


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r activation of transcription in response to zinc deficiency.
2  in 50% were consistent with the presence of zinc deficiency.
3 f zinc homeostasis and adaptive responses to zinc deficiency.
4 mpaired regeneration, as well as significant zinc deficiency.
5 ome Mexican American children are at risk of zinc deficiency.
6 ated that these genes respond differently to zinc deficiency.
7 oped and developing countries pose a risk of zinc deficiency.
8 than were their wild-type littermates during zinc deficiency.
9 is that are commonly associated with dietary zinc deficiency.
10 p target whose expression is increased under zinc deficiency.
11 a central player in the response of yeast to zinc deficiency.
12 nduces target gene expression in response to zinc deficiency.
13 ith the increased oxidative stress caused by zinc deficiency.
14 opogenic CO2 emissions on the global risk of zinc deficiency.
15 ace of enterocytes and endoderm cells during zinc deficiency.
16  Ys1 mRNA expression patterns in response to zinc deficiency.
17 ell surfaces and internalized during dietary zinc deficiency.
18  purposes in the prevention and treatment of zinc deficiency.
19 zinc importers are upregulated during severe zinc deficiency.
20  a result showing gene-modulating effects of zinc deficiency.
21 d promoter element (ZRE) under conditions of zinc deficiency.
22 l disease (SCD) may be due, in part, to mild zinc deficiency.
23 ion that occur in the early stages of rodent zinc deficiency.
24 berrant Th1/Th2 cytokine balance observed in zinc deficiency.
25 xpression of its target genes in response to zinc deficiency.
26 0 (products of Th2) were not affected during zinc deficiency.
27                  Apoptosis is potentiated by zinc deficiency.
28  health effects of mild-to-moderate maternal zinc deficiency.
29  (NIDDM) may cause vulnerability to moderate zinc deficiency.
30 her they are primary or secondary effects of zinc deficiency.
31  components required for GAS survival during zinc deficiency.
32 al regulation of target genes in response to zinc deficiency.
33  increase in the human population at risk of zinc deficiency.
34 hat ZnT mutations play in transient neonatal zinc deficiency.
35 ndernutrition, suboptimum breastfeeding, and zinc deficiency.
36 lows for the expression of genes required in zinc deficiency.
37 ecreases the oxidative stress that occurs in zinc deficiency.
38  the Tsa1 chaperone function in tolerance to zinc deficiency.
39 ting/refeeding, and increased with beta cell zinc deficiency.
40 ca burdened with high prevalence of iron and zinc deficiency.
41 ommunity-based sample of children at risk of zinc deficiency.
42 .24, 6.90) children had an increased risk of zinc deficiency.
43 sponse is induced under conditions of severe zinc deficiency.
44 regarding how cells respond to the stress of zinc deficiency.
45 ew all of the disease states associated with zinc deficiency.
46 lights a few of the diseases associated with zinc deficiency.
47 es of Arabidopsis to micronutrient (iron and zinc) deficiencies.
48    To discover molecular signatures of human zinc deficiency, a combination of transcriptome, cytokin
49 l trait A46, also known as bovine hereditary zinc deficiency, Adema disease, and hereditary parakerat
50 rease in cells in the proliferative phase as zinc deficiency advanced.
51 ly both in proportion and absolute number as zinc deficiency advanced.
52                                  Neither did zinc deficiency affect the intracellular distribution of
53                                              Zinc deficiency affects many organ systems, including th
54                                              Zinc deficiency alone induced unrestrained cellular prol
55                                              Zinc deficiency also affects development of acquired imm
56 d the populations who are at highest risk of zinc deficiency also receive most of their dietary zinc
57                                              Zinc deficiency alters autonomic nervous system regulati
58                                      Whether zinc deficiency alters the rate of production of myeloid
59 n patients owing to the less recognized mild zinc deficiency among the 'at-risk population' as in the
60 of this review is to present the evidence of zinc deficiencies and toxicities as well as treatment in
61            Some genes are induced under mild zinc deficiency and act as a first line of defense again
62 objective was to determine the prevalence of zinc deficiency and anemia and their interrelation among
63                            The prevalence of zinc deficiency and anemia was high in this population o
64 nment and suggests that the relation between zinc deficiency and cognitive development may vary by ag
65                                              Zinc deficiency and contaminated water are major contrib
66                            In many diseases, zinc deficiency and elevated level of Hh ligand co-exist
67 ncentrations among young children at risk of zinc deficiency and examined the relations between these
68                                      Because zinc deficiency and excess result in toxicity, animals h
69 sion, differential responsiveness to dietary zinc deficiency and excess, and differential responsiven
70 alcohol abuse is associated with significant zinc deficiency and immune dysfunction within the alveol
71 s suggest the need for prevention of chronic zinc deficiency and improvement of general nutritional s
72      This study was designed to determine if zinc deficiency and inappropriate urinary zinc losses ar
73  genes allow cells to adapt to conditions of zinc deficiency and include genes involved in maintainin
74    Prepubertal children with SCD-SS may have zinc deficiency and may benefit from zinc supplementatio
75                       To identify targets of zinc deficiency and mechanisms of zinc acclimation, we u
76 hageal cell proliferation induced by dietary zinc deficiency and reduced the incidence of esophageal
77  protein, a transcription factor that senses zinc deficiency and responds by up-regulating genes invo
78                                              Zinc deficiency and retinitis pigmentosa are both import
79 ost resistance to infections observed during zinc deficiency and supplementation.
80    Further investigation of the incidence of zinc deficiency and the ability of anemia to screen for
81 r data suggest a causal relationship between zinc deficiency and the overproduction of Hh ligand.
82 he identification of populations at risk for zinc deficiency and to monitoring the effects of zinc in
83 improved water and sanitation, vitamin A and zinc deficiencies, and ambient particulate matter pollut
84                     Thirty were increased in zinc deficiency, and 17 were decreased.
85 nds to copper limitation and is turned on in zinc deficiency, and Crr1 is required for growth in zinc
86 -regulation of zinc transporter genes during zinc deficiency, and the WAKL4 T-DNA insertion resulted
87                                     Iron and zinc deficiency are prevalent during infancy in low-inco
88 isiae, homeostatic and adaptive responses to zinc deficiency are regulated by the Zap1 transcription
89 iciency anemia, night blindness, and risk of zinc deficiency are summarized.
90 ifying population groups at elevated risk of zinc deficiency, are sparse and difficult to interpret b
91 ing the public health importance of maternal zinc deficiency as it relates to fetal growth and develo
92 , and infants are particularly vulnerable to zinc deficiency as they require large amounts of zinc fo
93 us DNA sequences was decreased markedly with zinc deficiency, as assayed by electrophoretic mobility-
94 hageal cell proliferation induced by dietary zinc deficiency, as measured by the labeling index, the
95                  Specifically, we focus on a zinc deficiency B. distachyon basic leucine zipper trans
96 everity was associated with greater relative zinc deficiency (B = -1.503, t9 = -2.82, p = .026).
97 ed households may be predisposed to iron and zinc deficiency because of nondietary factors such as ch
98 using a periorificial and/or acrodermatitis: zinc deficiency, biotin deficiency, kwashiorkor, and ess
99 tion in foliar tissue under ozone stress and zinc deficiency, but did not affect the sensitivity to i
100 e (SGA) infants are susceptible to postnatal zinc deficiency, but whether this susceptibility is due
101 people estimated to be placed at new risk of zinc deficiency by 2050 was 138 million (95% CI 120-156)
102                             Mild to moderate zinc deficiency can be best detected through a positive
103 ty to NMBA-induced carcinogenesis induced by zinc deficiency can be inhibited by alpha-difluoromethyl
104 f zinc ions in rhodopsin and examine whether zinc deficiency can lead to rhodopsin dysfunction.
105          These data support the concept that zinc deficiency can result in alterations in iron transp
106                                              Zinc deficiency caused no change in the cell cycle statu
107                                      Dietary zinc deficiency causes a marked increase in the accumula
108                                              Zinc deficiency causes exaggerated inflammatory response
109 t with this hypothesis, we demonstrated that zinc deficiency causes increased reactive oxygen species
110                   It was recently shown that zinc deficiency causes sizable losses among the precurso
111                                              Zinc deficiency causes thymic atrophy and lymphopenia.
112                                              Zinc deficiency, cell-mediated immune dysfunction, susce
113                                              Zinc deficiency correlates only with severe chronic panc
114                 The mechanisms through which zinc deficiency could influence health outcomes are well
115 he mechanisms responsible for the effects of zinc deficiency, cultured human Ntera-2 (NT2) neuronal p
116                  In HuT-78, a Th0 cell line, zinc deficiency decreased gene expression of thymidine k
117                                              Zinc deficiency decreased natural killer cell lytic acti
118 nd behavior in animals; the relation between zinc deficiency, depression, and ADHD in patient and com
119        Secondary outcomes were prevalence of zinc deficiency, diarrhea prevalence, and growth.
120 his nutritional requirement in humans is the zinc deficiency disease, acrodermatitis enteropathica.
121                                              Zinc deficiency disrupts their folding, and the ubiquiti
122                                   Therefore, zinc deficiency due to loss-of-function ZnT8 mutations s
123                                      Dietary zinc deficiency during pregnancy down-regulated ZnT1 and
124                             Maternal dietary zinc deficiency during pregnancy exacerbated these effec
125                                     Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy may be widespread among
126 ould be considered in populations at risk of zinc deficiency, especially where there are elevated rat
127  to down-regulate sulfate assimilation under zinc deficiency experience increased oxidative stress.
128             Before transplant, patients with zinc deficiency had higher urinary zinc to creatinine ra
129                                              Zinc deficiency has also been implicated in diarrheal di
130 x months of age; however, transient neonatal zinc deficiency has been documented in exclusively breas
131                                              Zinc deficiency has been shown to contribute to the prog
132 oblem reserved for underdeveloped countries, zinc deficiency has increasing pediatric prevalence in t
133 mutation, associated with transient neonatal zinc deficiency, has on ZnT1, ZnT3, and ZnT4 upon hetero
134 tation in SLC30A2 and can result in neonatal zinc deficiency if unrecognized.
135                                              Zinc deficiency impairs overall immune function and resi
136 lectrolytic iron in addressing both iron and zinc deficiencies in low socio-economic populations of s
137  Growth retardation has been associated with zinc deficiency in adolescent human populations, but ani
138                                              Zinc deficiency in an experimental human model caused an
139 ed transcriptional activation in response to zinc deficiency in cells, suggesting a conserved pathway
140  During the last decade, the significance of zinc deficiency in childhood growth, morbidity, and mort
141                                              Zinc deficiency in children is an important public healt
142 inding of NF-kappaB to DNA were decreased by zinc deficiency in HuT-78.
143 bution to progress toward the eradication of zinc deficiency in infants and young children in the dev
144          Although there is a greater risk of zinc deficiency in persons consuming lactoovovegetarian
145                                              Zinc deficiency in pregnant experimental animals limits
146                                              Zinc deficiency in rats enhances esophageal cell prolife
147 reased cell proliferation induced by dietary zinc deficiency in rats plays a critical role in esophag
148  an extensive discussion of the influence of zinc deficiency in selected diseases.
149 role in human immunity, and it is known that zinc deficiency in the host is linked to increased susce
150 ified the gene responsible for the inherited zinc deficiency in the lethal milk (lm) mouse.
151 ears focused attention on the possibility of zinc deficiency in the United States.
152                                              Zinc deficiency in this yeast induces the unfolded prote
153                                              Zinc deficiency increased mZIP4 protein levels at the pl
154                                              Zinc deficiency increased plasma membrane levels of mZip
155                                              Zinc deficiency increased the forestomach cell prolifera
156 nal TBARS in group 2 indicates that moderate zinc deficiency increases oxidative stress to the retina
157 umulation of IRP2 protein was independent of zinc deficiency-induced intracellular nitric oxide produ
158 ve element isoform mRNA was decreased during zinc deficiency-induced iron accumulation.
159                             We conclude that zinc deficiency induces the production of a low-molecula
160                                              Zinc deficiency is a cause of immune dysfunction and inf
161                                              Zinc deficiency is a major cause of childhood morbidity
162                                              Zinc deficiency is a potential risk factor for disease i
163                                              Zinc deficiency is a relatively common problem in childr
164                                              Zinc deficiency is also associated with acute and chroni
165                           One consequence of zinc deficiency is an elevation in cell and tissue iron
166  common nutritional deficiency in the world; zinc deficiency is associated with poor growth and devel
167                                              Zinc deficiency is closely associated with stunting, res
168 D2 may contribute more to Zap1 function when zinc deficiency is combined with other environmental str
169                                              Zinc deficiency is common among populations at high risk
170                                              Zinc deficiency is currently responsible for large burde
171                                              Zinc deficiency is discussed in another, and the arsenic
172 elopment of intervention programs to control zinc deficiency is hampered by the lack of sensitive, sp
173                                              Zinc deficiency is implicated in the pathogenesis of hum
174                                              Zinc deficiency is increasingly recognized as an importa
175 deficiency, but whether they can also reduce zinc deficiency is less certain.
176 e public health importance of this degree of zinc deficiency is not well defined.
177                                              Zinc deficiency is one of the most consistently observed
178                                     Maternal zinc deficiency is relatively common in developing count
179 ansplant is rapidly improved and biochemical zinc deficiency is reversed after liver transplantation.
180  morbidity and mortality in populations with zinc deficiency is unclear.
181 ells relative to zinc-replete cells, whereas zinc deficiency is visually asymptomatic but distinguish
182 inc by enterocytes, and the ensuing systemic zinc deficiency leads to dermatological lesions and immu
183         In children in developing countries, zinc deficiency may be common and associated with immune
184              Decreased production of IL-2 in zinc deficiency may be due to decreased activation of NF
185                             Mild-to-moderate zinc deficiency may be relatively common worldwide, but
186 ive development are unclear, it appears that zinc deficiency may lead to deficits in children's neuro
187  both animal and human studies suggests that zinc deficiency may lead to delays in cognitive developm
188                                              Zinc deficiency may result in abnormal dark adaptation o
189                   These responses to dietary zinc deficiency mimic those found in the adult intestine
190 to diverse physiological stresses, including zinc deficiency, nitrogen starvation, and inhibition of
191  study supports the contention that moderate zinc deficiency occurs frequently in subjects with NIDDM
192  American race-ethnicity was associated with zinc deficiency (odds ratio: 0.26; P = 0.02).
193                 We investigate the effect of zinc deficiency on DNA damage, expression of DNA-repair
194 ntestine and the effects of maternal dietary zinc deficiency on these patterns of expression were exa
195 ion of undernutrition (stunting, anemia, and zinc deficiency), overweight, and obesity in Ecuador to
196 y-treatment effect on PZn (P = 0.026) and on zinc deficiency (P = 0.032) was found; PZn in the Zn+fil
197                          In the early phases zinc deficiency, p53 targets responsible for cell cycle
198 ed, makes it difficult to isolate effects of zinc deficiency per se from those of generalized protein
199 m1 and various CAH genes are up-regulated in zinc deficiency, probably due to reduced carbonic anhydr
200 the result of vesicular zinc trapping and ER zinc deficiency rather than overload.
201  decades, the estimated global prevalence of zinc deficiency remains high.
202        The biochemistry of human nutritional zinc deficiency remains poorly defined.
203 2-49 y have excess body weight and anemia or zinc deficiency, respectively.
204                                              Zinc deficiency results in dysfunction of both humoral a
205                                           In zinc deficiency, RNAPI is specifically degraded by prote
206                                     Subacute zinc deficiency significantly increases systemic inflamm
207 y exploring the transcriptional responses to zinc deficiency, studies of the yeast Saccharomyces cere
208 layed some classic manifestations of dietary zinc deficiency, such as reduced food intake and poor bo
209        Thymocyte apoptosis is potentiated by zinc deficiency, suggesting that these iron chelators ma
210 d ZIP3 are expressed in roots in response to zinc deficiency, suggesting that they transport zinc fro
211 udies using cultured HepG2 cells showed that zinc deficiency suppressed cell proliferation and cell p
212 two exclusively breast-fed infants developed zinc deficiency that was associated with low milk zinc c
213  metabolic consequences (much more than with zinc deficiency) that included altered energy, polyamine
214 ded phosphatidate phosphatase was induced by zinc deficiency through a mechanism that involved intera
215 rs with infants harboring transient neonatal zinc deficiency (TNZD).
216 e needed from other populations with endemic zinc deficiency to confirm the potential age-specific ef
217                                     Finally, zinc deficiency up-regulates the mammalian ER stress res
218 oexistence of OW/OB and stunting, anemia, or zinc deficiency was found in 2.8%, 0.7%, and 8.4% of sch
219 rely deficient in both copper and zinc ions, zinc deficiency was not a consistent feature shared by t
220                                              Zinc deficiency was present in all affected individuals
221                                      Greater zinc deficiency was required to alter mZip3 distribution
222 oncentrations (ie, population at new risk of zinc deficiency) was our measure of impact.
223      Using an in vivo model of acute dietary zinc deficiency, we show that feeding a zinc deficient d
224 ties of specific serum microRNAs for dietary zinc deficiency were identified by acute responses to zi
225 fects on the fecal microbiota of protein and zinc deficiency were probed independently in a murine mo
226       In contrast, during periods of dietary zinc deficiency when secretion of zinc by the pancreas a
227 and conservation are derepressed during mild zinc deficiency, whereas the energy-dependent zinc impor
228 unologic functions, is adversely affected by zinc deficiency, which can dysregulate intracellular kil
229  is proteolytically removed during prolonged zinc deficiency while the remaining eight-transmembrane
230              Although the mechanisms linking zinc deficiency with cognitive development are unclear,
231 ism by which L. monocytogenes can respond to zinc deficiency within a variety of environments and dur
232 ine the public health importance of maternal zinc deficiency worldwide.
233                We hypothesized that subacute zinc deficiency would amplify immune responses and oxida
234                               In response to zinc deficiency, Zap1 activates transcription of many ge
235                                 Thus, during zinc deficiency, Zap1 mediates the repression of two of
236  duration are the immunological hallmarks of zinc deficiency (ZD) in humans and higher animals.
237                                      Dietary zinc deficiency (ZD) in mice enhances cellular prolifera
238                                              Zinc deficiency (ZD) in rats increases esophageal cell p
239 IP4 gene, which is induced during periods of zinc deficiency, ZIP5 gene expression is unaltered by di

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