


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 contains five Cys3His domains (annotated as "zinc-finger" domains).
2 ical role of residues within the second EKLF zinc finger domain.
3  members of this family in possessing a CCHC zinc finger domain.
4 ransferase domain, Eco1p harbors a conserved zinc finger domain.
5  bind GC-rich target sequences through their zinc finger domain.
6 only four amino acid nucleotide contacts per zinc finger domain.
7 lization sequences located within the tandem zinc finger domain.
8 the critical features of the tristetraprolin zinc finger domain.
9  a marked enrichment of mutations within the zinc finger domain.
10 located in exon 10 and affect the C-terminal zinc finger domain.
11 o identify the functional activities of each zinc finger domain.
12 short sequence containing a central putative zinc finger domain.
13 ant role in DNA binding by SNAPC through its zinc finger domain.
14 an N-terminal deletion mutant containing the zinc finger domain.
15  form is a protein with two OB folds and one zinc finger domain.
16 rization regions, one of which is the distal zinc finger domain.
17 TA-3-like transcription factor with a single zinc finger domain.
18 e deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) corepressors via its zinc finger domain.
19 g as an E3 ubiquitin ligase through the RING zinc finger domain.
20 determined by the dimerizing function of the zinc finger domain.
21  are each composed of two such domains and a zinc finger domain.
22  residue within a novel viral integrase-like zinc finger domain.
23 ein with a cysteine 2-histidine 2 (Cys2His2) zinc finger domain.
24  of Haloferax volcanii (RhoII) is fused to a zinc finger domain.
25 nd predicted to encode a protein lacking the zinc finger domain.
26 acid substitution within a C-terminal double zinc finger domain.
27  mouse strains differing only in their PRDM9 zinc finger domain.
28 kDa protein that contains a double C2H2-type zinc finger domain.
29 ced by mutation of cysteines in the putative zinc finger domain.
30 interaction domain within TTP was the tandem zinc finger domain.
31 ect role in regulating EKLF turnover via its zinc finger domain.
32 ith two deacetylase domains and a C-terminal zinc finger domain.
33 on, dependent upon the integrity of the CCCH zinc finger domain.
34 hat Gfi-1 recognizes through its DNA binding zinc-finger domain.
35 g domain that includes the carboxyl-terminal zinc-finger domain.
36  Munc13 binding is mediated by the alpha-RIM zinc-finger domain.
37 cked the N-terminal region, but retained the zinc-finger domain.
38 arly permutated GTPase domain and an unusual zinc-finger domain.
39 n, a central GTPase domain, and a C-terminal zinc-finger domain.
40 fferent protein isoforms that contain a C2H2 zinc-finger domain.
41 ct Fru isoforms, each containing a different zinc-finger domain.
42 hich contains a RAD18-like ubiquitin-binding zinc-finger domain.
43 nd Homothorax (Hth) do not occur through the zinc finger domains.
44 ein with a zinc finger-associated domain and zinc finger domains.
45 ity of MBNL3 requires the CX(7)CX(4-6)CX(3)H zinc finger domains.
46 ty of Psh1 is dependent on both its RING and zinc finger domains.
47 affinity and binding specificity of designed zinc finger domains.
48 s contain a stretch of distinct, Ran-binding zinc finger domains.
49 within a region encompassing MDM2 acidic and zinc finger domains.
50 g over 100 human candidate RBPs that contain zinc finger domains.
51 t a cardiac alpha-actin promoter through its zinc finger domains.
52 the DNA through their highly conserved three zinc finger domains.
53 ter activity, in a manner dependent upon the zinc finger domains.
54 sites were mapped to MLL1 C-terminal and MOF zinc finger domains.
55 es in the linker regions connecting adjacent zinc finger domains.
56 owever, little homology exists outside their zinc finger domains.
57 tors that share homology in three C-terminal zinc finger domains.
58  insight into the normal function of U2AF1's zinc finger domains.
59 hat lead to the disruption of the C-terminal zinc finger domains.
60 y is negatively regulated by their conserved zinc finger domains.
61 e domain 5), a 23-kDa protein containing two zinc finger domains.
62 amtrack, and Bric-a-brac)/POZ (POX virus and zinc finger) domain.
63 n the BORIS molecule lacking the DNA-binding zinc fingers domain.
64 target DNA reminiscent of canonical C(2)H(2) zinc-finger domains.
65 transcriptome, and this binding requires its zinc-finger domains.
66  binding to transcription factors containing zinc-finger domains.
67 virus and zinc-finger, POZ) and DNA-binding (zinc-finger) domains.
68 o acid substitution of conserved residues in zinc finger domain 1 (His299Tyr) or domain 2 (Arg328Leu;
69                          Mutating the Zfp521 zinc finger domains 6 and 26 reduces the binding of Zfp5
70 main structure, including an N-terminal C2H2 zinc finger domain, a central putative core transposase
71 erogeneous-backbone foldamers that mimic the zinc finger domain, a ubiquitous and biologically import
72 onarily conserved nuclear protein with a PHD zinc-finger domain, a motif commonly found in chromatin-
73                              Mutation of the zinc-finger domain abolishes the NUFIP-mediated transcri
74 ate that the N-terminal, but not C-terminal, zinc finger domain adopts a stably folded conformation i
75 d is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been show
76  following the deletion of its COOH-terminal zinc finger domain (amino acids 397-419), a frequent tar
77  signal that is composed of three parts: the zinc finger domain, an adjacent linker sequence, and a d
78 tion foci targeting sequence) domain, a CXXC zinc finger domain and a pair of BAH (bromo adjacent hom
79 gether, our studies indicate that the double zinc finger domain and adjacent accessory domain precedi
80 his 96-amino acid region contains the double zinc finger domain and an accessory domain that enhances
81          Each protomer features a N-terminal zinc finger domain and an alpha-helical tetramerization
82 self between Phe16 and Asn17 of the proximal zinc finger domain and between Cys49 and Thr50 in the C-
83 l intermolecular complementation between the zinc finger domain and conserved region IX.
84           One of these modules comprises the zinc finger domain and DNA-binding domain, which functio
85 uding reverse transcriptase domains 1-7, the zinc finger domain and domain X.
86 strategies, namely, targeted deletion of the zinc finger domain and generation of a EUCOMM LacZ repor
87 uced EVI1 DNA binding through its C-terminal zinc finger domain and induced cancer cell proliferation
88 h to humans far removed from the MRE-binding zinc finger domain and just C-terminal to a previously m
89      The fast recruitment is mediated by the zinc finger domain and poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR).
90 ty TTP-ARE binding occurs between the tandem zinc finger domain and the preferred nonamer UUAUUUAUU.
91 1 inactivates MDM2 via direct action on this zinc finger domain and what is the chemical nature of th
92  activity decreased upon removal of the CCHC zinc finger domains and a short segment of basic amino a
93 t recognizes 9-bp target DNA sites via three zinc finger domains and activates genes in response to c
94 1-LIKE (REIL1) and REIL2 have four conserved zinc finger domains and are Arabidopsis thaliana homolog
95  the ring finger domains with or without the zinc finger domains and examined how these fusions regul
96 s predicted to encode a protein with several zinc finger domains and glutathione S-transferase activi
97 amily whose members contain both DNA-binding zinc finger domains and protein-protein-interacting SCAN
98 ses can be reprogrammed: New combinations of zinc finger domains and serine recombinase catalytic dom
99  exerted by SC1 requires the presence of its zinc finger domains and the PR domain.
100 ive allele of Snail, SnaZFD, composed of the zinc-finger domain and flanking sequence.
101 ertebrates contains a total of nine C(2)H(2) zinc-finger domains and a non-zinc finger region at its
102 ) that share characteristic tandem CCCH-type zinc-finger domains and can be rapidly induced by multip
103                               It contains 13 zinc-finger domains and has three trypsin inhibitor-like
104 ARP13 binds viral RNA via its four CCCH-type zinc-finger domains and targets it for degradation by re
105 ivation of HCMV early promoters, a predicted zinc finger domain, and a putative helix-loop-helix moti
106 roteins, Ros87, which contains a prokaryotic zinc finger domain, and Ml452-151, lacking the zinc ion.
107 binding is exclusively mediated by the Prdm4 zinc finger domain, and we characterize its tripartite c
108 ranscription factors comprising three or six zinc-finger domains, and selected transcription factor-D
109  and both its physical interaction to GR and zinc finger domain appear to be required for ZNF764 to r
110 nctioning of the protein while the remaining zinc finger domains appear to contribute but are not abs
111 -negative effect is dependent on the UBX and Zinc finger domains, appended to the N and C terminus of
112                                          The zinc finger domains are also necessary to direct SC1's n
113  DNA binding platform consisting of multiple zinc finger domains are currently being developed for cl
114 plementation rescue approach showed that the zinc finger domains are required for both primitive and
115                              Intact RING and zinc finger domains are required for TNFalpha-induced TR
116 f Ran at the vicinity of the NPC, using this zinc finger domain as a sink.
117 o-immunoprecipitation experiments, and their zinc finger domains as well as the Crx homedomain are ne
118 onal repressor that contains a POZ (poxvirus zinc finger) domain, as an NRE-binding protein.
119 operativity between Vpr and Sp1 requires the zinc finger domain at the C terminus and the glutamine-r
120                        We found that a small zinc finger domain at the N terminus of WRNIP1 is suffic
121                                          Two zinc finger domains at the N terminus of PARP-1 bind to
122 , its close paralog sertoli cell gene with a zinc finger domain-beta (SERZ-beta) are the main members
123 C3) and its paralog Sertoli cell gene with a zinc finger domain-beta (SERZ-beta; DHHC7) based on over
124  comprise a central core sequence flanked by zinc-finger domain-binding motifs.
125  single- and double-stranded DNA, whilst the zinc finger domain binds only to single-stranded DNA.
126 ation of Cth2 is contained within its tandem zinc finger domain, but it is independent of mRNA-bindin
127               Here, we found that the Nup358 zinc finger domain, but not a zinc finger domain from an
128  cleaved form of Glis2 loses one of its five zinc finger domains, but it is still able to bind DNA.
129 yses indicated that both the homeodomain and zinc finger domains, but not the middle region, of MST12
130 quence specificity of the mutant recombinant zinc finger domain by performing biophysical measurement
131       Mutational disruption of the L protein zinc finger domain (C(19)A) abrogated the inhibitory act
132  subunit ZIF-1, proteins tagged with the ZF1 zinc-finger domain can be quickly degraded in all somati
133 sidue fragment of ZFa, which consists of two zinc finger domains connected by a linker that remains u
134 oiled-coil interaction between MBD2 and GATA zinc finger domain containing 2A (GATAD2A/p66alpha) prot
135 class of over 100 previously uncharacterised zinc finger domain containing genes, located on the long
136 on factor, PHF20/TZP (referring to Tudor and zinc finger domain containing protein), binds to Akt and
137                                      A20/AN1 zinc finger domain containing Stress Associated Proteins
138                                 EVI1 has two zinc finger domains containing seven motifs at the N ter
139 identified a transcriptional repressor, GATA zinc finger domain-containing 2B (GATAD2B), that interac
140 patients with two mutated ankyrin repeat and zinc-finger domain-containing 1 (ANKZF1) alleles (homozy
141 ular E3 ubiquitin ligase ring-finger and CHY zinc-finger domain-containing 1 (RCHY1) as an interactin
142 ich domains, suggesting that GhCHR encodes a zinc-finger domain-containing transcription factor.
143                                   The SNAP50 zinc finger domain contains 15 cysteine and histidine re
144       We show here that the conserved tandem zinc finger domain contains an active nuclear localizati
145 rly viral activities, whereas the C-terminal zinc finger domain contributed primarily to very late ev
146 that interaction of arsenite with the PARP-1 zinc finger domain contributes to the inhibition of PARP
147 g the ring finger domain with or without the zinc finger domain demonstrated p53 ubiquitination presu
148 hat a 73-amino acid peptide spanning the TTP zinc finger domain, denoted TTP73, forms a dynamic, equi
149 cription, whereas deletion of its C-terminal zinc-finger domain diminished this effect.
150  vitro studies show that PRDM16, through its zinc finger domains, directly interacts with the MED1 su
151 A/H2B, with an arginine cluster on the Sgf11 zinc finger domain docking on the conserved H2A/H2B acid
152 that the evolutionarily conserved EGL-9 MYND zinc finger domain does not have a major role in HIF-1 r
153                  The flexibility afforded by zinc-finger domains enables the design of hybrid recombi
154 g with nanomolar affinity to the Vps36-NZF-N zinc-finger domain (ESCRT-II).
155  complex formed between the second and third zinc finger domain (F2F3) of CPSF30 and the C-terminal d
156 we identify a novel factor containing a FYVE zinc finger domain for interaction with endosomal lipids
157 ults shed light on asymmetrical roles of the zinc finger domains for Egr-1 to scan DNA efficiently in
158 ions confirmed the importance of a conserved zinc finger domain found in all herpesvirus ORF30 termin
159  the early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1) FYVE (a zinc finger domain found in the proteins Fab1, YOTB/ZK63
160 hat the Nup358 zinc finger domain, but not a zinc finger domain from an unrelated protein, binds to C
161 lele lacking exons 2 and 3 that encodes both zinc finger domains (Gata5(tm)(2)(Eem)), and we show tha
162 s) peptide linkage between the catalytic and zinc-finger domains has high activity in vitro, whereas
163 ies of a protein fragment comprising the six zinc finger domains have been examined to reveal apparen
164 ion that NC variants with mutations in their zinc finger domains have dramatically altered TAR RNA bi
165 endonucleases based on designed Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger domains have proven to be effective tools fo
166                          Thus, although both zinc finger domains have the ability to bind nucleic aci
167                   We describe a CCCH type of zinc finger domain in a replication protein A (RPA) homo
168 nd DNA- bound M2-1 establish the role of the zinc finger domain in base-specific recognition of RNA.
169 stallography and NMR spectroscopy of the WT1 zinc finger domain in complex with DNA.
170 e solve the solution structure of the RNF126 zinc finger domain in complex with the BAG6 UBL domain.
171                                 A homologous zinc finger domain in RAD18 also binds polyubiquitin, su
172  sequence motifs by a variable tandem-repeat zinc finger domain in the protein.
173  interacts with the coactivator p300 via its zinc finger domain in vivo to mediate Pdx-1 activation.
174                               In addition to zinc finger domains in CPSF30, we identify using quantit
175   RARalpha physically interacts with Sp1 via zinc finger domains in Sp1 as determined by co-immunopre
176 ed basic residues as well as residues of the zinc finger domains in the BLV NC domain of PrGag reveal
177 ing zinc finger protein 1) POZ (POxvirus and Zinc finger) domain in Schwann cells causes a neuropathy
178 o an investigation of the role of the Su(Hw) zinc-finger domain in insulator function.
179 proteins composed of multiple OB folds and a zinc finger domain, in a single polypeptide, have been d
180 hat encodes a protein with a single C(2)H(2) zinc-finger domain, in controlling the morphogenesis of
181 rate transcription factor that contains nine zinc-finger domains, including a GATA-type zinc finger t
182 BEC3G (APO3G), a cytidine deaminase with two zinc finger domains, inhibits human immunodeficiency vir
183 structure shows the second, third and fourth zinc finger domains inserted deep into the major groove
184                         Moreover, the Nup358 zinc finger domain interferes with COPI recruitment to t
185 transcription factors that contain conserved zinc finger domains involved in binding to target DNA se
186 ain remains active regardless of whether the zinc finger domain is bound at its cognate site and can
187   We show that the conserved N-terminal C2H2 zinc finger domain is essential for direct DNA binding a
188 nc finger domain, suggesting that the double zinc finger domain is important for Loz1 function.
189 etalloregulatory function and that an intact zinc finger domain is required for this recruitment.
190 ws that the specific native structure of the zinc finger domain is strictly required for the optimal
191 al region of MBNL1, containing its four CCCH zinc-finger domains, is sufficient to mediate repression
192 TTP binds to mRNA through its central tandem zinc finger domain; it then promotes mRNA deadenylation,
193          The four proteins, comprising three zinc finger domains joined by two consensus Thr-Gly-Glu-
194 , Vpr was able to associate with Sp1 via the zinc finger domain located in the C-terminal region of S
195 RAF)2 mutant lacking the N-terminal RING and zinc finger domains located at the N terminus of the mol
196 a isoforms, each having unique C-termini and zinc finger domains, may control different aspects of pr
197                               Its C-terminal zinc finger domain mediates nuclear import, DNA binding,
198 he addition of this collection of predefined zinc finger domains, most 5'-CNN-3'-, 5'-GNN-3'-, and 5'
199 l deubiquitinating domain and the C-terminal zinc finger domain of A20 were involved in the inhibitio
200                                          The zinc finger domain of all mammalian Zic genes is highly
201 nstead, it interacts preferentially with the zinc finger domain of another, nonubiquitinated Rad18 an
202                          Vitamin A binds the zinc finger domain of c-Raf with nanomolar affinity.
203 ssense mutation that alters a residue in the zinc finger domain of END-3 results in misspecification
204            Here, we report that the proposed zinc finger domain of human PrimPol binds zinc ions and
205 rtantly, the key residue cysteine 417 at the zinc finger domain of IKKgamma has been found to be muta
206 report that a mutation, E339D, in the second zinc finger domain of KLF1 is responsible for HS in the
207 ted KLF13 at specific lysine residues in the zinc finger domain of KLF13.
208             Mutation of the cysteines in the zinc finger domain of KLF8 abolished PARP-1 interaction.
209 ar dichroism, and mutational analyses of the zinc finger domain of MDM2 and human RPL11.
210    Although a mutation at Cys-305 within the zinc finger domain of MDM2 has been shown to drastically
211 tions of non-cysteine amino acids within the zinc finger domain of MDM2.
212 ndicate that the widely conserved C-terminal zinc finger domain of measles virus V protein is both ne
213  TNFalpha independently of the pox virus and zinc finger domain of Miz1.
214 show for the first time how mutations in the zinc finger domain of NEMO can lead to pathway specific
215                 Hypomorphic mutations in the zinc finger domain of NF-kappaB essential modulator (NEM
216 first zinc finger unit of YY1, mimicking the zinc finger domain of pho (a drosophila homologue of YY1
217 ghly conserved residue located in the second zinc finger domain of the GATA4 protein.
218 t arginine 488 located within the C-terminal zinc finger domain of the GR DNA-binding domain plays a
219                                          The zinc finger domain of the Wilms tumor suppressor protein
220  that the approximately 70-amino acid tandem zinc finger domain of TTP is required and sufficient for
221 a highly conserved amino acid residue in the zinc finger domain of ZNHIT3.
222 the middle of the DH that is composed of the zinc finger domains of both hexamers.
223                   Point mutations within the zinc finger domains of E7 and E6 inactivated the binding
224 varian carcinoma cells, we show that the two zinc finger domains of EVI1 bind to DNA independently an
225                                          The zinc finger domains of Kaiso as well as ZBTB4 and ZBTB38
226 results reveal that none of the Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger domains of MTF1 have dramatically low metal
227  interacts with the evolutionarily conserved zinc finger domains of the E3 RING ubiquitin ligase Siah
228 idate the exon-intron organization of the 16 zinc finger domains of the protein.
229 in vitro and in vivo, and is mediated by the zinc finger domains of the two proteins.
230 ns resulting in truncation of the C-terminal zinc finger domains of this transcription factor.
231  crystal structure of the RING and the first zinc finger domains of TRAF2.
232 d that the deletion of the POZ (POxvirus and Zinc finger) domain of the transcription factor Miz1 (My
233 by the extreme N-terminus of E1A and the CR3 zinc-finger domain of E7.
234 re, we present the solution structure of the zinc-finger domain of human DNA ligase IIIalpha, the fir
235             We further demonstrated that the zinc-finger domain of Sp1 functions as a sensor of coppe
236 nstrate that both the RNA polymerase and the zinc-finger domains of DNA primase are involved in the s
237                          Both activation and zinc-finger domains of KLF2 were required for this suppr
238 -arginine mutation (C417R) found in the NEMO zinc finger domain on dendritic cell (DC) function.
239 ne), PHD (plant homeodomain) and ZZ (ZZ-type zinc finger) domains, participate in protein-protein int
240 To examine the role that the UvrA C-terminal zinc finger domain plays in DNA binding, an eleven amino
241                  PR domain containing 1 with zinc finger domain (PRDM1)/B lymphocyte-induced maturati
242 its coding sequence predicts tandem C(2)H(2) zinc finger domains present in a class of proteins gaini
243 ity of each domain in the context of the six zinc finger domain protein by individually mutating one
244 de-11 encode a novel protein and a RING-type zinc finger domain protein, respectively.
245 ike1 (DCL1) and other proteins including the zinc-finger-domain protein Serrate (SE) and a double-str
246                                              Zinc finger domains provide a powerful scaffold for crea
247  mode of DNA recognition by the Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger domain provides an ideal scaffold for design
248 esides within the HIT domain, the C-terminal zinc finger domain provides stabilizing contacts that lo
249 odes a nuclear protein that has two FCS-type zinc finger domains (PS51024) and bears nuclear localiza
250 ognizes a 9-bp target DNA sequence via three zinc-finger domains, rapidly activates particular genes
251            Amino acid differences in the Sp7 zinc finger domain reduce Sp7's affinity for the Sp fami
252      We have recently discovered that the ZZ zinc finger domain represents a novel small ubiquitin-li
253  BCL11B mutations disrupted the structure of zinc finger domains required for this transcription fact
254 ith NC's highly basic character and with its zinc finger domains, respectively.
255 OPI association, yet inspection of these two zinc finger domains reveals features that also clearly d
256 iptional regulator REST4 share an N-terminal zinc finger domain structure involved in nuclear targeti
257 ginine to glycine substitution in the second zinc finger domain, suggesting that the double zinc fing
258 oforms that contain the conserved C-terminal zinc finger domain, suggesting that they could all bind
259 7, which contains a RING finger domain and a zinc finger domain that are mostly conserved with those
260  Human DNA ligase III contains an N-terminal zinc finger domain that binds to nicks and gaps in DNA.
261 ity of TTP is mediated by an internal tandem zinc finger domain that preferentially recognizes U-rich
262 letion and chimeric proteins to identify the zinc finger domains that are selectively used for either
263 port the development and characterization of zinc finger domains that bind to 15 of the 16 5'-CNN-3'
264 d an approach based on linkage of predefined zinc finger domains that each recognize a three-base pai
265 RPIN contains ubiquitin-like domain and Npl4-zinc finger domains that mediate the interaction with th
266  protein containing three Cys(2)-His(2)-type zinc-finger domains that bind the target DNA sequence GC
267 ly associates with Ikaros through C-terminal zinc-finger domains that mediate heterodimerization betw
268 om DNA-binding proteins by genetic fusion to zinc-finger domains that specifically bind unique DNA se
269 n archaeo-eukaryotic primase and a UL52-like zinc finger domain, the role of these domains has not be
270 g a database of experimentally characterized zinc finger domains, the amino acid sequence for a ZFP e
271  have been defined for the uninterrupted WT1 zinc finger domains, the most prevalent isoforms of both
272  and 3 (TAB2 and TAB3) by modifying the Npl4 zinc finger domain through S-adenosyl methionine-depende
273  work shows that Zap1 uses four of its seven zinc finger domains to contact the ZRE and that two of t
274      By shuffling our repertoire of modified zinc finger domains to create randomly generated polydac
275  of all human transcription factors use C2H2 zinc finger domains to specify site-specific DNA binding
276  lacking the really interesting new gene and zinc finger domains (TRAF2DN) develop small lymphocytic
277                                          The zinc finger domain transcription factor prdm1a plays an
278 e identified Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6), a zinc finger domain transcription factor, as an essential
279  show that nrd is a mutation in prdm1, a SET/zinc-finger domain transcription factor.
280 AAP20 contains a conserved ubiquitin-binding zinc-finger domain (UBZ), and binds K-63-linked ubiquiti
281 tutions at the cleavage site of the proximal zinc finger domain were also tested as substrates of the
282 onserved region located outside of the C2-C2 zinc finger domain where yeast SUI3 mutations are locali
283       Fifteen of these each have a different zinc finger domain, whereas two are without.
284 d all other family members contain a ZZ-type zinc finger domain, which in other organisms is implicat
285        For FUS, the arginine-glycine-glycine zinc finger domain, which is the protein's main RNA bind
286 n, PHD2 contains an evolutionarily conserved zinc finger domain, which we have previously proposed re
287                     It is also possible that zinc-finger domains, which are located at the extreme N-
288 hat combines two functionally essential C2H2 zinc-finger domains, which are probably involved in tran
289     This 1045 amino acid protein possesses a zinc finger domain with a tandem array of four FLYWCH zi
290                 Nup358 contains a repetitive zinc finger domain with overall organization similar to
291 s process by the specific association of its zinc finger domain with the histone H3 amino terminus.
292 gans HIL proteins have functionally distinct zinc finger domains, with specificity residing in the N-
293                         In contrast, the two zinc finger domains within NC are rotationally coupled i
294  is highly conserved and is dependent on its zinc-finger domains (ZF1-3) and the corresponding HMG DN
295                    We found seven permissive zinc finger domain (ZFD) insertion sites throughout Gag-
296                                   Individual zinc-finger domains (ZFDs) bind specific DNA triplet seq
297 s a RNA recognition motif (RRM), a CCHC type zinc finger domain (Zinc Knuckle, ZnK) and a C-terminal
298 se) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) has two homologous zinc finger domains, Zn1 and Zn2, that bind to a variety
299   IsoT has four ubiquitin binding domains: a zinc finger domain (ZnF UBP), which binds the proximal u
300   Specifically, both Sgf11 and Sgf73 contain zinc finger domains (ZnF) that appear essential for the

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