


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 NEET, a protein that was also annotated as a zinc finger.
2 A binding domain with three consecutive C2H2 zinc fingers.
3 d by repeats of sequence motifs such as C2H2 zinc fingers.
4 ge in messenger RNA levels of the GLI family zinc finger 1 (GLI1) gene (HH-pathway target gene) in bi
5 N induced GPR68 expression via IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (IKZF1), resulting in increased cytosolic
6  entities (TUBEs) and the K29-selective Npl4 Zinc Finger 1 (NZF1) domain from the deubiquitinase TRAB
7                                   GLI family zinc finger 2 (GLI2) coordinates the Hh transcriptional
8 ence of HH/glioma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 2 (GLI2)-WNT/beta-catenin signaling crosstal
9 tation (p.R252W) in the microrchidia CW-type zinc finger 2 (MORC2) gene mapping within the linkage re
10  and A2 bases are recognized specifically by zinc finger 2 (ZF2) of CPSF-30 and the A4 and A5 bases b
11              MORC2 encodes the human CW-type zinc finger 2 protein, which is a chromatin modifier inv
12                       OVOL2 encodes ovo-like zinc finger 2, a C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factor t
13                     BROMO domain adjacent to zinc finger 2B (BAZ2B) is a multidomain histone-binding
14  in Vdelta2 T cells, including IKAROS family zinc finger 4 (IKZF4; Eos), integrin subunit alpha E (IT
15 odule within KDM2A consisting of a CXXC type zinc finger, a PHD domain and a newly identified Heteroc
16 ay crystal structure of the highly conserved zinc finger-acetyltransferase moiety of ESCO1 with accom
17 te that, in addition to binding DNA, PRDM9's zinc fingers also mediate its multimerization, and we sh
18 tains unique additional features including a zinc finger and an approximately 40-residue loop region
19 n thermogenic gene activation and identified zinc finger and BTB domain-containing 7b (Zbtb7b) as a p
20                               We report that zinc finger and homeobox transcription factor-1 (Zeb1),
21 ive histone Lys demethylase with a conserved zinc finger and Jumonji C and N domain.
22 e bi-domain module with a RET1-specific C2H2 zinc finger and RNA recognition (RRM) domains.
23 s demonstrated that the transcription factor zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 21 (ZSCAN21) play
24 d by a conserved DNA-binding domain of three zinc fingers and a variable N-terminal domain responsibl
25               We previously identified Zhx2 (zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2) as a regulator of numerou
26 ic residues in either the distal or proximal zinc fingers, and NC-membrane binding is essential for B
27 cation in cultured cells is inhibited by the zinc finger antiviral protein (ZAP), a host factor that
28 en using small inhibitory RNAs revealed that zinc-finger antiviral protein (ZAP) inhibited virion pro
29                                          MBL zinc fingers are the most highly conserved portion of th
30 telomere-associated protein: TZAP (telomeric zinc finger-associated protein).
31              The transcription factor ZBED6 (zinc finger, BED-type containing 6) is a repressor of IG
32               Variation in the gene encoding zinc finger binding protein 804A (ZNF804A) is associated
33 TAGGGAA-3') and encompasses a Myc-associated zinc finger-binding site that regulates KRAS transcripti
34                                     The C2H2 zinc finger (C2H2-ZF) is the most numerous protein domai
35 iption factors (TFs) with multiple Cys2-His2 zinc fingers (C2H2-ZFs) remain poorly studied.
36 vitro and in vivo We show that in vitro, the zinc finger can function as an autonomous recruitment do
37 PC1, as well as the newly characterized Pab, zinc finger CCCH-type containing protein 14 (ZC3H14).
38 d polyadenosine RNA-binding protein, ZC3H14 (Zinc finger CysCysCysHis domain-containing protein 14),
39 ted ILC3s in a cell-intrinsic manner through zinc-finger-dependent inhibition of transcriptional acti
40 translational modification, catalyzed by the zinc finger DHHC domain containing (zDHHC) enzyme family
41 ylation of proteins is primarily mediated by zinc finger DHHC domain-containing palmitoyltransferases
42         CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is an 11 zinc finger DNA-binding domain protein that regulates ge
43 /PSD95 gene-targeting strategy: a Dlg4/PSD95 zinc finger DNA-binding domain was engineered and fused
44      The fast recruitment is mediated by the zinc finger domain and poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR).
45  and both its physical interaction to GR and zinc finger domain appear to be required for ZNF764 to r
46 quence specificity of the mutant recombinant zinc finger domain by performing biophysical measurement
47 class of over 100 previously uncharacterised zinc finger domain containing genes, located on the long
48 A/H2B, with an arginine cluster on the Sgf11 zinc finger domain docking on the conserved H2A/H2B acid
49 e solve the solution structure of the RNF126 zinc finger domain in complex with the BAG6 UBL domain.
50 a highly conserved amino acid residue in the zinc finger domain of ZNHIT3.
51            Amino acid differences in the Sp7 zinc finger domain reduce Sp7's affinity for the Sp fami
52      We have recently discovered that the ZZ zinc finger domain represents a novel small ubiquitin-li
53  and 3 (TAB2 and TAB3) by modifying the Npl4 zinc finger domain through S-adenosyl methionine-depende
54 erogeneous-backbone foldamers that mimic the zinc finger domain, a ubiquitous and biologically import
55 n, PHD2 contains an evolutionarily conserved zinc finger domain, which we have previously proposed re
56 C3) and its paralog Sertoli cell gene with a zinc finger domain-beta (SERZ-beta; DHHC7) based on over
57 identified a transcriptional repressor, GATA zinc finger domain-containing 2B (GATAD2B), that interac
58  bind GC-rich target sequences through their zinc finger domain.
59  a marked enrichment of mutations within the zinc finger domain.
60  residue within a novel viral integrase-like zinc finger domain.
61 cription, whereas deletion of its C-terminal zinc-finger domain diminished this effect.
62 patients with two mutated ankyrin repeat and zinc-finger domain-containing 1 (ANKZF1) alleles (homozy
63 ular E3 ubiquitin ligase ring-finger and CHY zinc-finger domain-containing 1 (RCHY1) as an interactin
64 ich domains, suggesting that GhCHR encodes a zinc-finger domain-containing transcription factor.
65 ing zinc finger protein 1) POZ (POxvirus and Zinc finger) domain in Schwann cells causes a neuropathy
66 d that the deletion of the POZ (POxvirus and Zinc finger) domain of the transcription factor Miz1 (My
67 amtrack, and Bric-a-brac)/POZ (POX virus and zinc finger) domain.
68                               In addition to zinc finger domains in CPSF30, we identify using quantit
69 transcription factors that contain conserved zinc finger domains involved in binding to target DNA se
70 the middle of the DH that is composed of the zinc finger domains of both hexamers.
71 g over 100 human candidate RBPs that contain zinc finger domains.
72 transcriptome, and this binding requires its zinc-finger domains.
73 contains five Cys3His domains (annotated as "zinc-finger" domains).
74                      To assess the effect of zinc finger E box-binding homeobox 1 transcription facto
75                     Here, we identify the TF zinc finger E box-binding homeobox 2 (Zeb2) to play a cr
76                          Induced by the EMT, zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) binds and si
77                      Increased expression of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) is associate
78 hymal transition (EMT) through activation of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) sensitized t
79 l-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) regulator, Zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1), or overexpr
80      Mechanistically, we find that the ZEB1 (zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1) transcription fact
81 volves the negative transcription regulator, zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1.
82 transcription factors SRY-box 10 (SOX10) and zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2 (ZEB2).
83                   Elevated expression of the Zinc finger E-box binding homeobox transcription factor-
84                                    ZEB1 is a zinc finger E-box binding transcription factor known for
85                     Here we demonstrate that zinc-finger E-box-binding homeobox 2 (Zeb2, also called
86                                          The Zinc-finger E-box-binding Homeobox-1 (ZEB1) is a transcr
87             We have identified ZNF503/ZEPPO2 zinc-finger elbow-related proline domain protein 2 (ZPO2
88 te immune cell interactions and a cluster of zinc finger-encoding genes associated with KMT2A rearran
89   In this study, we used a novel technology, zinc-finger engineered transcription factors, to remodel
90                                  ZNF281 is a zinc-finger factor involved in the control of cellular s
91 ing either the N-terminal SCAN domain or the zinc fingers failed to translocate to the nucleus and pr
92 c finger protein 12), is a member of the PHD zinc finger family of proteins.
93                                         C2H2 zinc-finger family members are key targets of DE miRNAs.
94 criptional regulators such as Myc-associated zinc finger from accessing their binding sites on the KR
95                         In vivo, ablation of zinc finger function by a C36S/C42S Egln1 knock-in mutat
96 e, we use deletion of the monocytic leukemia zinc finger gene (Moz/Kat6a/Myst3) to examine the effect
97            In MPPs, Pcid2 interacts with the Zinc finger HIT-type containing 1 (ZNHIT1) to block Snf2
98 o tests of one of the strongest screen hits, zinc finger homeodomain 2 (Zfh2; mammalian orthologs ZFH
99 nsgenic expression of promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger; however, the promyelocytic leukemia zinc fi
100           Intriguingly, the function of this zinc finger is impaired in high-altitude-adapted Tibetan
101 ed an antibody that recognizes the conserved zinc fingers linker region (ZnFL) in multiple KRAB-ZNF.
102 iants affect a single conserved residue in a zinc finger motif crucial for DNA binding and are delete
103      JMJ27 is a nuclear protein containing a zinc-finger motif and a catalytic JmjC domain with conse
104 wn silencer for Thpok, and requires the last zinc-finger motif in Bcl11b protein, which by contrast i
105                                              Zinc finger motifs are distributed amongst many eukaryot
106        Further analyses show that only three zinc finger motifs are essential for PAR recognition.
107 an cells revealed that intact PIN domain and Zinc finger motifs in human hUTP23 are essential for 18S
108 ised of conserved Snail/Slug/Gfi1 (SNAG) and zinc finger motifs separated by a linker region poorly c
109 ristetraprolin (TTP) is an inducible, tandem zinc-finger mRNA binding protein that binds to adenylate
110 upregulated in cancer cells harboring ZBTB7A zinc finger mutation, leading to increased glycolysis an
111 ning of these variants, we identified ZMYM3 (zinc finger, myeloproliferative, and mental retardation-
112                                      ZMYND8 (zinc finger MYND (Myeloid, Nervy and DEAF-1)-type contai
113 g DSBs (5' DSBs) in yeast using an optimized zinc finger nuclease at an efficiency that approached HO
114                                              Zinc finger nuclease in-embryo editing of the RELA locus
115                                 By combining zinc finger nuclease mRNA delivery with AAV6 delivery of
116 strate that temporally optimized delivery of zinc finger nuclease mRNA via electroporation and adeno-
117 d mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage and after zinc finger nuclease-mediated gene mutation correction,
118 as motor and behavioural function in a novel zinc-finger nuclease model of RTT utilizing both male an
119  developed a novel Bace1(-/-) rat line using zinc-finger nuclease technology and compared Bace1(-/-)
120                            Here we develop a zinc-finger nuclease translocation reporter and screen f
121                                              Zinc-finger nuclease, transcription activator-like effec
122          Use of the mitochondrially targeted zinc finger-nuclease (mtZFN) results in degradation of m
123 equency and spectrum of restriction-enzyme-, zinc-finger-nuclease-, and RAG-induced DSBs.
124 The first truly targetable reagents were the zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) showing that arbitrary DNA
125 5 (CCR5) locus in pigtailed macaque HSPCs by zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) was feasible.
126                         In addition, we used Zinc finger nucleases to generate isogenic SHANK3 knocko
127                                      We used zinc finger nucleases to induce stable expression of hum
128                     Disruption of CCR5 using zinc finger nucleases was the first-in-human application
129 ogies for facile manipulation of the genome (zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effe
130                            Gene editing with zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effe
131                         This study optimized zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator
132 s strains (including wild-type CC-125) using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), genetically encoded CRISPR
133 ctivator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) or zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs).
134         We have used this system to identify zinc-finger nucleases that exhibit high cleavage activit
135                                  Here we use zinc-finger nucleases to genetically modify the multidru
136  from the non-coding region of the CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid-binding protein (CNBP) gene.
137 nents regulating FIT function, we identified ZINC FINGER OF ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA12 (ZAT12), an abioti
138 strate how a missense mutation in the second zinc finger of Kruppel-like factor-1 (KLF1) leads to deg
139 ng groove, which specifically recognizes the zinc fingers of JKD.
140 und that arsenite could bind directly to the zinc fingers of Tet proteins in vitro and in cells, and
141 sruption of either the catalytic activity or zinc-finger of PrimPol results in extreme G4-dependent e
142                                    EVI1 is a zinc finger oncoprotein involved in the development of a
143                                   Hence, the zinc finger ordinarily performs a critical positive regu
144 n used as a matrix for the immobilization of zinc finger peptide and fluorescent dye acrydine orange
145  transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (plzf) in HSC fate using the Zbtb16(lu/lu)mo
146  transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) is transiently expressed during devel
147  transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) seemed to control the ROS levels.
148  transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF), as well as expression of intracellul
149 transcription factors promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF), eomesodermin, and T-bet and enhanced
150 al-like 4 (SALL4) and promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF; also known as ZBTB16) are known to be
151 toylation by both Golgi-associated DHHC-type zinc finger protein (GODZ; also known as DHHC3) and its
152  the rapidly evolving Kruppel-associated box-zinc finger protein (KRAB-ZFP) family linked primarily t
153 rent classes of KAP1 target genes, including zinc finger protein (ZFP) and imprinted genes.
154  The nuclear matrix protein Cip1-interacting zinc finger protein 1 (CIZ1) promotes DNA replication in
155            Among these, the GATA-3 repressor zinc finger protein 1 (Zfpm1) emerged as a potential med
156 NT The deletion of the Miz1 (Myc-interacting zinc finger protein 1) POZ (POxvirus and Zinc finger) do
157                                              Zinc finger protein 106 (ZFP106) has previously been ass
158 also known as Phf12 (plant homeodomain [PHD] zinc finger protein 12), is a member of the PHD zinc fin
159 lysis identifies allele-preferred binding of Zinc finger protein 148 (ZNF148) to rs36115365-C, furthe
160 ding protein, tristetraprolin (also known as zinc finger protein 36 (ZFP36)), which is itself up-regu
161 male OB offspring had a higher expression of Zinc finger protein 423 (zfp423), a key transcription fa
162 induces DNA demethylation in the promoter of zinc finger protein 423, which renders progenitor cells
163 al. investigate the interaction of CXXC-type zinc finger protein 5 (CXXC5) with Dishevelled as one su
164                                  We identify zinc finger protein 568 (ZFP568), a member of the rapidl
165                               We studied the Zinc Finger Protein 598 (ZNF598) using PAR-CLIP and reve
166 10C>G (p.Pro937Arg) missense mutation in the zinc finger protein 687 gene (ZNF687).
167 (5'-untranslated region variant of exon 2 of zinc finger protein 750 (ZNF750), and in an intron of TB
168 ory pathways, including STAT3, NFkappaB, and zinc finger protein 750 (ZNF750).
169 e found that the transcript encoding ZFP871 (zinc finger protein 871; also called ZNF709 in humans) i
170 tor for male-specific lethal [MSL] proteins) zinc finger protein binds these GA repeat motifs, increa
171   Here, we report that the CDKN1-interacting zinc finger protein CIZ1 is critical for localization of
172                                          The zinc finger protein CTCF has been invoked in establishin
173                              The role of the zinc finger protein CTCF in organizing the genome within
174                     ZNHIT3 encodes a nuclear zinc finger protein previously implicated in transcripti
175                            (H2)F1 is an octa-zinc finger protein required for mRNP-gRNP docking, pre-
176 ent study was to analyze in vivo the role of zinc finger protein SNAI1 (SNAI1) on renal fibrosis.
177                        Yin Yang 1 (YY1) is a zinc finger protein that functions as a transcriptional
178 Methanol expression regulator 1 (Mxr1p) is a zinc finger protein that regulates the expression of gen
179         Here we identify the uncharacterized zinc finger protein Tmc1 as a dynamically regulated stre
180                Here, we demonstrate that the zinc finger protein Zbtb20 is required for DNL.
181 d a distinct complex containing Mtr4 and the zinc finger protein ZFC3H1.
182                        Here, we identify the zinc finger protein Zfp106 as a specific GGGGCC RNA repe
183                Here we show that the nuclear zinc finger protein ZFP106 is highly enriched in skeleta
184                      Further analyses of the zinc finger protein Zfp871 and BTB/POZ domain transcript
185                                The C2H2-type zinc finger protein ZNF764 acts as an enhancer for sever
186                                          The zinc finger protein ZPR1 interacts with SMN.
187 s, where the gene of MOZ (monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein) was first identified as a recurrent
188 ted with molecular processes/other proteins, zinc finger protein, intracellular/extracellular enzymes
189 em cell lineage that a spermatocyte-specific zinc finger protein, Kumgang (Kmg), working with the chr
190                          We identify another zinc finger protein, Yin Yang 1 (YY1), at the base of lo
191                          Here we show that a zinc finger protein, ZIC2, a key regulator for central n
192                            c-Myc-interacting zinc finger protein-1 (Miz-1) is a poly-Cys2His2 zinc fi
193 gi apparatus-specific Asp-His-His-Cys (DHHC) zinc finger protein.
194 gi apparatus-specific Asp-His-His-Cys (DHHC) zinc finger protein; (ii) a GODZ dominant-negative mutan
195 e transcription factor Miz1 (Myc-interacting zinc finger protein; encoded by Zbtb17) in mouse Schwann
196                              The RNA-binding Zinc-finger protein 106 (ZFP106) detected in both librar
197 nt, which was abolished by deficiency in the zinc-finger protein Bcl11b but restored by IL-25R overex
198 that chromatin neighbourhoods, formed by the zinc-finger protein CTCF, can sequester enhancers and th
199  chains upon protein-DNA association for the zinc-finger protein Egr-1.
200  nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP/ZNF9), a zinc-finger protein known to bind single-stranded G-rich
201                                     The C2H2 zinc-finger protein Pita binds to several BX-C boundarie
202                                          The zinc-finger protein tristetraprolin (TTP) binds to AU-ri
203  transcriptional repression, mediated by the zinc-finger protein Zeb2 (also known as Sip1), is essent
204 complex bound to DNA by the ES cell-specific zinc-finger protein ZFP809.
205 scopy and edgetic mutations that the bitopic zinc-finger protein ZitP implements specialized developm
206 rated the target search process of the Egr-1 zinc-finger protein.
207 of decoys on the search process of the Egr-1 zinc-finger protein.
208        Viral-mediated delivery of engineered zinc finger proteins (ZFP) targeted histone H3 lysine 9/
209 matically compared four different engineered zinc finger proteins (ZFP), four transcription activator
210 our known CRBN neo-substrates [Ikaros family zinc finger proteins 1 (IKZF1) and 3 (IKZF3), casein kin
211         ZFNs resulted from basic research on zinc finger proteins and the FokI restriction enzyme (wh
212 ressor complex, which involves multiple KRAB zinc finger proteins, shields neuronal genomes from exce
213 developed DNA-targeting platforms, including zinc finger proteins, transcription activator-like effec
214  tristetraprolin (TTP) family of CCCH tandem zinc finger proteins.
215                       Kruppel-associated box zinc-finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) make up the largest fam
216 rgeted specifically to Fosb using engineered zinc-finger proteins (ZFPs).
217 n a synthetic guide RNA and DNA, outperforms zinc-finger proteins and transcription activator-like ef
218  myelodysplastic syndrome 1 (MDS)/EVI encode zinc-finger proteins that have been recognized as import
219 longs to the tristetraprolin (TTP) family of zinc-finger proteins, which bind to mRNAs containing AU-
220 ese findings support a role for iron in some zinc-finger proteins.
221 SWI/SNF catalytic subunit (SNF2) translocase zinc finger ran-binding domain containing 3 (ZRANB3).
222 tants demonstrated that mutations within the zinc finger region of ZBTB7A invariably resulted in loss
223 use their RNA-recognition motifs but not the Zinc-finger region for RNA binding.
224 ctic protein-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) is a zinc-finger RNA binding protein with important roles in
225    PR-domain-containing proteins (PRDMs) are zinc-finger sequence-specific chromatin factors that hav
226 ucose-PKA pathway that inactivates conserved zinc finger stress-resistance transcription factors to s
227          BRPF1 contains a unique assembly of zinc fingers, termed a PZP domain, the physiological rol
228 t genomic occupancy of TBX5, NKX2-5, and the zinc finger TF GATA4 coordinately controlling cardiac ge
229                                          The zinc finger TF Ikaros, encoded by Ikzf1, is essential fo
230  fbp1 gene, binding of Rst2 (a critical C2H2 zinc-finger TF) is mediated by a local loop structure.
231 hat catalyzes H3K36 demethylation and a CxxC zinc-finger that recognizes CpG islands and recruits the
232                                          The zinc-finger transciption factor KLF4 is a key driver of
233 ardiac reprogramming, we discovered that the zinc finger transcription factor 281 (ZNF281) potently s
234                        Here, we identify the zinc finger transcription factor EGR1 as a negative regu
235 GR1 (early growth response 1), a member of a zinc finger transcription factor family, has been descri
236                   Deficiency in Kruppel-like zinc finger transcription factor GLI-similar 3 (GLIS3) i
237         Being itself inducible by ATRA, this zinc finger transcription factor is involved in modulati
238 tion between Drosophila FOXO (dFOXO) and the zinc finger transcription factor Kruppel homolog 1 (Kr-h
239 lar and molecular analyses, we show that the zinc finger transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 3 (
240 ion is regulated through the activity of the zinc finger transcription factor NMP4 (ZNF384, CIZ).
241  gene 3 (Peg3), an imprinted gene encoding a zinc finger transcription factor postulated to function
242 dance with previous studies showing that the zinc finger transcription factor Th-POK is a key negativ
243 f Nestin were mediated by binding to Gli3, a zinc finger transcription factor that negatively regulat
244                                   GATA3 is a zinc finger transcription factor that plays a crucial ro
245                        Here we establish the zinc finger transcription factor Tshz1 as a marker of IT
246 SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We show here that the zinc finger transcription factor Tshz1 is expressed duri
247        ZNF322A encoding a classical Cys2His2 zinc finger transcription factor was previously revealed
248             EGR1 is an early growth response zinc finger transcription factor with broad actions, inc
249   Methanol expression regulator 1 (Mxr1p), a zinc finger transcription factor, is essential for growt
250 el-like factor 15 (KLF15), a kidney-enriched zinc finger transcription factor, is required for restor
251  report the functional characterization of a zinc finger transcription factor, OsGATA12, whose overex
252 In this study, we have identified the Ikaros zinc finger transcription factors Aiolos and Ikaros as n
253 mechanism through which STAT3 and the Ikaros zinc finger transcription factors Aiolos and Ikaros coop
254              The rules of engagement between zinc finger transcription factors and DNA have been part
255 romoter luciferase vector, we found that the zinc finger transcription factors early growth response
256                          GATA4 and GATA6 are zinc finger transcription factors that have important fu
257    Two proteins comprising the ZEB family of zinc finger transcription factors, ZEB1 and ZEB2, execut
258       Kruppel-like factor 5 (Klf5) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor and has been reported t
259  (NuRD) complex binding are required for the zinc-finger transcription factor CASZ1 to function as a
260                          Here, we identify a zinc-finger transcription factor Hindsight (Hnt) as the
261                We further identify Gata-3, a zinc-finger transcription factor in the dysfunctional mo
262      Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4, GKLF) is a zinc-finger transcription factor involved in a large var
263          The Zfp423/ZNF423 gene encodes a 30-zinc-finger transcription factor involved in key develop
264                      We demonstrate that the zinc-finger transcription factor MtSTOP is essentially r
265                       Here, we show that the zinc-finger transcription factor Nerfin-1 is expressed i
266      Furthermore, hand2 and the co-expressed zinc-finger transcription factor osr1 have functionally
267                 osterix (osx; sp7) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor that controls osteoblas
268 OVOL2 encodes ovo-like zinc finger 2, a C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factor that regulates mesenchy
269         Yin and yang 1 (YY1) is a well-known zinc-finger transcription factor with crucial roles in n
270                           Mutations in human zinc-finger transcription factor WT1 result in abnormal
271                 We show that Combgap (Cg), a zinc-finger transcription factor, antagonizes Eya-So fun
272                       TSHZ3, which encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor, was recently positione
273 s of the specificity protein (Sp) 1/Klf-like zinc-finger transcription factors Sp5 and Sp8 (i.e., Sp5
274  Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of zinc-finger transcription factors that are found in many
275 bset of luminal progenitors that express the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1, and demons
276 eviously demonstrated that expression of the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Blimp1/PRDM1 is es
277      Recent experiments demonstrate that the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Prdm1/Blimp1 is es
278 y, transcriptional targets recognized by the zinc finger transcriptional repressor Prdm1/Blimp1, an e
279 ransition (EMT), TGF-beta1 signaling and the Zinc finger transcriptional repressor protein Slug, in v
280  the binding affinity for Klumpfuss (Klu), a zinc finger transcriptional repressor that regulates ss
281 des and RNA interference targeting mRNA, and zinc finger transcriptional repressors and CRISPR-Cas9 m
282 s and virally delivered RNA interference and zinc finger transcriptional repressors in advanced testi
283  finger; however, the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger transgene does not restore iNKT cell numbers
284           We show that the ubiquitin-binding zinc finger (UBZ) domain of FAN1, which is needed for in
285 if that, together with its ubiquitin-binding zinc finger (UBZ) domain, helps recruit FAN1 to ubiquity
286                          Because an Sp7-like zinc finger variant is restricted to vertebrates, the em
287 ome-wide targeting require its four Cys2His2 zinc fingers, which directly recognize a CTCTGYTY motif.
288 TB38 is an under-characterized member of the zinc finger (ZF) family of methyl-CpG binding proteins.
289 n gamma-globin promoter with custom-designed zinc finger (ZF) proteins (ZF-Ldb1), leading to reactiva
290                                   Polydactyl zinc finger (ZF) proteins have prominent roles in gene r
291 h sequence-specific DNA binding via its C2H2 zinc finger (ZF) tandem array, which is highly polymorph
292  finger protein-1 (Miz-1) is a poly-Cys2His2 zinc finger (ZF) transcriptional regulator of many cell
293       DDS mutations cluster predominantly in zinc fingers (ZF) 2 and 3 at the C-terminus of WT1, whic
294 ctor (CTCF), containing a tandem array of 11 zinc fingers (ZFs), modulates the three-dimensional orga
295 g modules: full-length DNA binding proteins, zinc fingers (ZFs), transcription activator-like effecto
296 ormed by Zn(II) displacement from the parent zinc fingers (ZFs).
297 trate and further show that ZFP91 harbours a zinc finger (ZnF) motif, related to the IKZF1/3 ZnF, cri
298                              The multidomain zinc finger (ZnF) protein PRDM9 (PRD1-BF1-RIZ1 homologou
299 mic loci containing a CTCTGYTY motif via its zinc-finger (ZnF) domains and facilitates the recruitmen
300            The NMR solution structure of the zinc-finger (ZnR) domain from the bifunctional and bipol

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