


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e affinity of an alpha(1)-selective agonist (zolpidem).
2 profiles of etomidate and THIP compared with zolpidem.
3  loreclezole and insensitive to diazepam and zolpidem.
4 ere observed during the repeated exposure to zolpidem.
5 smission in a manner similar to diazepam and zolpidem.
6 ir functionally expressed GABAA receptors to zolpidem.
7 ith the ability of single dose detection for zolpidem.
8 when they are treated with the sleeping pill zolpidem.
9 aptic receptors, which were not modulated by zolpidem.
10 itive allosteric modulators, eszopiclone and zolpidem.
11 nsive to diazepam, other benzodiazepines and zolpidem.
12  and frontal brain metabolism in response to zolpidem.
13  is changed to isoleucine are insensitive to zolpidem.
14 neurons, paralleling enhanced sensitivity to zolpidem.
15 eric GABA(A)-R modulators diazepam (DZP) and zolpidem.
16 owed concentration-dependent potentiation by zolpidem (0.03-100 microM), which was substantially blun
17 GABA(A) receptor alpha1 subunits and reduced zolpidem (100 nM) enhancement of GABA-evoked currents.
18 %, relative to the AHP HW during exposure to zolpidem, 3:4).
19                                              Zolpidem (5, 10 or 20 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle was admini
20 , and alpha5 subunit-containing GABAARs) and zolpidem (a positive modulator mainly at the alpha1 GABA
21  that enhancing phasic GABA signalling using zolpidem, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved
22                                  Infusion of Zolpidem, a GABA(A)alpha1-preferring benzodiazepine-site
23                                              Zolpidem, a GABAA receptor-positive modulator, is the go
24                                    Therefore zolpidem, a short-acting GABAAR modulator with selectivi
25                                   Binding of zolpidem, a systemically active allosteric modulator tha
26                   We examined the effects of zolpidem, a widely prescribed nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic
27            Paradoxically, DZP, which, unlike zolpidem, acts at alpha5-containing GABA(A)-Rs, increase
28  receptors in the frontal cortex by systemic zolpidem administration also reduced sleep latency, but
29 le change in cell survival following chronic zolpidem administration in young versus old animals.
30 ase in Delta sleep, suggesting that repeated zolpidem administration might elicit enduring modificati
31 itecture 24 h after cessation of sub-chronic zolpidem administration revealed a decrease in Delta sle
32                                              Zolpidem administration sharply reduces EEG power and co
33            The analysis shows that following zolpidem administration, changing patterns of coherence
34     Therefore, sub-chronic administration of zolpidem affected lasting modifications in sleep organiz
35 c BZD flunitrazepam with wild-type affinity, zolpidem affinity is decreased approximately 8-fold.
36 ation of pentobarbital, benzodiazepines, and zolpidem all significantly increased the GABA-evoked res
37                            In the absence of zolpidem, all subjects show a strong low frequency oscil
38            Compared with natural NREM sleep, zolpidem also decreases the EEG power, an effect that de
39                          The imidazopyridine zolpidem (Ambien) is one of the most commonly prescribed
40                                              Zolpidem (Ambien) is the most widely prescribed "sleepin
41                                        Using zolpidem (Ambien), a short-acting GABAA agonist hypnotic
42                                              Zolpidem, an alpha1-preferring benzodiazepine-site agoni
43                          Binding of both [3H]zolpidem and [3H]Ro 15-1788 was significantly increased
44 uating or exaggerating allosteric actions of zolpidem and allopregnanolone, respectively.
45 ere relatively insensitive to enhancement by zolpidem and diazepam, and were enhanced by loreclezole
46                               The sleep-aids zolpidem and eszopiclone exert their effects by binding
47 arbital as well as other sedative-hypnotics (zolpidem and ethanol) versus wild-type littermates.
48 lpha- and beta-subunit selective modulators, zolpidem and loreclezole, had different effects on IPSCs
49                                              Zolpidem and trazodone were the most widely prescribed i
50 azolam and the alpha1GABAA preferential PAMS zolpidem and zaleplon reduced accuracy in both procedure
51 dulation of I(GABA) by positive (flurazepam, zolpidem) and negative [3-carbomethoxy-4-ethyl-6,7-dimet
52 intermediate, and high doses of eszopiclone, zolpidem, and DORA-22 were examined after first defining
53 ding pocket on the abilities of eszopiclone, zolpidem, and flurazepam to potentiate I(GABA).
54 res; (2) reduced sensitivity to diazepam and zolpidem, and increased sensitivity to Zn2+ indicate tha
55 currents were robustly enhanced by diazepam, zolpidem, and loreclezole.
56 uring withdrawal from ethanol, diazepam, and zolpidem, and measured consumption of and preference for
57 Treatment of Ndufs4 KO mice with papaverine, zolpidem, and rapamycin-suppressed inflammation, prevent
58                                 Eszopiclone, zolpidem, and suvorexant improved short-term global and
59                                 Eszopiclone, zolpidem, and suvorexant may improve short-term global a
60 aphy with the alpha(1) selective ligand, [3H]zolpidem, and the non-selective benzodiazepine site liga
61 e accuracy dose-effect curves for triazolam, zolpidem, and zaleplon increased with box number in the
62                       Thus, classic BZDs and zolpidem are likely to have different requirements for h
63 roportion of alpha1 subunit pharmacology, as zolpidem binding affinity is unaltered.
64 92) that is required to confer high-affinity zolpidem binding to GABARs.
65 subunit residues important for high-affinity zolpidem binding.
66 en identified as necessary for high-affinity zolpidem binding.
67 rior collicular seizure parameters or on [3H]zolpidem binding.
68 on produced a localized, 48% decrease in [3H]zolpidem binding.
69   Similar to classic benzodiazepines (BZDs), zolpidem binds at the extracellular N-terminal alpha/gam
70 2I77 mice were made selectively sensitive to zolpidem by genetically swapping the gamma2I77 subunits
71                                              Zolpidem caused significant reductions in wakefulness en
72                                     However, zolpidem differs significantly from classic BZDs in chem
73 ing that these EEG power-reducing effects of zolpidem do not depend on reduced histamine release.
74                                              Zolpidem docking yielded three equally populated orienta
75                           Based on in silico zolpidem docking, three residues within loop F, gamma2Gl
76                         The sleep induced by zolpidem does not resemble natural sleep because it prod
77 ently stimulated by diazepam (EC(50)=63 nM), zolpidem (EC(50)=85 nM), loreclezole (EC(50)=10.1 microM
78 IC50 = 29 microM), diazepam (EC50 = 158 nM), zolpidem (EC50 = 75 nM), and dimethoxyl-4-ethyl-beta-car
79                                In one group, zolpidem enhanced GABA(A) receptor currents but with red
80                                 Diazepam and zolpidem enhanced GABAR currents with moderate affinity,
81 pha(1)beta(2)gamma(2) GABA(A)Rs and measured zolpidem, eszopiclone, and BZD-site antagonist binding.
82 hole-cell patch-clamp recording of GABA- and zolpidem-evoked responses.
83 ctive, but the alpha1-subunit-selective drug zolpidem exacerbated social deficits.
84 sh-language article that examined the use of zolpidem for noninsomnia neurologic disorders in humans
85  showed good semiquantitative correlation to zolpidem hair concentrations obtained from validated rou
86                                              Zolpidem has been observed to transiently treat a large
87 sket and bistratified cells were enhanced by zolpidem (HW by 18.4 +/- 6.2 % in 10:15 cells tested), d
88                           To the extent that zolpidem improves sleep, these data suggest little or no
89 d picrotoxin and facilitated by diazepam and zolpidem in a concentration-dependent manner.
90 or crossover designs with benzodiazepines or zolpidem in adults younger than 65 years with chronic in
91     The relative potencies of flumazenil and zolpidem in blocking convulsions induced by 9 and DMCM,
92 epileptic DGCs; and (3) an inverse effect of zolpidem in some epileptic DGCs demonstrates the heterog
93 4, emerge as being important for stabilizing zolpidem in the BZD binding pocket and probably interact
94  The subunit-specific benzodiazepine agonist zolpidem increased the decay time constant of the IPSCs
95 negative component at 100 ms (N100), whereas zolpidem increased the N45 only.
96             Moreover, while eszopiclone- and zolpidem-induced changes were evident in the inactive pe
97                                              Zolpidem-induced prolongation of mIPSC decay was variabl
98 nit-containing receptors, and which may make zolpidem-induced sleep less optimal.
99        In the second group of epileptic DGCs zolpidem inhibited GABA(A) receptor currents, an effect
100 ceptors were zinc and diazepam sensitive but zolpidem insensitive.
101 alysis of sorted zolpidem-sensitive (ZS) and zolpidem-insensitive (ZI) subpopulations identified ZS c
102 , we deprived alpha1(H101R) mutant mice with zolpidem-insensitive alpha1-containing GABA(A) receptors
103 subunit and exhibited slow (tau(w) = 28 ms), zolpidem-insensitive mIPSCs.
104 n the GABAA receptor gamma2 subunit gene are zolpidem-insensitive.
105 ge ethanol even though mPSCs were relatively zolpidem-insensitive.
106 fic residue interactions and may explain why zolpidem is highly alpha(1)- and gamma(2)-subunit select
107                                Activation by zolpidem is proposed to arise from a combination of init
108            In 13 week NT2-N cells, diazepam, zolpidem, loreclezole, and lanthanum had only small effe
109         There were two different patterns of zolpidem modulation of GABA(A) receptor currents in the
110        In this paper, we investigate whether zolpidem needs to potentiate only particular GABAergic p
111             But in contrast to the effect of zolpidem on wild-type mice, the power in the EEG spectra
112            We show using mouse genetics that zolpidem only needs to work on specific parts and cell t
113                                        Since zolpidem potentiation exhibited a substantial age-depend
114                      Acute administration of zolpidem produced a suppression of cell proliferation, w
115       In contrast, chronic administration of zolpidem produced little or no effect on proliferation i
116                              Eszopiclone and zolpidem produced marked, dose-responsive disruptions in
117                          Benzodiazepines and zolpidem produced reliable improvements in commonly meas
118                                              Zolpidem produces paradoxical recovery of speech, cognit
119                                   Similarly, Zolpidem prolongation of mIPSC decay rate was significan
120                                              Zolpidem prolongs IPSCs to decrease sleep latency and in
121 tochondrial optic neuropathy, papaverine and zolpidem provided significant protection from multiple p
122 ower of this method in the cerebellum, where zolpidem rapidly induces significant motor deficits when
123   The benzodiazepine type 1 receptor agonist zolpidem reduced hyperexcitability in both silent period
124 actions, suggesting that unlike eszopiclone, zolpidem relies more on shape recognition of the binding
125         In three diverse patients with known zolpidem responses we identify a distinctive pattern of
126 ng as a novel therapeutic strategy, indicate zolpidem's potential to improve recovery, and underscore
127 nocytochemical and RT-PCR analysis of sorted zolpidem-sensitive (ZS) and zolpidem-insensitive (ZI) su
128  only synaptic alpha subunit was alpha1, and zolpidem-sensitive mIPSCs had weighted decay time consta
129 When histamine neurons were made selectively zolpidem-sensitive, systemic administration of zolpidem
130 bunit (that is, exchanging Ile77 for Phe77), zolpidem sensitivity can be restored to GABAA receptors
131 iability in the decay (tau(w) = 3-30 ms) and zolpidem sensitivity of mIPSCs.
132 creasing mPSC frequency, decay kinetics, and zolpidem sensitivity that were nearly identical to our e
133                             Judging from the zolpidem sensitivity, postsynaptic GABA(A) receptors in
134 m deprived barrels show a marked increase in zolpidem sensitivity.
135 lpidem-sensitive, systemic administration of zolpidem shortened sleep latency and increased sleep tim
136                               Flurazepam and zolpidem significantly slowed covalent modification of g
137  and the benzodiazepine1-selective modulator zolpidem strongly enhanced these IPSPs (45 +/- 28 %, n =
138 e of the gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor, zolpidem tartrate presents a potential treatment mechani
139                   The commonly used sedative zolpidem tartrate was implicated in 11.5% (95% CI, 9.5%-
140 he efficacy of sub-chronic administration of zolpidem to alter sleep architecture was enhanced when t
141              To synthesize studies that used zolpidem to treat neurologic disorders.
142 -54 %, 1:1), and the enhancement produced by zolpidem was reduced by flumazenil (-31 +/- 13 %, relati
143 ever, the deprivation-induced sensitivity to zolpidem was reduced in alpha1(H101R) mice.
144                               Papaverine and zolpidem were recently shown to be protective of bioener
145                                   Effects of zolpidem were wide ranging (eg, improvement on the JFK C
146 st that DORA-22 differs from eszopiclone and zolpidem whereby DORA-22 promotes somnolence without alt
147                                              Zolpidem, which has no effect on SWA, prolongs VB mIPSCs
148 f two distinct BZ-site ligands, diazepam and zolpidem, which is relatively alpha1-subunit selective.
149                     These compounds included zolpidem, which shows preferential binding to GABAA rece
150 reater HICs than LPW mice during ethanol and zolpidem withdrawal, but differed less robustly during d
151 rom pentobarbital also influence ethanol and zolpidem withdrawal, but that diazepam withdrawal may be
152 ct of ethanol on the sensitivity of mPSCs to zolpidem, zinc and 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one
153  not significantly change mPSC modulation by zolpidem, zinc or 3alpha-OH-DHP.
154 odiazepine receptor agonists (BzRAs) such as zolpidem (ZOL) induce sleep through general inhibition o
155    Benzodiazepine receptor agonists included zolpidem, zopiclone, and zaleplon.

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