


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1       At intermediate pH, PCysMA brushes are zwitterionic.
2  and small in MW or very large and typically zwitterionic.
3 Supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) comprised of zwitterionic 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glyero-3-phosphocholine (DO
4 of domains in bacterial membranes containing zwitterionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphati
5  interaction of Abeta(1-42) monomer with the zwitterionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (PO
6  two competing pathways for each NHC-monomer zwitterionic adduct, namely enamine formation/dimerizati
7 t a mobile phase pH value near the pI of the zwitterionic adsorbent surface leads to full recovery of
8 t of 35 HPLC columns, including bare silica, zwitterionic, amine, reversed, and unmodified PGC phases
9   We report the synthesis and development of zwitterionic amino lipids (ZALs) that are uniquely able
10 ions provide straightforward access to novel zwitterionic ammonium or iminium trifluoroborates, which
11 ractions of a myristoylated Src peptide with zwitterionic and anionic membranes made from lauroyl (C1
12  these arcs can be marginally stable in both zwitterionic and anionic membranes.
13 aracterize local binding sites of calcium in zwitterionic and anionic model lipid assemblies, while d
14                      Because the behavior of zwitterionic and cationic PFASs in the subsurface is unk
15 of small unilamellar liposomes consisting of zwitterionic and charged lipids in aqueous solution usin
16 e of the existence of an orbital isomer with zwitterionic and cyclohexatrienone character.
17 bined, our data show a synergistic effect of zwitterionic and negatively charged lipids on the activi
18    DFT calculations provide support for both zwitterionic and neutral, cyclic intermediates.
19      First, what are the differences between zwitterionic and nonionic materials?
20 ion groups were successfully synthesized via zwitterionic and post-transformation synthetic procedure
21                         Both high performing zwitterionic and trehalose polyesters were also degraded
22 d fluence-based rate constants for cationic, zwitterionic, and anionic fluoroquinolone species.
23 ligrams per liter concentrations of anionic, zwitterionic, and cationic per- and polyfluoroalkyl subs
24              Forty classes of novel anionic, zwitterionic, and cationic PFASs were discovered, and an
25                      Strategies to construct zwitterionic anions from the parent anions are proposed.
26  to coat nanomaterials, and PCB, an emerging zwitterionic anti-biofouling polymer, to induce the secr
27 ambda approximately 10(2) nm) and prevailing zwitterionic/aromatic structures in the solid state and
28             The need for dynamic coating and zwitterionic background electrolyte (BGE) additives has
29                Further, equilibration of the zwitterionic benzotriazolyl species makes the leaving gr
30 erol (LMPG) micelles and in a series of five zwitterionic bicelle compositions involving phosphatidyl
31 teraction of GRP1-PH with PI(3,4,5)P(3) in a zwitterionic bilayer is compared with the interaction in
32 omote permeation of calcium ions through the zwitterionic bilayer.
33 ructure of anionic bilayers but not those of zwitterionic bilayers.
34 }3 (1) reacts with B(C6 F5 )3 to produce the zwitterionic bis(alkyl) hydridoborato Ce{C(SiHMe2 )3 }2
35 development of a new class of phosphorescent zwitterionic bis(heteroleptic) Ir(III) compounds contain
36 orates gave the first representatives of new zwitterionic borane adducts, imidazo[2',1':3,4][1,4,2]di
37                                    The first zwitterionic borata-bis(NHC)-stabilized phosphaketenyl g
38 pids to identify and quantify the effects of zwitterionic buffers that go beyond the control of pH.
39 of fulleropyrrolidines with amine (C60-N) or zwitterionic (C60-SB) substituents as cathode-independen
40 ation of 2 in CO2 activation, which yields a zwitterionic cAAC.CO2 adduct.
41                                              Zwitterionic capsular polysaccharides (ZPSs) are bacteri
42  was shown to present processed fragments of zwitterionic capsular polysaccharides to T cells.
43           Electrostatic stabilization of the zwitterionic carbanion intermediate is afforded by the c
44                      The permeability of two zwitterionic carbapenems, imipenem and meropenem, measur
45  N,N-dimethyl-2-morpholinone (CB-Ring) and a zwitterionic carboxy betaine (CB-OH).
46  a partial deactivation of EDC/NHS-activated zwitterionic carboxy groups by spontaneous hydrolysis is
47                    A typical example is that zwitterionic carboxybetaine (CB) and sulfobetaine (SB) m
48 ethacrylamide (HPMAA) and carboxy-functional zwitterionic carboxybetaine methacrylamide (CBMAA).
49                                In this work, zwitterionic carboxybetaine polymer (pCB) coated substra
50 hane elimination to generate a novel type of zwitterionic carbyne complex.
51 of medium-sized lactones is reported using a zwitterionic catalyst and stoichiometric N-bromosuccinim
52 ributed to the temperature dependence of the zwitterionic catalyst.
53 he studies have taken into consideration the zwitterionic character of most of the fluoroquinolones a
54     Such optimum geometry, combined with the zwitterionic character of the electron distribution in m
55 ty could be modulated with the pH due to the zwitterionic character of the fluoroquinolones and as a
56 ed phage coat of KO7(+) can better mimic the zwitterionic character of the plasma membrane.
57 ace the origin of their stability to (1) the zwitterionic character of their charge distribution, (2)
58 signed to be compact while still imparting a zwitterionic character to the NPs.
59 nine diazonium chloride (4-APhe) layers with zwitterionic characteristic demonstrate ultralow fouling
60 MC --> 4TTMC) greatly enhances NLO response, zwitterionic charge localization, and thus the ground-st
61                                              Zwitterionic chitosan (ZC) was modified by fully (both f
62  blood-compatible chitosan derivative called zwitterionic chitosan (ZWC) as an alternative surface co
63    We hypothesize that a chitosan derivative zwitterionic chitosan (ZWC), previously shown to suppres
64  that is close to the X-ray one, whereas the zwitterionic chromophore is unstable in the protein bind
65 ids were backflush-desorbed onto a polymeric zwitterionic column at pH 9.8 and separated by hydrophil
66 m the formation of inter- and intramolecular zwitterionic complexes.
67  donors--such as Disperse Red 1--whereas the zwitterionic components are derived from chromophores wi
68 pable of reducing carbon dioxide to afford a zwitterionic compound, [OP(mu-NTer)2 P], and carbon mono
69 ed from the gross property of this drug as a zwitterionic compound.
70 MCl (M: Cu, Ag, Au) yield the charge neutral zwitterionic compounds [(Ge9{Si(TMS)3}2)(t)Bu2P]M(NHC(Di
71 ection and direct isolation method to obtain zwitterionic compounds from the corresponding N-Boc deri
72           The lipophilicity profile of these zwitterionic compounds is expressed, calculated, and dep
73       By hiding both charged moieties of the zwitterionic compounds with hydrocarbon ester and tertia
74 her application of this process toward other zwitterionic compounds, such as dipeptides and tripeptid
75 e, the small protein ubiquitin can sustain a zwitterionic conformer for all charge states up to 14+,
76 rring amino acids: either cationic lysine or zwitterionic cysteine ligands.
77 es which were eventually functionalized with zwitterionic cysteine.
78 olid phase microextraction (TF-SPME) using a zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylamm
79 and CRFR2beta were best solubilized with the zwitterionic detergent FC-14.
80                       In the presence of the zwitterionic detergent lauryl dimethylamine oxide, incre
81 mbrane protein Mistic in the presence of the zwitterionic detergent n-dodecylphosphocholine (DPC).
82                                              Zwitterionic detergents formed conformationally destabil
83 a water-soluble 6HB gp41 ectodomain binds to zwitterionic detergents that contain phosphocholine or p
84 and gives rise to the formation of the novel zwitterionic diaryltelluronium(IV) acetimidate (8-Me2NC1
85 e crystal structure determination revealed a zwitterionic diazonium tetrazolyl-1,2,3-triazolate, whos
86           Folding kinetics of PagP into both zwitterionic diC12:0PC (1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosp
87 e equilibrium binding of Abeta monomers to a zwitterionic dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilay
88 ged dioleyl phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG), and zwitterionic dioleyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), wi
89  remarkably stable silenes 2 and 3 featuring zwitterionic distribution of electron density.
90 ed as silene or germene with the significant zwitterionic distribution of electron density.
91 ed and a durable and ultrarobust antifouling zwitterionic (DURA-Z) coating is created that can be eas
92                           An appreciation of zwitterionic electrodynamic character can lead to a bett
93 ng due to binding of biomolecule moieties in zwitterionic fashion.
94 chanism whereby the GABAA-R uses the general zwitterionic features of the GABA molecule to identify a
95 osmotic flow rectification by transport of a zwitterionic fluorescent probe.
96          Amongst these, probe 3 containing a zwitterionic fluorophore, ZW800-1, combined a favorable
97  complexation behavior of ofloxacin (OFX), a zwitterionic fluoroquinolone antibiotic, to nano-anatase
98 ins anionic fluorotelomer sulfonates (FtSs), zwitterionic fluorotelomer sulfonamido betaines (FtSaBs)
99 ination takes place when monoamine is in the zwitterionic form (pH 9-11) or diamine is in the monocat
100  fluorescence by the thermally stable, open, zwitterionic form of the spirooxazine, whereas the photo
101 t with the enzyme preferentially binding the zwitterionic form of the substrate.
102     Due to the overwhelming dominance of the zwitterionic form, however, its contribution to the over
103 stingly, the two most permeable species were zwitterionic forms of TPT, and the permeability of the l
104 n some commonly used detergents, such as the zwitterionic Fos-choline-12, which emphasizes the need f
105 obtain large surface areas and modified with zwitterionic functionalities through the attachment of g
106  HILIC using a silica monolithic column with zwitterionic functionality (ZIC-HILIC).
107                                         This zwitterionic gel coating protected BChE from denaturatio
108                                This supports zwitterionic ground states in these chromophores as do s
109 itopic host for the selective recognition of zwitterionic guests.
110 pid accumulation when positively charged and zwitterionic head groups were present on the lipids, pos
111 ablishment of specific interactions with the zwitterionic head of the lipid.
112 imod share the same structural elements of a zwitterionic headgroup and lipophilic tail, a variety of
113                       For differentiation of zwitterionic headgroup size, N170A TbSLS1 and A170N/N187
114 aling that polar interactions with ionic and zwitterionic headgroups and, presumably, the interfacial
115 connectivity incorporating acidic, basic, or zwitterionic headgroups.
116                                      The two zwitterionic HILIC columns showed high-quality chromatog
117            Glycopeptides were enriched using zwitterionic HILIC zip-tips and analyzed by tandem mass
118                                   The use of zwitterionic hydrogel (a double-sided tape) and commerci
119                                              Zwitterionic hydrogels also promote angiogenesis in surr
120   Here we demonstrate that ultra-low-fouling zwitterionic hydrogels can resist the formation of a cap
121                                        Thus, zwitterionic hydrogels may be useful in a broad range of
122  E-X across the metal-carbene bond to form a zwitterionic imidazolinium-metal complex, (L(E))MR(2)X,
123                                          The zwitterionic interactions that we identify are expected
124 attack on an aryne intermediate leading to a zwitterionic intermediate and alkyl transfer via a 5-end
125 ary amines due to increased solvation of the zwitterionic intermediate and less sterically hindered p
126 possibility of predicting detectability of a zwitterionic intermediate based on its relative stabilit
127 proposed for the transformations involving a zwitterionic intermediate formed by the tautomerization
128 of four elementary steps: (i) formation of a zwitterionic intermediate, (ii) formation of a complex i
129 mine molecule takes over the proton from the zwitterionic intermediate, (iii) breakdown of the comple
130                          The reaction of the zwitterionic intermediate, generated in situ from either
131 emethylation/neutralization of the resulting zwitterionic intermediate.
132 ropanone 3 that proceeds through an oxyallyl zwitterionic intermediate.
133 ors a stepwise mechanism with formation of a zwitterionic intermediate.
134 sulted in the isolation of a postcyclization zwitterionic intermediate.
135  methylimidazolium ion, which stabilizes the zwitterionic intermediates and reagents through differen
136 mations involve complex mechanisms including zwitterionic intermediates and several unstable alternat
137  (TS) energies for the formation of possible zwitterionic intermediates and subsequent reactions that
138                                The nature of zwitterionic intermediates and the mechanism by which HF
139                                           No zwitterionic intermediates are formed during the reactio
140                                    First, no zwitterionic intermediates are found when the process ta
141                                              Zwitterionic intermediates are too high in energy to be
142  and in situ-generated carbodiimides to form zwitterionic intermediates that undergo 1,3-diaza-Claise
143 -2-ones with acetylenecarboxylate-isocyanide zwitterionic intermediates through Michael addition/intr
144 e process proceeds stepwise via antiaromatic zwitterionic intermediates.
145 s, pH 7, 70 degrees C), via fragmentation of zwitterionic intermediates.
146                                              Zwitterionic inverse-phosphocholine (iPC) lipids contain
147                                          The zwitterionic iridium-COD complexes were tested as cataly
148 the nonionic 1-decanoyl-rac-glycerol and the zwitterionic lauryldimethylamine-N-oxide (10MAG/LDAO), t
149 how that a variety of anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic LCPs reduced the infectivity of prion-conta
150                                      Si3N4's zwitterionic-like behavior is a function of the dualism
151 anodiscs composed of different ratios of the zwitterionic lipid (DMPC, dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholin
152 s) made of 100-nm SiO2 nanoparticles and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoc
153 psulated within a closed shell of a cationic-zwitterionic lipid bilayer, furnished with an outer poly
154  lipid phosphatidylethanolamine or a related zwitterionic lipid plus a rather specific proportion of
155 2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PC), a zwitterionic lipid.
156 try on its interactions with the neighboring zwitterionic lipid.
157 virus fusion with supported bilayers made of zwitterionic lipids could not be detected, inclusion of
158  by up to 0.50 +/- 0.02 kcal/mol relative to zwitterionic lipids in a headgroup structure-dependent m
159 at TREM2 senses a broad array of anionic and zwitterionic lipids known to associate with fibrillar Ab
160  charged lipids on the activity of McjD; the zwitterionic lipids provide structural stability to McjD
161 crocyclic receptors capable of binding these zwitterionic lipids were reported, and in most cases, th
162  comprising a mixture of 128 anionic and 384 zwitterionic lipids, is monitored over 100 ns in all ato
163      However, the recognition mechanisms for zwitterionic lipids, such as phosphatidylcholine, which
164 ed diacylglycerides bind more favorably than zwitterionic lipids.
165 taining drug molecules as well as charged or zwitterionic lipids.
166 and transiently binds to membranes with only zwitterionic lipids.
167 ,N-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP) and the zwitterionic liposome 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoe
168 er anionic lysophosphatidylglycerol (LPG) or zwitterionic lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) stimulate agg
169 gel grafted with concentrated point charges (zwitterionic macromolecules), in contrast to existing mi
170 dressing two fundamental questions regarding zwitterionic materials and their applications as biomate
171                                              Zwitterionic materials have moieties possessing cationic
172                             In recent years, zwitterionic materials such as poly(carboxybetaine) (pCB
173 roperties and urge a better understanding of zwitterionic materials to provide design principles.
174 e are many possible structural variations of zwitterionic materials.
175       Second, what are the differences among zwitterionic materials?
176    The results are interpreted in terms of a zwitterionic mechanism for fragmentation with a change i
177                                     Only the zwitterionic mechanism predicts correctly the experiment
178 polung") and crossover from a diradical to a zwitterionic mechanism that takes advantage of the catal
179 translocating peptides (SMTPs) delivered the zwitterionic, membrane-impermeant dye tetramethylrhodami
180                   By contrast, when added to zwitterionic membranes containing cholesterol-rich order
181 d pores: the anionic selectivity observed in zwitterionic membranes is inverted to cationic selectivi
182                          When incubated with zwitterionic membranes of dimyristoylphosphocholine, PG-
183                 The ability to form pores in zwitterionic membranes provides a rationalization for th
184 rin binds weakly, at most, on the surface of zwitterionic membranes.
185 with the larger contribution of the aromatic zwitterionic mesomeric form.
186 gy to generate non-coordinating anions using zwitterionic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).
187 he synthesis and characterization of a novel zwitterionic metallopeptide consisting of a cationic cor
188 lacement of unsaturated groups directly into zwitterionic methacrylate monomers, specifically choline
189                   Copolymers of azulene with zwitterionic methacrylates proved useful as cathode modi
190 lical conformation in the presence of either zwitterionic micelles or monodispersed PIs.
191                For instance, crosslinking of zwitterionic micelles significantly reduced the immunoto
192 f view, the nonionic, anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic micelles with hydrodynamic diameters betwee
193 2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (LLPC, zwitterionic) micelles.
194  this end, we developed a novel hydrosoluble zwitterionic MMP inhibitor, RYM, on the basis of which a
195 ty of Mn(III)- and Fe(III)-porphyrins in the zwitterionic MOFs in three representative electrocycliza
196 porphyrin-based organic linkers, we prepared zwitterionic MOFs in which the complete internal charge
197  a molecular design of new protein-resistant zwitterionic moieties beyond conventional CB and SB base
198 rface electronic spectroscopic properties of zwitterionic molecules containing 12pi electrons of the
199            There was also a preference for a zwitterionic motif within the CDR3 loop sequences, align
200 r exposure of cysteine eventually leads to a zwitterionic multilayer film involving electrostatic int
201                              Renally cleared zwitterionic nanocarriers (H-Dots) are composed of epsil
202 nic nanoparticles, although the cationic and zwitterionic nanoparticles required ca. 2 days due to pu
203                            By exploiting the zwitterionic nature of the aggregating discoid dimers, a
204 y for joint ionization imparts the requisite zwitterionic nature to the nanocrystal.
205                  We recently reported that a zwitterionic near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore, ZW800-1, e
206 orm, b(+)) or nitrophenolate (present in the zwitterionic open form, b) moiety.
207 nated open forms (b(+)), calculations on the zwitterionic open forms (b) have pointed out similaritie
208 ionic lipid membrane compared to that with a zwitterionic or anionic lipid membrane, potentially due
209 ted and stepwise mechanisms involving either zwitterionic or diradical species have been studied.
210 ly charged lipids and detergents, but not in zwitterionic or neutral lipids or detergents.
211 OCH2CH2OMe)3]Na (2), a sterically encumbered zwitterionic organosodium compound, is reported.
212 duced dehydration by mediating the uptake of zwitterionic osmolytes.
213  samples by mixing with the strongly dipolar zwitterionic p-benzoquinonemonoimine C6 H2 (-cdots, thre
214 vious work on small molecules has shown that zwitterionic pairs are rarely stable in the gas phase, w
215                     Indeed, we have detected zwitterionic pairs in peptides and proteins where the ne
216 ed by mass spectrometry, but the presence of zwitterionic pairs or salt bridges has previously been m
217 ation occurs via an intermediate, possibly a zwitterionic palladium carbenoid species.
218 ce modified to produce a fusion containing a zwitterionic, pentapeptide designed from Bax inhibiting
219  contain hydroxyproline, and furthermore the zwitterionic peptide does not even contain proline.
220 decapositive and decanegative peptides and a zwitterionic peptide.
221 ragile Si horizontal lineP bond of the first zwitterionic phosphasilene LSi=PH (8) (L = CH[(C horizon
222 specific recognition of the headgroup of the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) is less well under
223 vity from liposomes composed of a mixture of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine and negatively charged
224 S)) (2:1) but not from liposomes composed of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine, POPC.
225 ne, and CDP-diacylglycerol) and inhibited by zwitterionic (phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethano
226 f phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipids, which are zwitterionic; phosphatidylglycerol (PG) lipids, which ar
227                                              Zwitterionic phosphocholine (PC) lipids are highly bioco
228  surfactant with an HC surfactant carrying a zwitterionic phosphocholine headgroup gives rise to two
229 ld polymers containing either a carbonate or zwitterionic phosphocholine within the polymer backbone.
230 nation between anionic (phosphoinositol) and zwitterionic (phosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine) head
231 Mutagenesis of key residues confirm that the zwitterionic phospholipid acts not by specific binding t
232 an be harnessed to drive RNA binding to both zwitterionic phospholipid and anionic fatty acid membran
233                                      Besides zwitterionic phospholipids, IAM particles contain acidic
234 ection studies, we determined that uncharged zwitterionic PNA has the highest binding specificity whi
235 her non-ionic poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) or zwitterionic poly(carboxybetaine) (PCB), but only now re
236        Uricase modified with a comprehensive zwitterionic polycarboxybetaine (PCB) network exhibited
237                             In this study, a zwitterionic polycarboxybetaine acrylamide (pCB)-based b
238 gh a nonfouling polymeric elastomer based on zwitterionic polycarboxybetaine derivatives.
239 oate starter unit for two different types of zwitterionic polyketide (an example for one type is show
240  analytes and then by grafting a non-fouling zwitterionic polymer brush layer to effectively repel pr
241 onic polymers and one example of engineering zwitterionic polymer derivatives for antimicrobial wound
242  by coating equine serum-derived BChE with a zwitterionic polymer gel layer.
243                       Here, we demonstrate a zwitterionic polymer network encapsulation technology th
244 into the bacterial nonfouling performance of zwitterionic polymers and one example of engineering zwi
245 light recent microbiological applications of zwitterionic polymers and their derivatives, with an emp
246                                              Zwitterionic polymers are generally viewed as a new clas
247 ir poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) counterparts, zwitterionic polymers have a broader chemical diversity
248                                              Zwitterionic polymers have been widely implemented in su
249          Here, we introduce conjugation with zwitterionic polymers such as poly(carboxybetaine).
250 merging surface coating techniques utilizing zwitterionic polymers where ultralow-biofouling surfaces
251 rned from the interactions between bacterial zwitterionic polysaccharides (ZPSs) and the host immune
252 es bind to liposomes containing a mixture of zwitterionic POPC and negatively charged POPS lipids as
253                                   The cyclic zwitterionic propagating species can be converted into t
254         Our results suggest that introducing zwitterionic properties into targeted fluorophores may b
255 goes an internal proton transfer between the zwitterionic protonated Schiff base configuration and th
256 -epimer is 30 900 times as lipophilic as its zwitterionic protonation isomer, while the analogous rat
257                                            A zwitterionic quinine-derived entity generated by deproto
258                 This chromophore possesses a zwitterionic resonance structure in the ground state, as
259 racter due to the larger contribution of the zwitterionic resonance structure.
260 = Rh, Ir; COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) afforded zwitterionic rhodium(I) and iridium(I) complexes of the
261                                          The zwitterionic ring-opening of 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-dis
262  interaction gives rise to a symmetry-broken zwitterionic S1 state.
263                                            A zwitterionic silica-based stationary phase has been used
264  the first five-membered, sulfur-containing, zwitterionic silylene ring (3) via insertion of the "Si(
265 he peptides/proteins examined herein contain zwitterionic sites if both acidic and basic residues are
266 sing a rigid core covered by a pH-regulated, zwitterionic, soft layer, through it.
267  contrast, the two charged chain ends of the zwitterionic species are fully dissociated in high diele
268 produces characteristic c and z ions only if zwitterionic species are present.
269 utational evidence, via the involvement of a zwitterionic species arising through interaction of the
270                             The thiazetidine zwitterionic species that is involved in this mechanism
271 cularly, on the initial formation of the 1,3-zwitterionic species through C-N bond cleavage, which ha
272 ermined, and the predominant contribution of zwitterionic species to the overall lipophilicity was ex
273 phenylketene, followed by cyclization of the zwitterionic species, and subsequent ejection of iodoben
274                  The repair is mediated by a zwitterionic species, of the same molecular mass as the
275 keletal relaxations are sterically hampered, zwitterionic states and electron delocalization with qui
276 uted to closely spaced singlet biradical and zwitterionic states and offer promise for applications i
277                This provides evidence that a zwitterionic structure is not essential for GABAC antago
278                                    Gas-phase zwitterionic structures appear to play an important role
279                                          The zwitterionic structures consist of a positively charged
280 he solid state, all three compounds exist as zwitterionic structures, NH(3)(+)-R-SO(3)(-), in which t
281 e from more abundant ions was achieved using zwitterionic, sulfobetaine surfactants, N-hexadecyl-N,N-
282 icles with non-ionic, anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic surface characteristics for potential packa
283 ights the first application of a non-fouling zwitterionic surface coating to enable silicon photonic-
284 a bullet-shaped nanopore having a pH-tunable zwitterionic surface, focusing on discussing the underly
285 alladium nanoparticles (NPs) stabilized by a zwitterionic surfactant are revealed here to be good cat
286 sence of imidazolium propane sulfonate-based zwitterionic surfactants obtained using EDXRF before (Pd
287 rticular, we investigate the effects of four zwitterionic surfactants similar to phospholipids: lysol
288 to synthetic low-molecular-weight catecholic zwitterionic surfactants that show very strong adhesion
289 mulations and include anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic surfactants with perfluoroalkyl chain lengt
290 lized by imidazolium propane sulfonate based zwitterionic surfactants, allowing the samples to be reu
291 mselves to create a hydrophilic core made of zwitterionic termini and expose hydrophobic aromatic sid
292 l-complexed and free (noncomplexed) species, zwitterionic tetracycline was identified as the predomin
293 pidly and completely converted to the active zwitterionic thrombin inhibitor in human hepatocytes.
294                                          The zwitterionic tips of either the lysine or cysteine ligan
295 adical intermediates that form directly from zwitterionic transition state structures.
296 hese reactions involve four-membered cyclic, zwitterionic transition states facilitated by lone pair-
297  dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS, zwitterionic), Triton X-100 (nonionic), sodium dodecyl s
298 eta-amino-substituted BDI systems leads to a zwitterionic twisted intermediate state ((1)p*) and that
299               Distribution of fullerene into zwitterionic unsaturated lipid membranes was dominated b
300 s contain mixtures of chromophores that have zwitterionic (ZWI) and neutral ground state (NGS) compon

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