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"LSD" is the abbreviation of "Life Science Dictionary".

What is the LSD Project ?

In parallel with the recent progress in life sciences, vast numbers of words for new substances and phenomena have been appearing. Since 1993, we have been analyzing English texts of medical journals selected mainly from the PubMed database and collecting frequently-used terms together with their frequencies, concordances, typical usages, definitions and translations. The data were recorded in a versatile relational database and edited into several text-based, English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries intended for public release. We have also developed convenient online and offline software for our electronic dictionaries and are providing them at our homepage. The access statistics of the WebLSD server indicate more than 100,000 searches per day. Since our database can be extended to any language, we are planning to collect Chinese translations of life science terms, with the aim of creating a multi-language life science dictionary that includes English, Japanese and Chinese. Please feel free to contact out project and send your comments on our dictionaries.

March 2016
Shuji Kaneko, Ph.D.
The Life Science DIctionary Project, Chair
Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan


KanekoShuji KANEKO

Ph.D., Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto

UgawaYoshihiro UGAWA

Ph.D., Professor, Miyagi Prefectural Univ., Sendai

OhtakeHiroshi OHTAKE

Professor, Fukui Prefectural University, Fukui

KawamotoTakeshi KAWAMOTO

Ph.D., Professor, Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima

TakeuchiHiroaki TAKEUCHI

Ph.D., Professor, Shizuoka Univ., Shizuoka

TakekoshiMasataka TAKEKOSHI

Ph.D., Tokai Univ. Isehara

FujitaNobuyuki FUJITA

Ph.D., Professor, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture, Tokyo

Photo Collection

Oct. 12, 1996 at Kyoto University


Jul. 28, 2000 at DDBJ, Mishima


Aug. 31, 2002 at Hamamatsu


Sep. 15, 2007 at Sendai