


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tive inhibitor for miRNAs, termed 'small RNA zipper'.
2 rs self-assemble using electrostatic 'charge zippers'.
3  of its residues, which we term 'statistical zippering'.
4 interface to allow the formation of a serine zipper.
5 C terminus is mediated by a putative leucine zipper.
6 he CA-SP1 junction region fused to a leucine zipper.
7 Ne/Epi) boundary just ahead of the advancing zipper.
8 t domains: EF-hand, coiled coil, and leucine zipper.
9 nce attached to N-terminal of bZIP53 leucine zipper.
10 tions, such as those between pairing leucine zippers.
11 ckdown of miRNA levels by 30-50 nM small RNA zippers.
12 abilized the CTD, facilitating further SNARE zippering.
13 l contraction mechanism for robust efficient zippering.
14 s concentrated at the C-terminal part of CTD zippering.
15 utcome of alpha-SNAP interference with SNARE zippering.
16 termediate, and fast C-terminal domain (CTD) zippering.
17  as a fusion clamp that restricts full SNARE zippering.
18 osine interacting with PH domain and leucine zipper 1 (APPL1) signaling endosomes and MYO6+ expressio
19 atory pathway in which spermatogenic leucine zipper 1 (SPZ1) promotes EMT through its transactivating
20 teins homolog pairing 1 (Hop1) and molecular zipper 1 (Zip1).
21 n shown previously to bind the basic leucine zipper 1 domain in the C3 promoter.
22 porally perturbed a master TF (Basic Leucine Zipper 1, bZIP1) and the nitrogen (N) signal it transduc
23 inding activity of protagonist basic leucine zipper 53 (bZIP53) transcription factor and its heterodi
24 quiring protein-1) and bZIP60 (basic leucine zipper 60), two RSRE containing unfolded protein-respons
25 rdimer interactions between adjacent leucine zippers allow TbBILBO1 to form extended filaments in vit
26 olymerization, thus corroborating that lipid zippering alone is sufficient for this crucial first ste
27 AAM and Diaphanous caused mislocalization of Zipper and induced ectopic heart lumina, as characterize
28 rodimers and bind to DNA via a basic leucine zipper and regulate the cell cycle, apoptosis, different
29 s to a helical state when fused to a leucine zipper and that these helical molecules further associat
30 AP-25 C terminus promote tight SNARE complex zippering and are required for high release frequency an
31  each other through their shafts, leading to zippering and unzippering behavior that regulates their
32 s that promote tetramerization when fused to zippers and those that permit the proper assembly of ful
33 tiparallel dimer, and the C-terminal leucine zipper appears to contain targeting information.
34                    Taken together, small RNA zippers are a miRNA inhibitor, which can be used to indu
35                                 We show that zippering arises from the competition of axon-axon adhes
36 MR, using hybrids with self-complementary CG zipper arms or non-self-complementary TC dimer arms.
37  in the opposite strands in a so-called (+1)-zipper arrangement.
38 ne and 2,6-diaminopurine, and +1 interstrand zipper arrangements of intercalator-functionalized nucle
39 te amnioserosa internalization and epidermal zippering, as well as cardia bifida.
40  full-length myosin-X construct with leucine zipper at the C-terminal end of the tail (M10(Full)LZ) a
41                            The basic leucine zipper ATF-like 3 (BATF3)-dependent CD103(+)CD11b(-) den
42 er vaccination, both migratory basic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor 3 (BatF3)-dependent
43 In addition, we demonstrate that the miR-221 zipper attenuates doxorubicin resistance with higher eff
44                                      Leucine Zipper-bearing Kinase (LZK/MAP3K13) is a member of the m
45                                              Zippering begins with slow N-terminal association follow
46                             Dimers of steric zipper, beta-nanotube, and beta-pseudohelix conformers a
47                     Pore nucleation requires zippering between vesicle-associated v-SNAREs and target
48         Thus, a specific primary sequence or zippering beyond the SNARE domains is not a prerequisite
49 r (MITF) is a basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper (bHLH-Zip) DNA-binding protein.
50 s), SFH3 (SEC14-like 3), bZIP (basic-leucine zipper), bHLH (basic helix-loop-helix) and SBP (SQUAMOSA
51 rtner Mlx are basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper (bHLHZip) transcription factors that sense and ex
52 trated that inhibition of the LecA/Gb3 lipid zipper by either lecA knockout, Gb3 depletion, or applic
53 gnificantly reduced the energy of C-terminal zippering by 10 kBT, but did not affect N-terminal asse
54 IRs identified a heterodimeric basic leucine zipper (bZIP) complex between an uncharacterized protein
55 protein consists of the basic region-leucine zipper (BZip) domain of the CCAAT/enhancer-binding prote
56 leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) basic leucine zipper (bZIP) factor (HBZ) could be used for immunothera
57 nts identified to date, HY5, a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor, has been investigate
58 ive dimerization of the basic-region leucine-zipper (bZIP) transcription factors presents a vivid exa
59                         Basic region leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors regulate gene expres
60  cytosolic domain containing a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcriptional activator.
61 periment, and show that 2 populations of DNA zippers can be distinguished using per-molecule statisti
62 tion factors in hematopoiesis is the leucine zipper CCAAT-enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha)
63                                      Leucine zipper coiled coils were combined with either globular p
64 tyrosine Interaction, PH domain, and leucine zipper containing 1 (APPL1) that were identified by mean
65 -DB to elucidate kinetics of regulated SNARE zippering containing degenerate states.
66 e MAP3K ZAK (Sterile alpha motif and leucine zipper-containing kinase) has also been proven to positi
67 brosarcoma oncogene homolog (MAF), a leucine zipper-containing transcription factor of the AP1 superf
68                  The energy release from CTD zippering differs for yeast (13 kBT) and neuronal SNARE
69 en the NC domain was replaced with a leucine zipper dimerization motif that promotes Gag multimerizat
70 ion between the LOV and basic region leucine zipper DNA-binding domain that together with LOV dimeriz
71 ent to 5RK, believed to be crucial for final zippering, do not abolish this transition.
72                                    A leucine zipper domain can replace NC in Gag and still lead to th
73 cid-binding domain with a dimerizing leucine zipper domain leads to the assembly of RNA-free VLPs.
74 paB members RelB and p52 through its leucine zipper domain.
75                                 SNARE-domain zippering draws the bilayers into immediate apposition a
76 ore, we introduce a biophysical model of the zippering dynamics, and we quantitatively relate the ind
77 hondrial Na/Ca exchanger) and LETM1 (leucine zipper-EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein 1) were
78 key biophysical SNARE properties such as the zippering energy landscape and the surface charge distri
79 ne fusion, but generate different amounts of zippering energy to regulate fusion kinetics.
80       In simulations the approximately 65-kT zippering energy was almost entirely dissipated, with fu
81  the other tested IBV strains produced DMVs, zippered ER and spherules.
82 ts proviral genome, the HTLV-1 basic leucine zipper factor (HBZ), which inhibits Tax-1-mediated viral
83                    The neural retina leucine zipper factor (NRL) transcription factor critically cont
84  shortening of Ne/Epi junctions, driving the zipper forward and drawing the neural folds together.
85                       Purified c-Jun leucine zipper fragments could also form stable homodimers, wher
86 in had been replaced by a dimerizing leucine zipper [Gag(LZ)].
87  Induction of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) by glucocorticoids plays a key role in the
88          Glucocorticoid (GC)-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) has been shown to mediate or mimic several
89 ssion of glucocorticoid (GC)-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) in bone marrow mesenchymal lineage cells o
90               Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) is a rapidly, potently, and invariably GC-
91 ine 211 and expression of GC-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) were significantly reduced in ASM cells fr
92 nscription of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ).
93 ne, and mutagenesis indicates that a glycine zipper/GXXXG motif within the linker helps mediate oligo
94 at GTPase activation and trans-SNARE complex zippering have opposing effects on fragment formation an
95 e gamma-clade of class I homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip I) transcription factors (TFs) constitute
96 els activating class III homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-ZIP III) transcription factors (TFs).
97  (HAT1), which encodes a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip) class II transcription factor, was ident
98    Here we report that a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP) transcription factor, GhHOX3, controls c
99  revealed that ATHB13, a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-Zip) transcription factor, was constitutively
100 ree paralogous class III homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-ZIPIII) genes leads to aberrations in ovule i
101 members of the class III homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-ZIPIII) transcription factor family specify t
102 orm stable homodimers, whereas c-Fos leucine zipper homodimers were found to be much less stable in e
103  Characterization of the homeodomain leucine zipper I transcription factor AtHB13, which is expressed
104 Pull in plants using the HOMEODOMAIN LEUCINE ZIPPER III (HD-ZIPIII) and LITTLE ZIPPER (ZPR) interacti
105 porter system, we defined a putative leucine zipper in the N terminus of human pro-EMAP II protein (a
106 nal approaches to identify the mechanism for zippering in a basal chordate, Ciona intestinalis.
107  that corresponds to the structure of steric zippers in peptide crystals.
108  cell-cell contacts, filopodia, and membrane zippers, indicative of involvement in cell-cell adhesion
109                         A novel inhibitor of zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) was used to exa
110 eveal tightly packed beta-sheets with steric zipper interfaces characteristic of the amyloid state.
111 y distinct packing arrangements (i.e. steric zipper interfaces) within the amyloid core, as indicated
112 sociation, a pause in a force-dependent half-zippered intermediate, and fast C-terminal domain (CTD)
113 orm a dimer driven by formation of a glycine zipper involving alpha helix formed by amino acid residu
114  Trm112 interact through formation of a beta-zipper involving main-chain atoms, burying an important
115                                              Zipper is required for heart lumen formation, and its sp
116                               Unidirectional zippering is a key step in neural tube closure that rema
117  In contrast, when complete C-terminal SNARE zippering is prevented, fusion strictly requires Sec18 a
118 dent fusion which occurs upon complete SNARE zippering is stimulated by Sec17 and Sec18:ATP without r
119         GILZ (glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper) is inducible by glucocorticoids and plays a key
120 and possibly cooperates with homeodomain Leu zipper IV transcription factors.
121 uch as the widely used GCN4-based isoleucine zipper (IZ) and the T4 bacteriophage fibritin foldon (Fd
122 ress response controlled by the Dual Leucine Zipper Kinase (DLK) and contributes to DLK-mediated neur
123 ation in neurons is mediated by dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) and JNK-interacting protein 3 (JIP3)
124                                 Dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) has been implicated in cell death si
125                                 Dual leucine-zipper kinase (DLK) is critical for axon-to-soma retrogr
126                                 Dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) is required for stress-induced JNK s
127                                 Dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK) promotes growth cone motility and mu
128 ing to ApoE receptors activates dual leucine-zipper kinase (DLK), a MAP-kinase kinase kinase that the
129              The Wallenda (Wnd)/dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK)-Jnk pathway is an evolutionarily con
130                             The dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK)/c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathwa
131                                 Dual leucine zipper kinase (DLK, MAP3K12) was recently identified as
132            Here we identify the Dual Leucine-zipper Kinase (DLK, Wnd in Drosophila) as a critical tar
133  with high sequence identity to Dual Leucine Zipper Kinase (DLK/MAP3K12).
134 ly partially protective, we identify leucine zipper kinase (LZK) as cooperating with DLK to activate
135               The Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase (MELK) has been reported to be a genetic d
136 a novel selective maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) inhibitor HTH-01-091, CRISPR/Cas9-m
137 rotein kinase maternal and embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) is critical for mitotic progression
138  injury is regulated in part by dual-leucine zipper kinase 1 (DLK-1), a conserved regulator of axon r
139 tivity of type II maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase inhibitors by applying these two complemen
140 d, retrograde DLK-1 MAPK (DLK-1/dual leucine zipper kinase) pathway, which triggered synaptic branch
141 r protein kinase, also known as dual leucine zipper kinase), a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinas
142 ned targeting, we introduce here the "Killer Zipper" (KZip(+)), a suppressor that makes Split GAL4 ta
143 ructure of the polyQ fibrils might also be a zipper layer with antiparallel four-stranded stretches a
144 cing can interlock with multiple TLR9 like a zipper, leading to multivalent electrostatic interaction
145 an self-assemble to form supramolecular DNA "zipper" like structures through intermolecular hydrogen
146               The synaptonemal complex is a 'zipper'-like protein assembly that synapses homologue pa
147 e-specific figure-of-eight, dumbbell-shaped, zipper-like and multi-loop quaternary structures were fo
148 oIIIAH and forespore-protein SpoIIQ leads to zipper-like engulfment, but quantitative understanding i
149 w that the C-terminal helices, arranged in a zipper-like fashion, play a crucial role in guiding the
150       In the present work, a stimuli encoded zipper-like graphene oxide (GrO)/polymer interface was f
151 spacing of the trans-Golgi cisternae through zipper-like interactions, thereby forcing cargo to the t
152         The study further indicated that the zipper-like interfacial bioelectrochemical properties co
153 extrans are cleared as the IS assembles in a zipper-like manner.
154 iven by hydrophobic interactions via leucine zipper-like motifs.
155                           We also discover a zipper-like nature of antiphase boundaries, which are th
156 om apposed cell surfaces, possibly forming a zipper-like protein assembly, and thus providing a size-
157                            The proteinaceous zipper-like structure known as the synaptonemal complex
158 tions in initial lymphatics transform from a zipper-like to a button-like pattern during collecting v
159 ases (PPIases) play an important role in the zipper-like triple-helix formation in collagen.
160 id nanotube backbones with interpenetrating "zipper-like" aromatic interlocks that result in stiffnes
161      Furthermore, DUSP23 knockdown produced "zipper-like" cell-cell adhesions, caused defects in tran
162 dependent or oncogenic RTK activation via a "zipper-like" mechanism for receptor activation.
163  with target membrane-associated t-SNAREs, a zippering-like process releasing approximately 65 kT per
164  Ne/Epi --> Ne/Ne + Epi/Epi) just behind the zipper lower tissue resistance to zipper progression by
165 scaffold assembly requires conserved leucine zipper (LZ) and Cnn-motif 2 (CM2) domains that co-assemb
166 l coiled-coil domain (CC) and/or the leucine zipper (LZ) domain of the myosin light-chain phosphatase
167 modules of the FN70K region by a tandem beta-zipper mechanism, and in doing so increases accessibilit
168 in a "buttoning" pattern, divergent from the zippering mechanism observed in the overlying epidermis
169  pulling biological membranes together via a zippering mechanism.
170 ARE complexes assemble by the same step-wise zippering mechanism: slow N-terminal domain (NTD) associ
171 ina, we used Nrl(-/-) (neural retina leucine zipper) mice, to generate Rpgr(ko)::Nrl(-/-) double-knoc
172 this character state is incongruent with the zipper model of metopic closure described by Falk and co
173  consistent with the common amyloid sterical zipper model, whereas NtQ42P10 fibrils present a better
174        Our results do not support the charge zipper model.
175 rA8; another proposed a so-called 'staggered zipper' model in which oligo(rA) strands overlap in mult
176 hotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, and leucine zipper motif (APPL)-positive endosomes and EEA1-positive
177 hosphotyrosine-binding domain, and a leucine zipper motif (APPL)1, an early endosomal protein, is req
178 iant: G539I, A542I, G553I) or in the glycine zipper motif (GZ variant: G540I, G544I) and expressed YF
179  revealed a heptad repeat leucine-isoleucine zipper motif (LIZ).
180  rather than through the alternative glycine zipper motif A(536)X3G(540)X3G(544) (typical for TMD dim
181 l trend supports the hypothesis that the Phe zipper motif has functional significance.
182  evolutionarily conserved, truncated leucine zipper motif near the N terminus as well as a strictly c
183 pans the crystal lattice, featuring a steric-zipper motif that is common in structures of amyloid-for
184 , phosphotyrosine binding domain and leucine zipper motif) mediates rab5 overactivation in Down syndr
185 , with an interface based on an extended Gly-zipper motif, as predicted by our models.
186  936 amino acids, followed by a GCN4 leucine zipper motif, to force dimerization.
187 tching between the heptad repeat and glycine zipper motifs, corresponding to inactive and active rece
188 n-like proteins CdzC and CdzD harbor glycine-zipper motifs, often found in amyloids, and CdzC forms l
189 dimer association featuring a "phenylalanine zipper" notable for the dual roles of phenylalanines in
190 rried out a detailed biophysical analysis of zippering, occurring either spontaneously or induced by
191 ons assemble into beta-hairpins via top down zippering of backbone hydrogen bonds to form the membran
192  The expanding integrin wave facilitates the zippering of Fcgamma receptors onto the target and integ
193 at alpha-SNAP on its own interferes with the zippering of membrane-anchored SNARE complexes midway th
194 ted microtubule transport and oMAP4-mediated zippering of microtubules drives formation of a paraxial
195 tant hemocytes coupled with impaired midline zippering of mutant epithelium creates a situation in so
196                                              Zippering of SNARE complexes spanning docked membranes i
197 O goes beyond its participation in the final zippering of the complex, because mutations of residues
198 en by an initial collapse, followed by rapid zippering of the helix stem in the final phase.
199                                         Then zippering of the remaining CTD, the membrane-proximal li
200 1 molecules unlocks the complex, allows full zippering of the SNARE complex, and triggers membrane fu
201 NARE serves as a spring to prevent premature zippering of the SNARE complex, thereby reducing the lik
202            SNARE assembly occurs by stepwise zippering of the vesicle-associated SNARE (v-SNARE) onto
203 st that the SM protein Munc18-1 promotes the zippering of trans-SNARE complexes and accelerates the k
204 ivated for DNA recognition by +1 interstrand zippers of pyrene-functionalized nucleotides.
205 l aspects of KYE28, constituting an aromatic zipper, of potential importance for the development of n
206 ne- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper (PAR-bZip) clock-controlled genes.
207 ins unclear how these mutations affect SNARE zippering, partly due to difficulties to quantify the en
208      Thus, SNARE complexes share a conserved zippering pathway and polarized energy release to effici
209                          Dimerization of the zipper places SP1 at a high local concentration, even at
210 nalysis revealed tissue expansion around the zippering point after ablation, but predominant tissue c
211  and simultaneously, a new caudal-to-rostral zippering point arises.
212                              Ablation of the zippering point at the embryonic dorsal midline causes f
213  This zone is biomechanically coupled to the zippering point by a supracellular F-actin network, whic
214 n vivo to generate a sufficient pause in the zippering process for the regulators to set in place.
215 icient to explain the speed and direction of zipper progression and highlight key advantages of a seq
216 behind the zipper lower tissue resistance to zipper progression by allowing transiently stretched cel
217 tions designed to disrupt v- and t-SNARE TMD zippering prolonged pore lifetimes dramatically.
218  and we quantitatively relate the individual zipper properties to global characteristics of the devel
219 levels of the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ) generate antigen-specific IL-10-Tr
220 show that the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ), already known to regulate effecto
221 ription of three related Homeodomain leucine zipper protein (HD-ZIP)-encoding genes: HOMEOBOX PROTEIN
222 mall heterodimer partner interacting leucine zipper protein (SMILE) has been identified as a nuclear
223     Arabodopsis thaliana homeodomain-leucine zipper protein 1 (HAT1), which encodes a homeodomain-leu
224 expression of glucocorticoid-induced leucine-zipper protein and the alpha-subunit of the epithelial N
225 vation potential of the basic region leucine zipper protein ATF2.
226 -negative mutant of the basic region leucine zipper protein c-Jun, a major constituent of the AP-1 tr
227 n neonatal mice deficient in either ZPK/DLK (zipper protein kinase, also known as dual leucine zipper
228                  JLP (JNK-associated leucine zipper protein) is a scaffolding protein that interacts
229  encoding for Neural retina-specific leucine zipper protein, a rod fate determinant during photorecep
230 a-Kocienski olefination, Wittig olefination, Zipper reaction, and Sonogashira reaction.
231 -anchored SNARE complexes midway through the zippering reaction, arresting SNAREs in a partially asse
232 served that the previously described leucine zipper region at the C terminus of MSP3 may not be the o
233 a switch to enable fast and controlled SNARE zippering required for synaptic vesicle fusion and neuro
234 ion conversion, four of which were in steric zipper segments where side chains from amino acids tight
235 inding) is shown to be dominated by a simple zipper sequence, only occasionally accelerated by loop f
236                                  The miR-221 zipper shows capability in rescuing the expression of ta
237 ational rearrangement into an activated half-zippered SNARE complex.
238 eous transitions between a loose and tightly zippered state at the SNARE complex C terminus.
239 arrier transiently traps SNAREpins in a half-zippered state similar to the partial assembly that enga
240  place while SNAREpins are trapped in a half-zippered state.
241 reduced probability to engage in the tightly zippered state.
242 ore how SNARE regulators operate on discrete zippering states.
243 ells as highly active recombinant isoleucine-zipper-tagged TRAIL (iz-TRAIL).
244 eceptor, vimentin, fibrin, and phenylalanine zippers that vary in size and topology of their alpha-he
245  of the mammalian embryo involves a wave of "zippering" that passes down the elongating spinal axis,
246                                      The NTD zippering then dramatically stabilized the CTD, facilita
247  the receptor extracellular domains with Jun zippers to control the position of its transmembrane (TM
248  of adjacent PrP molecules, known as "steric zippers," to explain these results.
249 and vesicle-attached (v-SNARE) proteins that zipper together to form a coiled-coil SNARE bundle that
250  virus (IBV), induces regions of ER that are zippered together and tethered open-necked double membra
251 artner BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 1 (BACH1), the chromatin rem
252                      Recently, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2 (BACH2) has been associate
253 hat the BTB and CNC homology 1 basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2 (BACH2) induces negative s
254 ential BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2 expression.
255         Here, we show that the basic leucine zipper transcription factor ATF-like, Batf is important
256 DING FACTOR2 (VvABF2), a grape basic leucine zipper transcription factor belonging to a phylogenetic
257   A complex between FT and the basic leucine-zipper transcription factor FD is proposed to form in th
258 rtholog of the class III homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor gene REVOLUTA (PtREV) were s
259             The class IV homeodomain leucine zipper transcription factor GLABRA2 (GL2) acts in a comp
260 ual specificity T-box/basic-helix-loop-helix-zipper transcription factor Mga is expressed in the plur
261                            The basic leucine zipper transcription factor Nfil3 (E4bp4) is essential f
262                       The Maf-family leucine zipper transcription factor NRL is essential for rod pho
263                            The basic leucine zipper transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-de
264 hanced expression of the homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor REVOLUTA/INTERFASCICULAR FIB
265 photomorphogenesis promoting a basic leucine zipper transcription factor that is degraded by COP1 ubi
266 s (Arabidopsis thaliana) homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor that participates in hypocot
267 ugh the interaction with FD, a basic leucine zipper transcription factor which plays a critical role
268 c reticulum (ER) transmembrane basic leucine zipper transcription factor whose mRNA and protein local
269               Mice without the basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like (BATF) gene (Batf(
270                The AP-1 factor basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like (BATF) is importan
271 of the Bcl6 target genes Batf (basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like) and Bcl6, in part
272 his correlated inversely BATF (basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like) and IRF4 (interfe
273  zinc deficiency B. distachyon basic leucine zipper transcription factor, BdbZIP10, and its role in o
274 n depth the NLSs of a P. sojae basic leucine zipper transcription factor, PsbZIP1.
275                                      Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor-like 1 (LZTFL1) is located i
276                                      Leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1 (LZTFL1) was upregula
277 g a newly developed BBS mouse model [Leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1 (Lztfl1)/Bbs17 mutant
279 l/lipid-binding class IV homeodomain leucine zipper transcription factors as potential regulators.
280 ich revealed that the group S1 basic leucine zipper transcription factors bZIP1 and bZIP53 reprogram
281 tween GL2 and HDG11, two homeodomain leucine zipper transcription factors previously thought to media
282  sequence-specific approach by basic leucine-zipper transcriptional factors.
283                            The basic leucine zipper transcriptional regulator Cnc is necessary and su
284  SM subunit Vps33, is followed by subsequent zippering transitions that increase the probability of f
285 lical bundles such as those found in glycine zipper transmembrane oligomers.
286 d) di-ubiquitin to its coiled-coil 2-leucine zipper ubiquitin binding domain.
287                                       SNAREs zipper up from the N to C terminus bringing the two memb
288 eukaryotic life, requiring SNARE proteins to zipper up in an alpha-helical bundle to pull two membran
289 ease of an inserted tryptophan, facilitating zippering up of 20-bp guide RNA:target DNA heteroduplex
290 uently forming successive evaginations that "zipper" up proximally, but at their leading edges are fr
291 sicles revealed that LecA/Gb3-mediated lipid zippering was sufficient to achieve complete membrane en
292 e ability of Munc18-1 to promote trans-SNARE zippering, whereas other known Munc18-1/SNARE-binding mo
293 family of actin organizing formins; and with zipper, which encodes nonmuscle myosin II.
294 nal association followed by rapid C-terminal zippering, which serves as a power stroke to drive membr
295           Here, we demonstrate that a "lipid zipper," which is formed by the interaction between the
296 y is the formation of a three-protein charge zipper with interdigitated complementary charged residue
297 ctivated the t-SNARE complex to initiate NTD zippering with the v-SNARE, a mechanism likely shared by
298 ex on the target plasma membrane, which then zippers with the vesicle (v)-SNARE on the vesicle to dri
299 ucture provides direct evidence for a steric zipper within a fibril formed by full-length Abeta pepti
300 IN LEUCINE ZIPPER III (HD-ZIPIII) and LITTLE ZIPPER (ZPR) interaction as proof-of-principle.

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