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anesthetic **** シソーラス コーパス
麻酔性 , ((名詞)) 麻酔薬, 麻酔剤

anesthetic complication * PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia
(病名) 麻酔合併症

anesthetic depth * PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia
【類義語】depth of anesthesia

anesthetic ether * PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia

【類義語】inhalation anesthetic

anesthetic hypnosis シソーラス PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia

anesthetic induction * PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia

anesthetic maintenance * PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia

anesthetic premedication シソーラス PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia

anesthetic stage PubMed, Scholar, Google, WikiPedia
【類義語】stage of anesthesia

((複)) 麻酔薬, 麻酔剤

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