


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to a reduction of PME48 activity revealed by zymogram.
2 Ps were used to identify MMP activity on the zymogram.
3  protease with a molecular mass of 80 kDa on zymograms.
4  all calpain activity that was detectable on zymograms.
5  the gel and therefore cannot be detected on zymograms.
6 ivity of all the exoprotease species seen in zymograms.
7 le band at 50 kDa predominated in the casein zymograms.
8 apillary whole blood for calibrating gelatin zymograms.
9 03-29, was found to produce a unique band on zymograms (120 kDa) and to react distinctively with a sy
10 ter gels and therefore cannot be detected on zymograms after electrophoresis.
11                                 Northern and zymogram analyses indicated that the sarZ gene product p
12 ghts of about 57,000 and 47,000 according to zymogram analyses, and the minor xylanases had molecular
13                    Both western blotting and zymogram analysis confirmed the SBEIa deficiency in sbe1
14                                              Zymogram analysis demonstrated that this missense mutati
15                                              Zymogram analysis revealed that macrophages markedly inc
16                                              Zymogram analysis suggests that YhcR is the major Ca(2+)
17                                        Using zymogram analysis, no pleiotropic effects of sbe1a genes
18 long chain triglycerides, as demonstrated by zymogram analysis.
19  which has hemolytic activity as measured by zymogram analysis.
20 fect in murein hydrolase activity by using a zymogram analysis.
21                                              Zymogram and RNA blot analyses show that Sod4 and Sod4A
22 ice, and contain no ALDH3a1 as determined by zymograms and immunoblots.
23 s of Matrigel during invasion, using gelatin zymograms and Western blots.
24 cription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), zymograms, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
25 lastidic isoform were detected in vivo using zymograms, and the respective genes were identified usin
26  assay, real-time polymerase chain reaction, zymograms, and Western blot analysis, respectively.We de
27 ity, as assessed by SDS-PAGE and native-PAGE zymogram, appearing as a single band of approximately 22
28 nditions for transfer and development of the zymogram are kept constant.
29 ted SMCs inhibited MMP-2 activity on gelatin zymograms as well as the chemoattractant-directed migrat
30 lytic enzyme, as revealed by its activity in zymograms containing M. luteus cell walls and its abilit
31                                              Zymograms developed with 1,8-diaminonapthalene can be us
32           Inclusion of MMP inhibitors in the zymogram-developing buffer reduced the proteolytic activ
33       The Pet protein induced proteolysis in zymogram gels, and preincubation with the serine proteas
34                           Gelatin and casein zymograms identified MMP-2, MMP-20, and KLK4 in the dent
35     Recombinant PASP was proteolytic, with a zymogram mass of 50 kDa.
36                                            A zymogram of aconitase activity after native gel electrop
37                                              Zymograms of culture media from this 24-hour period show
38                                              Zymograms of the null genotype were devoid of any activi
39 s leads to fast and reproducible staining of zymograms permitting reliable quantitation of proteolyti
40                                    Peptidase zymograms prepared from isolated xylem and phloem reveal
41                               En face casein zymograms revealed a net fibrinolytic activity in areas
42                                              Zymograms show that both forms (activated and latent) of
43                                      Indeed, zymograms showed inactivation of scu-PA during the first
44                                       Casein zymograms showed that 0-day mu-calpain activity was high
45                                              Zymograms showed that MMP-9 was elevated as early as 3 h
46                                              Zymograms showed that multiple sclerosis patients had el
47 ed in a linear manner in as little as 1 h of zymogram staining.
48 her starch- metabolizing enzymes detected in zymograms, suggest that total DBE catalytic activity is
49                  Ferguson plot analysis with zymograms suggests that the functional form of AdhI is a
50     The receiving gel is then developed as a zymogram to visualize clear or lightly stained bands in
51        This gelatinase comigrated in gelatin zymograms with the activated form of purified recombinan

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