


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (alpha)His2 coordination with the catalytic zinc ion.
2  enzyme active site just above the catalytic zinc ion.
3 is suggested that ADAL1 contains a catalytic zinc ion.
4 tion of Asp44 to the catalytically essential zinc ion.
5 cies and is regulated by coordination with a zinc ion.
6  L3 and form a tetragonal binding site for a zinc ion.
7 e delta-sulfur of methionine coordinated the zinc ion.
8 ions 108, 114, 133, and 139 coordinating one zinc ion.
9  coordination of the catalytically essential zinc ion.
10 odimeric and that its active site contains a zinc ion.
11 n the departing amide nitrogen by the second zinc ion.
12  not be participating in coordination of the zinc ion.
13 lpha-helical domain containing a coordinated zinc ion.
14 d to be a 45-kDa monomer containing a single zinc ion.
15 m forming the fourth ligand of the catalytic zinc ion.
16 ee conserved histidine residues coordinate a zinc ion.
17 n fold and the incorporation of a structural zinc ion.
18 nc finger domain, and Ml452-151, lacking the zinc ion.
19 utamate side chain chelating the active site zinc ion.
20 ) spanning two cysteines that coordinate the zinc ion.
21 different electronic environments around the zinc ion.
22 ot cation selective and cannot be stopped by zinc ions.
23 box family, the members of which do not bind zinc ions.
24 UNV ZBD displays a novel fold containing two zinc ions.
25 , with the interaction enhanced by nickel or zinc ions.
26 e-3 in vitro through chelation of inhibitory zinc ions.
27  induced by Sap6; and that Sap6 itself bound zinc ions.
28  substrate allantoate closer to co-catalytic zinc ions.
29  nucleophilic hydroxide that bridges the two zinc ions.
30 egation in either the presence or absence of zinc ions.
31 e in fluorescence intensity in comparison to zinc ions.
32 heets and a short alpha-helix, and binds two zinc ions.
33 er folding of the peptide in the presence of zinc ions.
34 PSc is not required for binding to copper or zinc ions.
35 464 is strictly dependent on the presence of zinc ions.
36 rter ZnT8 mediates granular sequestration of zinc ions.
37  active cleaved forms by chelation of labile zinc ions.
38 XC, HXE) and has recently been shown to bind zinc ions.
39 ther health disorders involving an excess of zinc ions.
40 o assume a direct interaction of TDP-43 with zinc ions.
41 ) in solution in the absence and presence of zinc ions.
42 mate the K(d) value of the more weakly bound zinc ion (2 muM).
43 reversible inhibition of protein splicing by zinc ion, a fluorometric protein splicing assay was deve
44  LG is directly stabilized by an active site zinc ion, a good LG is mainly stabilized by active site
45 irect consequence of linked movements of the zinc ion, a zinc-bound bound water molecule, and the sub
46 rporate nearly normal amounts of stabilizing zinc ions (A4V, L38V, G41S, D90A, and G93A) exhibited ma
47 affold is designed to accommodate one or two zinc ions able to activate a nucleophilic hydroxide for
48 underlying catalytic mechanism, in which two zinc ions activate a water molecule for nucleophilic att
49 ys12/Lys128 leaving group stabilization with zinc ion activation of the Thr64 nucleophile and the sub
50                        Chelation of cellular zinc ions after rapid stretch injury, however, increases
51                                          The zinc ions also serve to activate a water molecule that h
52    The M2-1 protein was found to incorporate zinc ions, although the specific role(s) of the zinc bin
53  the RING finger-like domain coordinates two zinc ions, analysis of the primary sequence suggests an
54 s a parallel trimeric coiled coil with three zinc ions anchoring distinct capping conformations at th
55                         We demonstrated that zinc ion and a Michael acceptor-based peptidomimetic inh
56 PV M(pro) in complex with dual inhibitors, a zinc ion and a Michael acceptor.
57      The bottom of the cylinder includes the zinc ion and a number of polar side chains that make mul
58 on of Tp47 takes place in the absence of the zinc ion and does not involve intermediary acyl enzyme s
59 up of anacardic acid chelating the catalytic zinc ion and forming a hydrogen bond to a key catalytic
60            Herein, a previously unidentified zinc ion and its coordination by three Cys residues of t
61    Each SOD1 monomer binds to 1 copper and 1 zinc ion and maintains its disulfide bond (Cys-57-Cys-14
62 4 forms a bidentate chelate complex with the zinc ion and makes hydrogen bond interactions with conse
63 f the coordination geometry of the catalytic zinc ion and other enzyme-inhibitor interactions in the
64  the two domains and has binding sites for a zinc ion and substrates L-homocysteine and 5-methyl-tetr
65                                          The zinc ion and the protein residues that are bound directl
66 heir backbone atoms close to the active-site zinc ion and their side chain occupying the S1 subsite.
67  CPSF-73 at 2.1 A resolution, complexed with zinc ions and a sulphate that might mimic the phosphate
68 ide-binding ability of PCBP1 was impaired by zinc ions and alterations of intracellular zinc affect s
69 and derived reactive nitrogen species target zinc ions and cysteine thiols, we assessed the ability o
70 treatment increased the intracellular labile zinc ions and inhibited LPS-induced superoxide generatio
71 ed zinc finger domain of human PrimPol binds zinc ions and is essential for maintaining primase activ
72 stal structure contains both classical axial zinc ions and novel zinc ions at hexamer-hexamer interfa
73 omain has a metallophosphatase fold, and two zinc ions and one reaction product phosphocholine are id
74  carboxylate groups with the two active site zinc ions and the two conserved residues, Lys167 and Asn
75 t histidine known to coordinate a structural zinc ion, and a previously described nonsense transition
76  of His143, strengthen the catalytic role of zinc ion, and improve the transition state stabilization
77 res: it has an N-terminal motif that binds a zinc ion, and its transcription is under the control of
78 n CQ formed stable coordinate bonds with the zinc ion, and the hydroxyl group from CQ formed an effec
79 ar localization and its dominant response to zinc ions, APLP1 is mainly affected by extracellular zin
80  plasma was enhanced approximately 2-fold by zinc ions, approximately 3-fold by calcium ions, and app
81 e folds as a (beta/alpha)(8) barrel, and two zinc ions are bound in the active site.
82                                          The zinc ions are coordinated to a number of ligands, includ
83 he CXXC domain has a novel fold in which two zinc ions are each coordinated tetrahedrally by four con
84                                      The two zinc ions are found to participate intimately in the cat
85 led to the identification of a contaminating zinc ion as solely responsible for the observed effects.
86 imilar electronic change in the level of the zinc ion as well as the configuration of the ZBD.
87 phyla that have three cysteines ligated to a zinc ion (as opposed to the more common Cys-Cys-His liga
88 by a conserved catalytic domain containing a zinc ion, as well as a prodomain that regulates enzyme a
89 novel fold and that the protein also binds a zinc ion at a four-cysteine site.
90 , Pro-335, Leu-489, Leu-493) proximal to the zinc ion at the active site of the E. coli ThrRS.
91 he interaction of the thiolate of CSA with a zinc ion at the base of the active site suggests that th
92                       This enzyme contains a zinc ion at the heart of its active site: this ion stabi
93 ins both classical axial zinc ions and novel zinc ions at hexamer-hexamer interfaces.
94 nt of the substrate and the two co-catalytic zinc ions at the active site governs catalytic specifici
95                             The enzyme has a zinc ion-based mechanism that is similar to that of CDA.
96 volution on the zinc negative electrode of a zinc-ion battery based on copper hexacyanoferrate.
97 f HDAC7, we show that HDAC7, via its surface zinc ion binding site, binds to a 28 residue stretch in
98 derate CP ("regulation of gene expression," "zinc ion binding," "BMP signaling pathway," and "ruffle"
99 s and for the interaction of ETPs with other zinc ion-binding protein targets involved in gene expres
100 enes involved in DNA-binding, RNA-binding or zinc-ion-binding.
101 from Haemophilus influenzae with one and two zinc ions bound in the active site, respectively.
102  the single anomalous diffraction (SAD) from zinc ions bound intrinsically in Pol II.
103                           We found here that zinc ions bound to APP and APLP1 E2 domains and mediated
104 ith EDTA results in complete removal of both zinc ions, but the relatively weaker chelator PAR chelat
105 the first one canonically coordinated to the zinc ion by means of the sulfonamide group and the secon
106 pothesized that oxidation and release of the zinc ion by peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), a potent oxidant ge
107 lases involving recruitment of the catalytic zinc ion by the substrate upon active site binding.
108   We have examined the ligation state of the zinc ion by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and biochemica
109 r, our data demonstrate that coordination of zinc ions by cysteine residues within the CRD is require
110 copy of superoxide by dihydroethidine and of zinc ions by Zinquin in the liver of MT-KO mice showed t
111                    Our results revealed that zinc ion can efficiently induce the dimerization of the
112                   Recently it was shown that zinc ions can provoke the aggregation of endogenous TDP-
113                               They show that zinc ions can transactivate TrkB independent of neurotro
114 ic effects of the substitutions and bridging zinc ions cause isoelectric precipitation at neutral pH.
115 rrier concentration, pH, and the presence of zinc ions changes, DNA:HK complexes showed dynamically r
116               This activity depends upon the zinc ion chelating properties of the compound as well as
117 , the previously proposed binding of a third zinc ion close to the active site of IMP-6 mutant S121G
118                                        Since zinc ions colocalize with glutamate in small clear vesic
119 ce of fluorescence intensity on logarithm of zinc ions concentration in extraordinary wide range, fro
120 one low enough to respond to changes in free zinc ion concentrations in the micromolar range.
121  used as an indicator of changes in cellular zinc ion concentrations.
122 e, a class III amidohydrolase, with a single zinc ion coordinated by His-6, His-8, His-179, and Glu-2
123                           The ZBD contains a zinc ion coordinated with four cysteine residues.
124                                An unexpected zinc ion, coordinated by three cysteine and one histidin
125  changes that account for differences in the zinc ion coordination geometry.
126            We demonstrate here that divalent zinc ions coreleased with insulin from beta-cells in res
127                                              Zinc ions could be replaced by cadmium ions without sign
128 and can be purified with 1.8 or 1.0 equiv of zinc ion, depending on the experimental conditions.
129 fluorescent probe (Mito-MPVQ) for biological zinc ions detection was developed based on quinolone pla
130 component of the binding site for the second zinc ion, differ significantly from previous mbetal stru
131 ation of the redox switch: loss of the bound zinc ion disrupts the folded structure, allowing the lig
132 lity, and membrane integrity, resulting from zinc ion dissolution as well as possible mechanical cell
133           Finally, we applied ZTRS to detect zinc ions during the development of living zebrafish emb
134 es reveal that ETPs react with p300, causing zinc ion ejection.
135 rol of coordination between ellagic acid and zinc ions enables the macroscopic self-assembly behavior
136 in contrast to earlier reports of <<1 labile zinc ion/Escherichia coli cell, the zf1-zf2 zinc affinit
137 are consistent with Zn(II) levels >>1 labile zinc ion/eukaryotic cell.
138  species that generate potentially cytotoxic zinc ion fluctuations as a major executor of neuronal, a
139  investigations caution against interpreting zinc ion fluctuations in the early phase (24h) after inj
140 eochromocytoma (PC12) cells express cellular zinc ion fluctuations that depend on the production of n
141 inc ion from folded protein but 1.9 equiv of zinc ion from denatured protein, indicating different af
142 weaker chelator PAR chelates only 1 equiv of zinc ion from folded protein but 1.9 equiv of zinc ion f
143 es zinc transporter-8 (ZnT8), which delivers zinc ion from the cytoplasm into insulin granules.
144  reflect the release of chelated calcium and zinc ions from complexes with citrate.
145 sors responded effectively to the release of zinc ions from pancreatic cells at the nanomolar level w
146 e outer-shell scattering indicating that the zinc ion has inner-shell interactions with one or more R
147  the ZBD and resulted in partial loss of the zinc ion, impairing binding to the ssDNA template.
148         The binding between AVMB ligands and zinc ion in acetonitrile was studied using isothermal ti
149                               Similar to the zinc ion in Cu/Zn-SODs, SOD5 Glu-110 helps orient a key
150 mined the role of the structurally important zinc ion in defining the folding free energy surface of
151 d cells, the enzyme acquired a nonactivating zinc ion in its active site, an apparent consequence of
152 ination, indicating an essential role of the zinc ion in maintaining the catalytic activity and stabi
153                      The structure reveals a zinc ion in the active site and suggests how the substra
154 amate group essential for chelation with the zinc ion in the active site of HDAC and the key structur
155 f the inhibitor tetrazole ring to the second zinc ion in the active site, the hydrogen bonding of Lys
156 (beta/alpha)(8) barrel and contains a single zinc ion in the active site.
157                                          The zinc ion in the alpha-helical domain is coordinated by t
158                  The involvement of a second zinc ion in the catalytic mechanism lowers the energetic
159 on and specific implications for the role of zinc ion in the fatal neuropathology associated with SOD
160 ished that Hcy is ligated to a tightly bound zinc ion in the MetE active site.
161                      Evidence of a catalytic zinc ion in the native zinc enzyme coordinated by H79, H
162 mains have been characterized as binding two zinc ions in a stable cross-brace motif.
163 tivation, mammalian eggs release billions of zinc ions in an exocytotic event termed the "zinc spark.
164 in is stabilized upon binding of one and two zinc ions in analytical ultracentrifugation experiments.
165 of fluorescent sensors for studies of mobile zinc ions in biology.
166 ned data highlight the importance of the two zinc ions in maintaining structure as well as a relative
167 escence based biosensor for the detection of zinc ions in milk samples.
168 nc fingers, the protein contains three bound zinc ions in novel coordination sites, including an unus
169 ing to hypothesize the direct implication of zinc ions in pathological aggregation of TDP-43.
170 ablishing the binding topology of structural zinc ions in proteins is an essential part of their stru
171 ical biochemical and structural relevance of zinc ions in rhodopsin and examine whether zinc deficien
172 e simultaneous accumulation of magnesium and zinc ions in the biomass.
173 ale energy storage, but the intercalation of zinc ions in the cathode materials is challenging and co
174                            In the absence of zinc ions in the sample emission of pyrene embedded in t
175 o-beta-lactamase superfamily and contain two zinc ions in their active sites.
176                    In this work, exchange of zinc ions in Zn5Cl4(BTDD)3, H2BTDD = bis(1H-1,2,3-triazo
177              The recently synthesized ZnAF-2 zinc ion indicator provided high zinc ion selectivity in
178                To fabricate the sensors, the zinc ion indicator ZnAF-2 {6-[N-[N',N'-bis(2-pyridinylme
179  stain electron microscopy demonstrated that zinc ions induce auto-association process of this TDP-43
180  is not a metalloenzyme, and that copper and zinc ions inhibit the oxidation of reduced pancreatic ri
181 OD1 and that the presence of copper, but not zinc, ions inhibits fibrillation.
182 as of increased concentration of calcium and zinc ions inside Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells with the
183 a structural explanation for pentacoordinate zinc ion intermediates, a unifying view for the observed
184 e iron ions out of cells, rather than moving zinc ions into cells, as is the case in human cells.
185  (ZIPs) represent a major route for entry of zinc ions into cells, but how ZIPs promote zinc uptake h
186 in vivo zinc concentration gradients to move zinc ions into the cytoplasm.
187            Moreover, the coordination of the zinc ion involves a neighboring trimer molecule in the c
188                                     A single zinc ion is coordinated by four conserved cysteines from
189                                          One zinc ion is coordinated by His-447, His-449, Cys-455, an
190                                   The second zinc ion is coordinated by His-459, Cys-467, and Cys-469
191                                    The bound zinc ion is coordinated by three histidine residues (His
192 to four cysteine side-chains, and the second zinc ion is coordinated tetrahedrally by a third CXXC mo
193                                          One zinc ion is coordinated tetrahedrally via two CXXC motif
194  suggests that uptake of a second equivalent zinc ion is evolutionary favored.
195 to PGRPs with PGN-lytic amidase activity, no zinc ion is present in the PGN-binding site of human PGR
196 t to the textbook MDR mechanism in which the zinc ion is proposed to remain stationary and attached t
197 inhibitors reveals that the chelation of the zinc ion is slightly different, leading the inhibitor ba
198 nuclear zinc-active site in which one of the zinc ions is readily exchangeable with other divalent ca
199         The active site of CPSF-73, with two zinc ions, is located at the interface of the two domain
200 as activated up to approximately 200-fold by zinc ions (K(D) (app) approximately 0.5 microM), calcium
201 red three oral doses of zinc sulfate (2.5 mg zinc ion/kg body weight) every 12 hours before being adm
202 3 by reducing its affinity for the essential zinc ion, leaving the mutant protein unable to bind the
203  peptidases that contain a single, catalytic zinc ion ligated by the histidines and aspartic acid wit
204 r is a self-contained domain stabilized by a zinc ion ligated to a pair of cysteines and a pair of hi
205 culations on cluster models suggest a single zinc ion may be sufficient to support phosphoethanolamin
206                                         Free zinc ions may not be the true in vivo activator of assem
207 hese results suggest that AREDS vitamins and zinc ions may slow the progression of AMD, in part throu
208 yrophosphatase/diesterase, a promiscuous two-zinc ion metalloenzyme of the alkaline phosphatase enzym
209 hat phosphonoacetate hydrolase is also a two-zinc ion metalloenzyme.
210 s within bonding distance to the active-site zinc ion, mimicking the presumed tetrahedral transition
211                    Here, we demonstrate that zinc ions, not free cysteine residues, bind sulfide in v
212                                      The two zinc ions occupy a compact conformation with an average
213 ibitors, which interact with the active-site zinc ion of CSN5 through an unprecedented binding mode.
214                               The structural zinc ion of each monomer is present at only partial occu
215 ic zinc ion partially oxidizes the catalytic zinc ion of the enzyme.
216 t and channel of ATX but no interaction with zinc ions of the catalytic site.
217  state, a water molecule is coordinated to a zinc ion pair in the active site but is imperfectly orie
218 ism was explained by surface accumulation of zinc ion-PAN complex on the microsphere/sample solution
219 er, the binding of TACE Pro to the catalytic zinc ion partially oxidizes the catalytic zinc ion of th
220 tidine ((His)6) tagged fusion containing one zinc ion per DapE monomer.
221 onomers of SOD1 such that the binding of one zinc ion per homodimer has a more profound effect on the
222                UreG(Str) binds one nickel or zinc ion per monomer (K(d) approximately 5 microM for ea
223 calcium-binding protein S100B also binds one zinc ion per subunit with a relatively high affinity (K(
224 de zinc efflux regulator SczA, and binds two zinc ions per protomer.
225             The sensors were used to monitor zinc ion release events from glucose-stimulated pancreat
226 s slides and their application in monitoring zinc ion release from beta pancreatic cells in cell cult
227 ppositely charged metal ions and suppressing zinc ion release from the NPs through exudation, as evid
228                                      Whether zinc ions released during traumatic brain injury are tox
229                   In the unfolded state, the zinc ion remains bound to the unfolded polypeptide via t
230 tein residues that are bound directly to the zinc ion represent a functional charge/dipole complex, a
231 on of micromolar concentrations of copper or zinc ions restored the protease resistance of PrPSc mole
232                              Removal of both zinc ions results in loss of activity, and reconstitutio
233 idues 40-108) stabilized by three structural zinc ions (root mean square deviation 0.30 +/- 0.04 A) a
234 ich in chemistry mediated by the active site zinc ion selectively and covalently inhibits MMP-2, -3,
235 ized ZnAF-2 zinc ion indicator provided high zinc ion selectivity in physiological solutions containi
236  analytical properties of fluorescence-based zinc ion-sensing glass slides and their application in m
237                    The study showed that the zinc ion sensors responded effectively to the release of
238 urface of glass slides, which then served as zinc ion sensors.
239 meric microspheres is explored on example of zinc ions sensors.
240 he coordination environment of the catalytic zinc ions show that the active site gorge comprising maj
241             Since the loss of the copper and zinc ions significantly decreases the thermodynamic stab
242 btain a maximum accumulation of selenium and zinc ions (simultaneously) in the biomass.
243 his response was related to sequestration of zinc ions since addition of zinc sulfate blocked aspirin
244                                              Zinc ions specifically induced APP and APLP1 oligomeriza
245 e substrate aminocarbonyl group by the first zinc ion; stabilization of the negative charge developed
246                              Coordination to zinc ion stabilizes the charge-transfer excited state of
247 another active site residue located near the zinc ion, such as His265.
248 binding domain (DBD) contains a single bound zinc ion that is essential for activity.
249 rminal domain harbors the binding site for a zinc ion that is ligated by four cysteines.
250                                     A second zinc ion that is present in bacteriophage dCD, but absen
251 aled that SMYD2 contains three tightly bound zinc ions that are important for maintaining the structu
252  endogenous inhibition after SCI by means of zinc ions that have been shown to boost KCC2 function in
253 heterocycle directly bound to an active site zinc ion, the product-bound TgPBGS active site contains
254               In the presence of calcium and zinc ions, the ch5E1 binding affinity increases 10-20-fo
255        We show here that despite binding two zinc ions, the domain adopts a homodimeric structure hig
256                           In the presence of zinc ions, the protein forms macroscopic clusters, exhib
257 vestigating the exact concentrations of free zinc ions, the thresholds of compromised zinc buffering
258 despite the known cytotoxicity of cobalt and zinc ions, these results suggest that iron oxide nanopar
259 nhibitors; they do not bind to the catalytic zinc ion, they are noncompetitive with respect to substr
260 it contains PGH, which is coordinated to the zinc ion through the hydroxamic acid hydroxyl and carbon
261 aspase-3 in vitro by sequestering inhibitory zinc ions, thus allowing procaspase-3 to autoactivate it
262  the active site of the apoenzyme contains a zinc ion tightly bound to His32 and Asp215 from one mono
263 ontain hydroxamate moiety that chelates with zinc ion to become the cofactor of HDAC enzymes.
264                    Supplementation of excess zinc ions to monozinc NDM-1 has differential effects on
265                 The high binding affinity of zinc ions to OTOS trimers suggests that the six-membered
266                        All living cells need zinc ions to support cell growth.
267 activating cell-cell adhesion: adsorption of zinc ions to the bacterial cell surface increases cell w
268 ing and reveals how Y306 and the active site zinc ion together bind and activate the scissile amide l
269 isk and the activity of a beta-cell specific zinc ion transporter, ZnT8.
270 omain does include ligation of the catalytic zinc ion via the sulfur atom of its conserved Cys(184) r
271 c stability as well as their affinity toward zinc ions, we developed a novel nucleotide scaffold, nuc
272 rescent heteroditopic ligands (9 and 10) for zinc ion were prepared and studied.
273 ne in vitro via alkyl transfer provided that zinc ions were present.
274                                              Zinc ions were required to reconstitute a stable MDM2-HS
275                                              Zinc ions were shown to enhance activation of the intrin
276 tallohydrolase may contain a pentacoordinate zinc ion, which contrasts with the native states of arch
277 reproducible and repeatable and specific for zinc ion, which has been applied to various milk samples
278 on and also show that the thiol binds to the zinc ion, which in turn perturbs the metal-bound histidi
279                                              Zinc ions, which are cosecreted with insulin from beta-c
280 between oxygen on the hydroxyl group and the zinc ions, which expands the stable electrolyte temperat
281 hat over this pH range water is bound to the zinc ion while Glu78 is protonated.
282 te is found to form the fourth ligand of the zinc ion with its 3-carboxylate oxygen and to hydrogen b
283  uncomplexed LasA contains a five-coordinate zinc ion with trigonal bipyramidal geometry and two meta
284                              Interactions of zinc ions with Abeta are mediated by the N-terminal Abet
285 a coli and is capable of binding up to three zinc ions with high affinity.
286 erved between 0.001microg/l to 10microg/l of Zinc ions, with a lowest detection limit of 0.001microg/
287 onsists of an insulin hexamer containing two zinc ions, with two m-cresol molecules bound at each dim
288 ion based on cysteine switch ligation of the zinc ion within the active site of TACE.
289                                   The native zinc ions within the active site of DHO were substituted
290 hibitory terminals, are richly supplied with zinc ions, yet the functional role of this pool of zinc
291 ve and selective sensing systems of divalent zinc ion (Zn(2+)) in organisms has been a growing intere
292           In human body, 30-40% of the total zinc ion (Zn(2+)) is localized in the nucleus.
293        In cardiovascular stent applications, zinc ion (Zn(2+)) will be gradually released into the su
294                                              Zinc ions (Zn(2+)) are localized in presynaptic vesicles
295 formed larger aggregations and released less zinc ions (Zn(2+)) at greater temperature and salinity,
296 nding to platelets in the presence of HK and zinc ions (Zn(2+)) or prothrombin and calcium ions.
297 ne is TLR4, which causes an increase of free zinc ions (Zn(2+)) that is required for the MyD88-depend
298 ed sensor platforms for quantifying cellular zinc ions (Zn(2+)).
299  the complex crystallized in the presence of zinc ion, Zn(2+) is evidently not directly involved in t
300 bstrate is loosely bound to the more exposed zinc ion (Znbeta2+) at an average distance of 3.8 A +/-

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