


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dwide public health concern because of their increased prevalence.
2 nifests clinically with a mild phenotype and increased prevalence.
3 possibility of environmental contributors to increased prevalence.
4 nmental, are hypothesized as contributing to increased prevalence.
5 nosis of ulcerative STD were associated with increased prevalence.
6                       HIV-positive women had increased prevalence (46.6% vs 28.7%; P < .0001), increa
7                              Brugada-ECG has increased prevalence among patients with schizophrenia.
8 s for this less favourable prognosis are the increased prevalence and early emergence of neuropsychia
9              Psoriasis is associated with an increased prevalence and incidence of diabetes.
10     Women with newly diagnosed PCOS may have increased prevalence and likelihood for periodontitis, w
11 mice developed arthritis and lung disease at increased prevalence and severity as compared to intact
12 40 years age or younger) was associated with increased prevalence and severity of aortic valve calciu
13  concentrations have been associated with an increased prevalence and severity of asthma and a lower
14                   Obesity is associated with increased prevalence and severity of asthma.
15  related variation in stress-system genes to increased prevalence and severity of depression.
16        This modulation may be related to the increased prevalence and severity of periodontitis in in
17                                              Increased prevalence and severity of periodontitis was n
18                                          The increased prevalence and the severity and complexity of
19 ng fructose consumption correlates with this increased prevalence, and rodent studies directly suppor
20 Enteritidis gene content contributed to this increased prevalence, and to evaluate genetic heterogene
21  unhealthy life-style, is associated with an increased prevalence, burden, and multisite presence of
22  a second malignant neoplasm and suggests an increased prevalence for the development of osteonecrosi
23 om several DNA methylation studies showed an increased prevalence in DNA hypermethylation at disease-
24 sis can provide a likely explanation for the increased prevalence in hypertension observed in populat
25 icient mice developed hepatic tumors with an increased prevalence in male mice.
26     Asthma is a common chronic disease, with increased prevalence in minority populations, especially
27                                  Finally, an increased prevalence in neonatal mortality was observed
28 -motor dysfunction may all contribute to its increased prevalence in older adults.
29 Bcl-2 proto-oncogene to an Ig J(H) gene, has increased prevalence in patients chronically infected wi
30 a doubling of the average patient age and an increased prevalence in patients with indwelling cardiac
31 he traditional risk factors for disease have increased prevalence in patients with psychotic disorder
32 human brains showed regional variation, with increased prevalence in the frontal cortex and less vari
33                      Familial clustering and increased prevalence in the Jewish population support a
34  receptor-alpha (ESR1) mutations, which show increased prevalence in the metastatic, endocrine-resist
35                                         This increased prevalence is consistent with the increased pr
36                                          The increased prevalence is irrespective of ER subtype and t
37                                         This increased prevalence may be due to increased chemical ex
38                                          The increased prevalence may reflect dysregulation, even in
39 reatest preference is for tryptophan with an increased prevalence of 9-fold.
40 ntifolate resistance, SP was associated with increased prevalence of a 5-mutation haplotype (pfdhfr 5
41 dies have been cross-sectional, observing an increased prevalence of a broad number of autoimmune dis
42 m suicide and unintentional injuries, and an increased prevalence of a range of infectious diseases,
43                         Latino children have increased prevalence of acute and chronic conditions; th
44 mal growth factor receptor inhibitors and an increased prevalence of adenocarcinoma histology in neve
45                                              Increased prevalence of adolescent obesity requires effe
46 ated hemoglobin polyoxyethylene group and an increased prevalence of adverse events.
47                        PH is associated with increased prevalence of AF.
48                                      Despite increased prevalence of affective disorders in adolescen
49              With these changes have come an increased prevalence of age-related pathologies and heal
50                                              Increased prevalence of AI in normal-appearing epitheliu
51                           In conclusion, the increased prevalence of albuminuria may be an important
52                Myopia was associated with an increased prevalence of all forms of open-angle glaucoma
53 gE sensitization against HDM translates into increased prevalence of allergic airway diseases, which
54 nitive decline in subsets of patients and an increased prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in epilepsy.
55 function, and diabetes is associated with an increased prevalence of Alzheimer's disease.
56 ntary calcium consumption is associated with increased prevalence of AMD, with the findings suggestin
57 sults also suggest that the previously noted increased prevalence of anisometropia with age occurs la
58               Allergy was associated with an increased prevalence of any anxiety disorder [OR = 1.3 (
59 lic syndrome (MetS) has been associated with increased prevalence of aortic valve calcium (AVC) and w
60 her metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased prevalence of aortic valve calcium (AVC) is no
61 ry and provides mechanistic insight into the increased prevalence of ARDS in obese humans.
62 le glaucoma (P = .0003) were associated with increased prevalence of artifacts.
63 dings do not support the suggestion that the increased prevalence of asthma may be a consequence of d
64 ived T(H)1 cytokines may underlie the recent increased prevalence of asthma, a T(H)2-mediated disease
65  infections in older adults are caused by an increased prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and fre
66                          This study confirms increased prevalence of atherosclerosis in RA and provid
67                Lower FEV1 is associated with increased prevalence of atherosclerosis; however, causal
68 enotype was significantly associated with an increased prevalence of atopy but not asthma.
69 h brain-reactive antibodies also revealed an increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases, especially
70 al factors are believed to contribute to the increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases, many of whi
71 or conjunctival scarring are associated with increased prevalence of bacterial infection.
72 ded valve dysplasia in HLHS probands and the increased prevalence of BAV in family members suggests t
73 lthough FDRs of affected individuals have an increased prevalence of BAV, their risk of aortic root a
74        Survivors of critical illness have an increased prevalence of bone fractures.
75 thelial dysfunction likely contribute to the increased prevalence of both cardiovascular diseases and
76                  In the elderly, there is an increased prevalence of both glaucoma and retinal diseas
77 ebral extracellular glucose availability and increased prevalence of brain energy crisis, which in tu
78  with germline KLLN hypermethylation have an increased prevalence of breast and renal cancers when co
79 th KILLIN -promoter methylation had a 3-fold increased prevalence of breast cancer (35/42 vs 24/64; P
80 sity and metabolic syndrome are linked to an increased prevalence of breast cancer among postmenopaus
81                      S107 did not reduce the increased prevalence of burst pacing-induced AF in calst
82  practice of oral sex is contributing to the increased prevalence of C. trachomatis in the human GI t
83 ibit a urinary acidification deficit with an increased prevalence of calcium phosphate-containing kid
84 linear to inwardly rectifying, indicating an increased prevalence of calcium-permeable (CP) AMPARs.
85 re likely to be older and hypertensive, with increased prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors reg
86 dren and young adults was associated with an increased prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors, pa
87 nce, and fat mass index were associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, overall
88 een reported, in some studies, to exhibit an increased prevalence of caries, although the underlying
89 enescent CD8(+) T cells were associated with increased prevalence of carotid artery lesions (prevalen
90 r CMV IgG antibody level was associated with increased prevalence of carotid artery lesions among HIV
91 The presence of piHDL was associated with an increased prevalence of carotid plaque and with a higher
92                    Engineered DC promoted an increased prevalence of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells in NOD rec
93              Studies of adults have shown an increased prevalence of celiac disease among patients wi
94 yloid in patients with Alzheimer disease and increased prevalence of cerebral amyloid in patients wit
95                          The etiology of the increased prevalence of CHD in HIV-infected populations
96 n, yet many of these individuals do not have increased prevalence of CHD risk factors or CHD.
97                                 Although the increased prevalence of childhood obesity in the United
98 ry artery disease is expected because of the increased prevalence of childhood obesity.
99                                          The increased prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity
100                  U2AF35(mut) patients had an increased prevalence of chromosome 20 deletions and ASXL
101 regarding whether increased intake led to an increased prevalence of chronic lung disease.
102 n serum creatinine accounted for some of the increased prevalence of CKD.
103 mption, those in the highest quartile had an increased prevalence of colorectal adenomas, with an adj
104 ressive treatments and UV therapies, and the increased prevalence of comorbid, well-established risk
105                                              Increased prevalence of continuous ventilatory dependenc
106 ure to passive smoking is associated with an increased prevalence of COPD and respiratory symptoms.
107 h low levels to marginally low levels had an increased prevalence of coronary artery calcium (multiva
108    Infants of women with preeclampsia had no increased prevalence of critical heart defects but did h
109 (BSPD) > or =15 mm Hg, is associated with an increased prevalence of CVD risk factors.
110  the US population and is associated with an increased prevalence of CVD risk factors.
111                             AF patients have increased prevalence of CVRF many years before disease d
112  and the dentition, which, in turn, leads to increased prevalence of dental crowding and malocclusion
113 sponse and clean-up work was associated with increased prevalence of depression (prevalence ratio [PR
114 potentially stressful job experiences had an increased prevalence of depression and PTSD.
115 terioration in patients' quality of life and increased prevalence of depression.
116                 Cancer is associated with an increased prevalence of depression.
117                       Currently, there is an increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the agin
118 In the context of an aging population and an increased prevalence of DM and obesity, this study illus
119 e complex communities of cells containing an increased prevalence of dormant cells known as persister
120                                 A borderline increased prevalence of early-onset transient asthma was
121 immune depletion significantly contribute to increased prevalence of elevated biomarkers of inflammat
122  to changes in our environment-including the increased prevalence of energy-dense food-it also appear
123 genital heart disease (CHD) patients have an increased prevalence of extracardiac congenital anomalie
124                                           An increased prevalence of familial autoimmunity, exposure
125 in and related compounds have been linked to increased prevalence of fatty liver in human beings.
126 levated ALT levels (>19 U/L) demonstrated an increased prevalence of FL (36%) and IPF (11.6%) but a 2
127                     However, reasons for the increased prevalence of food allergy are not clear.
128  Mutations in SCN5A are also associated with increased prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms, sugge
129    Recent epidemiological studies have shown increased prevalence of genogroup I (GI) NoVs.
130             Previous studies had reported an increased prevalence of glaucoma in patients with obstru
131 apillary sclera, which may contribute to the increased prevalence of glaucomatous damage associated w
132 ly considered acceptable are associated with increased prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia.
133 fection may be a potential mechanism for the increased prevalence of HAND in HIV-infected opioid-depe
134 eumoniae may be a contributing factor in the increased prevalence of HAND in the opioid-dependent pop
135 ar-vascular stiffening may contribute to the increased prevalence of HFnlEF in elderly persons and pa
136 t predictor of HHV-8 salivary shedding, with increased prevalence of HHV-8 salivary DNA at higher CD4
137          African-Americans also exhibited an increased prevalence of high IL-6 (82.9% vs. 38.1%; P <
138 panic whites, every minority subgroup had an increased prevalence of high triglycerides except blacks
139 e beyond the age of 95 years correlated with increased prevalence of hippocampal sclerosis pathology
140 iolence from husbands was associated with an increased prevalence of HIV infection.
141                                              Increased prevalence of HLA-DQB1*0602, a marker of narco
142 y bowel disease has been associated with the increased prevalence of HS, but the data on the concurre
143 itopic cross-reactivity does not explain the increased prevalence of HT found in CIU patients.
144 ute to insulin resistance and correlate with increased prevalence of hypertension and myocardial infa
145                     The aging population and increased prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus
146 raising components appear to account for the increased prevalence of hyperuricemia in Westernized pop
147                                    Thus, the increased prevalence of hypoxia in future oceans may hav
148 ndritic elements at P14 and P28; however, an increased prevalence of ICAM-5 was noted in dendritic pr
149 core also uncovered a previously unsuspected increased prevalence of IgAN-attributable kidney failure
150    Cup s 2 could thus be associated with the increased prevalence of IgE reactivity to cypress pollen
151 marijuana laws appear to have contributed to increased prevalence of illicit cannabis use and cannabi
152 llele of rs12255372 was also associated with increased prevalence of impaired fasting glucose.
153                                          The increased prevalence of infection with hepatitis C virus
154 as either high or low mobility may result in increased prevalence of infection.
155 uld entirely be attributed to a 3- to 4-fold increased prevalence of insulin resistance in Asian-Indi
156                         ALL survivors had an increased prevalence of insulin resistance in comparison
157                                         This increased prevalence of insulin resistance in the Asian-
158    Chronic hepatitis C is associated with an increased prevalence of insulin resistance, which might
159 nts of uPA-overexpressing macrophages had an increased prevalence of intraplaque hemorrhage (61% vers
160 d exposure to antibiotics is associated with increased prevalence of invasive Candida infection.
161                        Studies have shown an increased prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) a
162 e community to determine whether there is an increased prevalence of islet amyloid in patients with A
163                            Here, we show the increased prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae lipopolysa
164 during prolonged therapy was associated with increased prevalence of lamivudine-resistant HBV mutants
165     This study tested the hypothesis that an increased prevalence of left heart disease might explain
166 art failure in parents is associated with an increased prevalence of left ventricular systolic dysfun
167                  Most minority groups had an increased prevalence of low high-density lipoprotein cho
168 ased on the data presented here, there is an increased prevalence of lung cancer diagnosis among indi
169                                     We found increased prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD)
170                                           An increased prevalence of malignancies was found in patien
171  from individuals with and without CD showed increased prevalence of malX, a gene essential for MDX m
172     Higher ASCVD risk was associated with an increased prevalence of masked hypertension.
173 dherence of the mutant was attributed to the increased prevalence of matrix-associated eDNA.
174 ; 95% CI, 1.01-6.88) were associated with an increased prevalence of MCPyV infection in eyebrow hair
175                                          The increased prevalence of MDR serotype 35B after the intro
176 of earlier landmark studies demonstrating an increased prevalence of mental health disorders in young
177  of Norfolk Island has been shown to exhibit increased prevalence of metabolic disorders (type-2 diab
178                                  We found an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome associated wi
179 c characteristics that may contribute to the increased prevalence of MGUS among relatives of probands
180         Recent studies show that there is an increased prevalence of MGUS in blood relatives of perso
181 Hierarchical clustering analysis revealed an increased prevalence of microbiomes characterised by hig
182  the presence of PFO was not associated with increased prevalence of migraine (odds ratio 1.01, 95% c
183   CVS in children is also associated with an increased prevalence of mitochondrial DNA single-nucleot
184  60 years, combining factors did not show an increased prevalence of MSC.
185                                              Increased prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR; 94% c
186                                          The increased prevalence of multidrug resistance among bacte
187                               They also have increased prevalence of multiple comorbidities, includin
188 ntly, women treated with CRT seem to have an increased prevalence of multiple CVD risk factors, warra
189  histamine levels and DAO activities, but an increased prevalence of multiple food intolerances compa
190         Compared with newly diagnosed MM, an increased prevalence of mutations in the Ras pathway gen
191 with prenatal sodium VPA exposure include an increased prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders.
192 h an initial schizophrenia diagnosis show an increased prevalence of NMDA-R antibodies.
193 of the hepatitis C virus-positive cohort and increased prevalence of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and
194 ce of critical heart defects but did have an increased prevalence of noncritical heart defects compar
195 lar fitness under conditions associated with increased prevalence of nonstop proteins.
196 st that chopsticks use is associated with an increased prevalence of OA in the IP joint of the thumb,
197 n between low plasma levels of vitamin K and increased prevalence of OA manifestations in the hand an
198        Future incident dementia cases had an increased prevalence of OAG (17.5% vs 4.5% for nondement
199 ed number of habitus-limited reports and the increased prevalence of obese individuals in Massachuset
200                                          The increased prevalence of obesity and diabetes in human po
201 ehavioral reactions likely contribute to the increased prevalence of obesity in humans experiencing c
202 e been scrutinized since the kinetics of the increased prevalence of obesity would argue against a pu
203                                          The increased prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other com
204 n of fructose-sweetened beverages along with increased prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and
205    Parental MVP and NDMs are associated with increased prevalence of offspring MVP, highlighting the
206                 Although Akita/Ncf1 mice had increased prevalence of oral infections and more severe
207  ambulatory BP (masked hypertension) have an increased prevalence of organ damage, a more frequent un
208                                          The increased prevalence of osteoporosis among people with h
209  increased prevalence is consistent with the increased prevalence of other age-related diseases in an
210 cidence among black women is explained by an increased prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factor
211                                           An increased prevalence of overweight also may impact the r
212 first cancers in this population, suggesting increased prevalence of overweight or obesity, rather th
213 his increase is partially attributable to an increased prevalence of overweight.
214                                              Increased prevalence of P-ECMO was noted with 72% (701/9
215 yperopia was associated with a substantially increased prevalence of PACG.
216 ever smokers showed a U-shaped relation with increased prevalence of PAD at very low cadmium levels.
217 nd urine cadmium levels were associated with increased prevalence of PAD, but women never smokers sho
218 coexisting Hashimoto's thyroiditis report an increased prevalence of papillary thyroid cancer, with a
219                     The high and anticipated increased prevalence of pediatric OSAS mandates assessme
220 nt safety standards, were associated with an increased prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in t
221                                          The increased prevalence of pistol grip deformity and an abn
222 n and incidence of human papillomavirus, the increased prevalence of pneumococcal serotypes not inclu
223    The use of aspirin was associated with an increased prevalence of post-polypectomy bleeding (OR=6.
224                               In view of the increased prevalence of postnatal depression in these se
225  to AYA cancer survivors had a significantly increased prevalence of preterm birth (prevalence ratio
226 dustrial nations is cited as a factor in the increased prevalence of proinflammatory-based pathologie
227                    Patients with PWS have an increased prevalence of prolonged GITT and palpable stoo
228 A progressed in this vascular bed, there was increased prevalence of propagation over initiation.
229                                   Due to the increased prevalence of psychosomatic presentations and
230                           ICU nurses have an increased prevalence of PTSD symptoms when compared with
231 or for arrhythmias and sudden death, and the increased prevalence of QT prolongation is an independen
232                                    Thus, the increased prevalence of repeats with pairing potential i
233 ive sleep apnea or any sleep disorder had an increased prevalence of reported physical and mental hea
234 detected by standard testing methods, showed increased prevalence of resistance by more than two-fold
235  resistant lineages were responsible for the increased prevalence of resistant strains.
236 sized that one factor that could lead to the increased prevalence of ribotype 027 strains would be if
237 s1061170, and rs2274700 were associated with increased prevalence of RPD (all P < 0.05).
238 ng of the microbiome, including dramatically increased prevalence of segmented filamentous bacteria i
239 ized by stress-induced ataxia, myokymia, and increased prevalence of seizures.
240          Higher parity is associated with an increased prevalence of selected components of the metab
241             Intervention was associated with increased prevalence of self-reported exclusive breastfe
242  progression as assessed by IVUS, despite an increased prevalence of sensitized patients with a trend
243                                Women have an increased prevalence of severe asthma compared with men.
244 lls, providing a potential mechanism for the increased prevalence of severe asthma in women compared
245 etween HIV-induced immunosuppression and the increased prevalence of severe enteric infections is str
246  enhanced PN protocol was correlated with an increased prevalence of severe hyperglycemia and higher
247 s and genetic risk scores suggested that the increased prevalence of SLE in non-Europeans (including
248                  We identified significantly increased prevalence of some conventional and lupus-spec
249           svPPA and PGRN are associated with increased prevalence of specific and related autoimmune
250                             They also had an increased prevalence of substance abuse and mental illne
251  more often than non-AD subjects, and had an increased prevalence of suicidal ideation and depressive
252  that appeared to lag a few years behind the increased prevalence of sunbeds in Iceland.
253 ohol consumption has been associated with an increased prevalence of sunburn, which is an established
254                         We conclude that the increased prevalence of t(14;18) in HCV(+) patients occu
255                                          The increased prevalence of the BRCA2 K3326X polymorphism in
256                                           An increased prevalence of the disease is seen in the Engli
257 or malaria mosquitoes, which has resulted in increased prevalence of the malaria vector, Anopheles ar
258                 We have previously described increased prevalence of these cells in pancreatic adenoc
259 patients with schizophrenia, and (2) whether increased prevalence of these ECG markers in schizophren
260                                              Increased prevalence of these HSs in barrier-deficient e
261 pients, antisense-treated NOD DC promoted an increased prevalence of these putative regulatory T cell
262 reater opportunity for transmission and thus increased prevalence of these subtypes.IMPORTANCE HIV-1
263  to sequence type 23 was responsible for the increased prevalence of this serogroup in Sweden.
264 is increased clot strength corresponds to an increased prevalence of thrombus formation in vessels in
265             These findings could explain the increased prevalence of thyroid cancer in CS patients wi
266                                          The increased prevalence of TMD in females and low prevalenc
267               People living with HIV have an increased prevalence of traditional cardiovascular disea
268  the site of action potential initiation and increased prevalence of TTX-sensitive spontaneous Ca2+ t
269 norganic arsenic (iAs) is associated with an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D).
270  these genes may, however, contribute to the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes in African Ameri
271 eta-cell function that may contribute to the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes in older populat
272 less, the findings might help to explain the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes in patients with
273  C virus (HCV) infection has a significantly increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
274 ake, total urine arsenic was associated with increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes.
275                                          The increased prevalence of type IV GBS colonization suggest
276                     UV-vis spectra indicated increased prevalence of unsaturated bonds and conjugatio
277 of transmission events and revealed that the increased prevalence of USA300 CA-MRSA isolates resulted
278 ate corroborates previous reports describing increased prevalence of USA300 strains causing invasive
279 frican-American and white children showed an increased prevalence of VA </=20/200 in non-Hispanic Afr
280    Acute Q fever could be associated with an increased prevalence of valvulopathy.
281 tes of respiratory and heat-related illness, increased prevalence of vector-borne and waterborne dise
282                          We demonstrate that increased prevalence of virus infection in individual be
283 lear trend in expression pattern despite the increased prevalence of viruses and other pathogens in C
284 er and total number of cancers per mouse and increased prevalence of well-differentiated cancer subty
285                                              Increased prevalence of wheezing was reported in farmers
286                                              Increased prevalences of abnormal CS and abnormal color
287 quinoline resistance, DP was associated with increased prevalences of mutations at pfmdr1 N86Y, pfmdr
288 hile the risk-based cohort can have markedly increased prevalences of rare causative alleles, most of
289 with PTEN germline mutations confer a 2-fold increased prevalence (OR 2.7) of thyroid cancer compared
290 iated only with personal pesticide use, with increased prevalence (OR = 12.7; 95% CI: 2.6, 61.5) in t
291  subjects, indicating a highly significantly increased prevalence (P < .001) of this finding in the p
292                                Persistent or increased prevalence rates at 12 months compared with 3
293                                          The increased prevalence reduction due to catch-up vaccinati
294 of obesity has become a global concern, with increased prevalence reported in the literature.
295 activity in pallidal-recipient centers, have increased prevalence under memory-contingent conditions.
296                                  Although an increased prevalence was observed within every age group
297 ase and type 2 diabetes are characterized by increased prevalence with aging, a genetic predispositio
298                                 There was an increased prevalence with increasing calendar year (slop
299                                           An increased prevalence, with the highest odds ratio of 3.5
300               Multiple studies have found an increased prevalence, younger age at onset, and more sev

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