


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ontrolling processes are here described by a zero-order analytical model aimed at assessing how plant
2 of L( *), Hue angle and Chroma values fitted zero order and first order kinetic, respectively.
3 alpha-tocopherol (AT) degradation followed a zero-order and first-order kinetic model, respectively,
4 ws us to define precisely the conditions for zero-order and first-order product formation.
5 r-interactive algorithm quickly corrects for zero-order and first-order variation of phase with frequ
6 ations of the intersecting states, which are zero-order approximations to the diabatic states.
7 mass >95% when modelling only variables with zero-order associations with preferences, but only 90% w
8 l at lower concentrations but transitions to zero-order at concentrations > 0.3 M.
9 ves from first-order at low concentration to zero-order at high concentration, and this is consistent
10 [alkyne] at lower alkyne concentrations, and zero-order at higher [alkyne].
11 ired patients with schizophrenia, in which a zero-order correlation was obtained.
12 nd 2 (5 mol %) in DCE at 40 degrees C led to zero-order decay of 1 to approximately 80% conversion (k
13                                            A zero-order ( degrees Brix, fructose, glucose), a first-o
14     Comparing these models with the observed zero-order dependence in bicarbonate and simulated inter
15 volution reaction (OER), consistent with the zero-order dependence of Pi on the OER current density;
16 (<8 microM) O(2) concentrations and exhibits zero-order dependence on *NO concentration.
17 er dependences on aryl bromide and amine and zero-order dependence on base.
18 droxide concentrations and the transition to zero-order dependence on hydroxide at high concentration
19 r dependence on DCI enzyme concentration and zero-order dependence on inhibitor concentration; and (i
20 first-order kinetics, but yields an apparent zero-order dependence on initial substrate concentration
21  at higher concentrations of ethylene, and a zero-order dependence on the concentration of Cu(II) oxi
22 of the polymerization rate on the epoxide, a zero-order dependence on the cyclic anhydride, and a fir
23 e nearly unimolecular dependent on aluminum, zero-order dependent on substrate, and inversely depende
24 ins a conventional fluorescence image in the zero-order diffracted light and a fluorescence spectral
25 ndergo slow thermal dissociation to NO, with zero-order dissociation observed at both -15 and 23 degr
26 also exhibit enhanced sensitivity due to the zero-order effect, raising the question whether both phe
27 le, give rise to ultrasensitivity, including zero-order effects, multisite phosphorylation, and compe
28                   Random fluctuations in the zero-order excited-state energy of the MOPVs (disorder)
29 acious when eluted from stents in a constant zero order fashion as this maximizes the duration of elu
30 concentrations, and there are terms that are zero order, first order, and second order in hydroxide i
31 d using various mathematical models such as, zero order, first order, Higuchi model and Peppas model.
32 order in initial catalyst concentration, and zero-order for the terminal alkyne.
33     The reaction is first order in amine and zero order in 1:1 base--ligand complex.
34 studies reveal that hydroamination rates are zero order in [amine substrate] and first order in [cata
35             The exchange is dissociative and zero order in [COE].
36 1, first order in the haloalkylcarborane and zero order in [Nu(-)], and the elimination appears to be
37 of AB catalyzed by 3 is first order in 3 and zero order in AB.
38 es are near first order in H(2)O(2) and near zero order in all other species, including H(2)O.
39 t order in both catalyst and aryl halide and zero order in base and amine.
40 lf-reactions catalyzed by the holoenzyme are zero order in cobalamin, so rate constants for reactions
41  Apo-MnSOD metallation kinetics are "gated", zero order in metal ion for both the native Mn2+ and a n
42 ion to be first order in gold and allene and zero order in nucleophile.
43  reveal anomalous concentration dependences (zero order in o-CF(3)-phenylacetic acid concentration, z
44  in o-CF(3)-phenylacetic acid concentration, zero order in oxygen pressure, and negative orders in bo
45 reaction of a representative aryl bromide is zero order in PhCN.
46 rs, exhibiting an induction period and being zero order in PhI.
47 D exchange, a rate law first order in Ru and zero order in phosphine, and kinetic deuterium isotope e
48 t low [PPh(3)], the reaction rate was nearly zero order in PPh(3), but reactions at high [PPh(3)] rev
49 sis followed by a much slower region that is zero order in superoxide and due to a product inhibition
50 u(R,R)-Ph-bis(oxazoline)]OTf(2) catalyst and zero order in TEMPO.
51 tion of 1-azido-4-phenylbutane (S1) revealed zero order in the azide substrate and first order in bot
52 to be first order in the borane catalyst and zero order in ylide.
53 cyclization is first-order in [catalyst] and zero-order in [alkynyl alcohol], as observed in the intr
54 .9 (9.7) eu, while the reaction kinetics are zero-order in [amine] and first-order in both [catalyst]
55 he rate law is first-order in [catalyst] and zero-order in [aminodiene].
56  (one-half-order in both [1] and [AIBN], and zero-order in [O(2)]).
57 he rate law is first-order in [catalyst] and zero-order in [substrate] over approximately one half-li
58 '' = eta(5)-Me(4)C(5)) shows the reaction is zero-order in [thiol], first-order in [1a], first-order
59 ct to the carboxylate, while the reaction is zero-order in acridinium catalyst, consistent with anoth
60 ignard reagent, first-order in catalyst, and zero-order in alkyl halide.
61 rocess to be first-order in [InCl(3)](0) and zero-order in both [BnOH](0) and [NEt(3)](0).
62   Assessment of the reaction kinetics showed zero-order in both the aziridine species and the aryl br
63 er in initial zirconacycle concentration and zero-order in incoming phosphine (k(obs) = 1.4(2) x 10(-
64 st-order in N,N-di-t-butyldiaziridinone (1), zero-order in olefin, and first-order in total Cu(I) cat
65  first-order in hydrosilane and B(C6F5)3 but zero-order in phosphine.
66                     The enamine formation is zero-order in proline and oxazolidinones, which excludes
67 monstrated that the catalytic cyclization is zero-order in substrate and first-order in catalyst.
68                             The reaction was zero-order in substrate, when the concentration of olefi
69 -order in di-tert-butyldiaziridinone (5) and zero-order in the olefin.
70 action order was determined for iodobenzene (zero order), indole (first order), and the catalyst (fir
71 oincident with the start of a 2 microg/kg/hr zero-order infusion.
72                              For X = I or F, zero-order kinetic behavior is observed, while for X = C
73 te and catalyst combination, deviations from zero-order kinetic behavior reflect competitive product
74 contrast to NDMA, a transition from first to zero order kinetics was not observed for the other nitro
75      Dose related pharmacokinetics with near zero order kinetics was observed for up to 6 weeks in ra
76 and, in contrast to previous work indicating zero-order kinetics in both.
77 cose declined linearly with time, confirming zero-order kinetics of hepatocyte respiration.
78 owed that two of the compounds decomposed by zero-order kinetics under neutral conditions.
79 temperature can effectively be modeled using zero-order kinetics when nitrate concentrations are >2 m
80 appearance of both TPCPGa and DPMNCPGa obeys zero-order kinetics with rate constants (k) having a lin
81 ated (MWH) reaction displays very pronounced zero-order kinetics, displaying a much higher reaction r
82 t and phenanthrene was mineralized following zero-order kinetics, due to bioavailability limitations.
83 stituted cyclopropenes were found to present zero-order kinetics, indicating their rapid single addit
84 e rate of oxidation from the expected pseudo-zero-order kinetics, we can detect and characterize loca
85 n into glioblastoma cells that proceeds with zero-order kinetics.
86 ation noise, unwanted diffractive orders and zero-order light.
87 leotides with the frequencies predicted by a zero order Markov chain determined by the codon bias of
88 nisms using both Markov chain analysis and a zero-order Markov method.
89  discrimination indicated better fit for the zero order model than the first order model which was he
90  predicting nitrate concentrations between a zero-order model and the other multispecies reactive tra
91 Overall, kinetic analysis showed an apparent zero-order model fit for the change in the colour (L( *)
92 B system and were kinetically described by a zero-order model.
93 at the inhibited complex responsible for the zero-order phase in the catalysis by Mn-SOD of superoxid
94 sembled that of the enzyme in the inhibited, zero-order phase of the catalyzed disproportionation of
95 actions, supporting a mechanism in which the zero-order phase results from product inhibition.
96                      It is proposed that the zero-order process reflects a cyclization of this interm
97                                          The zero-order rate constant at 37 degrees C was the same fo
98                The pH dependence of apparent zero-order rate constants fit best a model in which a si
99                                              Zero-order rate constants for artificial honey with adde
100 dependence on aziridine aldehyde dimer and a zero-order rate dependence on all other reagents have be
101 ciation rates of NADH approached an apparent zero-order rate with increasing NADH concentrations at p
102 mergence of a greatly inhibited catalysis of zero-order rate.
103 e of chi-p53 nanoparticles and Dox at a near zero-order rate.
104 atalytic oxidation process was observed as a zero-order reaction in terms of the concentration of the
105                 This process exhibits pseudo-zero-order reaction kinetics and a temperature dependenc
106 se followed by a linear, steady-state pseudo-zero-order reaction.
107 h quickly tapers off and falls into a pseudo-zero-order reaction.
108 exhibited a strong product inhibition with a zero-order region of superoxide decay slower by 10-fold
109  first-order dependence on [fluoroarene] and zero-order relationship with respect to [R(3)SiH].
110 olled release of the molecules studied, with zero-order release kinetics under infinite sink conditio
111 80-2010) was dedicated to the development of zero-order release systems, self-regulated drug delivery
112 acking with rate-limiting drug elution--near zero-order release was three-fold more efficient at depo
113 ctions between silk and drug molecules, near-zero order sustained release may be achieved through dif
114 irteen participants used discrete movements (zero order system) as well as more sustained control act
115 s first-order during an induction period and zero-order thereafter indicating that the mechanism incl
116 ly used in current practice such as Tikhonov zero-order, Tikhonov first-order and L1 first-order regu
117 ymmetric Fano resonances are observed in the zero-order transmission spectra using an incoherent ligh
118 idth at half maximum (FWHM) of ~15 nm in the zero-order transmission using an incoherent white light
119 ystems with single-enzyme biochemistry using zero-order ultrasensitivity as an example.
120 contrast to the conditions often required by zero-order ultrasensitivity, perhaps the most well known
121      As a result of the classic mechanism of zero-order ultrasensitivity, we find that biosensor acti
122 ke and uptake and conversion conditions were zero-order with no detectable lag or burst periods.
123       It has been found that this opening is zero-order with respect to PNA, indicating that the init

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