


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 with the proposed role of Zrc1 as a vacuolar zinc transporter.
2 take process indicative of a plasma membrane zinc transporter.
3  manganese transport capability to a related zinc transporter.
4 he Drosophila ortholog of the mammalian ZIP7 zinc transporter.
5 eviously, SLC30A10 had been presumed to be a zinc transporter.
6 asis, including the functional properties of zinc transporters.
7  (Ke4, Slc39a7) belongs to the ZIP family of zinc transporters.
8 ose homologs in plant and yeast are putative zinc transporters.
9 h the identification and characterization of zinc transporters.
10  hypothesize that many of these proteins are zinc transporters.
11 e members of a growing family of prokaryotic zinc transporters.
12 ration of Zn(2+) and increased expression of zinc transporters.
13  distribution to intracellular organelles by zinc transporters.
14 83-96-182 cluster suppressed five additional zinc transporters.
15 uced expression of another MTF1 target gene, zinc transporter 1 (ZnT-1), was also down-regulated by C
16                                              Zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1) and Zrt/Irt-like proteins ZIP8
17 evated levels of metallothionein isoform and zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1) transcripts.
18 between zinc binding by MT and its efflux by zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1) was examined genetically.
19  transcription without altering induction of zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1).
20                                              Zinc transporter-1 and zinc transporter-7 expression inc
21 , and its target gene Zn-T1 that encodes the zinc transporter-1 was not significantly altered in HCCs
22 f altered mRNA levels for metallothionein 1, zinc transporter 2, and uroguanylin, all of which have b
23                            Here we show that zinc transporter 3 (ZnT-3), which maintains a high conce
24 d deposition is dependent on the activity of zinc transporter 3 (ZnT3), a neocortical synaptic vesicl
25  severe reduction of vesicular levels of the zinc transporter 3 (ZnT3).
26 containing the adaptor protein (AP) -3 cargo zinc transporter 3 was generated from PC12 cells and was
27                                              Zinc transporter-3 (ZnT-3), a member of a growing family
28                                  Here we use zinc transporter-3 (ZnT3) knockout mice, which are deple
29 esponse to interneuron loss was indicated by zinc transporter-3 (ZnT3)-- and beta-synuclein--LI, as w
30                       Zinc transporter-1 and zinc transporter-7 expression increased when cellular zi
31 autoantibodies to islet antigen-2 (IA-2) and zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8) in patients with established t
32                Recently we demonstrated that zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8) is a major target of autoantib
33 diatric patients and 2) to determine whether zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8), a recently described target o
34 -specific CD4(+) T cells in three adults and zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8)-specific CD4(+) T cells in fiv
35 A), GAD (GADA), islet antigen-2 (IA-2A), and zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8A) were measured by radioimmunoa
36                          We examined whether zinc transporter 8 autoantibodies (ZnT8A; arginine ZnT8-
37 autoantibodies (GADAs), IA2 antigen (IA-2A), zinc transporter 8, thyroid peroxidase, gastric parietal
38 mature beta cells, including urocortin-3 and zinc transporter 8, upon transplantation into mice.
39                              SLC30A8 encodes zinc transporter-8 (ZnT8), which delivers zinc ion from
40 Abs) against insulin, GAD, IA-2 (IA-2A), and zinc transporter-8 (ZnT8A) for prediction of rapid progr
41  (insulin, glutamate decarboxylase, IA2, and zinc transporter-8), but the molecular identity of a fif
42                 These findings indicate that zinc transporter activity regulates liver tissue growth
43 verexpression of the miR-183 cluster reduced zinc transporter and intracellular zinc levels in benign
44  that modulate HDAC activity: ZRT1 encodes a zinc transporter and is repressed by RPD3 (Rpd3p is zinc
45 ence that FET4 is a physiologically relevant zinc transporter and this provides a rationale for its r
46 luated the response of metallothionein (MT), zinc transporter, and cytokine genes to a modest (15 mg
47       These results indicate that hZip2 is a zinc transporter, and its identification provides one of
48                                    Mammalian zinc transporters are classified in two major families:
49                     Transcripts for 20 of 23 zinc transporters are expressed in fetal human RPE, 16 o
50                       We also assessed which zinc transporters are responsible for supplying zinc to
51    The objective was to evaluate erythrocyte zinc transporters as candidate molecules with the potent
52    Similar loops are found in other types of zinc transporters but not manganese transporters.
53                   SLC30A9 encodes a putative zinc transporter (by similarity) previously associated w
54 ers play the major role while the Msc2/Zrg17 zinc transporter complex active in the endoplasmic retic
55                                              Zinc transporter eight (SLC30A8) is a major target of au
56                                 The array of zinc transporters expressed by the RPE may play a key ro
57      The effect of various growth factors on zinc transporter expression also was examined.
58 rocyte and leukocyte zinc concentrations and zinc transporter expressions were not altered.
59                                      The ZIP zinc transporter family is responsible for zinc uptake f
60 narily conserved Zrt, Irt-like protein (ZIP) zinc transporter family members.
61              Zip14 is a member of the SLC39A zinc transporter family, which is involved in zinc uptak
62                     YiiP is a proton-coupled zinc transporter found in the cytoplasmic membrane of Es
63 ructure of ZnuA, the periplasmic domain of a zinc transporter from Synechocystis 6803, has been deter
64 s used to measure transcript abundance for a zinc transporter from the ZIP family of transporters in
65  plasma zinc and cytokine concentrations and zinc transporter gene expression in peripheral blood mon
66 P), plasma and cellular zinc concentrations, zinc transporter gene expression, and other metabolic in
67                       Transcripts of the two zinc transporter gene families (ZnT and Zip) were screen
68                        Messenger RNA for the zinc transporter gene ZNT1 was abundant in photosyntheti
69 ression of either ZAP1 or the Zap1-dependent zinc transporter gene ZRT2 restores pathogenicity to a s
70 the result of the regulation of the ZIP-type zinc transporter gene.
71 ted genes encode the Zrt1p, Zrt2p, and Zrt3p zinc transporter genes and Zap1p itself.
72  WAKL4 was required for the up-regulation of zinc transporter genes during zinc deficiency, and the W
73      We report here the cloning of the first zinc transporter genes from plants, the ZIP1, ZIP2, and
74                    Transcript levels for the zinc transporter genes ZnT1 and Zip3 were increased and
75                    The mouse mZip1 and mZip3 zinc transporters have been implicated in zinc acquisiti
76     The Zrt/IRT-like protein (ZIP) family of zinc transporters have recently been identified as the m
77 ed on the crystal structure of YiiP, a close zinc transporter homologue from Escherichia coli, reveal
78 ed directly with decreased expression of the zinc transporter hZIP1.
79 cribe the characterization of hZip2, a human zinc transporter identified by its similarity to zinc tr
80      The observation that hZIP1 is the major zinc transporter in K562 cells, coupled with its express
81 ected insight into the fundamental role of a zinc transporter in mammalian pulmonary vascular homeost
82 nvestigated cdf-2, which encodes a predicted zinc transporter in the cation diffusion facilitator fam
83 er risk; however, the exact role of zinc and zinc transporters in cancer progression is unknown.
84                  Regulation of absorption by zinc transporters in the enterocyte, together with satur
85             The expression and regulation of zinc transporters in the RPE and the toxicity of zinc to
86 f a microRNA cluster that regulates multiple zinc transporters, including hZIP1.
87           Transcription of the ZRT1 and ZRT2 zinc transporters increases in zinc-limited cells, and t
88 t1p and Zrt2p) and vacuolar membrane (Zrt3p) zinc transporters indicated that enzyme expression was s
89                        ZIP14 (slc39A14) is a zinc transporter induced in response to pro-inflammatory
90                                This granular zinc transporter is also a major self-antigen found in t
91 he identification of a variety of copper and zinc transporters is consistent with the importance of c
92 ), a member of a growing family of mammalian zinc transporters, is expressed in regions of the brain
93                                Four putative zinc transporters, known as ZnT-1 through ZnT-4, have no
94 -1 subfamily of ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-like Protein) zinc transporters (LZTs) with the cellular prion protein
95           Altered expression and function of zinc transporters may contribute to the pathogenesis of
96      Measures of metallothionein or cellular zinc transporters may fulfill that role.
97 olymorphism in the solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter) member eight gene, is associated with
98  is up-regulated through IL-6, and that this zinc transporter most likely plays a major role in the m
99 ganese transporter mutant but not a vacuolar zinc transporter mutant.
100 encodes a protein closely related to ZIP4, a zinc transporter mutated in the human genetic disorder a
101 luate the current paradigm that SLC30 family zinc transporters operate exclusively to decrease cytoso
102     We found that the Zrc1 and Cot1 vacuolar zinc transporters play the major role while the Msc2/Zrg
103 c acquisition in the ZAP1 regulon, including zinc transporters (Pra1 and Zrt1) and other zinc-regulat
104  These results demonstrate that the vacuolar zinc transporters, previously implicated in metal detoxi
105                            The expression of zinc transporter proteins was determined by RT-PCR.
106  transporter identified by its similarity to zinc transporters recently characterized in fungi and pl
107 xpression for cytokines, DNA repair enzymes, zinc transporters, signaling molecules, etc., suggest th
108  for example, a nonsynonymous variant in the zinc transporter SLC39A8 influences seven of the traits,
109  alanine or threonine at position 391 in the zinc transporter solute carrier family 39, member 8 prot
110 accumulate zinc, and its homology with known zinc transporters, suggest that ZnT-3 is responsible for
111 te-binding protein (SBP) genes of the AztABC zinc transporter system.
112 ctively, our studies indicate that these two zinc transporter systems play vital roles in maintaining
113 study demonstrates that ZIP7 is a functional zinc transporter that acts by transporting zinc from the
114 er ZIP14 (SLC39A14) is viewed primarily as a zinc transporter that is inducible via proinflammatory s
115 e Znt7 gene encodes a ubiquitously expressed zinc transporter that is involved in transporting cytopl
116 s provide compelling evidence that ZIP4 is a zinc transporter that plays an important role in zinc ho
117  We use zinc chelators and mice deficient in zinc transporters to show that synaptically released zin
118 dy, insulinoma-associated protein 2 antigen, zinc transporter type 8 antigen) and donor-specific allo
119 se-raising effect of the rs11558471 SLC30A8 (zinc transporter) variant.
120                   To test whether hZip2 is a zinc transporter, we examined (65)Zn uptake activity in
121                                              Zinc transporters were identified in a human RPE cell li
122 that the ycdH operon encodes a high-affinity zinc transporter whereas YciC may function as part of a
123 between deleterious mutations in the SLC30A8 zinc transporter, which transports zinc into the secreto
124 A10, based on the structure of the bacterial zinc transporter YiiP, and performed functional studies.
125 ue-profiling microarray data showed that the zinc transporter ZIP12 (slc39a12) is highly expressed in
126                         Slc39a12 encodes the zinc transporter ZIP12.
127 ng glucose uptake, cell surface abundance of zinc transporter ZIP14 and mediated zinc transport incre
128                                              Zinc transporter Zip14 KO mice display a phenotype that
129                                          The zinc transporter ZIP4 (SLC39A4) is mutated in humans wit
130                      We have observed that a zinc transporter, ZIP4 (SLC39A4), was substantially over
131 oncentrations and was inhibited by silencing zinc transporter Zip6.
132 irst loss-of-function mutation (H54R) in the zinc transporter ZnT-2 (SLC30A2) in mothers with infants
133                  ZnT7, a novel member of the zinc transporter (ZnT) family, was identified by searchi
134                Metal regulation of the mouse zinc transporter (ZnT)-1 gene was examined in cultured c
135                     A cDNA encoding a second zinc transporter (ZnT-2) was isolated from a rat kidney
136        The present experiments show that the zinc transporter ZnT2 (Slc30a2) is localized to the zymo
137                                          The zinc transporter ZnT2 imports zinc into secretory vesicl
138 more, upon heterodimerization with ZnT1, the zinc transporters ZnT2 and ZnT4 surprisingly localized a
139  mice lacking the synapse-specific vesicular zinc transporter ZnT3 (ZnT3KO mice) have reduced activat
140 of animals deficient in the synaptic vesicle zinc transporter ZnT3, indicating that vesicular zinc re
141 fied by the lack of zinc signal in vesicular zinc transporter Znt3-deficient mice.
142 l regulatory element (ZTRE), in the SLC30A5 (zinc transporter ZnT5) promoter and showed that substitu
143                A high-ranking candidate, the zinc transporter ZnT8 (Slc30A8), was targeted by autoant
144                           The islet-specific zinc transporter ZnT8 is a major self-antigen found in i
145                            SLC30A8 encodes a zinc transporter ZnT8 largely restricted to pancreatic i
146                           The islet-specific zinc transporter ZnT8 mediates granular sequestration of
147                           The islet-specific zinc transporter ZnT8 mediates zinc enrichment in the in
148 identified variants in SLC30A8, encoding the zinc transporter ZnT8, associated with diabetes risk.
149  rs13266634 in the SLC30A8 gene encoding the zinc transporter ZnT8, is associated with an increased r
150 E cells that stably expressed a tagged human zinc transporter ZnT8.
151  variants in SLC30A8, which encodes an islet zinc transporter (ZnT8) and harbors a common variant (p.
152                                              Zinc transporters (ZnTs) facilitate zinc efflux and zinc
153                                              Zinc transporters (ZnTs) mediate zinc efflux and compart
154 the structure of the periplasmic domain of a zinc transporter, ZnuA, from Synechocystis 6803 and foun
155                          Unique to these ABC zinc transporters, ZnuA has a highly charged and mobile
156              The A. baumannii inner membrane zinc transporter ZnuABC is required for growth under low
157 zinc chelation by expressing a high affinity zinc transporter (ZnuABC).
158 identified a mutation (N44I) in the vacuolar zinc transporter ZRC1 that changed the substrate specifi
159 n have mutations in either the high-affinity zinc transporter ZRT1 or its zinc-dependent transcriptio
160 lta mutant (defective in the plasma membrane zinc transporters Zrt1p and Zrt2p) grown in the presence
161            Our results indicate that another zinc transporter, Zrt3p, mobilizes this stored zinc in z

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