


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gmentations are individually too small to be conclusive.
2              However, these studies were not conclusive.
3  in several studies, but the evidence is not conclusive.
4 tient settings, and described models are not conclusive.
5 e follow-up or PCR genotyping result was not conclusive.
6 he likelihood of prescription errors is less conclusive.
7  Safety data on LEF compared to MTX are less conclusive.
8               Safety data, however, are less conclusive.
9  some of the results are promising, none are conclusive.
10 the evidence that this occurs in vivo is not conclusive.
11 ulting current; however, those data were not conclusive.
12  myopathic patients with coenzyme Q10 is not conclusive.
13 ted dilatation are just emerging and are not conclusive.
14 ut epidemiologic study results have not been conclusive.
15 he sampling numbers (9) were too small to be conclusive.
16 aken to test this idea in yeast are far from conclusive.
17                     IR analysis is even less conclusive.
18 ut links between GPP and NBE changes are not conclusive.
19 trauma might make photographs or videos less conclusive.
20                  Epidemiologic data are less conclusive.
21 , as prior amyloid staining results were not conclusive.
22       Among HIV-negative women, there was no conclusive additional effect of monthly dosing (2 trials
23  levels of itaconate, which will enable more conclusive analysis of its action on macrophages and oth
24 um to CA1 backprojection, and present recent conclusive anatomical evidence for the presence of nonca
25                        The literature is not conclusive and highlights the challenges to observationa
26 oneck-Kilianstadten, Germany, we present new conclusive and indisputable evidence for another massacr
27              These real-space images provide conclusive and long-awaited experimental evidence of the
28                       These findings provide conclusive and unbiased evidence that mitochondriopathy
29  and REVEAL (anacetrapib), will provide more conclusive answers for the concept of reducing cardiovas
30  states of an aryldiazirine and provide some conclusive answers to the pending general mechanistic qu
31 when the effect was too moderate to permit a conclusive assessment by the traditional immunostaining
32 n outpatients with chronic heart failure, no conclusive association between all-cause mortality and t
33  diet-related factors have not yet shown any conclusive associations between diet and cancer incidenc
34                  In conclusion, there was no conclusive benefit of determining BAL GM levels in the d
35 geneous and dynamic composition, which makes conclusive biochemical purification difficult, if not im
36                         Although there is no conclusive body of evidence defining the best second and
37                        These results are not conclusive but may justify further clinical study.
38  assess the IV assumptions are generally not conclusive, but routinely applying such methods is nonet
39  distress and associated problems is not yet conclusive, but screening seems to improve communication
40 ia violence can be linked to behavior is not conclusive, but the prevention message for practitioners
41 By January 2013, the results were considered conclusive by the data and safety monitoring committee,
42 which have been fine-mapped to statistically conclusive causal variants; 50 genes associated with ver
43       The kinetic parameters do not permit a conclusive choice between five possible mechanisms consi
44        All patients (31 of 31; 100%) who had conclusive coincidental findings (i.e., arterial enhance
45 e association studies have identified only 1 conclusive common variant for nsCPO, that is, a missense
46 egative mode and Cs(+) adduction, leads to a conclusive composition of Au329(SR)84.
47 ctron diffraction method to obtain the first conclusive confirmation that uniform single crystals can
48                                              Conclusive data about cardiovascular toxicity of nonster
49                                     However, conclusive data about reintubation are lacking.
50 r larger-scale trials are required to gather conclusive data and create a more complete clinical pict
51                                   Until more conclusive data are available, asymptomatic individuals
52                                     However, conclusive data are lacking as to whether moderate pain
53                                     However, conclusive data are lacking for the efficacy and safety
54                                     However, conclusive data are lacking regarding the use of colchic
55 es the largest theoretical uncertainties and conclusive data are missing until today.
56                       In prostate cancer, no conclusive data on mast cell function were available.
57    The published literature does not provide conclusive data on the relative benefits or costs of sub
58 ght to be the cortical generator of the FRN, conclusive data regarding its origin and propagation are
59 n nevus sebaceus appears to be low, but more conclusive data requires further studies with modern imm
60 sing in situ IR spectroscopy did not provide conclusive data to assign an order with respect to Y in
61 ectron micrographs for over 50 years without conclusive data to support the production of complex car
62          Initial mucosal biopsies may not be conclusive, delaying the diagnosis until subsequent biop
63                                     However, conclusive demonstration that added N enhances plant pro
64 n optogenetic approach, we provide the first conclusive demonstration that mesolimbic DAergic neurons
65         Taken together, we provide the first conclusive description of Fs expression in normal human
66 uption flares (TDFs) have not yet produced a conclusive detection.
67 ed analysis of HDV RNA protein complexes and conclusive determination of the regions of HDAg involved
68 allenging synthesis protocols have precluded conclusive determination of their crystallographic struc
69 sified as possible IE with DC and provided a conclusive diagnosis (definite/rejected) in 95% of cases
70 e immunodeficiency phenotype, to establish a conclusive diagnosis and guide patient management.
71 on require direct IF and serum studies for a conclusive diagnosis.
72         Final case adjudication was based on conclusive diagnostic imaging, autopsy, surgery, or 14-d
73     This was suggestive of OSPW seepage, but conclusive differentiation of anthropogenic and natural
74                                              Conclusive efficacy trials assessing therapeutic hypothe
75 ecies transmission for parasite persistence, conclusive empirical evidence from natural communities i
76 mutated at sufficient frequencies to provide conclusive evidence as drivers.
77    In this review, I argue that little or no conclusive evidence currently exists to support the latt
78                                    Moreover, conclusive evidence demonstrating a role for NPY and Y-r
79 pre-somitic mesoderm (PSM), there is not yet conclusive evidence demonstrating that the observed mole
80                                         Less conclusive evidence exists for the effectiveness of zinc
81 le risk factor for urinary incontinence, but conclusive evidence for a beneficial effect of weight lo
82 rely; these findings were thought to provide conclusive evidence for a causal role of such mutations
83 nene with those of linear analogues provides conclusive evidence for a cyclic topology.
84                                In this work, conclusive evidence for a long-predicted phase, alpha-ni
85  remained unclear because there has not been conclusive evidence for a new type of order.
86                           These data provide conclusive evidence for a novel gain-of-function GLI1 sp
87                            This is the first conclusive evidence for a significant role of HA in the
88 posits from the Ediacaran are rarer and lack conclusive evidence for animals.
89 atural selection acting on heritable traits, conclusive evidence for contemporary adaptive evolution
90  Cretaceous of Spain and France that provide conclusive evidence for marsupial care of brood-offsprin
91 amagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we provide conclusive evidence for MPO-dependent formation of etopo
92                               Beauv provided conclusive evidence for segmental allopolyploidy in B. d
93                 Despite several attempts, no conclusive evidence for such an asymmetry-induced gravit
94                        These results provide conclusive evidence for the CcO proton transporting mech
95                                              Conclusive evidence for the covalent modification of Cys
96                                              Conclusive evidence for the efficacy of high-dose chemot
97                         Our findings provide conclusive evidence for the essential role of hnRNP U in
98                           There is as yet no conclusive evidence for the heritability of pain sensiti
99  ruthenium (III) hexaamine, we have obtained conclusive evidence for the high intrinsic EC activity o
100                                 Here we show conclusive evidence for the presence of a phase transiti
101 ation band at 770 cm(-1), which provides the conclusive evidence for the presence of a terminal Co-O
102 n's risk of further victimisation, with less conclusive evidence for the preventive effect of program
103 ed to be good candidates, though there is no conclusive evidence for this notion.
104 y 1 prioritized question was associated with conclusive evidence from a Cochrane systematic review.
105                    So far, there has been no conclusive evidence from in vivo experiments to prove th
106 debated in the literature due to the lack of conclusive evidence from large-scale clinical trials.
107                       Nevertheless, there is conclusive evidence from randomised trials that statins
108                                      New and conclusive evidence has been obtained for the existence
109                    At the moment there is no conclusive evidence in children.
110 eart: such coupling is present in vitro, but conclusive evidence in situ is lacking.
111 ion of recommendations for which there is no conclusive evidence is also growing.
112 n their advocacy for this intervention until conclusive evidence is available.
113                                              Conclusive evidence is lacking that, absent clinical cir
114                                         When conclusive evidence is lacking, expert consensus can gui
115                                     Although conclusive evidence is lacking, reports have implicated
116                                              Conclusive evidence is now provided that direct interact
117 ion of recommendations for which there is no conclusive evidence is substantial.
118                                         More conclusive evidence may affect assessment, treatment int
119                       At the cellular level, conclusive evidence now exists for multiple plant recept
120 th clopidogrel and a PPI, we did not observe conclusive evidence of a clopidogrel-PPI interaction of
121                             It also provides conclusive evidence of a developmental brood-care strate
122  Despite the increased frequency, we find no conclusive evidence of an exoticN. bombiorigin based on
123                                  We found no conclusive evidence of HPV in any of the specimens.
124 atment of myasthenia gravis, but there is no conclusive evidence of its benefit.
125 he increasing use of MIE is not coupled with conclusive evidence of its benefits over "open" esophage
126 a conspicuous case of knee ankylosis that is conclusive evidence of lameness.
127 process of surface modification and provides conclusive evidence of robust surface functionalization.
128                  Because of a lack of strong conclusive evidence of short-term or long-term benefits,
129                   We also observed the first conclusive evidence of synapses between integrator neuro
130                However, to date, there is no conclusive evidence of the involvement of olivocochlear
131 turned the first close-up image in 1972, but conclusive evidence of their origin has remained elusive
132                               No patient had conclusive evidence of virologic relapse.
133                                  However, no conclusive evidence on the function of the lagena in bir
134  the location of proteasomes to provide more conclusive evidence on the sites of protein degradation.
135 gainst severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria, conclusive evidence on their role against infection has
136 r source of remyelinating cells, there is no conclusive evidence on whether mature, differentiated ol
137                                           No conclusive evidence showed that HIV status altered treat
138 ce, the current study has provided the first conclusive evidence showing PostC-induced infarct-limiti
139                        These results present conclusive evidence supporting a negative role for SRSF1
140 rmacological and biomolecular tools provided conclusive evidence supporting the existence of function
141 p and anesthesia, and thus provide the first conclusive evidence that a dynamic interplay of the neoc
142 provide what is, to our knowledge, the first conclusive evidence that ARPKD is not a homogeneous diso
143                              We did not find conclusive evidence that behavioural interventions as a
144                      The MS(2) data provided conclusive evidence that copolymerization of styrene/DMS
145  combination with previous data, effectively conclusive evidence that deficiency of HBII-85 snoRNAs c
146                        There is, however, no conclusive evidence that depth of anesthesia monitors ca
147                              Here we provide conclusive evidence that Dscam diversity is essential fo
148                             Here, we present conclusive evidence that DVL regulates the centrosomal c
149            Together the optical data provide conclusive evidence that endothelial cells can enter blo
150            The (14)N hyperfine couplings are conclusive evidence that Fe(4) is a valence-localized Fe
151                              We also present conclusive evidence that GRP94 possesses ATPase activity
152 ic deletions of COL6A1and COL6A2also provide conclusive evidence that haploinsufficiency for COL6A1an
153 e identification of these green Lbs provides conclusive evidence that highly oxidizing and nitrating
154          Additionally, we obtained novel and conclusive evidence that HIV-1 entry occurs in an assemb
155 cell leukemia (ATL) cases in Japan, provided conclusive evidence that HTLV was the cause of this dise
156 w of the literature reveals that there is no conclusive evidence that IOP fluctuation/variation are i
157                                 There was no conclusive evidence that length of day shift affected pa
158                              Here we provide conclusive evidence that matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP
159                                  There is no conclusive evidence that one means of diuresis is better
160                   Thus, the literature lacks conclusive evidence that one particular parenting strate
161                         The authors found no conclusive evidence that prenatal exposure to PBDEs at l
162 -of-function experiments in mice, we provide conclusive evidence that Ror receptors mediate Wnt5a-dep
163                                  There is no conclusive evidence that screening based on serum prosta
164                             Here, we provide conclusive evidence that soluble components of human bon
165 ver, this work provides, for the first time, conclusive evidence that such alternative states are ind
166 rative transcriptomic analyses have provided conclusive evidence that such molecular constraints exis
167                Our results present the first conclusive evidence that the crystal orientation dominat
168                         Therefore we present conclusive evidence that the fMRI time course represents
169                          This study provides conclusive evidence that the GAUT1:GAUT7 complex is the
170  of third-codon-position GC content provided conclusive evidence that the poikilothermic alligator ha
171                                   We present conclusive evidence that the presence of adenosine 5'-tr
172                The studies presented provide conclusive evidence that the pristine surface of basal p
173                                   We present conclusive evidence that the products of each of these r
174 lations using exact diagonalization provides conclusive evidence that the Raman-like RIXS excitations
175                    In particular, we present conclusive evidence that the source of the neutral radic
176                      In addition, we provide conclusive evidence that this defect results from disrup
177                            This is the first conclusive evidence that under seminatural conditions an
178                             Our data provide conclusive evidence that wrinkle patterns in highly bend
179 on interim PET in pediatric HL needs further conclusive evidence to justify its use.
180  few specific circumstances, there exists no conclusive evidence to support the dogmatic avoidance of
181                                     However, conclusive evidence to support these assumptions is lack
182  vitamin D levels during pregnancy, although conclusive evidence to support this is lacking.
183                           Finally we provide conclusive evidence using BRET and FRET that OXRs and GP
184  is associated with adverse events, while no conclusive evidence was found regarding working a 'Compr
185                              Despite lack of conclusive evidence, it is widely believed that MVBs are
186 ing endosomal proteins in systemic RNAi lack conclusive evidence.
187 d for larger good quality studies to provide conclusive evidence.
188 equired to identify genetic association with conclusive evidence.
189                                              Conclusive examination of this question has been limited
190                                     However, conclusive experimental evidence for their functional re
191  strong scientific and practical importance, conclusive experimental evidence of confined acoustic ph
192                         Moreover, we provide conclusive experimental evidence that 'ballistic' separa
193 oughout the hippocampus, despite the lack of conclusive experimental evidence.
194  two approaches is partly due to the lack of conclusive experimental information on the electronic st
195  TFB2M is required for promoter melting, but conclusive experimental proof for this effect has not be
196  for filopodia in melanin transfer, although conclusive experimental proof remained elusive.
197 hese ideas to propose a number of universal, conclusive experimental signatures that would establish
198              Although we could not provide a conclusive explanation for this excess of significant fi
199  explain such significant mutation patterns, conclusive explanations are lacking.
200        All patients (51 of 51; 100%) who had conclusive findings on at least one of the two examinati
201 fects on personality has not yet resulted in conclusive findings.
202 g is such a process, but there have been few conclusive findings.
203                    While the results are not conclusive for a role of vesicle fusion in terpene trans
204 nitial upper endoscopy with biopsies was not conclusive for celiac disease.
205 flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) were conclusive for Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
206 hology and microscopy (biopsies) are too not conclusive for early diagnosis of cancer.
207                             Results were not conclusive for Ophiothrix sp. III due to the lack of a m
208 ic interpretation of all de novo variants, a conclusive genetic diagnosis was reached in 20 patients.
209                    We present surprising but conclusive genetic evidence that the Recent biserial pla
210 esis, the conclusions should not be taken as conclusive given short-comings in the techniques used in
211 n blot alone as a confirmation test provided conclusive HIV status in only 50.0% (CI, 30.8% to 69.2%)
212   Despite intensive studies, it is still not conclusive how the interaction of Cu(+)/Cu(2+) with Abet
213 ectra extracted from these fractions enabled conclusive identification of six components in the surfa
214 imitations in the present theory prevent the conclusive identification of the enantioselective step,
215 ty of whole Y-chromosome sequences precluded conclusive identification of this ancestor's age, geogra
216                  Sequencing was required for conclusive identification.
217 Taken together, our study provides the first conclusive in vivo evidence that dystrophin contains mul
218 xperiments on amphiphilic copolymers provide conclusive information about the nature of the hydrophob
219 alysis of F1 genotypes is required to obtain conclusive information on the exact molecular consequenc
220 sive, however, due in part to the absence of conclusive information regarding the identity of endogen
221                                Until now, no conclusive information was available regarding the cellu
222                                              Conclusive interpretation of their transformation is oft
223                                              Conclusive intraoperative pathologic confirmation of dif
224 ing this methodology enabled us to present a conclusive line of evidence for the maternal transfer of
225 power of community proteomics in providing a conclusive link between community composition, physilogy
226 e-related susceptibility to VILI, although a conclusive link between use of large Vts and mortality h
227 the spatial statistics of the midges, but no conclusive long-range interactions.
228     However, to our knowledge, at present no conclusive long-term evaluation exists that controls for
229 principal flagellar Ca(2+) channel of sperm, conclusive loss-of-function genetic evidence for activat
230                           Here, we present a conclusive mechanism of a stereocontrolled reaction on c
231 troscopic measurements, which cannot provide conclusive mechanistic information but yields the equili
232 ing and infant growth are warranted before a conclusive message can be drawn based on our current fin
233 e/inhibitor in less than 5 min, resulting in conclusive Michaelis-Menten and inhibition curves.
234                       A reasonable but not a conclusive model for the binding of these molecules was
235 ostly investigations without ever reaching a conclusive molecular diagnosis.
236                                              Conclusive molecular-level structural information on the
237                        These results provide conclusive new insights into the mechanisms that cause i
238 al CTI block during phase 1 in all cases and conclusive of complete CTI block in 98% of cases during
239                           These data show no conclusive or consistent relationship between long-term
240 LT) result, or if MSLT is not interpretable, conclusive, or feasible.
241  the Mus/Rattus split or a more basal split, conclusive paleontological evidence for the nodal assign
242 e introduce a dual-isotope approach to allow conclusive partitioning between three sources, using onl
243 oneal metastases are hoped to lead to a more conclusive picture of transcoelomic metastasis, and to d
244 although genomic sequencing failed to reveal conclusive PLCZ1 mutations.
245 ation) less frequently to their sisters than conclusive (positive/true negative) results (P = .03).
246 ed and a majority voting method was used for conclusive predictions with further K-fold cross-validat
247                    In addition, they provide conclusive proof of concept that pharmacological antagon
248 960, Rita Levi-Montalcini offered formal and conclusive proof that endogenous NGF was responsible for
249  the explosion, but so far there has been no conclusive proof that this merger took place.
250                           Our data provide a conclusive rationale for worldwide K13-propeller sequenc
251  improve dietary diversity are needed before conclusive recommendations can be made.
252        However, even sibling designs are not conclusive regarding causality; they remain subject to t
253 s in tunnels near Houston and Boston are not conclusive regarding the presence of EG in sampled air.
254                  Thus, a suggestive, but not conclusive, relationship between magnetic and energetic
255                                              Conclusive replicated findings have yet to appear on any
256                                Until now, no conclusive report has been published that identifies dir
257 wn as silicate perovskite), has hampered any conclusive result.
258 infection studies do not necessarily provide conclusive results and that regulatory factors may not m
259                          We aimed to provide conclusive results for the clinical benefits of hyperbar
260 and the indirect comparisons did not provide conclusive results in favor of either SCIT or SLIT based
261 ection was positive in 2 patients in whom no conclusive results were reached by immunocytology for di
262 perception of quality of vision yielded less conclusive results.
263  clinical findings have only rarely provided conclusive results.
264 rect treated/control comparison did not show conclusive results.
265                                   However, a conclusive role for the protein arginine methyltransfera
266  that tumor-infiltrating DCs (TIDCs) play no conclusive role in predicting disease progression.
267 th in vitro and in vivo systems to provide a conclusive role of PDEF in the progression process.
268 different terahertz techniques constitutes a conclusive route for detecting the BCC condition on a ce
269                                   Though not conclusive, some in vitro models have shown that certain
270  component, and despite that evidence is not conclusive, some studies suggest that vigorous activity
271 lve that prevents proton leakage, although a conclusive statement awaits a more elaborate characteriz
272 y and limited number of selected studies, no conclusive statement could be made regarding the benefit
273 ly compute its pK(a) are required for a more conclusive statement.
274  rigor of the reported studies precludes any conclusive statements about the bundle's effectiveness o
275                                              Conclusive statements in the abstract can differ from th
276 ve at present there is equipoise and further conclusive studies are needed to establish the role of t
277 trollable and irreproducible results, making conclusive studies difficult.
278 omy which should therefore be retained until conclusive studies suggest the unimportance of lmyphaden
279 ance or variation of stakes, the results are conclusive: subjects seldom predict that dictators will
280 9 patients (5.9%) were diagnosed with PA and conclusive subtype differentiation by adrenal vein sampl
281      However, only few studies have provided conclusive support by simultaneously assessing food avai
282  temporal lobes, although there is a lack of conclusive support for its exact functional role.
283 ow promise and deserve additional study, but conclusive support for their use is not available as it
284 led involves the giant protein titin, but no conclusive support for this hypothesis exists.
285                                   However, a conclusive symbiotic role for this polysaccharide could
286 wo unnatural substrates were utilized as the conclusive test of substrate flexibility, of which both
287                                            A conclusive test of the nature of the translational motio
288 have thus far been insufficient to provide a conclusive test of this prediction.
289 nd anthropogenic systems, these data provide conclusive thermodynamic evidence that the Al(13) Keggin
290                                 Although not conclusive, these findings may help to understand the ge
291                                 Although not conclusive, these results are compatible with the propos
292                                 Although not conclusive, this initial negative result prompted us to
293 e remaining 12 cases ECPW examination proved conclusive to the final diagnosis.
294 ith functional vision loss, and therefore no conclusive treatment recommendations.
295 regarding statin therapy in PAH has not been conclusive, we assessed the impact of statin therapy in
296 xpressed in all leukocyte subsets, it is not conclusive whether or not this phenotype is attributed t
297                   The results have been made conclusive with control experiments.
298  of massage therapy over simple touch is not conclusive without a usual care control group.
299 g domain of spectrin have been somewhat more conclusive yet have not presented binding in terms of we
300 lapse at low denaturant cannot be considered conclusive yet.

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