, Pten mutant zebrafish embryos displayed hallmarks of leukemia in hum
154        Downregulation of INPP5K orthologs in zebrafish embryos disrupted muscle fiber morphology and
155                                           In zebrafish embryos disruption of lzap increases the expre
156 ese compounds show no off-target toxicity in zebrafish embryos, do not cause haematological, biochemi
157 ization, culture and treatment of developing zebrafish embryos during fish embryo toxicity (FET) biot
158                      The transparency of the zebrafish embryos enabled us to score 67 stable transgen
159 stein, from 28-52 hours postfertilization in zebrafish embryos enhanced Hepcidin transcript levels, a
160 tified putative androgen-responsive genes in zebrafish embryos exposed to 0.05-5000 nM 11-ketotestost
161                                  Translucent zebrafish embryos express extraretinal opsins early on,
162                             Double knockdown zebrafish embryos for Sox18/Vegfd and Sox7/Vegfd exhibit
163 eduction of sox9b expression in TCDD-exposed zebrafish embryos has been shown to contribute to heart
164                                           In zebrafish embryos, hemoglobin expression was significant
165                           In Ldb2a-deficient zebrafish embryos, homeostasis of TGFbeta signalling is
166 recovery after photobleaching experiments in zebrafish embryos identified a pool of dynamic F-actin w
167 lex sensory organ, the inner ear, by imaging zebrafish embryos in vivo over an extended timespan, com
168                        Using live imaging of zebrafish embryos, in combination with photoconvertable
169                       Suppression of clpb in zebrafish embryos induced a central nervous system pheno
170  or CRISPR-mediated deletions of sec61al2 in zebrafish embryos induced convolution defects of the pro
171  harboring any of three patient mutations in zebrafish embryos induced defects in axon guidance, conf
172              Knockdown of rnf216 or otud4 in zebrafish embryos induced defects in the eye, optic tect
173 s involved in the bystander response between zebrafish embryos induced through X-ray irradiation.
174 found to be required for pathogenesis in the zebrafish embryo infection model.
175                                              Zebrafish embryos injected with an elavl1 morpholino oli
176 x gangliosides in patient fibroblasts and in zebrafish embryos injected with antisense morpholinos th
177 ted from the medium that had conditioned the zebrafish embryos irradiated at 5 hpf with 4-Gy X-ray un
178                                          The zebrafish embryo is a highly interesting biological mode
179 nd that overexpression of hand2 in the early zebrafish embryo is able to enhance cardiomyocyte produc
180 e neurodevelopmental toxicity of BMAA in the zebrafish embryo is presented in relation to the potenti
181 shment of the BMP activity gradient in early zebrafish embryos is determined by graded expression of
182 edgehog and Wingless pathways in cichlid and zebrafish embryos is sufficient to mimic differences bet
183                                           In zebrafish embryos, it has been suggested that primitive
184 y in wild-type but also in immunocompromised zebrafish embryos lacking either macrophages or neutroph
185 actor Tal1 in endocardial tube formation: in zebrafish embryos lacking Tal1, endocardial cells form a
186 of the bisphenols BPA, BPS, BPF, and BPAF in zebrafish embryo-larvae and an assessment on their estro
187 s were confirmed by experimental analysis of zebrafish embryo LC50 according to OECD guideline 236.
188 e evidence that the deregulation of EGFL7 in zebrafish embryos leads to a severe integrin-dependent m
189  loss of function in both Xenopus laevis and zebrafish embryos leads to a significant reduction in re
190 y human and mouse kidney cells as well as in zebrafish embryos leads to enhanced DNA damage signaling
191 f wild-type human VEGFC in the floorplate of zebrafish embryos leads to excessive sprouting in neighb
192        We found that radial glia ablation in zebrafish embryos leads to excessive sprouting of the tr
193            We found that deletion of Dab2 in zebrafish embryos led to a significant reduction in card
194                                       In the zebrafish embryo, lethal giant larvae 2 (lgl2) is expres
195 ticoids (GCs) are known to be present in the zebrafish embryo, little is known about their physiologi
196 ed ROS-induced toxicity as demonstrated in a zebrafish embryo model system.
197           In this study, we used a germ-free zebrafish embryo model to show that osmotic stress regul
198 in vivo and single-myosin detection to study zebrafish embryo models of human muscle disease is a mul
199                  Knockdown of TTC26/DYF13 in zebrafish embryos or mutation of TTC26/DYF13 in C. reinh
200               Within maturing fibres of host zebrafish embryos, our analysis reveals a pool of diffus
201 aled the induction of cellular senescence in zebrafish embryos overexpressing mutant, but not wild-ty
202 d of the activity of wild-type GRHL3, and in zebrafish embryos, perturbed periderm development.
203 ofiled for bioavailability and toxicity in a zebrafish embryo phenotype assay.
204 by injection of an antisense morpholino into zebrafish embryos prevented photoreceptor-driven migrati
205 d anthocyanin metabolites were determined in zebrafish embryos previously exposed to the red wine ext
206                  For example, in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos primordial germ cells (PGCs) are speci
207               Inducible knockdown of Etv2 in zebrafish embryos prior to mid-somitogenesis stages, but
208  developmental periods to limit CM number in zebrafish embryos: prior to gastrulation and after the i
209 b does not compensate for Ssrp1a loss in the zebrafish embryo, probably owing to insufficient express
210                                              Zebrafish embryos provide an excellent model system to s
211                                           In zebrafish embryos, RAP-011 likely stimulates erythropoie
212              Here, we show that in mouse and zebrafish embryos, Rasip1-deficient vessels transition f
213 th knockdown and genome editing of znhit3 in zebrafish embryos recapitulate the patients' cerebellar
214 ssion or CRISPR-mediated deletion of brf1 in zebrafish embryos recapitulated key neurodevelopmental p
215      Expression of the histone H4 mutants in zebrafish embryos recapitulates the developmental anomal
216 panied by reduced numbers of thrombocytes in zebrafish embryos, recapitulating key aspects of Stormor
217 ting yielded red fluorescent erythrocytes in zebrafish embryos, recapitulating the phenotype observed
218 rotoxicity, whereas MMP-13 overexpression in zebrafish embryos rendered the skin vulnerable to injury
219  Constitutive expression of these mutants in zebrafish embryos resulted in a heart failure phenotype
220                        Knockdown of nansa in zebrafish embryos resulted in abnormal skeletal developm
221            Morpholino knockdown of RNF207 in zebrafish embryos resulted in action potential duration
222  of dominant-negative ror2 (ror2-TM) mRNA in zebrafish embryos resulted in convergence and extension
223                 Expressing human FLT3-ITD in zebrafish embryos resulted in expansion and clustering o
224 ound that inactivation of bdh2 in developing zebrafish embryo results in heme deficiency and delays e
225                        The loss of THAP11 in zebrafish embryos results in craniofacial abnormalities
226                                   Studies in zebrafish embryos reveal that wnt9b expression is simila
227              Dissection of this phenotype in zebrafish embryos revealed a complex genetic architectur
228                      In vivo imaging of live zebrafish embryos revealed that loss of muscle-specific
229                        Knockdown of Rpl22 in zebrafish embryos selectively blocks the development of
230                                           In zebrafish embryos, sema3 knockdowns show reduction of mi
231 cell cycle of single cells in culture and in zebrafish embryos showed that the total surface increase
232 time measurements of genetic oscillations in zebrafish embryos showing that their time scale is not s
233                              Live imaging of zebrafish embryos shows defective calcium release in bin
234              Knockdown of mog1 expression in zebrafish embryos significantly decreased the heart rate
235  of Enox1 in Tg(fli1-eGFP) and Tg(flk1-eGFP) zebrafish embryos significantly impairs the development
236   We show that sphk2 maternal-zygotic mutant zebrafish embryos (sphk2(MZ)) display early developmenta
237                    The first behavior of the zebrafish embryo (spontaneous coiling) is mediated by an
238 ession was evaluated in Tg(hsp70-HRAS(G12V)) zebrafish embryos subjected to heat shock.
239  significantly retarded granule formation in zebrafish embryos, suggesting that any combination of at
240 rm differentiation upon forced expression in zebrafish embryos, suggesting that they have dominant-ne
241 ading and immobilization of large numbers of zebrafish embryos suspended in a continuous microfluidic
242 ino or the coexpression of ror2 and wnt11 in zebrafish embryos synergetically induced more severe con
243                    Here we demonstrate using zebrafish embryos that Etv2 has a specific cell-autonomo
244                      In addition, we show in zebrafish embryos that filamin plays a positive role in
245                    Here, we show that in the zebrafish embryo, the homeodomain transcription factor R
246                      Here we report that, in zebrafish embryos, the peptide-proximal xylose residue c
247                                     In early zebrafish embryos, tmem88a is expressed broadly in the l
248 and rapid framework that relies on the early zebrafish embryo to assess mutational effects on a commo
249 , by exploiting the unique properties of the zebrafish embryo to capture the dynamics of signaling an
250 ty of Pdots were evaluated on HeLa cells and zebrafish embryos to demonstrate their great biocompatib
251                                 Here we used zebrafish embryos to examine toxicities and transcriptio
252 e conducted a small-scale chemical screen in zebrafish embryos to identify small molecules that modul
253                               We used mosaic zebrafish embryos to investigate the formation of the en
254 ng the week-long experiments, students raise zebrafish embryos to learn principles of development and
255  gentle mechanical deformation of developing zebrafish embryos to probe the role of physical forces i
256 can supplement existing methods, such as the Zebrafish Embryo Toxicity assay (OECD TG236), with molec
257 b-on-a-Chip technology for automation of the zebrafish embryo toxicity test common in aquatic ecotoxi
258                         We show here that in zebrafish embryos, transient overexpression of editing-d
259 d in this study, whereas S-TiO2 was toxic to zebrafish embryos under all the test conditions.
260 tial toxicity to a fish cell line (BF-2) and zebrafish embryos under dark and Simulated Solar Light (
261        When and how renal progenitors in the zebrafish embryo undergo tubulogenesis to form nephrons
262        We present a kinetic digital model of zebrafish embryos up to 16 h of development.
263        Expression of rad21 was suppressed in zebrafish embryos using a splice-blocking morpholino (ra
264 k dynamics in the anterior PSM in developing zebrafish embryos using an in vivo clock reporter, her1:
265 ole in vascular development was validated in zebrafish embryos using morpholino oligonucleotides.
266 , in vivo microangiography imaging on living zebrafish embryos using Pdots.
267                        Depletion of PDE1A in zebrafish embryos using splice- and translation-blocking
268      Delivery of 8-oxo-dGTP and 2-OH-dATP to zebrafish embryos was highly toxic in the absence of MTH
269 mmalian cells, as well as in yeast cells and zebrafish embryos We disrupted murine bdh2 by homologous
270 indbrain regions by sensory afferents in the zebrafish embryo, we mapped the fine-grained topographic
271    Using live imaging and transplantation in zebrafish embryos, we additionally reveal that axon init
272 e cardiomyocyte proliferation events in live zebrafish embryos, we generated transgenic zebrafish lin
273       Exploiting the optical transparency of zebrafish embryos, we observed that the increased virule
274 netically encoded calcium indicators in live zebrafish embryos, we show that ICOs depend on Pkd2 and
275 mbination of in vitro and in vivo studies in zebrafish embryos, we show that PAK3(N389) escapes its p
276 ying a multi-scalar morphometric analysis in zebrafish embryos, we show that posterior body elongatio
277 es (HaCaT), zebrafish liver cells (ZFL), and zebrafish embryos were also used to study the toxicity o
278 d interleukin (Il)10(-/-) mice and germ-free zebrafish embryos were colonized with specific pathogen-
279                                              Zebrafish embryos, when given a choice, actively avoid h
280 cts of EETs were conserved in the developing zebrafish embryo, where 11,12-EET promoted HSPC specific
281 Wnt3 and subsequently, its secretion in live zebrafish embryos, where chemical inhibition of Porcupin
282 es, in part, dorsoventral axis patterning in zebrafish embryos, whereas BMP signaling through Smad3 f
283 nockdown abolishes nodal signalling in early zebrafish embryos, whereas overexpression of rab5ab mRNA
284 the region where hematopoiesis occurs in the zebrafish embryo, which recapitulates a BM-like niche.
285  endothelial cell behavior in alk1-deficient zebrafish embryos, which develop cranial AVMs.
286 ed secreted signaling protein, Wnt3, in live zebrafish embryos, which is necessary for the investigat
287 expressed in wild-type or dmd(ta222a/ta222a) zebrafish embryos, which lack Dystrophin, and in Gt(dmd-
288 zation, matrilin-1 is present throughout the zebrafish embryo with exception of the notochord.
289 ing to assess the functional architecture of zebrafish embryos with a retrospective cardiac synchroni
290                         Here, we report that zebrafish embryos with compound homozygous mutations in
291  to induce targeted genetic modifications in zebrafish embryos with efficiencies similar to those obt
292                                 Treatment of zebrafish embryos with fluoxetine significantly blocked
293                                              Zebrafish embryos with global DNA hypomethylation caused
294 9 activity by comparing mutagenesis rates in zebrafish embryos with in vitro cleavage assays.
295                          Mammalian cells and zebrafish embryos with reduced Spt6 display increased H3
296 re physiological relevance, we microinjected zebrafish embryos with the same oligonucleotides, as a s
297                    Furthermore, we show that zebrafish embryos with zfcoa6 knockdown display reduced
298  halts SRC-associated neuromast migration in zebrafish embryos without inducing life-threatening hear
299                          Here we report that zebrafish embryos without maternally provided vg1 fail t
300 ) with a diversity of functional groups into zebrafish embryos (ZFE) was studied over 96 h of exposur

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